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The High Kingdom of Iceberg

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The High Kingdom of Iceberg Empty Thu Jan 12, 2023 4:27 pm


The High Kingdom of Iceberg

Description: A harsh, unforgiving land, Iceberg breeds some of the strongest people in Ishgar. The country has a long, nigh endless history of warfare and turmoil, and yet its inhabitants take pride in living in a country that no enemy has ever truly conquered. A land that values heroism and martial glory above all else. From the early wars of the humans against the elves - completely destroying the Icebergian elven nations - to their wars against the oppressive dragons: It's said that the first Dragon Slayers were taught in Iceberg, by the Dragons supporting coexistence with mortals. Even the mighty Sevese empire of old couldn't completely annex Iceberg by force, and the icy country retained much of its freedom as part of the Empire.

Localization: Iceberg is located in the north of Ishgar, sharing land borders with Seven, Bosco, Stella, Joya, Bellum and Perengrande Kingdom from west to east.

Politics: Compared to many of its neighbours, Iceberg is a Confederated Elective Monarchy, formed by a decentralized group of Holds each lead by a single Jarl, from which a High King is elected for life. When the King passes away, the Jarls gather in the moot to elect a new High King: Any uncontested King will typically be succeeded by their heir if they have one. Due to the vast stretch of land and limited communication each Hold during the harsh winters, each Jarl generally enforces their own laws with little interference from the High King, and even the Jarls have little say in the individual tribes scattered across the land. Iceberg is a member of the Magic Council, however, they're instinctively wary of mages, and as such, no Light Guilds are allowed to operate in the country. Slaves, known as Thralls, can be taken from plundered lands, however, the trading of those slaves is frowned upon. Each man or woman who takes thralls is beholden to care for them as one would a tool. Iceberg has icy relations with all of its neighbours due to the prevalence of raiding and pillaging, however, it has a warm, close relations with the local Dwarven Kingdoms. The humans of Iceberg have an old, close bond with the Dwarven Kingdoms, closer than any other human nation, as Icebergian culture proudly displays that Dwarven influence in its architecture and smithing techniques. However, Icebergians are distrustful of elves, with whom they share a bitter history.

Economy: A mostly vertical country, it's widely considered the largest country on Ishgar in surface area, a rugged land of ice and stone with some of the tallest peaks in Earthland. Iceberg's economy is relatively small, due to a lack of population and arable land, as well as its cold, inhospitable nature. However, the vast mountain ranges hold untold riches: This makes Iceberg is a massive exporter of metals, minerals and other rare earths. Due to its Fjords, it also has the longest coastline in Ishgar, so fish is plentiful, if difficult to export.

Culture: Icebergians value strength and independence above all. A proud people, they're instinctively wary of outsiders, however, the vast majority of people accept anybody who embodies the stout spirit of Iceberg, regardless of race. Their social hierarchy is simple and divided between three distinct classes. Jarls, Karls, and Thralls: Nobles, citizens and slaves. Despite this distinction, high social mobility and meritocracy means a Thrall can earn his freedom, and even become King if they prove their worth. As inhabitants of such harsh lands, hospitality is paramount. From the larger cities to the isolated tribes and villages, any Icebergian will offer shelter to a traveler caught out in the cold. However, the kindness and camaraderie they show to one another contrasts with the ferocity they show to outsiders. Tough and fearless, Icebergian raiders travel far and wide in search of new lands and populations to plunder, in hopes of building up their own resources to last the next winter. They admire strength of body and spirit, though tend to be wary of magic. At the same time, Slayer-type magics, particularly Dragon Slayer, are generally admired.

Religion: Most Icebergians follow the Nordic religion, a polytheistic faith which believes the world is divided in different realms held in the branches of Yggdrasil, the World Tree, and is ruled from the realm of Asgard by the divine Aesir, the race of the Gods. Uniquely among other religions, Icebergians believe heroes who die in valorous battle are carried by the Angelic Valkyries to the realm of Valhalla, where they'll drink, feast and celebrate for eternity

Language: The country's official language is Icebergian, from the same language family as Boscosi and Caelese. Due to the far reaching influence of Icebergian raiders and conquererors, many languages from Ishgar have Icebergian influences and loanwords. Icebergian itself has some influences from the Dwarven language and their Iceberg specific dialects.


Eyrrstad: The largest city in Iceberg, it's been the capital for generations as the Jarl of Eyrrstad is the current High King. The city sits high atop a cliff overlooking the ocean, and leads down into the the waterline where a large, imposing pier awaits. Eyrrstad is the city many Icebergian travelers depart from and where foreign merchants first arrive in the country.

Fjallgard Highlands: The second largest city in Iceberg, Fjallgard sits high atop the mountains, a city sculpted into the stone and deeply connected to a Dwarven city living deep under the mountains themselves. Due to this, dwarven merchants are a common sight in the city, as well as in some other smaller towns in the same region. In the summer, much of the ice melts and turns into mighty waterfalls plunging down the sides of the city.

Flodland Valleys: The country's lowlands are home to various villages and small towns. Most villages here are built a fair distance above ground to account for this, especially the areas closer to rivers and wetlands, as the melting ice and pouring rains tend to make the rivers overflow into boggy marshlands. This region has some of the most diverse landscape in Iceberg, from dry, icy tundras to swamps and coniferous forests. A grim and gloomy land where many of the country's hunters make their living.

Groenvollr Plains: The South of Iceberg has the most temperate climate and arable land, and is often considered the heart of the country's food production, for none of the Northern regions can adequately grow crops. Between lush plains and verdant forests, life in the South feels almost idyllic compared to the harshness further up North.

Isshond Fjords: Perhaps the most iconic sight in all of Iceberg, few visitors ever forget the mountainous sights of the country's northern shoreline, where the glaciers carved deep into the mountain range throughout centuries, creating long, narrow inlets where the flows along the cliffsides. This jagged formation makes Iceberg's effective coastline ten times longer than one would expect, and is home to many small, isolated fishing villages and even some larger cities, chief among which being the Capital city of Eyrrstad.

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