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Forest Foraging [Social | Charlotte & Yuurei]

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#26Charlotte Harrison 

Forest Foraging [Social | Charlotte & Yuurei] - Page 2 Empty Thu Sep 15, 2022 8:52 pm

Charlotte Harrison
"Ah well..." Charlotte fumbled, "Anything if taken in too high of a dosage can be bad for you." She admitted, not wishing to go into details on just how bad the herb could be if brewed or used incorrectly, "It's important to learn how much of something one should ingest or use in not only herbalism but in all manner of things in life." She nodded as she spoke, referring to foods in general. It was important to know what exactly one was putting into their body if one wished to maintain a healthy lifestyle. A lifestyle she prided herself on.

"Thankfully, I had a wonderful teacher, so there shouldn't be any issue with the balm I plan to make with it." She quickly added, hoping he wouldn't worry too much about her using the plant. "If you want once we find it, perhaps I could show you some of the processes of turning it from simple plant to medicine. Ah, if you're interested that is. I completely understand it's not everyone's cup of tea, this sort of thing can be quite boring for others." She went from excited to mumbling by the end, shuffling a little as she glanced around nervously, her golden eyes still searching for the plant in question whilst growing afraid she may be boring the hell out of him.


Forest Foraging [Social | Charlotte & Yuurei] - Page 2 Empty Thu Sep 15, 2022 9:04 pm


Yuurei would nod as he heard her because he could see that happening. The light mage did understand that because he was a cook. He had been cooking a lot for his best friend, but recently it had been just for Renji and anybody who spend the night with him. She went on and told him she could teach him or show him how it was done. He figured that it was probably similar to cooking.

“I mean I don’t mind you showing me the ropes. I can only assume and hope that it is similar to cooking. If it is, then it shouldn’t be too hard for me to learn at least the simple stuff. Since I’m really great at cooking.” He said to her as if it was something he pride himself in.

The Nephilim would see the plant that was described in the picture and he wouldn’t touch it because he didn’t want to pull it wrong.

“I think I found two of them, but I don’t want to pull it out.” He said basically announcing for her to go do it.

#28Charlotte Harrison 

Forest Foraging [Social | Charlotte & Yuurei] - Page 2 Empty Thu Sep 15, 2022 9:43 pm

Charlotte Harrison
Charlotte's face turned from anxious to excited within mere moments, someone that actually wanted to learn from her? It no longer mattered to her who he was, she was just so elated to be able to share one of her life's passions with someone else. To make things even better he even managed to find the specimen that had been eluding her all this time.

"Oooo excellent!" she squealed in utter delight as she moved hastily to inspect it. It was in remarkable condition, perfect for harvesting. Her hands dove into her bag, pulling out a pair of gardening gloves, along with various tools as she began to get to work, carefully carving away the plant from its host tree, so as not to damage it in any way until she was ready to dissect it later. She worked swiftly but with a calm manner as he silently extracted it and placed it inside a container before returning everything to her satchel.

"Alright, I'll leave the other one, so it can fully bloom and continue to produce more for the future." she stated as she looked it over, it was just as healthy as the one she'd taken. Good. "Shall we head back then? I have a small alchemy lab of sorts set up in my room at the guild, so we can start the procedure there. Although I'll have to ask to borrow the kitchen at some point..." She trailed off as her brain raced through all the things she'd need to complete the medicines.


Forest Foraging [Social | Charlotte & Yuurei] - Page 2 Empty Thu Sep 15, 2022 9:54 pm


Yuurei would hear the excitement in her voice. He wasn’t sure if she was like this because he had told her he wouldn’t mind her teaching him a thing or two or because he had found it. Either way he was happy to see that she was happy overall. He watched her work as she was proving that she was great in her craft. He could see that she knew what she was doing even though he didn’t. Still, he could see that she was doing her best not to damage anything. He would have a smirk on his face as she was able to get the flower she needed.

The Nephilim would hear her words and when he heard the word guild, he knew she was a part of Fairy Tail. It seemed like they might have gotten another talented member in their ranks.

“Yes, we can go back to the guild. It seems like Fairy Tail has themselves a talented herbalist.” He said jealous of that guild.

Yuurei would lead the way as he wasn’t sure if she knew how to get out the forest from where they were.

#30Charlotte Harrison 

Forest Foraging [Social | Charlotte & Yuurei] - Page 2 Empty Thu Sep 15, 2022 10:05 pm

Charlotte Harrison
"Oh, um, thank you." Charlotte blushed a little at the compliment, "I'm nothing compared to my teacher though." She admitted with a chuckle. Despite training with them for three years, she still felt far from good enough to be called talented. With a whistle she'd gain Gwendolyn's attention, the gryphon had gotten distracted sniffing about throughout the plant's extraction. Upon hearing Charlotte it quickly trotted over following as Charlotte herself followed Yuurei's lead, so as not to get lost within the forest.

"You know it's a little funny..." Charlotte began speaking as they made their way through the foliage, "I met you, the guild master of Paradise Dawn before my own one. It must be a tiring occupation." She giggled, figuring it was an odd occurrence. She had just figured Fairy Tail's leader had been preoccupied with other things, far too busy to greet and meet every single guild member that joined their ranks.


Forest Foraging [Social | Charlotte & Yuurei] - Page 2 Empty Thu Sep 15, 2022 10:15 pm


Yuurei would lead the way throughout the forest. While he had done that, Renji noticed they were leaving, so he would run after them. He definitely didn’t want to end up as a pet for the Vulcan. He would catch up to them without a problem as he would slow down. He would be next to them as he would be able to catch what she said next. Yuurei and Renji would laugh a bit when they heard those words because that was something he expected.

“To be honest I think a lot of people from Fairy Tail have met other guild masters before meeting the Fairy Tail master. Still, even though you’re a part of Fairy Tail, you can always find me. I’m always busy, but never busy enough to hang out.” He said as he would put his hand behind his head as they were making their way to the end of the forest.

Renji would look at Yuurei as if he wasn’t wrong with the words he said.

“Since she has to borrow the kitchen could we use the ingredients there for Yuurei to make us food?” Renji asked.

#32Charlotte Harrison 

Forest Foraging [Social | Charlotte & Yuurei] - Page 2 Empty Thu Sep 15, 2022 10:25 pm

Charlotte Harrison
"Um... I don't see why not." Charlotte replied with a small smile, she herself had just been eating whatever the cooks prepared, but she was aware she was allowed to use it as long as she cleaned up after herself. "I believe part of my living expenses with them includes access to their kitchen and ingredients. Plus I don't think they'd say no to someone of your status anyway." She chuckled, thinking about how funny it would be to deny someone who was strong enough he could just take whatever he wanted on a whim and no one would be able to stop him anyway.

"I must say, I did not picture you as the sociable type. I don't know why, but whenever I saw photos or posters of you, I always imagined you to be far more pompous." Charlotte confessed, she couldn't even really say why, but he just didn't give off an overly friendly vibe from the images she'd seen. It was rather amusing how different he was in the flesh.


Forest Foraging [Social | Charlotte & Yuurei] - Page 2 Empty Thu Sep 15, 2022 10:59 pm


Renji was glad to hear that they had the green light to use the kitchen. He figured he would tell Yuurei what he wanted to eat when they got there. The Nephilim would hear those words and he would chuckle. She wasn’t wrong about that, but he wasn’t a bad person, so he wouldn’t do something like that.

“That’s true, but I like it better if they give me permission. So, I’m glad I can cook for you guys. Even you Gwen.” He said with a smile on his face.

Yuurei’s eyes widen when he heard what she said. Her assumptions about him were funny, and it made him laugh when he regained his composure.

“Oh I’m far from it. I do know that I’m strong, probably physically the strongest person in Fiore. Still, I have been bullied my entire life and told what to do, so I’m actually more compliant to help and do things. I must thank my best friend for stopping me from going on the wrong path though. I eventually developed leadership due to my strength.” He said to Charlotte.

#34Charlotte Harrison 

Forest Foraging [Social | Charlotte & Yuurei] - Page 2 Empty Fri Sep 16, 2022 12:46 am

Charlotte Harrison
"Prrrrp?" Gwen chirped, eyes snapping to Yuurei with her head tilted upon hearing her name come from the masculine voice. The confused stare didn't last long before she was back to sniffing around as they continued through the forest.

"Bullied? You? I struggle to even imagine such a thing." Charlotte chuckled, trying to imagine anyone attempting to bully him now. No doubt they'd be left bloody and bruised by the end. "I can understand though, one's history tends to shape our choices in the present and I must say we should probably all thank said best friend. The thought of having you as an enemy instead of an ally is indeed a terrifying one." She paused, brushing a branch out of her way, "I can't say you seem like a complete pushover though, you may think of yourself as compliant, but I have a feeling you wouldn't simply sit back and allow others to walk all over you." Charlotte caught a glimpse of the sky above the canopy, it was at least late afternoon, the sun wasn't setting quite yet, but it wouldn't be too long off at this point.


Forest Foraging [Social | Charlotte & Yuurei] - Page 2 Empty Fri Sep 16, 2022 1:00 am


Yuurei would hear her, and he would chuckle when she said that. It was true, that who he was now, was not someone who could have been bullied. Still, his past and his youth were not the most enjoyable. Well, being with a person who loved him as a brother was what kept him sane, so that was good. She would speak to him, and he would smile because he did have Kailani to thank for all of this. He was glad he wasn’t evil either, and he heard her speak about people not being able to walk all over him as a true thing.

“Yeah, you do have a point. I wouldn’t allow people to walk over me. I mean I never did back then, but I was always outnumbered, so it kind of just happened.” He said this as they would continue moving.

It wouldn’t take long for them to make it out of the forest. Renji was near him the entire time as it would seem like he was thinking about what to eat.

“I am quick to help those around me as it is kind of a habit of mine.” He said to Charlotte.

#36Charlotte Harrison 

Forest Foraging [Social | Charlotte & Yuurei] - Page 2 Empty Fri Sep 16, 2022 6:12 am

Charlotte Harrison
"I can understand that, I too find myself easily persuaded by those in need." Charlotte smiled while nodding in agreement, it was definitely one of her bad habits also. Although, so far it hadn't gotten her in any kind of danger, no doubt it would get her into trouble eventually.

The tamer was thankful to find they'd finally left the forest behind and could head back to the guild before nightfall. It was going to be a long night for sure. Whilst she could put off preparing her things for a night, the thought of finally getting to do something for herself since coming to this town only made her giddy with anticipation. So giddy in fact that she was surprised when she heard her stomach growl.

"Oh dear... It seems I'm more famished than I realised." She noted, clutching here gurgling torso with a light-hearted laugh, "Perhaps dinner and then I can get started?" She asked, seeing if the others would prefer that order as well. A delighted chirp beside her told everyone that Gwendolyn definitely loved the idea of food first.


Forest Foraging [Social | Charlotte & Yuurei] - Page 2 Empty Fri Sep 16, 2022 8:01 pm


Yuurei would hear Charlotte’s words and he would smile at her. It would seem like a trait that people of a kind heart get into. While they were walking around, the Nephilim knew the direction of where the guild was. He had only been there a few times, so it was easy to remember. He would chuckle when he heard her words, and it would seem like she was holding her stomach. He figured he would cook for everyone before they started anything else with her flower.

“Sure once we get to the guild, we will go into the kitchen and get things started.” He said to everyone.

Renji would hear this and smile as he figured he would say what he wanted Yuurei to make.

“Could you make us that chicken katsu you made for us not too long ago? It was good and I would like some more.” He said to Yuurei as they continued moving.

#38Charlotte Harrison 

Forest Foraging [Social | Charlotte & Yuurei] - Page 2 Empty Sat Sep 17, 2022 7:07 pm

Charlotte Harrison
"Chicken Katsu?" Charlotte queried. The tamer never really bothered with remebering the names of dishes, even if she had consumed them before. Her upbringing had been one of fine dining and the last three years her herbalism master had prepared most of their meals. Cooking was something she'd never had to really bother with.

"It sounds foreign. Joyan perhaps?" She asked quizzically, her studies had included learning as many foreign languages as possible, she was fluent in some and knew enough to get by in others. She'd never truly struggle in another country. Unfortunately, most of what she was taught was simply ettiquette and mannerisms, so as not to accidentally insult her father's political connections. She could however pick up on the way words sounded and make educated guesses as to which country words may have come from.

They weren't far now from the guild hall and upon entering Charlotte would lead the way to the kitchen.


Forest Foraging [Social | Charlotte & Yuurei] - Page 2 Empty Sun Sep 18, 2022 11:12 am


Yuurei would hear her words and he would smile because he didn’t want to ruin the meal for her. He was going to say something, but then she asked if it was from Joya. She was correct it indeed come from Joya and it was indeed a Joyan dish.

“Yes, it is a Joyan dish. It’s very good, and the sauce that you dip your chicken in is amazing.” He said to Charlotte.

Renji would have a smile on his face as he couldn’t wait to eat now. They were walking through the place and soon enough they would make it to the guild. This was perfect, as they entered the place with Charlotte now leading the way. When they got to the kitchen, Yuurei would look around and he would make his way to the sink. He would clean his hands as he wasn’t going to prepare their food with dirty hands.

#40Charlotte Harrison 

Forest Foraging [Social | Charlotte & Yuurei] - Page 2 Empty Sun Sep 18, 2022 7:03 pm

Charlotte Harrison
Due to the time of day, there were a few others making their own meals in the kitchen, but there was still room for their small group to work without getting in the way of one another.

"Would you like help with anything?" Charlotte asked, unsure if it was right for her to just sit and watch him prepare her meal, he was the famous Yuurei after all. It just felt a little strange to have him cook her a meal despite her being fine with any other chef doing the same. She'd move to wash her hands as well in case he did require her assistance.

Gwendolyn trotted off, jumping and clawing her way up to sit atop the large fridge where she could survey the entire kitchen from above. Her beady, little owl eyes glanced over the various dishes the others in the kitchen were preparing as if hoping to get a share of their meals as well as her own.


Forest Foraging [Social | Charlotte & Yuurei] - Page 2 Empty Sun Sep 18, 2022 7:23 pm


Yuurei would hear her, and he would smile at her when she asked that. He wanted to include her in helping him since she asked, but at the same time, he wanted to offer her something nice. He would move around as he was allowing the meat to thaw out while he was preparing everything else. He would get the rice pot for the rice, and he would take that out as well. He would start washing the rice as he figured he would answer her now.

“As much as I want to say yes, so you don’t feel left out or feel like I’m doing all the work, I’m going to have to decline. This is my treat, and you’re going to teach me some cool stuff after we eat.” He said as he was moving quickly around the kitchen.

Yuurei would move to the cabbage, and he would chop that up after washing it as well.

“So, I can assume that Fairy Tail is treating you well?” He asked her.

#42Charlotte Harrison 

Forest Foraging [Social | Charlotte & Yuurei] - Page 2 Empty Sun Sep 18, 2022 7:43 pm

Charlotte Harrison
Drying off her hands with a teatowel she shrugged, he had a pretty good point, she was going to teach him something in return, so this meal wasn't for nothing. Truth be told she was thankful she didn't have to assist, she had no experience, and no doubt she would have struggled with preparing the rice, let alone the rest of the meal. It wasn't like she was completely useless, just inexperienced.

"Yea, they've been kind enough so far, I even got to meet the famous Kaito, and he's agreed to help me with a job in a few days." She responded, seeming a little giddy over getting to work with someone of such high esteem. The job was not one she had felt comfortable doing alone, at least not until she had a bit more experience in the field. It was relieving to have someone capable by her side to ensure she didn't mess up too much.

Pulling up a stool, she'd sit on the opposite side of the island counter and watch him keenly, hoping to pick up some cooking tips for the future. She doubted she could replicate it perfectly, but as far as she was aware cooking wasn't too dissimilar to chemistry. If she followed the recipe to a tee, theoretically she should produce the same output.


Forest Foraging [Social | Charlotte & Yuurei] - Page 2 Empty Sun Sep 18, 2022 7:59 pm


Yuurei would continue prepping the food that he was going to make for everyone. Yes, he was even making food for Gwen, so she understood how well he could cook. While he was doing this, he would hear her. He would have a smile on his face as she had met one of his best friends. He was happy that he would be able to help her out with the jobs that were within the East.

“You met that sly dog. Yeah, he’s helping me find the lost pages as well. We have a nice long history together. We’re best friends after all, I got his back and he got mine. Revy and Renji are a couple.” He would wink when he said this.

Renji heard those words, and he would blush as he couldn’t believe Yuurei would say something like that out loud.

“She never agreed to be with me, so we are not a couple. I mean I wouldn’t mind it.” He said out loud.

Yuurei would laugh as he would continue the preparations.

#44Charlotte Harrison 

Forest Foraging [Social | Charlotte & Yuurei] - Page 2 Empty Sun Sep 18, 2022 8:55 pm

Charlotte Harrison
Charlotte was taken aback a bit at how casually he called Kaito a 'sly dog'. It made sense that the two would know one another, there were many stories about jobs they'd completed together. However, she hadn't expected them to have the super close relationship Yuurei believed they had. On top of that, even the exceeds that stuck to their sides seemed close to one another. The tamer saw this as a golden opportunity to grow closer to the feline. She was always more of an animal person over people.

"Renji has an unrequited love? How terribly tragic." She teased, holding her hands over her heart dramatically, "You poor thing, how could she not see how handsome and amazing you are? But it's okay, I will love you even if she never returns your feelings." She opened her arms offering a hug if he was willing. Honestly, she'd been fighting her urge to pet him this whole time, but she knew not every creature enjoyed physical attention.


Forest Foraging [Social | Charlotte & Yuurei] - Page 2 Empty Sun Sep 18, 2022 9:20 pm


Renji would hear her when she said that to him, and he would puff his chest up to Charlotte.

“No, we’ve brought up our feelings, and our future. It seems like there is something there, but she doesn’t want to settle down just yet. Still, I welcome all the love I can get.” He said to her as he would give her the hug that she wanted to offer him.

Yuurei would continue to prep the food as he was getting everything ready. When he was done with the ingredients, he would make his way to the chicken that he had taken out and he would start marinating the chicken that was there. He would shake his head through to the words that were said by Renji.

“Renji isn’t lying, but at the same time with those two, I don’t know when things will calm down with them.” He said as he kept going getting things ready.

#46Charlotte Harrison 

Forest Foraging [Social | Charlotte & Yuurei] - Page 2 Empty Sun Sep 18, 2022 9:34 pm

Charlotte Harrison
Charlotte would relish being able to finally touch the soft ginger fur, holding him close, but not too tightly. He was so adorable, much like Revy had been, but the night she'd met her and Kaito, she had been a little too tired to properly form a connection with the exceed. Now she had a chance with this feline instead and she wasn't about to just let it go easily.

"Even better, it sounds like she'll come around eventually. I do understand her though, it can be hard to hold a relationship when you're both busy following other people all over the country." She sighed, setting Renji down on her lap and attempting to give him a small scratch under his chin as she continued to test how far she could push the boundaries through petting him. "It is good you are both able to communicate your feelings though, that part is the most important of all." she added, now completely distracted and no longer paying any attention to the food preparation.


Forest Foraging [Social | Charlotte & Yuurei] - Page 2 Empty Sun Sep 18, 2022 9:52 pm


Renji would hear Charlotte and he would have a smile on his face. He knew she would come around and she was a nice person. He knew that all too well.

“Yeah, I understand her. She only knows how I feel because she kind of tricked me into telling her. Still, she’s a good person and very nice.” He said to Charlotte as he would continue hugging her until she placed him on her lap.

He would allow her to scratch his chin and he would nod as if he was agreeing with her. Yuurei was finishing up marinating the chicken, and he would leave it there to suck up the juice better of everything that he had placed on it.

He would move on to everything else as he would start cooking it all. Of course, it wouldn’t be too hard for him to do, and once he was cooking the rice, he would start making the sauce for the chicken katsu.

#48Charlotte Harrison 

Forest Foraging [Social | Charlotte & Yuurei] - Page 2 Empty Mon Sep 19, 2022 7:07 am

Charlotte Harrison
"That she is, even Gwendolyn likes her, enough to fall asleep next to her." Charlotte agreed as she continued to pet Renji, her fingertips trailing through his soft fur. The tamer was in pure bliss at this given point in time, the only way it could get any better would be if there were two exeeds for her to give attention to, "Although that was mostly because she had fed her treats, Gwendolyn is a greedy little gryphon. Aren't you Gwen?" the tamer asked rhetorically as her amber eyes trailed up to where the critter was perched.

Upon hearing her name, the gryphon would chirp as she wriggled about a little atop the fridge as she eagerly eyed up the marinating meat as if trying to gauge if she could swoop down and steal some without getting caught.

"Don't even think about it." Charlotte snapped noting that greedy glint in her eyes, a look the tamer knew all too well from raising her. Gwendolyn chirped again, this time in a huff as she sat back down, acting offended that they'd even suggest that she was planning to steal the food.


Forest Foraging [Social | Charlotte & Yuurei] - Page 2 Empty Mon Sep 19, 2022 3:41 pm


Renji heard her words and he figured that could happen. Still, he just felt like Gwen was sexist and nothing at all. He would chuckle when he heard the other part of why Revy had been able to get Gwen on her side. Still, he would look at her and he could see that it would take a lot just to get this griffin to like them without food.

Yuurei would finish off with the sauce that he had made, and he would move over to the meat as he would start cooking it. Of course, he waited for the oil to heat up and everything before he dipped it in. His eyes focused and paying attention to everything around him. He was making sure that everything was done right so that everyone would have a good experience. He would flip the chicken around when it had turned golden, and he would allow the other side to do the same.

“That makes sense on how she got Gwen on her side.” He said allowing her to continue with what she was doing.

#50Charlotte Harrison 

Forest Foraging [Social | Charlotte & Yuurei] - Page 2 Empty Mon Sep 19, 2022 6:30 pm

Charlotte Harrison
"I mean she also likes fellow felines in general, so that might have helped too." Charlotte nodded to herself, taking Renji's paws in her fingers and gently massaging them, attempting to gauge if he was like other cats that didn't appreciate their feet being touched or if exceeds were a special case that didn't mind. Glancing back over to the mage hard at work cooking a feast for them all, Charlotte's face softened into a gentle smile. If she wasn't so nervous over him being a famous mage, perhaps she would have been easily able to feel comfortable in his presence. He seemed like the sweet, kind type of person.

"So what's it like following around someone like the great Yuurei?" Charlotte whispered to the ginger cat, honestly a little curious about what made the feline stick with him. Animals and people alike didn't tend to linger around others they didn't enjoy the company of, so there must have been something that made Renji like him. Perhaps it was his gentle nature, that was what she enjoyed about him so far, but there could have been more to it.

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