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A Mother's Determination Never Fails.(Dance with the Dead/Judith/Invite)

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#26Judina † 

A Mother's Determination Never Fails.(Dance with the Dead/Judith/Invite) - Page 2 Empty Wed Nov 22, 2023 1:45 pm

Judina †
Judina did seem to at least understand both side presented in front of her."Maybe my mother has her reasons, I will not judge her for what she has spoken in front of me."Judina said if anything she was not seemingly as quick to have stirred emotions compared to her mother. Almost like this was how her father might have tried to get her to be and the knight training did not help either.

But there was another scheme maybe at hand that Judina could make."Understand my mother has always been this way, There is a reason why Regis never thought about finding a way to bring back his wife and daughter after he killed them...It seems to be a common oddity trait with in the family."Judina also seems to have been fine with death.

But then Judina simply said."Speaking of Regis' wife and daughter...I did find them here Mother, I know you never had a chance to say good bye to them too."Maybe Kaito would pick up on what she was doing, she was distracting her mother for a moment."A few feet away by a bench."

Then most likely expecting her mother to wander off. Judina simply said."Now, While I do thank you for the offer and of my own feel will I am willing to take the risk as long as it's under one condition."Judina seemed to be willing to take the risk under one condition."If my mother where to fall from sanity or fail to control herself. I would like to return. Not for just everyone's safety buy her's as well."It was the only term that she would be okay with coming back. Even patting Kaito on the shoulder over the scary manner he just witnessed her mother react, It was different Judith had been around longer then other people so these ideas where most likely taboo.

Then she simply smiled about it for a moment."Anything else I am not needed for, Does that seem fair?"It was a good idea still to her with in the guidelines. She wanted to be a last resort option.Judina was willing to risk going behind her mother's wishes now but for her own reasons.

A Mother's Determination Never Fails.(Dance with the Dead/Judith/Invite) - Page 2 Alexss10
#27Judith Karlinius 

A Mother's Determination Never Fails.(Dance with the Dead/Judith/Invite) - Page 2 Empty Wed Nov 22, 2023 2:03 pm

Judith Karlinius
Even if Kaito seems to have backed off from it, Judith still seemed unhappy she had to mention it. It was a classic case of personal believes before desires, duty before anything else, The things you feel needed to happy going against what you want to happen."If we don't respect what nature and fate has for us and the wishes of the family, then what good is respecting laws in placed by nations?"Judith asked but she seemed almost to don't want to believe she had to be speaking this way and almost merely some what scared of her own words for moment.

Judith saw herself as a monster now and she knew it, Judina knew it and Kaito might have picked up on it too."I was uncomfortable when some one close to be brought her back as a slightly robotic servant to raise her children, I only fear people will miss use her.....it is like bringing back some ones master when you moved on from their training after they died."Judith was actually talking about herself slightly too but this was also things about her Kaito knew.

Judith then let out a sigh."I...i am sorry...I am truly a monster.."Then what Judina said caught up to her. Judith then figure maybe this was also closure she needed as well."I will return after speaking to them..."Judith was not leaving outright it seemed she had things to work through but Judith left Kaito with her daughter to talk, not knowing that Judina would talk to Kaito about terms and conditions to returning. But for now Judith get to talk to Regis' ex-wife and her grand daughter.


A Mother's Determination Never Fails.(Dance with the Dead/Judith/Invite) - Page 2 Empty Thu Nov 23, 2023 12:55 pm


Kaito hears what the guild mother had said something about rules of nations, he is fully confused what that had to do with it but he guess' that she is meaning that both are just mortal set laws to follow and that breaking them just would just lead to lawlessness and more issues. He then hears he say the thing about raising the woman as a tool to babysit and to be miss used. "What kind of sick person would use their power to bring her back like that? I was looking to make her a body of flesh and blood and her to be free to do as she wished, who would bring someone back only to shackle them to your will?" Hearing that really started to make Kaito mad as that is a very sick and twisted thing to do to someone and then the guild mother was calling herself a monster. "Judith you are a lot of things but a monster is not one of them."

Kaito looked at Judina when she spoke to him about her terms of revival and really at this moment that sounds like more than a fair thing to agree too. "If that was to come to pass I will do as you ask and revive you, I will work on constructing your flesh body. Do you have any requests for it?" He asked as he would prefer if there was a body that she could be more comfortable in that he makes that body for her as he has a strange power that lets him mess with  dimensions and he has the means to make this body for her if she had a preferred design and type then he would make it the way she wanted and hopefully that would make it easier for her to learn to use the body with only a little down time for her, so she will be able to enter the fight earlier and not just get killed off half ready, Kaito would die to make sure that he was able to buy her time to get her self into fighting shape.

#29Judina † 

A Mother's Determination Never Fails.(Dance with the Dead/Judith/Invite) - Page 2 Empty Sat Nov 25, 2023 2:26 pm

Judina †
Judina knew what her mother was speaking about, Most likely the person who did it as well but for now it was not her matter to be speak of. She would focus on other things."If needed, Just make it the shame height as I am now, I don't require much else I will figure out it on my own if it work as needed."Judina said but easily most likely guessed Judina seemed to also request her mother's choices more.

"But only do it if you need to...rushing it too soon may only cause a things that she is worried about."Judina mentioned because she seemed to understand. If anything knowing most likely things are settled she did actually hug Kaito, even if unwanted Judina had one last request."If you get a chance and my mother forgets, could you tell my father and brothers I miss them?"Judina was if anything a woman who shared the same family values to her mother and if anything that should be expected for her to ask."I am think my time will be soon....in advance if you do talk to my father thank you, Thank you as well if you respect my mothers wishes even with my worries."Judina then walked away from the situation entirely. In which was fair they where not here forever.


A Mother's Determination Never Fails.(Dance with the Dead/Judith/Invite) - Page 2 Alexss10
#30Judith Karlinius 

A Mother's Determination Never Fails.(Dance with the Dead/Judith/Invite) - Page 2 Empty Sat Nov 25, 2023 2:58 pm

Judith Karlinius
In some manner Judith might still feel she was a monster, a slave to her own emotions and desires to keep everything in line much like she agreed too. But Judith did seem like she often avoided these desires as if to not have to reflect too much upon her views from other people. But she was also paranoid and knew it.

There was signs of: Bliss, Joy and happiness as she did talked to Regis' ex-wife and Grand daughter. Her eyes still some what red from letting out her feelings earlier, if anything she wanted to weep but she was running from actually doing so. Judith did value life and death there was many reason why she needed to keep the things in line she wanted to keep in line most likely ones she kept personal and Kaito did not know.

She did not forget what Kaito did say."I might not be a monster truthfully,But I am in the way of still one for seeming so horrible with my wishes."Judith said after she had settle her thought and saying good bye. Even stopping Judina before she left as well making sure she made her peace as well.

But would go on and explain."I value things being left where they are at this point for what has happen to them, their memories are better to be remembered passed on, Then some one coming along and altering them into things they might not be to start with."Judith said she felt she was still mad, like this was all out of her normal but she just for once in her life want things to kind of just stay that way.

"We all have people who passed on, we miss them greatly, as a lesson we should learn from their passing and continue on, Rather then forcing them to continue on for things would not be the same."
Judith did have one sole tear coming down from her face because in some manner she believed what she said and almost felt like a person expressing and oppressing some one willing with her personal belief but Judith seemed to be trying to do something she felt was right.


A Mother's Determination Never Fails.(Dance with the Dead/Judith/Invite) - Page 2 Empty Sun Nov 26, 2023 6:57 am


Kaito watched as the woman seemed to fade away with the parting words and Kaito wondered what was just over the hill as something else had seemed to have started to gear up and that is starting to slightly worry Kaito as he is not sure how big the coming war will be for the need to have Judina come back for it and he was not going to back down and just sit down as he knows that he needed to make sure that he was ready as the pieces he needed to create this would be a bit rough but he is one of the strongest and maybe more versatile mages in the county if not the world.

"I fully get that Judith no worries I will not mess with it as it is something you had asked of me not to meddle with." He was being honest as he didn't want her to worry and he knows that he will not speak a word of what Judina had said to him to Judith as he knows that if he does she will tell him to disregard the request of the dead woman and he was not going to disregard it as that was something that someone that seemed to know what she was asking for had asked for and he knows that he will not fail. He walked up to the woman and he hugged her again as he knows that she needed someone close even if he was probably not her first choice.

#32Judith Karlinius 

A Mother's Determination Never Fails.(Dance with the Dead/Judith/Invite) - Page 2 Empty Tue Nov 28, 2023 4:17 pm

Judith Karlinius
It seemed over all this ending with a hug, seemed all too fitting. It seemed to help Judith. Even if over all these matter almost seemed to haunt her still. It seemed for all of Judith's knowing of many things she had not been prepared for such things to present it's self before her. Then again there was showing signs that Judith in some manner was starting to lose touch with the world around her at times it was something she needed to get better with.

Eventually it seemed to settle Judith, she seemed to return the hug when it was given her but it almost seemed as if Judith seemed to have shut the world off for a while in her mind, It was uncommon behaviour yes but she seemed to be needing. Things at that time was too much for Judith. Not risking being any more in a worrying state at one point Judith let go of Kaito and simply vanish because of her magic.



A Mother's Determination Never Fails.(Dance with the Dead/Judith/Invite) - Page 2 Empty Tue Nov 28, 2023 8:13 pm


Kaito sighed a bit after the fairy mother had disappeared as it seemed that she was gone and he had too much on his mind now as he had only come here as a favor but now this favor had unraveled into a bunch of splitting paths that could lead anywhere but from how Judina sounded that the path he is on might be leading to ruin and he might need to call upon her to save him from the fate that might threaten to kill the world but Kaito thinks that was just crazy. There is no way that Judith would turn into a evil woman that seeks to kill out the world and maybe flush and try again with them all but something was nagging at Kaito like some force was telling him that his time is limited so he started on his way to begin to gather her pieces that he was going to need. He hopes that it doesn't come to this but there is always a chance that he needs to be able to plan for.

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