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CHASING DRAGONS & WHIRLWINDS: Ironrust Under Siege? Fend Off The Bandits![SL- Q4]

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CHASING DRAGONS & WHIRLWINDS: Ironrust Under Siege? Fend Off The Bandits![SL- Q4] Empty Wed May 15, 2024 8:12 am

As Tōga wove through the thick underbrush, each step driven by the sharp tang of ash filling the air, an eerie sense of déjà vu nibbled at his consciousness. The lush tapestry of greens around him, the soft crunch of leaves underfoot, and the secretive murmur of the wind in the treetops stirred a distant, elusive memory—a feeling of knowing a place he had never visited.

Recovering from a recent storm that had nearly been his undoing, his body moved with a renewed vigor, free from the lethargy of exhaustion and the sting of bruised muscles. His keen brown eyes meticulously surveyed the forest, absorbing every detail of the enigmatic landscape that both invited and baffled him. Though he was certain he had never traversed this chain of islands before, a profound sense of belonging tugged at him, a persistent whisper in his mind that this place was ingrained in his essence. Venturing deeper, Tōga deftly parted the thick vegetation blocking his path. The smell of soot and ash intensified with each step, challenging his heightened senses. The pungent odor was almost overpowering, threatening to overwhelm his sanity as it dug deep into his psyche.

Unfazed, Tōga continued, drawn by the increasing smell and an indefinable pull towards its source. The lush green of the forest slowly melted into an ominous, fiery glow. The distant crackling of flames seemed to whisper sinisterly with the breeze, urging him onward.


CHASING DRAGONS & WHIRLWINDS: Ironrust Under Siege? Fend Off The Bandits![SL- Q4] Empty Wed May 15, 2024 8:12 am

"It must be this way!" he declared, urgency sharpening his voice as he surged into a sprint. His feet skimmed the forest floor, propelling him towards the flames with supernatural speed.

Breaking through the final curtain of trees, Tōga halted at the edge of a vast clearing. His eyes widened in disbelief at the devastation spread before him—a once verdant field transformed into a charred wasteland. Scattered embers and blackened earth painted a scene of catastrophic destruction. But it was the spectacle at the clearing's heart that halted his breath, his jaw slackening in shock and recognition as the truth of his location dawned on him.

He had arrived. Despite the storm's fury and the treacherous journey, he had reached his destination.


"W-whoa!" Tōga exclaimed, his eyes widening in shock and his mouth agape. He had stumbled upon the remains of a village, a place now lost to memory and engulfed in flames. Small but fierce embers crackled with life around him, their violent dance painting a scene of recent destruction. How long had this village lain in ruin? The lingering fires suggested it had been merely a day, yet the desolation spoke of weeks, perhaps longer. It was a puzzle wrapped in ash and mystery.


CHASING DRAGONS & WHIRLWINDS: Ironrust Under Siege? Fend Off The Bandits![SL- Q4] Empty Wed May 15, 2024 8:13 am

Without a moment's pause, Tōga ventured deeper into the heart of the desolation, stepping into the bubbling heat. He opened his mouth wide, drawing in the thick, smoke-laden air. As he inhaled, the remaining flames leapt towards him, drawn by an unseen force. They whirled through the air, funneling directly into his mouth. As a dragon slayer, Tōga possessed a unique affinity for fire, savoring the flames not as a threat but as a nourishing delicacy, far more satisfying than any ordinary food.

He needed this strength, this fiery energy, to sustain him through his journey. For the next hour, Tōga wandered through the charred skeleton of the parish. He moved among the rubble, drinking the stubborn fires one by one. With each breath, he quieted the relentless burning, extinguishing the fiery remnants that clung to their perches like anxious spirits. As he devoured the last of the flames, the village of Ironrust fell silent, its cries of combustion finally stilled. Tōga stood alone amidst the scattered ashes of what once was, the only sounds now the soft rustle of the wind stirring the dust and the distant calls of the wild. Here in this forgotten place, he had quenched the fires.

With the flames now extinguished, Tōga felt a somber tranquility settle over the area. The eerie quiet was a stark contrast to the chaos of fire he had encountered upon arrival. Now, only memories whispered across the barren landscape, each ash-covered surface telling a story of what had been and might never be again.

"Time to search," Tōga murmured to himself, his initial panic subsided. Now resolute, the mage began sifting through the layers of ash and swathes of debris strewn across the devastated landscape, searching for clues that might reveal the origin of this catastrophic event. He methodically moved charred doors, lifted fragments of broken stone, and unearthed treasures that had been singed beyond recognition, each piece potentially a key to understanding the tragedy that had befallen this place.


CHASING DRAGONS & WHIRLWINDS: Ironrust Under Siege? Fend Off The Bandits![SL- Q4] Empty Wed May 15, 2024 8:13 am

As Tōga delved deeper into the remnants, the task seemed increasingly Sisyphean, each discovery leading only to more questions. Just as the hopelessness began to weigh on him, a peculiar sound caught his attention to the east. "Huh?" he thought, pausing to locate the source. Following the noise, he stepped toward an unsettling scene.

"Hey! What are you guys doing here?" Tōga called out. His voice was stern, though his eyes betrayed a gentleness as he observed the group before him. They were a motley crew, each clad in nondescript clothing with masks obscuring their faces, making their identities impossible to discern. It was clear, however, what they were engaged in: these were looters, scavengers picking through the remains of Ironrust, eager to strip it of valuables before the neighboring towns could intervene and secure the site.

The looters reacted swiftly to Tōga's challenge, lunging toward him in a desperate attempt to subdue him, perhaps even to eliminate him. Their presence here was not just illegal but morally reprehensible—they were robbing the dead, an act of profound disrespect. Under normal circumstances, their surprise attack might have succeeded against an unprepared victim.

However, they were tragically misinformed in choosing Tōga as their target. Not only was he a formidable mage, but he was also a high-ranking member of the Rune Knights. Though personal reasons had brought him to this island, his duties as a knight were never far from his mind. With swift and decisive action, Tōga unleashed his fiery magic, his abilities honed through years of rigorous training. With a flurry of spells and a display of martial prowess, he overwhelmed the bandits before they could inflict any harm on him or further damage to the already ravaged village.

wc: 1090

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