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Moving Towards Tomorrow (Kaito)

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Moving Towards Tomorrow (Kaito) - Page 2 Empty Thu Jun 08, 2023 3:33 pm


"I have no idea but she said to ask and so I am asking to find out if the last name I have means anything or if it was just a name dumped on me to seem normal?" Kaito was completely unsure of what might come forward from the maidens mouth as a different maiden tapped him on the back and smiled at him but he had no idea what this elven maiden had to do with anything or was this some back up in case Kaito went berserk and tried to attack the head maiden and kill her or something it is was simple in some matters and wise in other ways. Kaito readied himself for if they were going to allow him to have the answer or if Kaito was about to be in a fight with the maidens of this place and it was not going to be pretty for himself or the other mage that was with him if they had to fight holy women.


Moving Towards Tomorrow (Kaito) - Page 2 Empty Mon Jun 12, 2023 9:18 am


The head maiden was about to speak about it, but then something weird would happen. Her eyes closed for a second, she would shout for a split second and then everything would go silent. Yuurei wasn’t sure what was going on, but he would see the head maiden falling back. The Warden would dash to her and he would catch her before she hit the ground. He would look at her and it would seem like she was unconscious. The maidens there would rush to their leader and they would take care of her. He would step away and he would walk over to Kaito. It would seem like there was something with his family’s name. He wasn’t sure what it was, but she knew about it, but something interfered.

“What do you think that was? It seems like she knows something, but couldn’t tell you, Kaito.” He said to his friend wondering what he would say about the events that just occurred.



Moving Towards Tomorrow (Kaito) - Page 2 Empty Mon Jun 12, 2023 10:01 am


Kaito watched what had just happened and he wondered for a second if maybe his name was cursed as well or that it had some protection that it couldn't be used or talked about or it hurts the speaker and now Kaito wonders if he just killed the head maiden by requesting that she tell him about his name and he wonders if there was something deeper to this all and that he needed to find out later. For now he will just play it cool and not show any alarm or signs that he might have been the problem as if he does then the maidens might see him as a threat and he was not in the mood or mindset to have to beat up and tie down a group of maidens right now. "You really are superstitious aren't you? No way my name did that to that holy woman." Kaito laughed a little to hide his fear that he might have caused that.


Moving Towards Tomorrow (Kaito) - Page 2 Empty Mon Jun 12, 2023 10:15 am


Yuurei would hear him and he would laugh with Kaito. He would also shake his head because that was not something he expected. Still, they got their answer, and he knew who was going to have to see. His father would give him the final answers he would look for and he would start his journey.

“I don’t think so, but we will leave it at that.” He said to Kaito as he would change the subject.

“So, Kaito do you want to take me to see my father? You’ve been in the house, so getting there shouldn’t be a problem. At the same time, you guys get to see how Nimbus is doing.” He said this to everyone.

Renji was fine to go see his best friend. He wondered how he was doing, but he understood why he wanted to stay away from the outside world. He had lost a dear friend, and he could see that it would hurt.

“Yeah, I’m pretty sure he would be happy to see Revy and me.” He said with a huge smile on his face.



Moving Towards Tomorrow (Kaito) - Page 2 Empty Mon Jun 12, 2023 11:47 am


Kaito looked at his friend that had requested that he hope the portal to the home of his family and he thinks about it and figures why not it beats the long walk back down all the stairs and will get Yuurei's answers faster and maybe will save them from having to answer to a group of at least five angry women once they find out that his name dropped their leader like a sack of bricks from a three story roof top. He moved his hand and the gateway appeared and he walked in with Revy and waited for Yuurei and Renji to enter the gate way so that they could be off to find the answers and other things that are probably about to come their way plus seeing Nimbus might be good as they really didn't get to talk to him the last time they saw him as he was crazy and then he was out cold pretty muchly so there wasn't really anything to dwell on.


Moving Towards Tomorrow (Kaito) - Page 2 Empty Mon Jun 12, 2023 11:55 am


Yuurei would see the portal appearing to them, and he would see that it was time for them to be on their way. He would leave the maidens to handle their leader as he had gotten the answers from her. He would enter it and right next to him, Renji would do the same thing. When they got through the other side, a bunch of the maids in the house would become startled. They didn’t think something like that would happen.

They did see Yuurei and would bow to him slightly and continued working. Yuurei would use a key to bring out eight servants. He would look at them and he would smile at them.

“Go help around the house. Make their jobs easier.” He said as he would look around.

Renji would look to see if they would see if they could find Nimbus right off the bat. It was then they would hear something slam.

“I lost all my jewels to you again? I thought I had it this time.” Nimbus said.

Renji and Yuurei would shake their heads because they heard this and knew it was Nimbus right away.



Moving Towards Tomorrow (Kaito) - Page 2 Empty Mon Jun 12, 2023 2:34 pm


Kaito bows his head to the scared staff that was looking at him as they had come through and he is sure some of the older staff were judging him for just showing up like that out of no where and in hind sight he should have portaled them to out side of the home instead of into it and he wonders what he should do as Revy hopped off and followed behind Yuurei and Renji to go and see nimbus and she can tell he has been gambling again and it sounds like usual he has tossed in more than he can cover and is now broke again and this is why she judged the others as harshly as she did as they were great people but they had some very strong vices and personalities that made her feel like she often clashed with them and her feeling like the most normal of all of them.

Kaito ends up going with the flow and followed as well but he has a bad feeling about something but he can't put his finger on it.


Moving Towards Tomorrow (Kaito) - Page 2 Empty Tue Jun 13, 2023 7:45 am


Renji would move over to Nimbus and he would slap him on the back of his head.

“You can’t be losing your jewels like that. How else are you going to get all the fine fish and other enjoyments an Exceed can get?” He said to Nimbus.

The Exceed would turn around when he heard Renji’s voice and he would hug him.

“I just can’t help it, but I get an allowance, and they treat me nicely here. But this guy right here is too good.” He pointed at Yuurei’s father, as he was across the table.

Yuurei would look at his father and he would bow slightly to him.

Nimbus would stop hugging Renji as he noticed that Revy was also here as well. He would blush and he would run to her to hug her, not sure how she would react.

“Yuurei, I didn’t think you would show up here unannounced. How can I help you? You’re mother is not here right now.” He said to Yuurei.

Yuurei would hear this and he figured he would gather his thoughts before speaking up.



Moving Towards Tomorrow (Kaito) - Page 2 Empty Tue Jun 13, 2023 12:38 pm


"Then you should be saving it instead of being a knuckle head and losing it or blowing it dumbly how do you ever expect to find a wife." she walked up to him and knocked him on the head as she was very disappointed in the exceed and his nasty habits. Kaito blinks and he wonders if he has a nasty habit that makes woman dislike him and he puts his mask on the back of his head and puts down his hood and looks around as his hair fell loose.

"Well how secure in us maybe killing off a high maiden at the grand shrine?" Kaito asked jokingly to gauge Yuurei's fathers reaction to him asking and saying such a stupid sounding statement but he makes sure to move to the side so that Yuurei and his father can have their moment as he feels like he senses something that was coming from the corner of the room where a book shelf is, Kaito can't explain the feeling but it was a mix of fear, sadness and happiness but it felt like it was coming from inside of him but not himself feeling it truly but something else in him sensing it.


Moving Towards Tomorrow (Kaito) - Page 2 Empty Wed Jun 14, 2023 7:07 am


Renji would see everything unfold, and he would see Nimbus get scolded but clobbered at the same time. He would laugh a bit as he was happy that his friend was doing better than he expected.

“I’m pretty sure everything you lose you get back at the end of the week, so you should start saving up like Revy said.” He said to his friend.

Nimbus looked at the two of them and he would be defeated just like that.

“Ugh, fine, I will do my best to save, but it’s hard to do when Yuurei’s dad is teaching me how to play the games.” He said to them.

They would shake their heads as they would look at Yuurei’s father.

“It’s sad I would love to have seen Mother, but I guess she is talking to the people in the capital. We went to the shrine in Joya and spoke to the high maiden. I was looking for a new power that could make me stronger than I am. There are beings like me or more they are what I’m based off of. They have attacked me on two occasions, one of them being that I lost an arm. I was hoping you could tell us the location of what was sealed from our family.” He asked his father.

He would look at Kaito and then Yuurei as well. He would shake his head because it would seem like his son was going to try and mess with a force he knew nothing about. Still, he was a man and he grew up without the nurture of him or his wife.

“I don’t think it’s wise for you to go through with this. The demons or Onis that were sealed there are the worse of the worse. It isn’t just that, but the strongest of them all possessed a Starlight. That is even worse because he was the strongest of us all. Nobody has ever seen someone like him in centuries. If things go bad you guys will be releasing Onis all over to Joya again.” He said to him hoping Yuurei and Kaito would change their mind.

As for Kaito’s comment, Yuurei’s fathered looked confused at first, but when Yuurei spoke about everything, he knew they had gone to see those maidens.



Moving Towards Tomorrow (Kaito) - Page 2 Empty Wed Jun 14, 2023 9:48 am


Kaito didn't dare to touch the subject to ask if the father knew anything about his name as it looked at that moment that his name might have just killed a head maiden so he was not aiming to go two for two on that kind of thing so he stayed back and keeps looking at the book shelve as it was a weird feeling but he wasn't going to go near what ever it was as one this is not his home he is a guest and two he knows that what ever it is might lead him down a different rabbit hole and he thinks that the rabbit hole they are in is already going to be taxing enough to deal with and he looks to Revy and the other exceeds.

Revy sighs as she was not sure if this was a victory or if this was just another empty promise from Nimbus to get himself cleaned up and not keep giving into the vices that he had with gambling. She went over and hopped up into a chair and looked at them and she wondered what they were going to do from here or if this was just another quick stop and they would be leaving in a moment.


Moving Towards Tomorrow (Kaito) - Page 2 Empty Wed Jun 14, 2023 10:00 am


Yuurei would hear his father and he would scratch the back of his head. He figured that would be interesting to see, but he doubted they would leave these Onis alive. Still, were these Onis that bad? What were they going to be facing if they had gone through all of this? He wasn’t sure, but he knew he couldn’t win against the Seraphim in his current condition.

“I still want to try. If anything I will create offspring and they will continue our line of the Starlight family and hunt the Onis if we failed to cleanse them from wherever they have been sealed.” He said to his father.

“Well, the place where they are sealed, once you enter you can’t go back just remember that. You will have to reach the top to be able to leave without disrupting the seal.” He said to Yuurei.

The Warden would nod as this was interesting. They would be climbing something, but what exactly.

“You know that I’m quite capable. I took out Ansem, and the people I’ll bring with me are the ones that took out that vampire’s left and right hand. We should be fine.” He said to his father.

“Yeah I see that, you even have a friend who is torn between dimensions. It seems like sometimes he’s there, and sometimes he's not right?” He asked Yuurei as he looked over to Kaito.



Moving Towards Tomorrow (Kaito) - Page 2 Empty Wed Jun 14, 2023 10:24 am


Kaito raised his finger with a look right into Yuurei's fathers eyes. "No it is more like I am in every dimension at once. Like wearing a broken pair of glasses some times there are cracks or other times fractures." Kaito's eyes seemed to glow a dull red color, and his body seemed to dully glow as well.

Revy looks at Kaito and she clears her throat. "I think you need to calm down mister dragon slayer before you wake the demon inside of yourself." Revy laughs as she was making a joke about all the talk about oni and demons that been going on, but looking into Kaito's eyes Revy wondered if maybe she wasn't as far off as she might have thought she was and if it was growing with him it would be very strong as well.

Kaito stopped glowing and he stood up excusing himself from the room and Revy watched as he went out of the room and into the hall to a window and he looks out of it and the feeling that he had from that room was now gone so what ever it was must need him to be close to it for it to try an pull him in closer to it.


Moving Towards Tomorrow (Kaito) - Page 2 Empty Wed Jun 14, 2023 10:36 am


Yuurei’s father would hear Kaito’s words. He understood what he had said, but at the same time, it would seem like those glasses had confused Kaito many times or had the man question himself.

“I see, well Kaito, I want to say do not lose yourself with those glasses. Make sure you truly know what is real and where you originated from.” He said to Kaito as he would look over at his son.

“Alright, but if you fail on your task, you will do your best to make sure that Joya is safe. The current Shogun doesn’t like the Starlight family, but who knows how long that tyrant will stay in power for.” He said to Yuurei.

Yuurei would nod as he understood.

“I can’t recall the secret location of where to enter the mountain, but the location you guys seek is Kuja Mountain. There within the mountains are Oni of every kind there. When they were out they were some of the strongest Onis, that not even the Starlight clan could handle. It was then one of us would get possessed and we brought all the Onis into one spot before sealing it away before they lost full control of themselves. You will have to find the secret location yourself and only you and those who are touching you will be allowed to enter.” He said to Yuurei.

He would gather everything that he had said and it would seem like their next spot would be to go around Mount Kuja and get into the specific entrance his dad was talking about. He looked around to see that Kaito had walked away and he wasn’t in the room anymore.

“Is he okay?” He asked Revy.

“He will be just fine, but when am I going to be an uncle? You guys have spent a lot of time together, right? I can use a babysitting gig.” Nimbus said to the two of them.



Moving Towards Tomorrow (Kaito) - Page 2 Empty Wed Jun 14, 2023 12:34 pm


Revy rubs the back of her head and she sighs. "Probably not as he seems to think that maybe he has something inside of himself it seems. Oh yeah no I had babies with a different man while I had amnesia, so you are not going to be an uncle I don't think." She was making fun of nimbus but she still had a lot of things to do before she could even think of settling down and having children she will probably wait till Kaito finds some one for himself before she does that so that there will be some down time that isn't totally consumed by them doing missions.

Kaito looks at a reflection in the glass of his face and half his face doesn't look like himself but of a darker creature and that was horrifying in it's own right and he stepped back quickly from the glass as it looked like what ever it was, was scared and was trying to talk to him. Was it trying to speak to him this whole time? was it warning him that this was a bad idea or was this a trick of something else.


Moving Towards Tomorrow (Kaito) - Page 2 Empty Thu Jun 15, 2023 6:23 am


Nimbus’ draw would drop when he heard those words. He would look over to Renji and then to her, and it was then he would say the stupidest thing before saying something else.

“You told Kaito how you feel? He doesn’t seem the type.” He laughed a bit.

“Are you scared the children would stop you from enjoying your adventure? I can take care of them in the Starlight household.” He said as if he was being serious about that.

Yuurei had gotten the information that he needed from his father. It would seem like they were going to have an adventure ahead of them. They were going to have to prepare to fight a bunch of Onis.

“Thank you, father. I will do what I can to make sure that the Onis doesn’t escape, but I need to obtain whatever this legendary Starlight has. It would be a waste to leave there for all eternity.” He said to his father.

His father would only shake his head as he would have to disagree, but he knew it wouldn’t change his son’s mind. Yuurei would look around and he would walk in the direction he saw Kaito go. He would walk by the three Exceed and he would give Nimbus a high-five before he kept walking around. While moving around the house he could see the maids thanking him for summoning extra free help, which he was fine to do whenever he was around.



Moving Towards Tomorrow (Kaito) - Page 2 Empty Thu Jun 15, 2023 8:02 am


Revy pulled back to strike nimbus but remembers that she shouldn't hit the idiot but she walks off as she is now mad at Nimbus for claiming she was sleeping with her boss that is such a rude thing to say and she was not okay that he had said it and she goes to look for Kaito and she climbs up his back and into his hood and he looks around and he wonders what and where they were going to go but he knows that something was amiss but he wasn't going to be able to deal with it right now as there seems to be far to many other things going on. Kaito followed after Yuurei as they walked the halls of the place Kaito stealing one more look at the reflection that had been looking back at him and he wonders what or who that was and why he had see it there and then.



Moving Towards Tomorrow (Kaito) - Page 2 Empty Thu Jun 15, 2023 10:13 am


Renji would see what happened between the two of them, and he would shake his head at Nimbus.

“You done did it now Nimbus. You got her all mad.” He said to his friend.

“I was joking, I know she would never do that. Man, I got to say sorry now don’t I?” He said this and Renji would nod telling him he would have to.

Yuurei would find Kaito looking at a mirror and he wondered what was going on with him. It seemed like he was battling some inner demon, but why wouldn’t he tell him? Kaito always helped him out, so he figured he wouldn’t mind if he did the same thing.

“You alright Kaito?” He asked him.

It would seem like his friend was really going through something like his father had said. It made him wonder how his father knew, but didn’t question it. The two Exceed would move around and would see Revy enter Kaito’s hood. Renji would give Nimbus two thumbs up and he would walk over to Yuurei. It was then he would climb his friend’s shoulder.

“I’m sorry Revy, I was joking. I didn’t mean what I said. Don’t stay mad at me, what if I don’t see you again?” He asked as he waved at everybody.

He wished he could go with them, but he felt like he would be a burden to them. He also enjoyed the time he spent here around Yuurei’s parents and Kailani’s father.

“Give her time she will forgive you.” He said to his best friend as he looked at Yuurei.

“What are we going to do Yuu?” He asked him.

Yuurei would hear him as he was making his way to the exit of the house.

“We get Brone and then go to Joya’s Mount Kuja after.” He said to Renji.



Moving Towards Tomorrow (Kaito) - Page 2 Empty Thu Jun 15, 2023 3:40 pm


Kaito had no idea how to answer that, as he was lost in his thoughts but as he was walking he saw from the corner of his eye his reflection had changed to something else, but when he looked it was just himself again and he had a bad feeling about this but he was not sure why though. "Yeah I am fine maybe it is just gas." It was a lame excuse but it was what had come off the top of Kaito's head and he knows that is probably going to set off alarms for yuurei but for now he was not sure what was even wrong or if he was now even worse off.

New reflection:

Revy looked at the exceed and she scuffs at him as she had no want to speak to him again after his comments rather joking or not that made her sound bad and she was not going to allow him to speak like that to her after he let his partner die and himself be captured without getting help for himself or his partner. She was mad at herself as well as she and Kaito might have been able to at least save Lani if they had known anything but she can't find it in herself to forgive herself for failing.


Moving Towards Tomorrow (Kaito) - Page 2 Empty Fri Jun 16, 2023 6:38 am


Yuurei would wait for him to answer his question and when he did Yuurei would shake his head. He would pry into his problems, but he was hiding something. He wasn’t sure if it would come out on their next adventurer, but he hoped it didn’t mess up their teamwork.

The only thing he could do was laugh at the comment he had brought out and would keep it moving. Renji would look at Revy and he would see that she was truly angry with him. He would shake his head as he puffed his chest.

“I know what he said was stupid, but at least forgive him. He’s saying sorry and he doesn’t know when he’s going to see us again. You don’t want to leave on bad terms now do you Revy?” He said to her, hoping he would change her mind.

Nimbus would rub the back of his head as he was looking at them leaving. He didn’t get a response from Revy, which sucked, but he hoped that he would be able to see them again then when she wasn’t upset with him.

He would start turning away as they were reaching the door.

Yuurei would open the door to his home and he would see that there were people moving around the place. The elves that were there would be surprised to see him. They weren’t notified that he had arrived. They would smile at him and wave at him as they would soon return to what they were doing. The Seraphim would do the same thing as they had learned to respect him for everything that he had done for them.

“So, let’s be on our way to finding Brone and then we can start heading to Joya again. Do you want to use a portal to take us to the guild or do you want to go over there the old fashion way?” He asked Kaito.

Yuurei didn’t mind either option, they were both quick with how strong and fast they are.



Moving Towards Tomorrow (Kaito) - Page 2 Empty Fri Jun 16, 2023 8:41 am


She looked at Renji with a glare that could curl the greasiest of hair. "So you choose to stick up for him?" She waved back and turned back and watching ahead of Kaito as there was much to be done and saying bye just means she thinks there is a chance they don’t survive the adventure so she wasn’t going to say good bye as that is an ending not an continuation her. She knows it is tough love but she can’t have Renji already counting them out just yet as there was still much to do and she was not going to drop the ball.

Kaito heard the man ask him if he would do the portals for them and he nodded his head and held his head as me moved his arm and opened a portal to the guild while opening another to the place in Joya Yuurei had asked for. Kaito feels a strange feeling like he is going home but he doesn’t know why or how he has this feeling.


Moving Towards Tomorrow (Kaito) - Page 2 Empty Fri Jun 16, 2023 9:00 am


Renji would see the glare and he would rub the back of his head. He wasn’t defending Nimbus, he knew what he said was wrong, but he was trying to clear it out before they left.

“Not sticking up for him. He said something stupid, I’m just saying he said sorry, but I will stop it.” He said as he didn’t want her mad at him for anything.

“Sorry Nimbus, seems like you’re going to have to wait until we get back to make it up to her.” He said out loud as he would wave at his friend as he was walking away.

Nimbus would hear this and he would hope that everything would turn out great for them. He had been in their past adventurer and it ended sad last time.

Yuurei would look at Kaito and it would seem like he was fine with opening portals. It was the quickest way for them to reach their destination and get things going. He was hoping that they would find Brone as soon as they could. He wasn’t sure how long this adventurer would be, but he knew in the end it would be good for all three of them. He wanted to be prepared for the next thing they had to do after this fight.

“Alright portal to go get Brone and his companions coming up.” He said out loud as he would enter it.

Once he got there, his job was to look for Brone to begin, once the dwarf was ready their adventure to Joya would begin and that was when the real work would begin.

Renji figured this would put their fighting prowess to the test, and he would do everything that he could do to make sure that he could help Yuurei. He didn’t get strong for nothing and he would show it in the journey ahead. He wondered how things would go with everyone here, and if things would change between them.

They were going to be fighting Onis, and see some really dark things that they were probably avoiding. In the end, they would have each other, but would they use that to their advantage? That was for next time, and for the epic adventure, they were planning on tackling next.  

379|6019 [exit]


Moving Towards Tomorrow (Kaito) - Page 2 Empty Fri Jun 16, 2023 1:08 pm


Kaito was not feeling right but he knows that he needs to just keep pushing himself forward as he doesn't get the time to take a break when so much more is at risk here and Yuurei will need him and he breaths out dimensional energy as he walked through the portal and stays waiting by the next portal that will take them to where Yuurei was looking to go and he wondered if he will really be able to handle this all as there was so much that could go wrong and there was a horrible nagging feeling that there was more here than that could see on surface level and there was nothing that he could do about it and he couldn't keep this up and he knows it but he also knows he can't just quit but Kaito couldn't let himself fall behind either.

Revy scuffs at Renji for talking like that though she is worried about it as well as she is unsure if this one is going to have a happy ending as there was too much at stake as they can't just let Yuurei go alone but she also doesn't want to risk Kaito getting himself killed. She is letting her fear control her a little so she was seeming more moody than anything else.

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