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Forest Foraging [Social | Charlotte & Yuurei]

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Forest Foraging [Social | Charlotte & Yuurei] - Page 3 Empty Mon Sep 19, 2022 7:21 pm


Renji nodded as he understood where she had come from. Gwen did look like a feline, so he could see the logic in that. The Exceed would feel her rubbing his paw and he would twitch as he would move it away from her. It was then he would put it back as it was something that had caught him off guard. She would ask him a question though and he would look at her.

“Yuu, here is a good man. He does everything he can to help those around him. Yes, even those who don’t need it. It isn’t just that, but he has something to prove, his history pushes him to go over the limit to become stronger. Still, he did save me in the past, and I have been making sure that he does learn from his mistakes. One thing though he becomes a different person if you harm those closest to him.” He whispered to her.

Yuurei would finish up with the chicken that he had been cooking. When he was down he would chop them up and put them on their respective plate. He would move over to Gwen first and he would put it down in a spot she could eat in peace.

“That’s for you, Gwen.” He said as he moved over to the others.

“These are for you.” He said as he would hand them their own separate plates.

#52Charlotte Harrison 

Forest Foraging [Social | Charlotte & Yuurei] - Page 3 Empty Tue Sep 20, 2022 2:55 am

Charlotte Harrison
Charlotte sat quietly as she listened to Renji praise Yuurei along with pointing out some of his flaws. It was good and all to want to help people but the ginger feline was correct, it was also important to know one's limits and not push yourself beyond your capabilities. Not everything would simply work out for the best if one pushed themselves too far. At least he had Renji to keep him in check from time to time, although how much of the cat's advice the mage actually took was something she'd have to see for herself..

Seeing that the food was ready, and Yuurei had started to dish things up, the tamer would place Renji on the stool next to her so they could both eat a little more comfortably. The moment she was given the okay, Gwendolyn leapt down from the fridge and dove head first towards the plate and began gobbling up the food as if she hadn't eaten in weeks.

"Thank you for the meal." Charlotte smiled as the food was placed in front of her, enjoying the aroma before taking her cutlery and proceeding to eat in a far more dignified manner than her companion.


Forest Foraging [Social | Charlotte & Yuurei] - Page 3 Empty Tue Sep 20, 2022 11:07 am


Yuurei would see that everybody was ready to eat their food. Renji had been placed on the stool next to Charlotte, and he would have a smile on his face as he was hungry. This was good and he had been waiting for this all day. It would seem like he wasn’t the only one as Gwen destroyed her plate of food.

The Nephilim would hear her words and he would smile at her.

“Any time.” He said to her as he would his chopsticks and would start eating his food as well.

Renji would use a good old fashion spoon to eat his food as he was enjoying everything. His first bite would make him smile with happiness as he looked over at Yuurei.

“Exactly what I wanted Yuu.” He said to him.

“Yeah I figured. What about you Charlotte, how does it taste?” He asked her curious to see what she had to say.

#54Charlotte Harrison 

Forest Foraging [Social | Charlotte & Yuurei] - Page 3 Empty Wed Sep 21, 2022 8:38 pm

Charlotte Harrison
"It's fantastic!" Charlotte exclaimed, thoroughly enjoying the meal as she wondered how often someone like Yuurei cooked. Surely with the money he was making as a mage he could easily afford to hire his own personal chef, yet here he was cooking away for someone like herself. Not only that but it was actually incredibly tasty, he was definitely a skilled cook.

"Definitely one of the best meals I've had in a long time." She admitted, living off of take-out and mass-produced meals had definitely been taking a toll on her tastebuds. The tamer made a mental note she had to ensure the lesson she gave for the herbology side of things was up to standards in order to fully repay him for something so scrumptious.

Gwen, the greedy little gryphon had already polished off their entire plate's worth in mere minutes, before looking up and eyeing up the others still sitting enjoying their own meals. Prancing over she'd gently nuzzle into Yuurei's leg with a happy chitter, clearly, he was her new best friend.


Forest Foraging [Social | Charlotte & Yuurei] - Page 3 Empty Wed Sep 21, 2022 9:02 pm


Yuurei would hear her words and he would smile at her as he was glad that she approved. The Nephilim would take a bite of his meal without a problem aroma and seasoning from his food tingled all throughout his mouth. It was amazing with, and he could only enjoy this if he had a kitchen to cook in. Renji would eat his meal as his ears would twitch from how good it was. He would look over at Charlotte as she complimented him, and he would smile at her.

“That’s right, Yuu here has been cooking his entire life apparently. The guy has been doing his best to perfect his skills in cooking, so his best friend didn’t cook for them.” He laughed when he said that because Kailani apparently was a bad cook.

Yuurei was eating and he would feel something nuzzle on his leg. He would see Gwen was there, and he would smile at her. He would give her a piece of chicken before attempting to pet her after she got a hold of the chicken, he was giving her.

“I think she accepts me.” He said out loud.

#56Charlotte Harrison 

Forest Foraging [Social | Charlotte & Yuurei] - Page 3 Empty Wed Sep 21, 2022 10:17 pm

Charlotte Harrison
Gwendolyn eagerly took the extra chicken, gobbling it down as she purred and allowed the light mage to pet her. The speed at which the gryphon flipped her opinion on Yuurei due to some food didn't surprise Charlotte in the least, it had always been that way since she'd first found them all alone in the mountains.

"Yes, with cooking like this she might just leave me to join you instead. I can see why Renji truly hangs around now." Charlotte teased, knowing Gwen would never truly leave her side. However, something told the tamer that the gryphon would be devastated to part from Yuurei if she got too used to his cooking for sure.

"Although, even if she likes you she is still prone to nipping you when she feels like she deserves more snacks." She added as a precautionary warning. Her own hands which had once been completely blemish-free other than the callouses from sword-training and herb collecting, now adorned several recently made scratches here and there from playing with the creature.


Forest Foraging [Social | Charlotte & Yuurei] - Page 3 Empty Wed Sep 21, 2022 10:28 pm


Yuurei would chuckle when he heard what Charlotte had said. He would never allow that to happen, but he would look over to Renji as he hoped that is not why he had truly stayed within the three years they had known each other. The Nephilim, of course, would continue eating with his free hand. He would pause for a second as he would look at Charlotte.

“I mean, if she doesn’t want to leave my side, then that means you couldn’t leave my side either?” He had a smile on his face as he would continue eating.

Renji would shake his head when he heard that as he was wondering when he would say something like that. He would hear her warning about Gwen and he was fine with that as he didn’t mind that.

“That is fine, I’m okay with that. It would be her way of telling me she’s hungry.” He said to Charlotte as he would look at Gwen for a second before eating.

#58Charlotte Harrison 

Forest Foraging [Social | Charlotte & Yuurei] - Page 3 Empty Thu Sep 22, 2022 2:23 am

Charlotte Harrison
"Is that so? Haha..." Charlotte felt her cheeks flush a little as she laughed nervously. She wasn't sure if he was messing with her, flirting with her, both, or neither. Unable to look him directly in the eye, she stared down at her plate, focusing on the food before her instead as she continued to slowly eat her meal.

Normally she was the queen of comebacks and ridiculous jesting, or at least she was with her close friends. Having it come from someone she just met today, and from the famous light mage, Yuurei, no less, hit a little different. After all, she didn't want to risk offending someone so powerful with meaningless teasing. Not until she felt more comfortable around him at least.

The gryphon, completely ignoring Charlotte's anxiousness over the situation, continued to purr at Yuurei, eventually attempting to leap onto his lap so she could get closer to his plate.


Forest Foraging [Social | Charlotte & Yuurei] - Page 3 Empty Thu Sep 22, 2022 2:57 am


Yuurei would see her blush as she wasn’t looking at him. It would seem like his words had some effect on her. The Nephilim would look at her as he would continue to eat his food. He figured he would tell her what he didn’t mind saying. When he was about to say something, Gwen would jump on his lap, which would catch him off guard. Still, he would allow it as he would rub her as he would continue eating after each rub.

“Yeah if you don’t mind being around me, then I don’t mind if you traveled with me. It would be cool and I guess you could learn and experience of a bunch things without worrying about getting into danger.” He said as he would continue eating.

He would give Gwen another piece of chicken. Renji would continue eating his food as he was quiet with everything. He was almost done with eating his food as well as it was what he wanted.

#60Charlotte Harrison 

Forest Foraging [Social | Charlotte & Yuurei] - Page 3 Empty Thu Sep 22, 2022 8:45 pm

Charlotte Harrison
From the higher position, on his lap, Gwendolyn would slowly peep over the table, her eager eagle eyes carefully observing each of the remaining plates that had not already been licked clean like her own. Tilting her head she'd chitter and prrp, an indication to the tamer that she was more than likely about to lunge and take food right off of Yuurei's plate. However, she stopped midway as she was offered a piece from the light mage. gulping it down as it slid into her gullet.

"Yes, that would be quite helpful. You mentioned having to go to central Fiore though, are you planning on visiting the capital, or just the places around it?" She'd query, wondering just how far he was thinking of delving into the realm filled with the nobility that would recognise her for sure. Her eyes were now locked onto Gwen, observing her antics. She was prepared to scold the gryphon if she were to take things too far.


Forest Foraging [Social | Charlotte & Yuurei] - Page 3 Empty Thu Sep 22, 2022 9:24 pm


Yuurei would calm the griffin down enough to be able to eat his food. He had made sure that he would stop her from attacking any of their plates. Still, with that piece, he was able to come to an end with his food. While he had done that, he would continue to pet Gwen. His eyes looked at the animal for a bit before looking at Charlotte who had spoken up. He would hear her words and he would tap his face with his free hand.

“I don’t think I’m going to the capital. I went there before, to the library, but I couldn’t find what I was looking for there. Kaito did though, which was a good thing. I plan on researching where I can go there. There are ruins and hidden places within that Region that people are afraid to venture into.” He explained to her.

He had done that ever since he heard about the rumors for the pages. Renji would rub his stomach as he would hear their conversation.

#62Charlotte Harrison 

Forest Foraging [Social | Charlotte & Yuurei] - Page 3 Empty Thu Sep 22, 2022 10:18 pm

Charlotte Harrison
"Oh I see." Charlotte stated, her mood lightening up a bit, "Then I would be more than happy to accompany and aid you in your quest for these pages." She added, clearly more excited over the idea and less apprehensive than she'd seemed previously. As long as they avoided the capital, she might not even have to disguise herself and the idea of exploring old ruins made her giddy with excitement. She absolutely craved that sort of adventure, her life had just never led her to such a rare opportunity before.

Ancient lore had been one of her favourite things to study growing up, but as it didn't benefit the future of her family, it had been dismissed and called an unimportant lesson by her father. As such, she had only managed to learn a few things here and there by reading in her own spare time. Getting to actually explore parts of an ancient civilisation filled her with jubilation.

Gwen sulked seeing that Yuurei had polished off his plate as she looked over towards the other two that were eating much more slowly. Upon noticing Charlotte simply gave the gryphon a look, one that told the creature not to even dare, causing her become even sulkier.


Forest Foraging [Social | Charlotte & Yuurei] - Page 3 Empty Thu Sep 22, 2022 10:24 pm


Yuurei would see her reaction had changed when he said that he wasn’t going to the capital. It would seem like she didn’t want to go there. He wanted to pry information out of her but decided to leave it at that. Still, he was glad that she was willing to go with him.

“That is good to hear. Of course, I still need to search for the page in the east. This Region and Central are the only places I haven’t found a page yet.” He said to her.

Yuurei would see Gwen wasn’t happy with the fact that he had finished his food. He felt bad, but she had enough for the day, or at least from what he thought.

“Don’t worry Gwen, if Charlotte hangs around with me, then that means you get more food like that.” He said to her as he looked over at Charlotte.

“I assume you never adventured in a ruins before?” He asked her.

#64Charlotte Harrison 

Forest Foraging [Social | Charlotte & Yuurei] - Page 3 Empty Fri Sep 23, 2022 12:46 am

Charlotte Harrison
"Of course, I have a few things I need to do in the East anyway before I can travel too." Charlotte admitted, one was to talk to her brother, the other her friend from the village. It would be best to at least inform them both of her plans to travel, that way neither would panic if she suddenly disappeared without their knowledge.

"And yea, the opportunity never really came up before, but I have always been interested in this world history and ancient civilisations. Sometimes it feels like they were more technologically advanced than we are today, it makes me want to figure out what happened to make them collapse the way they did." the tamer prattled on, making it clear she was super excited over the idea of getting to finally experience it first hand. Her mind began to wander as she thought about how she'd have to be sure to pack the appropriate attire for their trip.


Forest Foraging [Social | Charlotte & Yuurei] - Page 3 Empty Fri Sep 23, 2022 12:53 am


Yuurei was happy to hear that she wasn’t in a rush to leave the East Region, which was a good thing. He would rub his stomach as he was full of his meal. Renji was like that as well as they were both rubbing their own stomach and listening to Charlotte speak. Yuurei had a smile on his face because she had the same curiosity as he did. He was excited that she had brought this up because he could speak to someone about it.

“Yes, like I said I’m half-elf, so I was raised in a forest. When I came to the outside world, I did everything I could to learn about Fiore as a whole. It is amazing to learn about these civilizations. It’s how I found out about the lost pages in the first place. I’m always reading about these things, and then I go to them to see if I can find anything new around them.” He said to her.

Renji would smile because Yuurei wasn’t lying about anything he just said. This man was always trying his best to learn about the world he lived in.

#66Charlotte Harrison 

Forest Foraging [Social | Charlotte & Yuurei] - Page 3 Empty Fri Sep 23, 2022 5:34 am

Charlotte Harrison
"I completely understand what you mean, in order to help those in the present we should understand our world's history better! If I could just make the world even a little bit better than what it is currently before my time on this planet is done, I would be over the moon." Charlotte explained ecstatically, still only about halfway through her dish despite the others being done with theirs. Finding herself so engrossed in the conversation she had slowed down her eating to nearly a complete halt at this point.

"Uh, of course, I promise I will not get in your way if I can help it. I'm also a lot more sturdy than I look, I could even carry things for you if you need." Charlotte offered, not wishing to be a burden in his endeavours as she fidgeted a little nervously. She would still need to be careful if she started travelling with him, information about him spread like wildfire in this country. It wouldn't take a genius to identify her if they were on the search and heard her description due to such rumours.


Forest Foraging [Social | Charlotte & Yuurei] - Page 3 Empty Fri Sep 23, 2022 9:12 am


Yuurei would smile when he heard her words. She was indeed excited about all of this, which made him open to continuing the conversation about it. Still, he would chuckle a bit as she had offered to carry things for him if he needed to.

“Thank you for the offer to carry things for me, Charlotte, but it isn’t needed.” He paused for a second as he would explain why she didn’t have to.

“Renji carries a bag with him, all the time. It can hold everything and anything without it getting heavy.” He said to her with a smile on his face.

“It’s one of the gifts we all got from Saint Nicholas before leaving the workshop.” He said to Charlotte.

Yuurei would look back into what she had said previously, and it was something he was trying to do with the North.

“Yeah, it’s what I’m trying to do for the North. I’m trying to make sure that the people there enjoy their lives there, without fear of anything around them.” He said to Charlotte.

#68Charlotte Harrison 

Forest Foraging [Social | Charlotte & Yuurei] - Page 3 Empty Sun Sep 25, 2022 2:39 am

Charlotte Harrison
"Oh, I see." Charlotte's face fell for a moment as she considered just how useless she would be for this expedition. He didn't even require an extra hand to carry things thanks to Nimbus. However, she quickly forced a smile, not wanting to bring down the joyful mood.

"I have heard that the North has been quite a scary place to be, I believe it was your guild that had been dealing with some giants or something?" Charlotte asked, honestly a little curious, the village she was from had received a warning message at one point, but they had managed to remain untouched during the whole ordeal thanks to being far enough to the eastern end of Fiore. So all she knew about the attack had been second-hand information. However, everyone spoke about how Paradise Dawn, a newly established guild at the time, had taken matters into their own hands, along with a few brave mages from various other guilds.


Forest Foraging [Social | Charlotte & Yuurei] - Page 3 Empty Sun Sep 25, 2022 5:22 am


Yuurei would see that she wasn’t pleased that she couldn’t help in that manner. He would smile at her as he understood the frustration, but there was no need for that. Still, before he could say something cheerful, she would bring up the North and the giants that they had fought some time ago.

“Ah, yes the giants. They were horrible beings, but formidable at that. They didn’t hesitate to kill anything in their sights. They were gruesome, but what was worst was that they seemed to have been mindlessly doing this. I only came across one during that whole ordeal that seemed like it had a mind of its own.” He said to Charlotte.

He thought about the reaction earlier and figured he would try and cheer it up.

“You don’t need to carry my bags, but probably with you around my luck in finding a lost page will skyrocket.” He chuckled as he remember the page that smacked on the face when they met.

#70Charlotte Harrison 

Forest Foraging [Social | Charlotte & Yuurei] - Page 3 Empty Sun Sep 25, 2022 6:18 pm

Charlotte Harrison
"Ah, I'm not sure of how much of a good luck charm I would be." Charlotte shuffled as she reciprocate his chuckling, albeit nervously, a little embarrassed over being seen as such. For certain she wouldn't have called her life fortunate. At least he seemed adamant over her joining him, even if she felt useless.

She fidgetted a bit with her cutlery, finally finished with her meal. At the very least her knowledge and research she had taken up back in the day may prove somewhat useful. The ruins around central Fiore had often been the focus of her studies, given how close she had been living to them.

"I guess I'll clean up and then we can head to my room." Charlotte forced another smile, her mind still wandering as she pushed her stool back and grabbed the plates to put through the dishwasher. At least showing off her herbalism and medicine making skills would be a chance to show her usefulness.

Escorting the starlight mage and their companions upstairs to her dormitory, she'd show them to her room. There was only one way to describe it. Chaos. It was like someone had set off a small bomb inside. Articles of clothing was strewn all over the place, her desk covered in various books with what could only be described as chicken scratch scribblings from her notemaking. Despite all this, Charlotte didn't seem embarrassed in the slightest by the state of her room, as she lead them inside, pushing aside a bunch of things, tossing them on the ground as she cleaned off her alchemy set and brought out the plant she'd collected from earlier.

Over the next couple of hours, she'd slowly go through the steps for harvesting the plant in the most efficient manner, disecting it and how to make one of the balms she had mentioned previously. It would become abundantly clear how much she loved it, as she would practically talk his ear off as she worked excitedly.

Once it was time to say goodbye, Charlotte would gift him with a small portion of the balm, which she'd put into one of her many small containers. Explaining it would give a nice soothing sensation if applied to the skin, good for itches, rashes etc. The tamer would give Renji an extra big cuddle before finally sending them off to continue their work in the East.



Forest Foraging [Social | Charlotte & Yuurei] - Page 3 Empty Sun Sep 25, 2022 7:47 pm


Yuurei would hear her words, and he would shake his head as if he didn’t believe what she said. Still, he just wanted her to feel wanted and enjoy herself. When she told him that they were going to go to her room, Yuurei didn’t mind it at all. He didn’t flinch from the sentence as if he was used to it. He would help clean and soon enough they would make their way to her room. He wasn’t sure if she was an allowed guest, but he didn’t think anybody would stop him. Renji would follow behind them with Gwen as they would make it to her room.

When he saw the chaos within the place, he didn’t mind it at all. Instead, he would walk in and wait for her to give him a spot for him to sit. He would happily sit down without second-guessing anything. Renji, however, had only thoughts about how disorganized she was. The berserker would watch her for the next few hours as she was showing him how to harvest the plant and create the balm she wanted to make. Eventually, she would come to an end, and she would give him a portion of the balm as a gift goodbye.

Renji would get a huge hug from Charlotte as he would allow it. Once they were done, they would leave the guildhall, and be on their way to a place where they could rest for the night.


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