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I got the high ground [Group C]

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I got the high ground [Group C] Empty Fri May 03, 2024 9:55 am


It seemed that the groups that had gathered were all mostly ready to enter the cavern. Despite the fact you might recognize some as allies, rivals or maybe even punching-bags, for today it seemed the cards had decided to pair the three of you together.

While fortunately the cavern had been quiet for the time being, meaning that there was still time to discuss strategies or prepare for the expedition, it was clear that time was slowly running out.

The knights at the barricades were all at the ready, having just escorted a group toward the cavern that included a woman and three children, which by the way made some of the guards ponder if this was the start of a tragedy, the next group that was escorted in seemed to be quite a spectacle as well, some had even sworn to hear the female muttering something about not being held responsible for collateral damage?

Nonetheless, one of the knights approached the remaining group and waved a hand in greeting. "Greetings, we just received reports the voidal energy is starting to gather again in the portal so we have to keep the briefing short. Your task is to kill whatever is responsible for protecting the barrier to the boss chamber and then work together with the other groups in order to vanquish the boss inside."

A hand reached for his chin as he pondered for a moment. "Ah before I forget, your compensation as promised awaits upon your return, and any treasure you find during the expedition is yours to keep."

A simple set of instructions, but more than enough to understand what the rewards would be upon returning. "Unfortunately we don't have much intel about what awaits inside, the cavern keeps sending people to random locations inside the void, but it all seems to focus around this huge castle, so you'll likely find the boss inside the throne room."

He gestured toward the other groups that had just entered the cavern. "Best get to know each other on the way in, doubt any of you want to be outdone when it comes to getting the treasure that might be lurking in the caverns."

Meanwhile the portal leading into the cavern pulsed with energy and a gust of wind blew out of it, almost as if a telltale of something that might await the group inside.

So far it seemed that they were granted permission to enter the cavern, so once they had teamed up and were ready to go the group could enter the cavern and find out just what awaited them inside the void...


Hello Group C~ Your topic is up and ready to go.

Group C: Ittindi, Knuckles Shi, Toga.


I got the high ground [Group C] Empty Fri May 03, 2024 10:07 am

The tides of fate were cresting fiercely now, twisting and heaving as colossal waves, ravenous for anything in their path. Millions of tons of destiny's pressure bore down, unrelenting, upon the crowns of onlookers—heroes and the hapless alike—who dared to confront the swelling surge. This wave, teeming with preternatural, ancient energy, was a force unlike any the trio had previously encountered; it was a power that preceded them and promised to outlast their mortal coils. Those not fortified with sufficient willpower might as well yield to its pull and discover the mysteries at the sea's depths.

Around the peculiar dimensional rift, Tōga stood with a serene expression, his calm, brown eyes observing as various guards convened for a briefing. The void fractures were escalating into a serious problem, plaguing the world around them. In response, teams across the realms were mobilized to confront these anomalies, aiming to extinguish their threat and plunder the treasures they concealed.

The Rune Knight remained attentive, his nods and smiles intermittently signaling his understanding. His pink hair fluttered with each gesture as he sat, the black steel of Zangetsu strapped to his back, his birdman’s cape offering warmth against the chill. Assigned by his organization as a reinforcement, Tōga was well aware of his role, yet his gaze lingered on the enigma before him, contemplating the perilous journey ahead. Danger was no deterrent to him; instead, his thoughts wandered to the secrets and marvels that lay within the dungeon. What adventures awaited him?

Time, as always, would reveal the answers.

enter - Tōga!

#3Knuckles Shi 

I got the high ground [Group C] Empty Sat May 04, 2024 4:47 pm

Knuckles Shi

Knuckles Shi walked up towards the Knights, seeing Toga already there he smiled up to the Gods watching over them.  Saying a Prayer of thanks to Odin for gracing him with a warrior, and not just any warrior but Toga, this would be the third time they worked together against what was projected to be something tough. Knuckles doubted it would be if the two of them were together.  Though this man was an enemy as he was a Rune Knight, while Knuckles was a known Criminal the two had always worked together without issues.  

As he approached the Young Man, Knuckles called out and waved with a grin. "Hey Toga! Faith has destined us to work together once more! Let us bring a swift defeat to our enemies so we may dine like Kings and get to know each other a bit more."

Upon reaching the man he extended his right hand towards Toga for a handshake of respect before turning to the Knight who suggested they get to know each other on the way. "No need for that we true warriors know all we need of each other through battle." With that Knuckles pulled on his Clown Helm and secured it before grabbing his pair of Hammers from the God of Thunder Thor.  It was time for them to get moving, Knuckles was just waiting on their last member and if faith had any say in the matter which he knew it did he suspected who Odin would send his way.

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

I got the high ground [Group C] Empty Sat May 04, 2024 7:16 pm

Ittindi looked himself over once more in the mirror in the officer’s tent he was in. He had just finished brushing off any dirt that had fallen on his magical tuxedo in their track out to the entrance of the cavern. Today would be the day they entered, there were so many different factions here Ittindi wasn’t sure that the room he ended up being sent too would have other Rune Knights. If that was the case he’d have to be extra careful to not need his magic, he hadn’t had to many challenges lately that had required him to use more than his dominator. It’s functionality was going to be upgraded upon his next rank, that was one of the things he had been briefed about in his captain onboarding. Ittindi had to admit it was nice having others address him as captain, he had never been shown so much respect from the public. Looking over his outfit, he’d choose the color gold today for his cloth stripe on his top hat, waving his hand over it as it shimmered to a beautiful rich gold.

Putting on his top hat Ittindi would doublecheck his dominator in his holster, right below his left armpit and beneath his coat. Taking a deep breath Ittindi would head out onto the controlled chaos that had become these void rooms. He’d push his way through the crowds to the front where his assigned group would meet. There was a quick briefing, and then they were told they could enter. The cave itself was alive as its  winds whipped towards them, Ittindi would look over at his companions and see two familiar faces.

The first was Tōga who had been promoted to colonel since the last time they saw each other at that festival in another country. He’d of course not give him a salute since they were out in the field, but when he had time he would congratulate him on reaching colonel. The other companion was his Young Master, what an odd coincidence that he’d know both of his partners. He knew little about Tōga’s fighting capabilities, he had been mostly the perfect defensive wall for the god avatar they faced together. He did have that large sword as well, Ittindi was sure the man was adept with. It’d be easy enough to provide both of them ranged support as his Young Master would charge straight in regardless.

”Yes lets get off to it, congratulations on the promotion Colonel I can't think of anyone more deserving. Lets try to stick relatively close to each other inside.”


I got the high ground [Group C] Empty Sun May 05, 2024 3:27 am


Perhaps it was fortunate the three of them knew each other, because in hindsight their familiarity with one another might serve them well in the events to follow. Once the reached the portal leading into the cavern it seemed they were being teleported to somewhere, quite akin to traveling through a tunnel of darkness and then... a clear night sky.

Underneath them the sight of the large castle made of some sort of unknown material rose upwards, high into the sky but at the same time not as high as the three of them: for yes they were literally dropped high in the sky by the magic of the void. Underneath them were a collective of rooftops and towers, perhaps in a more normal realm occupied by sentries watching for foes encroach from a distance, but here was no such thing, or at least no human sentries.

The section the three of them were descending toward was a large rooftop connecting to a massive tower, likely leading deeper into the castle, although one would notice that a collection of stone statues reminiscent of gargoyles stood on pedestals.

However, more importantly was the fact the three descending adventurers were not alone. Nay, at the top of the tower closest to the rooftops a group of kobolds were chattering away idly. "Why even post us here? It's not like anything interesting ever happens up here..."

One of the kobolds called out in annoyance while another of his kin mumbled in frustration. "Yeah, does Darkfang expect to have dinner fall down the sky or something?" However, among them a smaller kobold pointed at the sky in disbelief. "Is that a bird?" Another kobold holding a large oaken staff adjusted his glasses and peered upwards. "Nay, I don't think it's an air balloon either..."

To which a larger kobold raised a club the size of his smaller kin and hauled it over his back. "It's an invasion! GOD DAMD! FINALLY, SOMEONE CALL THE TROOPS DOWNSTAIRS! DINNER IS FALLING DOWN THE SKY!"

The kobold laughed, the smaller kobold from earlier rushing down the staircase, seemingly on his way to try to call for allies! Meanwhile the remaining group was clearly looking at the descending trio with the same hunger as a bunch of predators, little did they know just who was falling down the sky!

Whether they'd land on the tower or descend further to the rooftops, at least it seemed something was preventing them from breaking their legs or worse during the fall, but a fight seemed almost unavoidable in this case.

Void-tainted Kobold Barbarian: (armed with a giant club)
10x S-rank durability

Lesser Kobolds: x4
4x S-rank durability

Kobold Mage:
3x S-rank durability

-A kobold ran off to try to get reinforcements and will succeed in 3 posts from now.

-Whether you decide to land on the Tower or the rooftops is up to each of you, during the fight you can use your spells/items and such as usual (or even train them), although whether they land or not is up to the DM to decide, in terms of incoming damage I'll be adjusting the damage based on each person in the group and their individual actions. The difficulty of the monsters also tends to show in their durability, for example the Void-Tainted Kobold is a lot stronger than the lesser ones, who in turn are more durable than the mage, but the mage in return can cast spells etc.

Any questions, send them my way~


I got the high ground [Group C] Empty Sun May 05, 2024 8:28 am

Outside the cavern entrance, a cacophony of voices showcased the fervor of countless adventurers. Groups, guilds, and organizations from all corners of Earthland had converged on this Void Dungeon, each intent on conquering its depths and claiming its hidden treasures for their own. While many were motivated by the lure of riches, Tōga's passion was fueled by the thrill of the challenge—the chance to test his courage, sate his appetite for adventure, and push the boundaries of his magic. Amidst the bustling crowd, he stood with a serene smile, patiently awaiting his team's arrival while the sounds of preparation echoed from the Rune Knights and other adventurers outside.

"Huh?" Tōga's attention sharpened as his keen sense of smell picked up two familiar scents. The first to appear was the red-headed demon, Knuckles. "Ooooh, Knuckles-San!" Tōga greeted him with a broad wave, striding forward to meet him with a firm handshake. "This makes what? Three times now we've tackled some world-ending threat together? Hahaha," he quipped cheerfully, the gravity of their situation belied by his lighthearted demeanor. Despite Knuckles' notorious reputation and their potential future as adversaries, Tōga respected his power, valuing the demon's alliance in the face of the daunting challenges that lay ahead.

Shortly thereafter, the second familiar scent materialized into a figure beyond Knuckles. Tōga's smile never waned. "Ooooh! Ittindi-san! Congrats on being promoted to captain!" He dismissed the formalities and titles that came with their roles, knowing Ittindi understood his superior's disregard for such conventions. "Who would’ve thought it would be us three---" His sentence was abruptly severed as magic enveloped them, and in an instant, they were whisked from the cave's interior to a location distinctly thinner in air.

"Ooooo Ooooo Ooooi!" Suddenly materializing mid-air, Tōga and his comrades found themselves plummeting toward the earth. But before panic could set in, a castle surged upwards from the ground below, erecting itself amidst a host of ghastly foes awaiting their arrival. With no time to ponder the theatrics of the magic at play, Tōga reacted instinctively.

His eyes, now shimmering grey, mirrored the steeliness of his resolve as his body outlined in similar hues. His Extinctas surged, complemented by streaks of intense flames and reddish-black crimson scales spreading across his body like rays of the morning sun.

Landing solidly on the stone pavement where a kobold mage stood thanks to his Birdman Cape, Tōga wasted no time. Draped in the full might of his Dragon Force1, a massive pool of magic brewed within him. With a dramatic exhale, he unleashed a hellish wave of fire toward the kobold2, marking his presence and signaling his readiness for battle.

Don’t hold back!” he roared, his voice echoing over the clamor of battle, rallying his allies to unleash their full might. Drawing Zangetsu from his back, the slayer prepared himself for retaliation.

Combat Log:

#7Knuckles Shi 

I got the high ground [Group C] Empty Sun May 05, 2024 7:23 pm

Knuckles Shi

Knuckles brimmed with a smile as Toga spoke back. "Yes, for the gods have willed it. They are testing our courage and might so that if we fall we may join the ranks of the warriors who have come before us. We shall dine together in Valhalla! Even if Toga did not believe in the old gods it did not matter he was still one of the few he could consider a TRUE warrior.  Their conversation was broken up by a familiar voice, one he knew too well. When he turned to face Ittindi Knuckles noticed right away the fancy new gold.  He was a bit shocked to see something so drawing to Ittinidi then it all made sense. Though he had not known that Toga too had advanced.  The two of them were lifting through the ranks, perhaps if life had gone differently he too would have been among them but at last he was on the other side of the fence. He was an agent of darkness and a man who was trying to overcome a choice made in fear.

"Well after this how about drinks on me!"

Then poof, the void opened up, and out they went descending from the sky falling towards the earth, well if one could call this place earth. He was not too sure what was below but he was certain whatever was below would be adventure.  He looked over toward Toga he was not in a panic as it seemed he had something to assist in his landing.  Knuckles was used to flying as a Daemon and so that only left Ittindi. Though he was sure his webs would be useful there was no reason to leave it to chance.  Obscura began to leak out of the Daemon as it covered his torso and part of his back. 2-meter wings made of the energy were forged, and using them instantly he held out his main hand to Ittindi's offhand as he safely flew towards where Toga was landing.  Using this time to build his speed up to his full speed.

As they approached the Castle Knuckles looked down to scan the area, there was one big one oh how he wished to face that one. Though there was another rushing off. "I will drop you off towards the runner. " Knuckles knew from his time with Ittindi that his webs could and would catch the runner preventing their landing from being known. It was best to take out these guards and get a layout of the Castle before they began a siege.   As Toga started to deal out damage to one of the lizard people Knuckles dropped Ittindi at a safe height as he swung around back towards the brute lizard. He knew all those within 25 meters of him would be hit with the fear effect of his form, though he hoped it did not affect his friends too much.

Knuckles drew both hammers as he sailed for the Lizard with the great club, upon approach Knuckles attempted to hit the brute with both hammers in the back attempting to shatter its spine in a single combo.  After his attempted swing he would revert from his Half Transformation to conserve his mana.
For now, he wanted to see what he could do as a test before he drew too much attention towards them.

Battle Info:

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

I got the high ground [Group C] Empty Mon May 06, 2024 8:42 pm

Colonel Tōga was obstinate as usual, Ittindi didn’t mind some people didn’t see rank the same. In front of a civilian even his Young Master being the civilian he wouldn’t dare scold a Colonel. Not without a serious grievance, but if he did catch Colonel Tōga alone he planned on telling him to be careful about his lack of decorum. The Young Master offered they all get drinks after this, Ittindi of course would accept. Before he could give it more thought the very air around him shifted. It seemed that the portal had lurched out to pull them out of their current reality, as Ittindi was now falling straight down. In front of him was a  large castle and Naki’s voice surged loud and true in Ittindi’s heart.

”Yes, this is why I travel with you human. Demons never have situations like this so exciting your heart has so many emotions coursing through it. Now give in to them feel the wind in your hair feel the blood running and bring them to me.”

Ittindi wasn’t sure exactly who Naki talked about, until he saw the kobolds below at the same time his Young Master had his hand out. He had transformed into a demon, while Tōga was still falling towards the ground. Ittindi would take his Master’s hand and be flown off towards the runner kobold.

”Stay safe Young Master”

He would let go of the Young Master’s hand dropping down a couple feet. Ittindi would pull his gun out as he landed. He’d aim and breathe out as he pulled the trigger, squeezing slow. The drain of the mana always felt like an aftereffect as Ittindi shot his second strongest bullet at the Kobold runner. Ittindi noticed that Tōga was off fighting the mage, and the Young Master was headed towards the largest of the kobolds. Ittindi’s cheeks would puff up as a grey magic seal appeared he would spit a stream at 20 m/s once it arrived where the kobold was it would explode in a 8 meter diameter. If he was caught he’d take a B rank debuff to his speed.

Ittindi would walk heel to toe towards the kobold as he prepared to fire another shot if it was fine after the first and it hit. He expected to start running if the Kobold kept running away from him to sound the alarm. Ittindi’s miasma would disappear quickly after it exploded, once a target was effected all he had to do was maintain the mana connection to keep the effect going.  He was also curious on how durable these kobolds would be, he wouldn’t be surprised if one shot was enough to take it out. This had to be quick and surgical, who knew how many there would be inside the castle. Ittindi had a feeling he’d have that magic talk sooner with the Young Master than he thought.

Combat Log:


I got the high ground [Group C] Empty Sat May 11, 2024 9:58 am


And so the three warriors went into battle. The first to make his descent was Toga, whose landing that came accompanied by his transformation clearly intimidated the kobolds. One of the ones nearest to Toga even took a few steps back in hesitation as the man unsheathed his blade and unleashed the power of his dragonic flames!

A sudden surge of mana erupted from the mage's staff, a defensive spell stirring in the form of a barrier that made the torrent of flames from Toga crash onto the barrier, and while the spells canceled each other out the mage had been forced a step backwards, attempting to regain his footing while the remaining two Earthland warriors made their arrival as well.

Knuckles his clever usage of his transformation aided Ittindi in catching up with the fleeing messenger, who had just barely reached the staircase leading down deeper into the castle when Ittindi's shot hit the kobold's shoulder! The creature tumbled forward onto the ground, trying to regain its footing at the same time the puff of miasma obscured his vision, making the kobold cough in anger. It was clear it had lost any interest in fleeing, instead turning toward Ittindi and with a dangerous glint in his eyes lunged forward, attempting to slash with its clawed hand at the man! (D-rank damage if hit)

The remaining lesser kobolds clearly intended to get their revenge as well, two of them rushed after Ittindi but were still too far from reaching him, while the two remaining ones attempted to go after Toga! The one who hesitated earlier attempted to shove the sword-wielding warrior, almost as if hoping to send him falling to his doom off the tower, while the other was attempting to claw at the sword, clearly thinking it was the source of the fire that had nearly torched their magic-wielding companion earlier. (also D-rank damage if he is able to reach your sword).

However, brave as Knuckles was, his instinct for seeking the strongest among his foes had served him well, for at the same moment he moved past the giant kobold in an attempt to attack his spine something disturbing happened. The back of the kobold started to swell, as from within a series of tendrils emerged, and while Knuckles his first swing with Mjornir hit the back of the void-tainted kobold, inflicting 2 S-rank damage, the next blow would prove that things became more difficult! A tendril coiled around the kobold's large club and swept it upwards, deflecting the magical attack of Shattered Mjornir (A-rank damage inflicted upon Shattered Mjornir), although the club cracked under the force of the blow, making it clear that there would not be much that weapon would do when it came to shielding the kobold from attacks.

"You think you're the only ones blessed by the void? Earthlander?" The giant kobold slowly turned around while one of the tendrils on his back attempted to make a stabbing motion at Knuckles' torso! (will inflict 1 A-rank damage if hit)


State of battle: Giant Kobold took 2 S-rank damage and has 8 S-rank durability left, but it seems the power of the void is weakening him! Giant Kobold takes 1 S-rank damage per turn he has his tentacles growing out of his body. (7 S-rank durability left)

Kobold messenger took A-rank damage and has 1 S-rank left (he had two but took another A-rank from falling harshly onto the ground), kobold is attempting to attack Ittindi.

Two kobolds are attempting to move to Ittindi and will get near him next round
Two kobolds are attempting to shove Toga off the tower! One is doing the shoving, the other is trying to damage your sword, no need to worry about stat rolls or anything, just keep in mind in your post he is essentially tugging and pushing at your body so you're likely a bit off-balance.

Knuckles is currently fighting the giant Kobold like:


I got the high ground [Group C] Empty Mon May 13, 2024 8:05 am


In the heart of the castle fairway, the trio of warriors stood their ground upon the fractured stone, the impending clash unavoidable. Each combatant had chosen their prey, ready to unleash the fury of their mages and weapons.

Toga, his eyes ablaze with determination, fixed his gaze upon the Kobold. Knuckles, the most daring of the three, set his sights on the colossal Giant Kobold. Ittindi, intent on preventing any forewarning of their presence, sought to ensnare the messenger in a web of his own making.

Clad in resplendent scales of crimson and onyx, Toga's dragon force surged through his veins, amplifying the potency and might of his spells. Yet, the mage proved more formidable than anticipated, conjuring a magical barrier to shield against the fiery torrents that threatened to engulf him. "Tch!" Toga remarked, his eyes narrowing as he prepared to swiftly counter, determined to test the resilience of that protective cocoon and see how long it could withstand the heat. However, his efforts were momentarily thwarted.

"Huh?" the pink-haired mage mused, realizing his frame and weapon hand were compromised. "Ahh!" Toga cried out as his footing betrayed him. Before he could react, he was sent hurtling over the edge, vanishing from sight as the Kobold's strategy proved effective, successfully knocking him off the platform they all stood upon.

. . . . .

The tale of Toga's demise hung in the air for but a fleeting moment before the gentle, rhythmic sound of flapping wings crescendoed, growing louder with each passing second. Swiftly reengaging the two Kobold aligned before him, Toga seized the advantage of his aerial position, courtesy of his Birdman Cape's aid.

With a powerful sweep of Zangetsu, he unleashed a dazzling stream of white and yellow light from the cleaver's obsidian edges1. The intense energy surged forth, seeking to engulf the Kobold in its golden radiance, hoping to send them flying off the platform with a concussive force mirroring their own attempt on him. As the light subsided, Toga gracefully landed, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Combat Log:

#11Knuckles Shi 

I got the high ground [Group C] Empty Tue May 14, 2024 7:20 pm

Knuckles Shi

Knuckles seemed almost overcome with joy as his eyes widened when his second attack was countered, finally something he would be able to FIGHT! He looked at the Larger monster as Knuckles feet met the ground and he looked at his hammer over. It was a little worse for wear, but he had faced way worse odds.  When he looked up the monster was talking during the fight, what an amateur.  Knuckles used this time to lunge but then he heard it and the sound made him hesitate as the blast struck him square in his chest plate.  While he felt a tinge of pain his armor would take the brunt of the attack easily.  It was that sound that had caused him to stutter that had Knuckles replaying it, that was Toga's voice and it sounded like it was falling. Since he had allowed his form to fade, Knuckles would have to wait a few more seconds before he could recall that power.   "Dammit..."

Knuckles held  Shatter Mjlnor to the Sky as he fed his mana into the hammer and it began to glow. Knuckle cast Tempest Rage, as lighting infused his body gifting him with the power of Thor and empowering his Strength, Speed, Constitution, and Endurance by a solid amount. His body would become shredded with muscles and a fair lighting aura covered him.  If he had the ability to, Knuckles would have gone full Daemon mode on this overgrown lizard and knocked his ass into the air, but at last, he had to re-gather his Obscura before manipulating it again.

"Do not worry about alarming the others of this Castle, they will soon hear your screams echo through the lands as they WILL travel further than the Voids reach. "

No more words, Knuckles lunged at 20 m/s and slid down to a knee where he'd cross-swing his off-hand which dealt magic damage at the Kneecap of the Lizard and pushed off with a leg that was not folded onto the ground propelling him up as he would swing  Mjlnor at the elbow of the arm which held the giant club in an upper cross swing on his way up.  If possible he would finish off his combo hit with a swift kick with his left leg using the cross position of his body to generate more force aiming for it's head.

It was unknown to Knuckles that Toga was fine, but it would not matter now as he was in a Daemon Rage, and only until all his foes were dead would it calm. With the fog, he hadn't an idea that Toga was fine.  The only thought worse than Toga being taken out, was that Ittindi would be not far behind if they had taken out someone the Knight had ranked higher than him. The pressure was really starting to pile on only fueling his negative emotions more.

Battle Info:

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

I got the high ground [Group C] Empty Fri May 17, 2024 10:35 am

It seemed that Ittindi’s intuition was wrong as the Kobold popped out of the smoke lunging towards him claws out. Trusting his magical suits protection, he’d fire off his strongest shot directly at the Kobolds head while he was lunging.  Ittindi knew that the creature wouldn’t be able to resist to busy plotting its own course of action. His armor, it was weird to think of his suit that way, but it absorbed the claws just fine. He knew that he wouldn’t have much time after his second shot, he’d stow his pistol back in its holster. Turn around to see Tōga fighting from the air as well as his Young Master on a rampage further away. Ittindi figured if there was going to be room to cast it’d be now and clenched his right fist.  A few meters ahead of him a grey magic seal would appear on the ground with a chained Kusarigama shooting out towards the kobold on the left approaching Ittindi at 40 m/s. He didn’t have control over the chains like he did his silk, the advantage being that he could focus on other things after selecting his target.

After he had cast the spell Ittindi would position his arms as he summoned his naginata into his hands. He didn’t have enough practice to use his gun in close quarters, that was part of what he wanted to work on with the Young Master. His spear however, he had enough introductory classes in the Rune Knights. He had been taking his time learning the forms from Joya after learning of the weapons origin. Ittindi hadn’t met his perfect Joyan connection just yet, Tōga was the only one he knew from the country. He didn’t speak of it much during their night out drinking, it gave him the impression that Tōga left there for a reason.  He had met Mimi there once, but that had been so many years ago, and if he recalled correctly she was also visiting. He’d just have to keep his eyes on the Rune Knight roster, surely there’d be another recruit who enjoyed Joya.

His spear stance was one of defense even if his spell hit, he knew from his gunshot early it would not be enough to take down one of these creatures. Now a slash or two from his spear would be a different story, especially since it was cursed or enchanted, Naki had explained its effects to him. This would be the first time Ittindi would witness them, choosing not to test it out on random beasts or criminals.  Ittindi would do one last sweep of his vision making sure it was just the two kobolds he planned on facing before taking a deep breath and preparing for any slip up from the creatures where he could strike.

This is where the real danger would start, they had no doubt alerted at least part of the castle’s garrison to their presence from the loud clashing. Ittindi wondered if he’d be in trouble being the closest to the direction the messenger was running. Surely the reinforcements would arrive from there. Today might be the day he tests the one power he had the most disbelief in supposedly he could resurrect himself in combat.

Combat Log:


I got the high ground [Group C] Empty Wed May 22, 2024 9:55 pm


Indeed, for a moment Toga's very survival hanged in the balance, and when he fell off the tower it looked for a moment as if his fate was sealed, until he returned with the literal ability to fly! Capes really were useful at a time like this, right? The two kobolds looked at the airborne Toga in bewilderment and were too late to react to the sudden attack launched toward them! Not only did they get hit quite strongly, but the blast send both of them pummeling and screeching into the depths below!

Meanwhile Ittindi's battle was proving to go positively in his favor as well: The shot aimed at the kobold messenger caused the creature to collapse onto the ground with a loud thud, remaining unmoving while the two kobolds approaching Ittindi hesitated for a moment, one of them soon dashing toward Ittindi but instead found the kama dig into its torso and seemingly hit the creature in its heart, as it came reeling forward and grasped its chest in a clear display of agonizing pain! Fortunately the combat butler did take a defensive stance, for it allowed him to deflect to incoming scratches from the remaining kobold with remarkable ease!

Meanwhile Knuckles went in for another bout with the giant kobold, the sliding on his leg did succeed in keeping the man safe from being hit by the wild swing of the kobold's club, yet the attack on the kobold berserker's knee cap would cause a sickening feeling, like in most cases it would have likely sprained or worse, but Knuckles could likely have sworn the moment his weapon connected with the creature's knee it was as if something was moving under its skin.

The jump and attack onto his elbow was just as effective, making the monster drop his giant club and roar in anger, but the final kick to the monster's head would have sealed the deal: or would it? The monster staggered backwards, its club shattering into tiny fragments as it glared at Knuckles. But then... something off happened.

the tendrils on the giant kobold's back lashed out, one attempting to bat away Knuckles, but in the meanwhile one more rushed past him, straight toward: the kobold chasing Ittindi and one toward the kobold wizard? The moment each tendril impaled the kobolds the creatures cried out in panic, as a most disturbing sight unfolded: almost like a mosquito sting the kobolds were sucked dry into eerie husks as the giant kobold howled in anger. "Not like this Darkfang! you promised me POWAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" yet his howl became even more disturbed as his entire body seemed to start spasming and then sunk into the ground, not a trace of its former self remaining, instead revealing what looked like a giant monstrous slime of sorts.

The creature was determined to make things difficult for the group, as it turned its attention toward who it perceived as the greatest threat and spewed a cone of void-tainted acid toward Knuckles!

Quest Update: The overwhelming force of your group has revealed that the Mini Boss was hiding inside the Giant Kobold!

Void-Tainted Slime has revealed itself, defeat it to unlock your part of the seal leading into Darkfang's chamber!


I got the high ground [Group C] Empty Sat May 25, 2024 7:02 am


As the dust settled in the wake of Tōga's empyrean attack, the air was thick with debris and the dissipating energy of his Getsuga Tenshō. The ethereal remnants of the technique's light energy fluttered like spectral wisps, marking the vanishing point of its existence—and that of its targets. The two Kobolds, overwhelmed by the force, were swept off their feet and sent tumbling over the ledge, plummeting towards what was presumably a fatal conclusion.

Tōga, standing amidst the aftermath on the wide expanse of the bridge, felt a surge of adrenaline pulse through him. He clicked his tongue, a sound lost in the quiet that followed the chaos. The immediate vicinity was clear of foes, yet the battle was far from over. His golden, draconic eyes flicked towards the distant skirmishes, quickly taking in the scene to plan his next move.

Down the bridge, Ittindi had skillfully incapacitated a fleeing Kobold, likely trying to summon reinforcements from deep within the castle's shadowy recesses. Meanwhile, Knuckles, radiating electric might, had delivered what seemed a decisive blow to the largest of the beasts, driving Mjölnir and its fragmented counterpart down with a force that shook the very air. The remaining threats were the Kobold mages—ordinarily an easier target, but the situation escalated unexpectedly.

The giant Kobold, previously crippled by Knuckles' assault, began to contort and warp under a dark and ominous energy. Sinister tendrils of mana oozed from its form, altering its appearance into something far more terrifying. A ghastly aura enveloped it, and Tōga could feel the menacing surge of power from his vantage point, a clear signal that the threat level had spiked dramatically.

Step back, guys!” Tōga called out, his voice a clarion warning. He clasped his hands together, channeling a dense mass of superheated, onyx-black fire. The energy coalesced into a swirling orb, radiating heat so intense it mimicked a miniature sun. With a determined grunt, Tōga hurled this fiery supernova towards the reanimated Kobold giant1 and the cluster of mages lingering too close to the behemoth.

His aim was precise, designed to engulf the void-tainted giant and its nearby allies in a cataclysmic explosion. As the smoldering mass soared through the air, Tōga braced himself, readying for the impact that would surely reshape the battlefield. He only hoped his comrades would heed his warning, for anyone too close would be caught in the devastating blast of hellfire he had unleashed. With his focus sharp and his resolve firmer than ever, Tōga prepared for whatever response his powerful strike might provoke, standing ready to support his allies or press the attack further.

Combat Log:

#15Knuckles Shi 

I got the high ground [Group C] Empty Sun May 26, 2024 8:03 am

Knuckles Shi

Knuckles grimaced as he finished his combo on the Large Kobolt. It had been too easy, but honestly, everything was nowadays. Was this the pinnacle of challenges? Even when he had fought a God with Ittindi and Toga he felt underwhelmed like his life was not in danger. Is this what becoming a Legendary Warrior meant? Nothing would pose a challenge to him anymore. How were these world-ending events something he always felt he could handle alone? He also knew from experience that outside of Kon the leader of the Rune Knights, Yuurei, Brone, and Lumikki all of Paradise Dawn, there was not anyone really stronger than him that he knew of. Erebus had been an X-rank Mage when Knuckles fought him while Knuckles was Ranked as B when he beat the breaks off that boy. If this is what world-ending events were perhaps he should just look to end the world himself.

As he touched back onto the ground Knuckles watched as the Lizard humanoid began to wiggle within its skin. Now that he thought about it his attacks had felt like he hit a water balloon, it lacked that situation of bones giving way under Mjolnir. A feeling he was more than familiar with. He had gotten so complacent with how easy his fights had been going these last few months that he had let his attention to detail fail. This reminder was just in time too as an attack came from the lizard's corpse and shot out towards him, but the attack was off its mark Knuckles turned his head to follow the attack to make sure it was not swinging back around. His eyes widened as he shouted out with all the air in his lungs pushing his voice caring not if he alerted others. "ITTINDI INCOMING!"

Knuckles would watch the tendril and move to wrap his arm around it however, A slime monster burst from lizard skin and hailed venom at Knuckles. Knuckle dropped to the ground laying flat on his back as the attack went right over him, he then quickly spun back up to his feet as he heard Toga's warning. "Oh the boy lives?" Knuckles would lunge backward 20 meters putting the distance between himself and the slime. Knuckles watched as the flames roared and waited for them to settle before doing anything else, still, he was a bit confused about what was going on both with the fog of war and the actual fog that prevented him from seeing the others so well.

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

I got the high ground [Group C] Empty Sun May 26, 2024 9:48 am

Ittindi would be repeating spear patterns and rotations in his head as he tried to calm himself. It had been the way he had learned to deal with battle, now he knew that he could feed the feeling of a memory to Naki to activate magic. It had been to frustrating channeling raw emotions; it had been one of the few things that Naki had agreed to help him with. To be fair Ittindi didn’t ask a lot of the inhabitants, sometimes he wondered if that affected their powers. He had managed so far to deflect the unharmed kobold who had run straight to him. The other was distracted from his Kama spell, Ittindi smirked until he heard his Young Master’s voice cut through the battlefield. Ittindi wasn’t even sure what he’d expect, perhaps it’d be time to learn if there was truth to his surviving lethal damage according to Naki.

Whoosh! The tendril would pierce through the air, Ittindi heart was racing no matter how he breathed. The tendril would find its mark in the creature moving back towards Ittindi being drained of its entire essence. The Giant that his Young Master had dealt with was cursing, Ittindi’s focus was still on the kobold in front of him. His peripherals would have to watch for those tendrils, just in case it tried to surprise Ittindi. He doubted he could block something that could do that much damage, instead he’d have to bounce away always preparing to retreat.

The kobold was on the offensive still, Ittindi would feint with his blade and instead raise the haft quickly to try and smash into the kobold’s face. He’d then take a backstep while thrusting his edge towards the kobold’s chest. A simple but effective maneuver, the more time Ittindi spent with his Naginata the more he was entranced by its appeal over his gun. His heart still flickering on whether to be a spear master or gun wielding menace.

Ittindi wished he could do more, but he had to devote a part of his attention to the giant. He was ready to dash at moment’s notice, while also taking a defensive stance again after his small aggression. Hopefully if both made contact the aftereffects of his weapon would be the Kobolds end. Then he could pull his gun out to help his friends focus fire at the golem. This was the real reason he needed to be a gun master, while it was useful it paled in comparison to where his spearplay already was.

As Toga shouted they all step back, Ittindi position was probably fine, but just to be safe he’d cast and shoot back another 10 meters from impact. He’d drop his spear as he dashed knowing he could resummon it. If the kobold didn’t react fast enough he’d prepare to quickdraw shoot with his gun. While watching hellfire explode in every direction on top of the slime creature.

Combat Log:


I got the high ground [Group C] Empty Mon May 27, 2024 7:06 am


The void slime had just finished spewing its cone of acid toward Knuckles, who avoided the attack by dropping onto the ground, but its attention soon turned elsewhere. The build-up of mana had earned the slime's attention, shivering lightly at the same time Toga launched his supernova into the direction of the slime. However, it was in the same moment the attack was launched the slime's body pulsed with void energy, a purple aura flaring from his body while a similar glow surrounded Toga's encroaching attack and then... Like a vortex sucking away the supernova it seemed the attack was being teleported away, but to where? The answer was almost immediately clear: to the one the slime perceived as the greatest threat:

The supernova emerged right above Knuckles as he finished his lunge backward, and the detonation that would follow could possibly cause concern in the other members of the group, something the slime hoped to take advantage of, as it lunged with a tentacle toward both Ittindi and Toga, reaching up to twenty meters and if hit by the strike would not only find themselves suffering S-rank damage to whatever limb or gear the tentacle had hit, but it would even attempt to coil around them, in the hope of reducing the mobility of both of them.

Yet its main concern was clearly knuckles, as it hopped a bit closer into the direction of the daemon. Fortunately, the aura around the slime's body had faded, suggesting it had spent some effort in that magic trick it had performed just now. It clearly hoped the surprise reaction to Toga's attack had done some damage, considering their earlier performance it was clear who was invigorating the rest of the party... meaning if he could deal with him... the others would surely fall as well!


- The slime has lost his void aura after teleporting Toga's spell
- spell got teleported above Knuckles and went kaboom above him
- slime tried to attack Toga and Ittindi, but is prioritizing its focus onto Knuckles.
-Ittindi's target is dead, so only slime remains


I got the high ground [Group C] Empty Tue May 28, 2024 8:40 am


As Tōga stood enveloped in the draconic scales of his Dragon Force, his eyes glinted with anticipation. He watched as his spell, Shōnetsu Ryū: Zesseien, a massive sphere of superheated black fire, hurtled toward its target, the Void Slime. The dragon slayer could barely contain his excitement at the prospect of its imminent detonation—a moment that promised to be as satisfying as it was destructive.

Or it would have been, if not for an unforeseen interruption.

Not again,” Tōga murmured, his voice tinged with unmistakable frustration. For the second time in this battle, his carefully executed spell was neutralized by an external magical force. As the black orb neared its target, it was intercepted by a surge of vaporousviolet energy. Abruptly, as if pulled from space and time itself, Zesseien disappeared without a trace. Tōga scanned the area, the scent of his spell still lingering in the air, a ghost of its former potency.

Knuckles-sannnnnn!” he called out in alarm as he spotted the familiar bright black light remerging unexpectedly above his comrade. The time-manipulating spell had twisted the trajectory of Tōga's attack, causing it to resurface directly above Knuckles. Powerless to reclaim or redirect his own magic, Tōga could only brace for the fallout, shielding himself as best as he could from the inevitable explosion.

While he couldn't prevent the impact on Knuckles, Tōga managed to fortify his own defenses. Amidst the billowing smoke and the tremors that shook the castle from the explosion, another threat emerged. The Void Slime, undeterred, sent a slimy limb racing toward him from where his original attack had been aimed. Reacting just in time, Tōga evaded the main force of the attack, but not completely; the tendril managed a glancing blow against his side.

Quickly regaining his footing, Tōga’s hand ignited with a black and red glow, the energy crackling around his fist1. He swung at the retreating tendril, his movement swift and precise. The contact of his fiery-powered fist against the slimy appendage created a concussive blast, sending red and black embers scattering into the air. The impact left a clear mark of dominance on the limb before it could withdraw fully into the slime’s mass.

Combat Log:

#19Knuckles Shi 

I got the high ground [Group C] Empty Thu May 30, 2024 5:10 pm

Knuckles Shi

Knuckles watched as the flame vanished and then appeared above him. "Oh, you can teleport. Well, that is dangerous." Then he was consumed by the flames of the spell before the explosion went off with him inside. Knuckles gritted his teeth as he began to feel the heat coming through his armor, instantly feeling beads of sweat falling towards the ground. Unable to really see anything for the time being. His helm and Armor were on fire and had taken damage but it was not much at all.

Of course, his hammers had taken the blow, but murder was at least safely away at 25 meters. Knuckles looked around him as the flames killed themselves. It seemed these were not like the flames that burned on. If this was supposed to be Toga's big move then he had a lot of work to do if he wanted to stay rivals. Almost ignoring the Void creature Knuckles looked behind it to Toga. "Toga, I'm going to need you to do better than that!" said the Daemon as he walked towards the Void monster. Knuckles leaned forward as he pushed from his current location smoke still coming off his armor. He lunged back to his previous location which had been melee combat range. Knuckles arrived after traveling 20 meters in a single second, and when he was there Knuckles attempted to swing both hammers at once to box the ears as they would call it of the Slime Monster delivering a combination of damage.

Battle Info:

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

I got the high ground [Group C] Empty Fri May 31, 2024 3:38 pm

Ittindi could see that his Kobold near him had died, but right when Ittindi had expected the explosion over the slime, instead his Young Master was hit with the spell. It seemed that the slime had the ability to move their abilities at the last second. Ittindi didn’t hesitate, he had seen his Young Master take worse attacks than that head on. Taking aim he’d fire of a shot, right before a tentacle slammed into him, he could hear his suit struggling under the constriction and initial impact. Ittindi hadn’t ever been hit this much in battle, and he couldn’t break out of the constriction.

He had managed to free his arms in the struggle with the tentacle. It was hard to tell if he had enough room to holster his gun, instead of pushing it into one of his coat pockets. Ittindi would resummon his naginata into both his hands. He’d start stabbing as best he could with the constriction. The slime didn’t consider them as big threats, Ittindi still had another boost up his sleeves. He wanted to save it as he had already been hit, with his Young Master rushing he doubted the creature would be able to keep its focus on Ittindi for long. He just had to be annoying enough that he wouldn’t be worth the effort.

If he hadn’t expended so many of his spells he could add that to his arsenal, but he was still feeling a little drained. Even his mana for the gun needed a small recharge, he didn’t even fire this many shots at the god avatar, a sign of his new strength. Ittindi would mentally prepare himself if the tentacle would attempt to throw him off the roof. He had practiced sticking his naginata into a wall and doing a dead hang. Ittindi’s current record was a 18 minutes he had started looking more into training his body since Naki, and slowly he was starting to see the results of his training.

Ittindi also didn’t realize until the slime had constricted around him stopping his movement how much he had sweated during this whole encounter. With the added heat from Tōga’s flames, Ittindi looked as if he jumped out of a pool 8 minutes ago.  It was around this time that he’d see his Young Master push through the explosion taunting Colonel Tōga all the while. Charging straight at the slime he intended to take advantage of the distraction to…who would have guessed it charge the slime monster.

Combat Log:


I got the high ground [Group C] Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 3:35 pm


It seemed the void slime was having its tentacles full dealing with the three warriors. Although it had gained some semblance of success with its attacks, it had yet to deter any of the warriors. However, when Ittindi tried to stab the tentacle he would notice something peculiar: while his earlier shot had clearly inflicted some damage, the jab of the Naginata seemed to sink into the flesh of the tentacle and then rebound slightly, although the lingering curse of the weapon remained... Could it be that this creature was resilient against physical attacks?

In response to Ittindi's attack the creature swept its tentacle to the opposite side, although slightly slowed compared to before due to the harm inflicted upon its body, it soon made another sweeping motion in an attempt to crash itself into Ittindi's side, which if it did hit would inflict A-rank damage. (overall damage got reduced due to it being injured, meanwhile keep in mind your armor has a physical resistance to it~)

Toga however seemingly had drawn more of the creature's ire, the flames that hit its tentacle making it let out a hollow screech that vibrated through the air, and with its tentacle ablaze it swatted its tentacle around in a mad flurry of swings, as if trying to hit a bug! Clearly the slime was getting enraged.

And Knuckles didn't help in the anger management either! The two hammers that swung toward the head of the creature had quite a peculiar effect: While the Shattered Mjornir struck true, causing a sickening noise to come from the creature, the Mjornir itself had gotten stuck in the body of the creature! Its slime wrapping around it as if defiantly refusing to let go, while at the same time several of its tendrils jabbed out toward Knuckle's torso (4, they are around 5 meters long, each will inflict A-rank damage if hit)

However, as the slime tendrils attempted to impale him something seemed to resonate within Knuckles. Perhaps it was his nature as a Daemon, but for some reason his body instinctively knew there was power to be found in this creature, should he decide to try to devour it. Mjornir was close to its core, so perhaps... a bit of encouragement was all it needed to expose the weak spot of the creature. But was the risk of promising power, worth the risk it could take? The void was clearly a place with its own rules... but who knew what type of power could await Knuckles if he took the risk of devouring this weakened creature...


I got the high ground [Group C] Empty Fri Jun 07, 2024 8:49 am


Tōga's initial concern for his comrade quickly shifted to a subtle irritation. As the aftermath of the explosion subsided, dimming the light that had momentarily bathed the bridge, he watched with a mask of neutrality as the Daemon emerged virtually unscathed. The subsequent reassurance from the red-haired warrior, signaling his readiness for another round, barely registered on Tōga's impassive face.

"G-good, Knuckles-san – just make sure to stop, drop, and roll," Tōga remarked dryly, his head tilted slightly, his expression one of detached amusement despite the chaos unfolding around them. While he was relieved that Knuckles had survived the fiery onslaught, Tōga was intrigued by how the Daemon seemed to effortlessly shed the flames that still clung to him like a second skin. As an Inferno Dragon Slayer, Tōga knew all too well that his flames possessed a lingering, voracious appetite, not easily quenched even after the initial burst of heat. Clearly, Knuckles was formidable, likely harboring a strategy to counter the persistent inferno. But for now, Tōga's focus had to shift back to the fray.

Agile and deliberate, Tōga navigated the battlefield with a dancer's grace. He dodged and weaved through the chaos, evading the random assaults of the Slime creature that thrashed its tendrils with wild abandon. Observing Knuckles and Ittindi skillfully exploiting the creature’s blind rage to their advantage, a grin spread across Tōga's face, and he decided to join in their tactical offensive.

As Knuckles and Ittindi pressed their advantage, Tōga seized his moment. With a flourish, he unsheathed Rengoku's Kimetsu, the blade humming with latent power. A flick of his wrist, a surge of mana1, and the weapon erupted in a conflagration of crimson flames. With a mighty arc, he swung the burning blade, a searing crescent of fire aimed at the heart of the Slime monstrosity. The flames hungered, eager to consume and purify.

Combat Log:

#23Knuckles Shi 

I got the high ground [Group C] Empty Sun Jun 09, 2024 1:02 pm

Knuckles Shi

The flames roared on his armor, his hammer had gotten stuck, and now 4 tendrils were coming for him at point-blank range. He could let go of his hammer and likely dodge some of the damage, or he would be a true warrior and lead by example. Though something called to him from the slime monster, he was not sure what it was and had no idea what it wanted with him but he did not have time to worry about that. Knuckles chooses to take the damaged head on taking a total of 2xS damage to his armor, and the fire did another A, the leather blessed armor showing signs of breaking in the future. A grunt escaped his mouth as he planted his feet holding onto the hilt of his hammer with all his might, there was the spot near his hammer that was calling to him. Knuckles let out a barbaric Rage filled scream as he slammed Shatter Mjilnor into the spot he felt calling to him. If he found what he was looking for he would reach for it with two fingers from his left hand while his right was holding firm on Mjolnir.

It was at this point he had no idea what was going on around him his focus gone and tied into whatever it was. Was it the Hammer from the void that had pointed it out? Perhaps it was something Demnic, a power from the abyss that called out to him. At the end of the day had he not taken all chances of power from any source that offered it? Two demons, 2 Norse Gods, and the Void itself. Why not even the count and take something else the void was offering to him? He reached for it with the will of acceptance and consumption. Meanwhile, Toga's attack and Ittindi's actions were going on yet it was like Knuckles had been hit with his own hammer, as he was defended to battle roaring on not only around him but literally at his center since he was still standing in front of the Slime monster.

Battle Info:

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

I got the high ground [Group C] Empty Mon Jun 10, 2024 9:53 pm

What a surprise the slime creature seemed to be resistant if not immune to physical attacks. The curse of his spear lingered, it seemed that its resistance wasn’t to physical attacks. So, his gunshots earlier must have had an effect. Ittindi would shout out to the rest of the group in case they hadn’t noticed, unlikely seeing as he was the least experienced warrior out of the group. So far his armor had absorbed the brunt of the damage, the suit continuing to be his most efficient purchase, with the dominator coming in a close second.

”It’s immune to physical attacks, magic only, keep up the pressure I’m fine.”

Ittindi would shout at the rest of the group while the tentacle released him and cocked back for another swing. Ittindi was ready for it this time stomping his feet and shooting up 5 meters into the air,  leaving the spear imbedded in the tentacle in case he needed something to grab onto later.  On his way up, Ittindi would pull out his gun readying a shot for the apex.  It was times like these, that Ittindi considered getting a heavier gun instead of another spear.

That small breath’s hair moment before he started falling, Ittindi would pull the trigger back. Then as he fell he’d shoot one more shot at the creature before attempting to land 2 meters further from the slime monster than his original position. Ittindi couldn’t believe what he thought would be a dungeon full of kobolds hand transformed so quickly into a void monster. He hadn’t seen a true entity from the void before this, sure they were the creatures used in the war that Ittindi had done relief efforts for. This was the first case of a sentient creature from the void, Ittindi wondered if it had a leader, a shame he wasn’t an interrogation mage. It was unlikely they’d be able to take a creature like this alive, even if his Young Master could see reason.

While Ittindi tried to get a couple shots off the slime creature, he could see his Young Master continuing his onslaught, well it also looked like he was doing something else. Ittindi couldn’t make out what, as Colonel Tōga would create a dragon out of flame and send it towards the slime as well.  This was the second time the group had found themselves together, and Ittindi had to admit they created a formidable team.

Combat Log:


I got the high ground [Group C] Empty Wed Jun 12, 2024 9:11 pm


It seemed that as Knuckles his attack hit the slime's main body, the effort of the creature to retain its defenses in the onslaught of Ittindi and Toga's magical attacks made it so the creature finally lost its ability to resist. A maddening sound akin to a screech filled the air as Knuckles could feel the core of the slime make contact with the Daemon's fingertips. In a way it felt like a surge of power was transferring into Knuckles being, the void energy clearly concentrating itself into the warrior's body to the point that for a moment it leaked out like a malicious purple-tainted aura... and then, the sound of something shattering. If Ittindi or Toga had paid attention to their surroundings it seemed the sound came from downstairs, yet more curious was the fact the slime had disappeared entirely, instead only a small pebble-shaped object remaining where it had stood mere moments ago.

In the case of Knuckles he would likely feel invigorated, his strength and mana having recovered fully but even more, the strength in his grip on the hammers seemed more intense, more powerful even. For now it seemed there was nothing left for the group to fight, and upon descending down the stairs they would soon discover the source of the earlier sound: a golden statue had shattered in the center of what might had been a shrine of some sorts, with a door opening and leading deeper inside the castle, leading the group straight to the throne room's entrance where two barriers were clearly still active: they had just cleared the first seal on Darkfang's chamber!


Knuckles has received a +20 Strength boost and received the Effect: Void-tainted Berserker which will trigger and shows its effects as some point during the raid boss! (reward has been added)

Knuckles, Ittindi and Toga have cleared the intro of Group C and unlocked an invitation to the Darkfang Raid Boss! Feel free to claim this topic for a Devastating Dungeon reward over here: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t67786-void-caverns

make sure to list your group's rolls as well to make grinding easier.

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