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a rotten apple reflected in the obscura

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a rotten apple reflected in the obscura Empty Thu May 16, 2024 8:24 pm

Every princess desires a castle to wield her authority and what better location than the fairly new Amaforth Academy? Desdemona is bleeding euphoria at the prospect. Dilated, serpentine eyes diverging from her usual green, saturated in a light pink that scorches deeper and deeper. Blood red eyes, glistening like diamonds as her claws sink into her cheeks, perforating and staining them with tiny droplets that percolate slowly to the surface in the same violent hue. She loses control for the briefest, transient moment at the grand entrance of these sacred halls before she wrests it back. Now, now, Mona. Remember? You have to play nice. Her grip  retracts and her expression returns to normal, fingers trailing down her soft cheeks until her arms hang limp at her side.

A deep sigh. Calm in the hiss that lingers trapped in her throat. She parts the doors with the smallest effort made - never one to overexert herself and sways to the beat of her heart, traversing an empty hall that echoes with every click of her heels. She's already dreadfully lost in mere moments since her entrance and strictly refuses to stop and ask any passing stranger that happens to pass her gaze. She's far too proud for that - far too foolish, perhaps? A good twenty minutes pass and there's still no luck navigating these straightforward paths, seemingly lost in a labyrinth, eternally chasing her own tail.

She finally breaks, grabbing the first stupid boy she comes across, eyes fluttering a soft pink as she coils around with a cutesy expression, begging and pleading for the stranger to escort her to her destination. It works, of course. You'd have to be an idiot to resist such a pretty girl~ She clings to the man's arm, a ditzy, little tune hummed under her breath, fantasizing the various ways to rip him to shreds all the while. She was used to the urges by now, eyes flaring a sharp magenta, beneath the the curtains of her eyelids.

Two trembling hands clasp together in gratitude, an angelic pose in the way she tilts her head, hair draping across a slender shoulder, profusely thanking him for his assistance in an equally angelic tone. The only thing that remained was to select her college. Many of the options sounded appealing, but only one could be chosen as her favored.

The College of Destruction had a nice ring to it~

[Joining College of Destruction]

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