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Luluhawa Island - Deadliest Catch

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Luluhawa Island - Deadliest Catch Empty Sun Jun 05, 2022 9:50 am


Deadliest Catch

As a small, remote island, the residents of Luluhawa subsist on fishing first and foremost. With brave sailors and waters teeming with fish, every haul brings plenty to the entire island, no matter how far they need to venture to find wandering schools of fish ripe for the picking. Though even the hardiest of fishermen tremble at the sight of unseen dangers, lurking in the deep.

At times, menacing ocean dwellers swim past the island. Powerful enough creatures can easily threaten the wooden fishing vessels of the islanders, and the more advanced ships brought by foreign fishermen. At times like these, the islanders' age-old wisdom teaches them to avoid the deeper waters until the creature leaves. But those not born on the island lack such patience or time to wait around.  

They're constantly on the lookout for capable fishermen, or even fighters of sufficient caliber to kill a sea-dwelling creature and bring in the biggest catch of their lives. Even among the Luluhawan locals, there are many who have enough experience and capabilities to challenge the beast, with only their traditions to hold them back.

There's no shortage of opportunities here, and though nobody has specifically asked you, merely walking around the docks makes it clear many would pay handsomely for a chance to take on a sea monster, some less scrupulous than others. All you have to do is muster your courage and prepare for the fishing trip of a lifetime.

Quest Details

  • Your foe is a sea creature of mysterious size and species, but large and powerful enough to threaten fishing crews into staying on land. From an oversized shark to a sea monster, anything is possible.

  • The beast will eventually leave, but nobody can predict when. For those secretly dreaming about possibly catching one, this menace also presents an opportunity.

  • For those with their own ship or water-based magic, they can potentially fight the beast alone. But even for those well equipped, the experience of an actual fishing crew could mean the difference between success or failure.

  • The Luluhawan fishermen will hesitate to try and hunt the beast owing to their traditions, but some of the braver sorts can be persuaded to set sail.

  • Bolder, more adventurous foreign fishermen are easier to persuade but will expect a share of the profits when the sea creature is butchered for meat and materials.

  • If you try to enlist the help of a fishing crew, the means you use to persuade them will affect your reputation, in the end, all the more so if you decide to steal a ship.

  • You can choose the ideal time of day for the fishing trip, or whatever surprises the ocean might have in store for you.

  • You can also choose what manner of monster you'll eventually face off against.

  • When the monster is slain and ready to be hauled to land, you'll need to decide how to share the bounty. Backing out of whatever arrangements you made with the fishermen will affect your reputation rewards.

Troubles At Sea

Roll a dice in your quest to find out what goes wrong during this episode of the Deadliest Catch.

  • 1-20: A ruthless, rival fishing crew sails in, armed to the teeth as though ready to hunt themselves a leviathan. They're determined to keep all this catch to themselves and will fight anybody else who gets in the way.

  • 21-40: A rogue wave crashes into the ship as you're battling the sea monster, knocking everybody overboard. Fight off the deep dweller in the water on its home turf, or try to get back to solid ground.

  • 41-60: The hunter becomes the hunted: The creature has been hunting you as soon as you set sail. Seizing the initiative right out from under you, it ambushes just as you sail into deeper waters, killing some of your crew if you have any.

  • 61-80: A tropical storm brews in unannounced as you head out to meet the creature, easily capable of capsizing all but the most imposing of vessels. You'll need quick reflexes and stamina, as well as the experience of whatever crew members to help weather the storm as you fight off the sea monster.

  • 81-100: Ahoy matey! What's this? It seems the sea monster's mate has been attracted by the battle, and isn't too happy to see you quelling its partner. Can you beat two of these beasts in one voyage?

Registration and completion

Sign-up Template:
Completion Template:


Luluhawa Island - Deadliest Catch Empty Tue Jun 07, 2022 10:49 am


Participant(s): Yuurei Starlight
Rank(s): Z Rank
Mission: A Rank
Number: 2


Luluhawa Island - Deadliest Catch Empty Tue Jun 07, 2022 12:10 pm

Participant(s): Za
Rank(s): C-Rank
Mission: C-Rank
Number: 1


Luluhawa Island - Deadliest Catch Empty Tue Jun 07, 2022 10:46 pm

Sign-up: Here
Mission Link: Link
  • 7,000 exp (20% via Companion | 20% via Nephilim)
  • 80,000 (60% Contract)
  • 2 INT
  • 200 Infamy
  • 50,000 Contract


Luluhawa Island - Deadliest Catch Empty Wed Jun 08, 2022 10:09 am


Sign-up: Link
Mission Link: Link
Reward - Yuurei:
  • +14,000 Exp (20% Nephilim, 10% Companion, 10% Lvl 2 Guild)
  • +387,500 Jewels (10% Companion, 25% Reputation, 20% lvl 4 Guild)
  • +7 Constitution
  • +400 Fame


Luluhawa Island - Deadliest Catch Empty Wed Jun 08, 2022 10:12 am

Za has completed this quest.

Yuurei has completed this quest.


Luluhawa Island - Deadliest Catch Empty Sat Jun 11, 2022 8:45 am


Participant(s): Jikan, Alisa
Rank(s): S, Z Rank
Mission: S rank
Number: 1

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

Luluhawa Island - Deadliest Catch 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


Luluhawa Island - Deadliest Catch Empty Sat Jun 11, 2022 8:47 am


Participant(s): Quillareine
Rank(s): X
Mission: S
Number: 1st


Luluhawa Island - Deadliest Catch Empty Sat Jun 11, 2022 3:07 pm


Link: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t62081-luluhawa-island-deadliest-catch
Quest: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t62155-deadliest-catch-1-neutral#544878
25,500 [20% Race, 20% Belt, 20% Tarot,10% Guild lvl]
925,000 [10% Moogle, 20% Belt, 20% Ring, 20% Guild lvl, 15 Rep]
STR 10
50% WC [Guild lvl 30%, 20% Belt]
500 Infamy

#10Khalfani † 

Luluhawa Island - Deadliest Catch Empty Sat Jun 11, 2022 3:36 pm

Khalfani †
Quillareine has completed this quest.


Luluhawa Island - Deadliest Catch Empty Sun Jun 12, 2022 3:16 pm


Participant(s): Quillareine
Rank(s): X
Mission: S
Number: 2nd


Luluhawa Island - Deadliest Catch Empty Mon Jun 13, 2022 8:48 pm

Participant(s): Za, Yuurei
Rank(s): B, Z
Mission: A-rank
Number: 1


Luluhawa Island - Deadliest Catch Empty Tue Jun 14, 2022 12:55 am

Sign-up: Here
Mission Link: Link

  • 14,000 exp (20% via Companion | 20% via Daemon)
  • 400,000 (60% Bounty)
  • 3 INT
  • 4 CON
  • 400 Infamy
  • 250,000 Bounty

  • +14,000 Exp (20% Nephilim, 10% Companion, 10% Lvl 2 Guild)
  • +387,500 Jewels (10% Companion, 25% Reputation, 20% lvl 4 Guild)
  • +7 Constitution
  • +400 Fame


Luluhawa Island - Deadliest Catch Empty Tue Jun 14, 2022 10:34 am


Participant(s): Kaito
Rank(s): X
Mission: Deadliest Catch- A-Rank
Number: 2


Luluhawa Island - Deadliest Catch Empty Tue Jun 14, 2022 11:37 am


Mission Link: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t62182-deadliest-catch-a-rank#545302

  • 14,000 Experience (10% human bonus+10%companion+20%guild)
  • 475,000 Jewels (20% human bonus+Empress aura 20%+20% rep+10% companion+20%guild)
  • 7 Speed
  • 400 Fame/Rep


Luluhawa Island - Deadliest Catch Empty Tue Jun 14, 2022 12:08 pm

Za, Kaito and Yuurei have completed this quest.


Luluhawa Island - Deadliest Catch Empty Wed Jun 15, 2022 1:36 pm


Participant(s): Yuurei and Za
Rank(s): Z and B
Mission: Trade Deal - A Rank
Number: 2


Luluhawa Island - Deadliest Catch Empty Thu Jun 16, 2022 7:06 pm


Sign-up: Here
Mission Link: Link

  • 14,000 exp (20% via Companion | 20% via Daemon)
  • 400,000 (60% Bounty)
  • 7 INT
  • 400 Infamy
  • 250,000 Bounty

  • +14,000 Exp (20% Nephilim, 10% Companion, 10% Lvl 2 Guild)
  • +387,500 Jewels (10% Companion, 25% Reputation, 20% lvl 4 Guild)
  • +7 Constitution
  • +400 Fame


Luluhawa Island - Deadliest Catch Empty Fri Jun 17, 2022 11:39 pm


Za and Yuurei have completed this quest.


Luluhawa Island - Deadliest Catch Empty Sat Jun 18, 2022 8:34 am


Link: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t62081-luluhawa-island-deadliest-catch
Quest: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t62157-deadliest-catch-i-nq-jikan#545775



+15,000 Exp (10% Mia, 10% half elf,)= 18,000 exp
+500,000 Jewels (10% Mia, 10% lvl 2 guild perk, 15% 10001+ rep) + 60% for taking bounty= 975,000
+10 ED
+500 Fame (what must be done effect)


+15,000 Exp (10% EXP (Human))= 16,500 exp
+500,000 Jewels (20% J (Fame) + 20% J (Human) + 20% J (BP level 4)= 800,000
+10 SPD
+500 Fame

Last edited by Jikan on Sat Jun 18, 2022 11:29 am; edited 1 time in total


Luluhawa Island - Deadliest Catch Empty Sat Jun 18, 2022 11:22 am


Participant(s): Yuurei Starlight, Ianthe
Rank(s): Z Rank, B Rank
Mission: A Rank
Number: 3(Guild Perk), 1?

#22Khalfani † 

Luluhawa Island - Deadliest Catch Empty Sun Jun 19, 2022 3:25 pm

Khalfani †
Jikan and Alisa have completed this quest.


Luluhawa Island - Deadliest Catch Empty Sun Jun 19, 2022 5:25 pm


Sign-up: Here
Mission Link: Link

  • 11,000 exp (10% Human Race)
  • 362,500 (20% Explorer Belt, 20% Human Race, 5% Reputation)
  • 4 Speed
  • 1 Strength
  • 2 Endurance
  • 400 Fame

  • +14,000 Exp (20% Nephilim, 10% Companion, 10% Lvl 2 Guild)
  • +387,500 Jewels (10% Companion, 25% Reputation, 20% lvl 4 Guild)
  • +7 Constitution
  • +400 Fame


Luluhawa Island - Deadliest Catch Empty Sun Jun 19, 2022 8:45 pm


Yuurei and Ianthe have completed this quest.


Luluhawa Island - Deadliest Catch Empty Wed Jun 22, 2022 12:23 pm


Participant(s): Yuurei Starlight, Ianthe
Rank(s): Z Rank, B Rank
Mission: A Rank
Number: 1, 1

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