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Otsukimi Empty Mon Aug 22, 2022 1:53 am



Name: Otsukimi

Age: 20 | 1/31/X774

Gender: Female.

Sexuality: Pansexual.

Ethnicity, Father:Wood Elf | Stellan/Fiorian

Ethnicity, Mother: Wood Elf | Savannan

Class: Sorcerer

Race: Daemon

Rank: S-rank

Guild: Sleeping Calamity

Tattoo: Back of the upper left shoulder

Face: Shuten Douji from Fate Grand Order


Height: 4'9"

Weight: 100 lbs

Hair: Violet

Eyes: Violet

Overall: Consumed in Obscura in a realm far from Earthland  has given Otsukimi a form far removed from the one she was born with. One look at her and there is hardly a doubt in people's minds that shes got Obscura in her. From the pair of horns that protrude from her forehead, to the rather sharp set of pearly whites. Though her obvious traits stand at the forefront, those aren't the only things about her that's eye catching about how she looks. Standing on the shorter side at four feet and nine inches while weighing in at an even one hundred pounds, Otsukimi's petite body type and overall shorter stature sometimes confuses people about her age, something that doesn't annoy her too much. Her Violet eyes and hair that's ever so neatly cut just above her shoulders stand out against her pale ivory skin. Like a porcelain doll Otsukimi looks to delicate to touch.

Extra: Horns, Sharp Teeth, Pointed Ears



Otsukimi in a lot of ways can be compared to your stereotypical demon or really any " bad guy ". She has little regard for life, enjoys sowing drama and chaos, and has little to no problem letting the intrusive thoughts inside of her head win. Hardly one to allow the attention to focus on her, she enjoys playing in the background, never letting anyone know whats in her hand or her next play. Moving through the world like a spider on a web, one could only  imagine how many bugs she catches getting too close to her. Her secretive nature is covered up by lies and deception, making her seem more trustworthy than she actually is.

Due to her outward appearance, it puts some people on edge so she is extra careful in how she presents herself. Otsukimi does her best to drop people's guard around her. They say you catch more flies with honey and with a sickly sweet smile she approaches people as if they were prey. She can be charming and eloquent when it calls for it and seems to fit in with mostly everyone she meets. Having met so many different people in the world they all start to look similar to her after awhile, so for her it just becomes easier to pick apart certain things about a person and hone in on that to foster a positive relationship.

  • The Truth: For someone who lies as easily as she breaths, Otsukimi values the truth from others. They say the truth will set you free but it just gives her more ammo to use against people. The truth for her is just another tool, a weapon even, and she has little to no problems using it to move forward.

  • Traveling : Staying in one place to long becomes very boring. The people's faces start to blur, the smells start to stale, the world becomes gray. If she's not moving around constantly she becomes very agitated and that's never a good thing.

  • Those with a sense of justice and morality : Having been with a demon lord for so long and basically consuming Obscura like water, she's naturally inclined to detest others on the opposite spectrum of right and wrong. Those people display traits that turn her off completely but she knows better than to outwardly show that.

  • Rune Knights: One would think that Rune Knights are around to uphold peace and justice, but they are really just a shield for the royal family. The hypocrisy of the organization is the most laughable thing ever to Otsukimi and she makes it known by fight a member of the knights on sight if they are ever identifiable near her.

  • Become A Full Fledged Demon: The power of a deamon is not enough for Otsukimi. Being around many different demons, demon lords and such has given her a peek inside to what it means to wield that type of power and to cast away her humanity fully. Her future lies in the power that her own demon lord has showed her. She wants the power to change others into the very thing she became against her will so that she could control them and live a life of bliss.

  • Facing Her Family: For all the demon had done to her he made sure to not let her forget the family that she left behind. Through all the pain, torture, and rebirth she had never forgotten about them. A mix of hatred for them, sadness that she couldn't be with them, and fear of their disappointment of what she had become had created an unstable feeling within her that she cannot shake. Coming face to face with any member of her family will cause any sort of emotion to come over her and any sort of action to be taken.

  • What will happen to her if she fails to become a demon: Having done extensive research Otsukimi fully understands what can happen if she goes through the process of becoming a demon and failing to do so. Being a mindless monster might seem fun to some, but she wants to have control over the power she wants, not to be consumed by it.


Samsara Deathcoin [806 stat points]

Strength: 90

Speed: 93

Constitution: 251

Endurance: 121

Intelligence: 251

Mana: 5,035


Magic Name: Umbral Kisses

Magic Element: Darkness

Magic Enhancement: Fast Cast Type[Offensive]

Magic Description: A simple darkness magic that excels in offensive spells. It also has Supplementary, Defensive, Self-Buff type spells in its arsenal making it very well rounded.


History: On a cold and wintry January afternoon, a beautiful baby girl was born into the prestigious Celdrua House. With skin like ivory, a head of thick,rich, brown tresses, and jade eyes that sparkled just like the gem came into the world healthy and beautiful. She was a blessing and a treasure to the house of Celdrua and she was named Maria Estrella Rosalia Amenalia Rose Celdrua. The people swooned and fussed over her and she grew in a home full of love, attention, and admiration that last all but three years. In just three years another little bundle of joy entered into the world, entered into the house of Celdrua, and his name was Alejandro Yunta Celdrua. Now the attention with each day that child was born drew a little from her and more to him. Maria just like the people of the house was fascinated with the child as she was young but little did she know that this boy would be her undoing in more ways than one...

When Maria was old enough to know who the head of house Celdrua was and what the head of house Celdrua did she wanted to be next in line for that position. She understood the hurdles against her and the competition that was her brother, the only real thing standing in her way of that life goal. Being a woman in the Celdrua family locked one out of being the head as it was a very patriarchal led family and no women had ever been the head before. It wasn't enough for Maria to " do her best " she had to be THE BEST she had to be perfection, she had to shine brighter than the sun, the sun who was already bright since it was born and wouldn't have to work to shine. Everything Maria did she strive for perfection and sought approval from her father, something she would hardly get and would only get told to practice things that would make her a good wife. Her efforts were going unseen by the man she wanted to impress the most but her mother was always in her corner and it was because of her mother that she kept going above and beyond. But all that effort would come to a halt with one trip to Worth Woodsea....

It was suppose to be nothing more but a family visit. Just some little trip to Worth Woodsea. The adults did what the adults did and a thirteen year old Maria took her ten year old brother out into the woods. They were wood elves, they were safe in the woods, this was their home turf..Or so they thought. Deep in the woods they ventured and at some point they would stumble upon a cult that would change their lives. In these woods they were being hunted but only one of them got caught and it was so Alejandro could live, could run to warn their family, to get help. Maria was hopeful that she would get out of this alive but that day was the last day that  Maria Estrella Rosalia Amenalia Rose Celdrua would be seen again.

The cultist had taken their sacrifice for the demon lord who they would bring into the world. And they were successful but they would be the sacrifice. Maria on the other hand would only wish she was among the dead as the demon lord, sensing something in her took her away from Earthrealm. For years the girl was broken and built over and over into the image of what the demon lord wanted. Her skin stripped and regrown until the pain was nothing, her eyes gouged, hair pulled from her scalp. For years the most unspeakable acts were done against her until they were but a tickle on her skin and she was unrecognizable from the girl she was when she was first taken from those woods. She was no longer a wood elf once the demon was done as he pumped her full of obscura, showed her things her mind couldn't comprehend as an elf and she would only understand in her new form...

Seven long years had changed her, she was no longer Maria Estrella Rosalia Amenalia Rose Celdrua, the demon lord made sure of that. By the time he was done with her she was answering to a new name, one that stripped of her of anything she used to be in the past. Now and forever would she be known as Otsukimi and once she was complete along with those who she would call her sisters, they would be let back into earthrealm as proof of the power of demons.....

Reference: ---


Otsukimi Empty Tue Aug 23, 2022 3:27 pm


Attribute Reallocation
Via Samsara Deathcoin - @Hitomi Minamoto
" Death " Topic - Here

Total Points: 806
  • Strength: 90
  • Speed: 93
  • Endurance: 121
  • Constitution: 251
  • Intelligence: 251

Other Changes

  • EXP: 853,500
  • Mana: 5,035

#3Khalfani † 

Otsukimi Empty Tue Aug 23, 2022 3:36 pm

Khalfani †
This character is approved for roleplay.

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