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The Twins of Era [Solo]

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#1Tsukishima Higurashi 

The Twins of Era [Solo] Empty Tue Jan 31, 2023 7:49 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
At long last, the long-awaited day had finally arrived. Today was the day that they would finally join the Rune Knights. Daisuke ran his fingers excitedly over the white and grey patch of his standard issue Rune Knight uniform, his gaze straying across the grounds of what was possibly the biggest building he had ever seen. Even though he had been here many of times with his adopted father, the place still had him in awe. His short blonde hair flowed in the wind as he tightly grasped at the sash around his chest. In the years that had passed since Daisuke and his twin sister Misora were adopted by the Sato family, they never ventured far from their estate. They had food, warmth, and most importantly a loving home. That’s all they needed and all they ever wanted. Over time, with training from Jun, they managed to gain some sort of control over their mana. While it still leaked out violently, it no longer caused intense heat or frigid cold unless they wished it. While this enabled them to potentially gain a sense of a normal life over the years, they longed for something more. With that, it was decided on what they had to do.  

WC: 207

Last edited by Daisuke on Sun Feb 05, 2023 11:34 am; edited 1 time in total

#2Tsukishima Higurashi 

The Twins of Era [Solo] Empty Tue Jan 31, 2023 8:06 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
"Well?" A voice from behind him said as a firm hand is placed on his shoulder. Daisuke glances back to see Jun smile at him warmly, his eyes full of pride. Jun had retired from his Rune Knight duties a short time before, citing old age as his reason. He’d held the position of a lieutenant in the Department of Intelligence for many years. He had become a valued and highly respected asset of the department, so much so that both the former and current Captains of the department still keep in contact with him. Now he longed for the quiet life to sit back and enjoy the successes of his children. "I was wondering if you were going to stand and stare all day." Jun said teasingly as he ruffled Daisuke’s hair. “Sorry father. I’m just jittery. We’ve waited for so long for the opportunity to join the Knights. Now the day is finally here and….” “You’ll be fine. Don’t worry.” Jun said as he cut him off. His words, much like they were during their first meeting, eased his fears and erased his doubts.

WC: 186

#3Tsukishima Higurashi 

The Twins of Era [Solo] Empty Tue Jan 31, 2023 8:10 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
Regardless, I’m glad you are excited about this. After this, I’ll no longer be your teacher. I’ve taught you both all the basics and even a few things here and there that I probably shouldn’t have shown you. You’ve done exceptionally well to this point. The two of you will be onto bigger and brighter things. Have better instructors than I could ever be. Make me proud out there.” “We’ll always cherish your guidance and wisdom. I'm pretty sure I can speak for Matsuri when I say that we’ll do everything in our power to honor your name, position and all of your teachings. We are where we are now because of you and mother. I promise, we will not let you down.” A lone tear rolled down his eye as he quickly adjusted and stares out at the horizon. "That's enough for me, then." Jun smiled with sadness in his eyes.

WC: 152

#4Tsukishima Higurashi 

The Twins of Era [Solo] Empty Wed Feb 01, 2023 9:14 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
You worry too much Dai. It’s not like we haven’t been here before. Only difference is we are a part of the machine now.” Misora said as she walked up behind the two with their mother following closely behind. Her dirty blonde hair rests upon her shoulders as she moved beside her taller brother. She casually handed him a small bag with the lunch he absentmindedly forgot at home. “Mom knew you’d forget the lunch she made for us. All this trouble over the first day.” “Oh! Says the one who frantically paced around last night terrified about how the first day will go. ‘I don’t know about this Dai. I’m worried.’ And you have the nerve to pick at me.” “Shut it. It was a momentary lapse.” The two siblings bickered between one another as Jun and Haruka watch on with pride. “I’m going to miss this.” Jun says as his wife gently places her head on his shoulder. “As am I. They’re adults now. They can handle it. Speaking of which, shouldn’t you go and get their gifts?” “Oh! You’re right.” Jun says as he quickly slips away.

WC: 190

#5Tsukishima Higurashi 

The Twins of Era [Solo] Empty Thu Feb 02, 2023 7:14 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
Where is dad going?” Misora says as she finally realizes their father’s disappearance. Daisuke, quickly realizing it as well, sees their father making his way to his old division barracks. Haruka, giving off the same warm smile as she did so many years ago, walks near her two children and places her arms around them. Gently, she places a kiss upon each of their cheeks and stares off into the distance. “When you two first expressed your desire to eventually to follow your father’s footsteps and join the Rune Knights, your father wanted to make sure you were ready and able to stand on your own two feet and carve your own path in this world. I couldn’t sit idly by and just let him take all of the credit. So…I made some calls to some of my family back in Caelum so you guys would have something special.” As if on call, Jun rounds the corner with a mischievous smile on his face and a familiar blue ring on his right finger.

WC: 173

#6Tsukishima Higurashi 

The Twins of Era [Solo] Empty Sun Feb 05, 2023 9:34 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
The twins instantly knew what exactly was on their father’s finger, a pocket dimension ring. It was more or less standard issue for Rune Knights as it was where they kept most of their equipment and could bring it out on the fly to suit whatever the situation called for. The former lieutenant stands in front of his adopted children as Haruka moves next to him, both of them beaming with pride. He moves closer towards Misora and gives her a kiss upon her forehead before snapping his fingers. Instantly, a large black wooden box appears in his hands as he presents it towards his daughter. As he slowly opens the box, Haruka begins to speak. “As you know, both of your grandfathers were Rune Knights. They were respected by their peers and feared by their enemies. The two of them wielded weapons of immense power, weapons that they wanted us to pass down to our children. For you, our beautiful daughter, we give you Luin; the spear your father’s father used.

WC: 172

#7Tsukishima Higurashi 

The Twins of Era [Solo] Empty Sun Feb 05, 2023 9:36 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
Misora looks in awe as their father reveals the crimson spear in its entirety. Tears begin to stream down her face, her previously façade shattering, as she slowly picks up the weapon. “I never did manage to learn how to use spears as efficiently he did. I was always a dagger guy. It served him admirably over the years and I know it’ll do the same for you.” Tears still flowing, Misora collapses into her parents embrace as she profusely thanks them for the heirloom. Composing themselves, all three turn towards Daisuke. As with before, Jun snaps his fingers as a second wooden box appears in front of him. “My son…” he says, his voice trailing off. Haruka, composing herself for the both of them, begins to speak. “My father was a courageous man. I sincerely wish you two were able to meet him. He would have spoiled you both rotten. This sword was his pride and joy. For you, our son, we give you Galantine.

WC: 166

#8Tsukishima Higurashi 

The Twins of Era [Solo] Empty Sun Feb 05, 2023 9:37 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
Jun opens the box as the silver and navy sword sat in front of him. The youth was in awe of the weapon as he slowly trailed his fingers down the side of the weapon. He had heard of the stories of his maternal grandfather and the supposed history behind the weapon itself. The blade of the warrior Gawain with the power of the sun. Its strength was claimed to rival the legendary Excalibur itself. To be gifted such a weapon… “Am I…” “You are.” Jun says, cutting off his son before he could finish his sentence. He places a firm, yet calming hand on his son’s shoulder and smiles at him warmly. “You are more than ready and capable of wielding this. You both are. We would not have given them to you otherwise. The two of you are even stronger than I am. These are your weapons now. Carve your own legacy with them.

WC: 156

#9Tsukishima Higurashi 

The Twins of Era [Solo] Empty Sun Feb 05, 2023 9:38 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
Overcome with emotion, Daisuke embraces his parents with a hug before wiping away the tears that started to creep down his face. He fully picks up Galantine and sheathes the weapon on his back, seeing that Misora had already did something similar with Luin. “With that…it’s time.” Jun says as he and Haruka look towards the exit. “We’re both extremely proud of you two. Never forget that. Now, go show the world that the next generation of the Sato family is not to be trifled with.” With tears in their eyes, the family departs as both Daisuke and Misora watch on.  As their figures slowly fades from view, the two stood in silence. After a few moments, Misora broke the silence that lingered between the two. “This is it, huh? We’re back on our own trying carve on own path in this world we’ve found ourselves in.” “Not quite. It’s different this time. This time, we aren’t alone.

WC: 158

#10Tsukishima Higurashi 

The Twins of Era [Solo] Empty Sun Feb 05, 2023 10:04 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
A few hours had passed and Daisuke found himself sitting alongside the window of his shared, slowly fighting the urge to sleep. For the time being, he had escaped the hustle and bustle of the first day. A new rule that was implemented this past year was that all first year pages, as the newest Rune Knight recruits were called, had to attend an academy of sorts. Training, studying laws and rules, the works. It was to ensure that, should they make it out of the academy, they were not blinding wandering in the world. As soon as the twins stepped foot onto the castle grounds, they were caught up in the whirlwind. Ten minutes after arriving, they were ushered into the Grand Ballroom along with the rest of the first-years. The Head Teacher of the first-years, an old former Captain who goes by the name of Yoru, greeted them all with a welcoming speech.

WC: 158

#11Tsukishima Higurashi 

The Twins of Era [Solo] Empty Sun Feb 05, 2023 10:06 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
Ladies and gentlemen, it is my greatest pleasure to welcome you all to the Rune Knights. I wish to congratulate each of you, first on having secured your place within the Rune Knights and second, for the prosperous futures I know you all will have. This establishment puts the recruits at the forefront of everything it does; your experience here and your success is important to each and every member of staff. Your arrival here marks a new chapter in the story of your life. But this chapter is a bit different. The preceding chapters were largely written by others – your families, your upbringings, and your nobility for those that this applies to. But none of that matters because as soon as you stepped through those doors, you are all equal and are now you will be the principal author of the next chapter. This can seem as daunting as it is exciting, as challenging as it is empowering. But the great thing is that you are doing something that you have chosen to do, something that arguably you were born to do. And while you are here, you will have the opportunity to learn new things, acquire new knowledge, develop new skills, and enhance your personal attributes in profound ways that will equip for life after completion. Over the first few days of your time here, you are likely to be bombarded with information and I am conscious of the danger of adding to information overload. Nevertheless, I wish to share a small piece of advice with you. Make the most of your time here and absorb all the knowledge that you can. Your time here will define you. Make the most of it.

With those words still ringing in their ears, the twins were whisked away to their classes and meeting with their instructors before being placed within the living quarters.

WC: 313

#12Tsukishima Higurashi 

The Twins of Era [Solo] Empty Sun Feb 05, 2023 10:08 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
Misora wanted to meet up and go over things but Daisuke, as usual, just wanted to rest. He glances out of the window below the castle walls, resting his elbows on the sill as a faint smile spread across his face. Outside, on the ground below, he could just make out the distinctive blonde trails of hair and red and white clad body of his sister as she quickly moved from point to point. Daisuke knew only too well that it was him she had been seeking, and he cupped his chin in his hands, amusement in his expression as he registered her frustration. “She’ll probably hit me for it later but that’s fine.” He lazily mutters. He sighs and gets to his feet, stretching his arms over his head as he lets out a loud yawn. The room was long and somewhat narrow, about what you would expect from a traditional standpoint. This was the smallest of the three rooms within this block and Daisuke chose it without hesitation. Although he would sleep alone in this room, he didn’t mind it being cramped. Its tight enclosure faintly reminded him of the time he spent in the hut with his sister. Daisuke sank down on his bed, running his fingers absently over the blankets that had been neatly placed there. These were identical from bed to bed, in a shade of blue. His eyes narrowed as former Captain Yoru’s words ring in his head. “We are all equal… That’s the message. All the same no matter where we come from.”  He flopped back onto the thin, flat pillow, closing his eyes as he digested this fact and allowed sleep to overcome him.

WC: 282

#13Tsukishima Higurashi 

The Twins of Era [Solo] Empty Sun Feb 05, 2023 10:25 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
Daisuke finds himself stranded in a barren wasteland running for his life. There is a light wound on his chest in the shape of a claw that burns more and more with each passing second. The pitch-black sky started to loom over him as he runs away from the piercing red eyes glaring at him from within the clouds. "Daisuke... Daisuke, you can run … but you know you can't hide. Not from me." The booming disembodied voice behind the clouds reverberates. As he continues to run, he begins to see small light red crystals fall from the sky. He stops dead in his tracks, amazed by such a beautiful sight. Almost as if he were in a trance, he slowly reaches out his right hand, letting a few of the crystals fall into his palm. The crystals disappeared as soon as they touched his hand like water hitting a hot pan. Suddenly, a searing hot sensation spreads across his bones.

WC: 161

#14Tsukishima Higurashi 

The Twins of Era [Solo] Empty Sun Feb 05, 2023 10:27 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
The heat burns to his very core as he tries to scream but finds that he is unable to. As the crystals fall at a quickened pace, they land on Daisuke's body and no longer disappear. Instead, they begin to encase him entirely. As the crystals spread, Daisuke begins to lose control of his body. His arms are the first to go as it gradually makes its way down. Realizing how dangerous the situation was, he attempts to run away once more but finds that it is too late. He was trapped and completely paralyzed with nowhere to go. Just then, the crystals stopped and the clouds parted. A ball of fire of immense proportions appeared as an equally large black figure flew around it. The figure, now revealed as a black dragon, slowly descends from the heavens as its red eyes stares directly at his soul. "I told you Daisuke … you cannot escape me." The dragon spoke, revealing it to be the source of the voice Daisuke heard prior. “What the hell are you?” Daisuke manages to etch out as the dragon nears towards him.

WC: 187

#15Tsukishima Higurashi 

The Twins of Era [Solo] Empty Sun Feb 05, 2023 10:29 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
He comes face to face with the dragon’s snot, feeling the searing heat escape from it. “You will pay for the transgressions of your parents. I will not be cast aside by…” The sound cuts out with Daisuke unable to hear the rest. “You will die!” The dragon says as Daisuke is once again able to hear. As he was trying to make out just what exactly the dragon meant, it lunged at him. A piercing scream escapes Daisuke's mouth as his eyes dart open. In a cold sweat, he looks around, finding himself back within his living quarters. “This damned dream again?” “Do you always flail around and yell in your sleep?” a voice says. Daisuke looks up towards the doorway to see a young raven-haired man staring at him. “Yo! Looks like I’m your roommate. Darius Gamal is the name!” he announces. The man, wearing the same uniform as him, smiled warmly before waving his hand to greet him.

WC: 161

#16Tsukishima Higurashi 

The Twins of Era [Solo] Empty Sun Feb 05, 2023 10:32 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
His skin was dark, yet his eyes were a vivid golden, glittering with life and intelligence, yet Daisuke soon saw a stubborn pride reflected in their depths. His raven hair was held back from his face by a single white tie adorned with a gold band. With a mixture of surprise and fear, Daisuke slowly returns the greeting. “….Hi. I’m Daisuke Sato.” “Nice to meet you. And sorry for startling you. You left the door open and I could hear you down the hall. Wait a minute…Daisuke? You wouldn’t be the Daisuke that cute blue-eyed girl was looking for, would you?” Returning to his normal nature, Daisuke sighs and lays back in the bed. He was not surprised that she was still looking for him. That was just a testament to how determined she was. She’d definitely hurt him when she found him. “Blue eyes and blonde hair? Yeah, that’s probably my sister. I saw her running around earlier looking for me.

WC: 162

#17Tsukishima Higurashi 

The Twins of Era [Solo] Empty Sun Feb 05, 2023 10:34 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
Darius chuckled as he fully entered the room and sits on the chair Daisuke sat at earlier. “She seemed pretty upset as she moved through the castle. She has a fiery temper.” Daisuke waves him off, chuckling as he sits on the side of the bed. He motions towards the glass of water he left on the windowsill which Darius quickly hands to him. Taking a sip to quench his parched throat, he begins to speak once more. “She seems that way now but back when we were younger, she was incredibly shy. Terrified of her own shadow. Still has glimpses of her old self. Hell, just this morning she was pacing around terrified of her first day. I suppose I’ll go and find her at some point. Enough babbling about me. What brings you here?” Darius eases back in the chair and chuckles darkly, staring out at the sun setting in the distance. “Bit of a loaded question from someone I just met a few minutes ago, wouldn’t you say? Since we’ll be roommates, I suppose there isn’t any harm in telling you.

WC: 184

#18Tsukishima Higurashi 

The Twins of Era [Solo] Empty Sun Feb 05, 2023 10:35 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
I’m indebted to the Rune Knights. One saved my life during a giant attack years ago. Ever since that moment, I wanted to be just like them. I worked hard and dedicated my entire life to achieve it. This is just a precursor to it. But I’ll finish at the top of the class and take my place among the Knights. What about you? What brings you and your sister here?” “Very similar reasons as you believe it or not. Our father…well adopted father. He’s a former lieutenant here. His father and our mother’s father also were a part of the Rune Knights. He saw something in us and took us in when we had nothing. We idolized him and wanted to maintain his legacy. We plan to be the best. Better than everyone here, you included. No one will look down on us again.” The two stares at one another, the tension between them obvious. Both of them strove to be the best. It was fitting that the two of them would one day become rivals.

WC: 177

#19Tsukishima Higurashi 

The Twins of Era [Solo] Empty Sun Feb 05, 2023 10:40 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
It seems we are more similar than what I originally thought. These next few years will be interesting.” As the two continue to converse, a loud creaking noise stirs them. Footsteps echo in a hall as a young man appears. At first, he appeared to walk past the door but suddenly stopped and moved back towards the entrance once he realized there were other occupants. “Oh hello! I didn’t think there was anyone else here. My name is Shotaro Sonozaki. Pleased to meet you both.” The three exchange pleasantries before another set of booming footsteps interrupt them. “I hope you guys don’t mind but I let the girl who has been looking for someone come and check the room. I thought it was empty so I didn’t see the harm in it. Wait…didn’t you say your name was Daisuke?” Daisuke’s eyes widen as the booming footsteps come to a stop when Shotaro says his name before returning at a quickened pace.

WC: 161

#20Tsukishima Higurashi 

The Twins of Era [Solo] Empty Sun Feb 05, 2023 10:42 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
Oh shit…” Daisuke mutters as Shotaro is pushed out of the way, Misora glaring at him from the doorway. “Daisuke….” she growls as she slowly draws closer to her intended victim. Darius quickly gets up, hugging the wall of the room as he makes his way past her. “I’ll catch you later Daisuke.” He says hastily as he exits the room, quickly helping Shotaro up before they both depart. “You left me all day. Had me looking around this entire castle. Just to sleep?” She cracks her knuckles as she draws Luin from its resting place and moves closer towards her brother, his cries of pain echoing throughout the halls. “Do you think he’ll be alright?” Shotaro asks as they head down the hall, the sounds of the ensuring beating still echoing. “Probably…” Darius says as he shrugs his shoulders, intrigued by the prospect of the twins power. His earlier thought was correct. These were going to be some very interesting few years.

WC: 163

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