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A tucked away farm? (Heather)

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A tucked away farm? (Heather) Empty Tue May 28, 2024 7:54 am

Carmina had been hearing of a farm that was tucked away in a safer place, she had heard that not many people go there to visit as well as the woman that runs it to be a bit unusual. Carmina wished to visit the farm and this woman and see if the rumors are true and maybe see if this woman had a strong magic that she could learn from or if this was all going to just be an empty waste of her time to go see a beaten down forgotten farm. As the woman’s feet graced just outside of the place, she noted that the farm was well kept and seemed in working order, so there went her thoughts of the place maybe being deserted or uncared for.

Carmina made sure to measure her steps as she didn’t wish to step off of the path and end up lost in the corn or have a misunderstanding from the owner of the farm and thing she is a common thief. She didn’t speak only walked along the path looking around at the farm and the care it must take to do these kinds of thing or maybe the person that owns this place has a nature type of magic , she thought to herself.


A tucked away farm? (Heather) Empty Tue May 28, 2024 6:33 pm

Where was Heather in all of this, Well she was looking into a few minor logistical things. After all while the use of magic was wonderful to cut down a lot of work at this time. There was always other things she needed to plan. The one thing was for the most part Heather was use to being alone.

So much so Heather did some times talk to herself."Well, Seems I've only got myself few seed left. I'm gonna have ta be thinkin' bout. What I will be growin' next."Heather's southern drawl was apparent as she was talking slightly to herself.

The sound of her steps where fairly funny, very light considering most people. Heather seemed to look over her plants a fair amount."Hopin' no one's gonna be a smarty pants and bust up my crops, Been gettin' complaints bout it."Carmina would realize that the light stepping sounds was Heather walking her way and quickly.

By the time the Harpy seeming stepped past Carmina at this time, The partly revealed Harpy looked around seeing if anything was wrong and or out of place."Well the corn is holdin' up fine."With that Heather turned her back to the corn and where Carmina was hiding and started walking away some where else.


A tucked away farm? (Heather) Empty Wed May 29, 2024 7:53 am

Carmina had never seen something that looked like that woman, Carmina had been very careful not to harm anything and she came out from the corn and followed after that woman as she wondered what she was. "Hey uhhhhh miss can I have a moment of your time?" Carmina was not sure that she was going to get the woman's attention or not or even if the attention that the woman would give her would really be a safe thing as she was kind of trespassing on the woman's farm right now and had not got the okay to be here so she was going to try to be careful as the woman might attack her or maybe she was going to call the guards on her Carmina was going to be very careful till she knows where this is going to land as she isn't a real big fighter even though that she could fight she is not looking for fights.


A tucked away farm? (Heather) Empty Wed May 29, 2024 5:58 pm

It almost seemed like she would just continued walking, But then she stopped. Starting to walk back and even turning around to face Carmina, She was just slightly taller then Carmina and she looked at her in the eyes, It was not really a stare down but it just seemed kind of like she did not know what to expect."Whadda doin' in my fields?"It was the most expected question form her. Heather didn't answer Carmina right away for a reason.

Heather would do the closest things she could of crossing her arms for a moment and would ask."Ya tryin' to steal my crops? Or you just tired from the heat from wearin' all black??"Heather asked her serious. Looking at this woman with a raised eye brow.

After all she wanted answer why some lady was here. Her Talons would tap the ground slightly while she waited for the answer. For now Heather was not chasing her off.


A tucked away farm? (Heather) Empty Wed May 29, 2024 8:24 pm

The woman looked at this bird woman and realized that she was probably not going to get an answer from her right away and was just going to get stone walled by the woman till she answered all of her questions and made this easier on herself. "I was just coming up here to see the place, people were talking about you like you were some kind of a witch of the field, so I came to see you myself." Carmina smiled nervously as that was the truth of the matter she hadn't really come for any other reason than that. She did kind of feel bad saying that as she probably could have lied a little and said she was here to buy some produce or something from the woman after she had seen that the woman wasn't really all that scary.

Carmina looked at the woman and she waited for the woman to say something back to her cause she was not really sure if they were now going to be on okay terms or not. Carmina was going to have to be ready to take on what ever might come of it as she was trespassing on the woman's farm lands and it probably looked bad from the outside looking in on her to have done this.


A tucked away farm? (Heather) Empty Thu May 30, 2024 3:28 am

It seem in some manner Heather was just going to not give her many problems at this time. As Heather was completely blunt and had no shame she simply went."Witch? Do I look like some kinda' of gosh darn witch?"Heather didn't seem too offended but as it went on it seemed for now Carmina was not getting in too much trouble."Dang, Use magic to save your' self time workin', Next thing ya' know folk thinkin' I have a pointy hat or somethin'."Heather mention.

Postive thoughts at least."Well, No one's callin' me a stinkin' bird..."Or even thinking about it or a moment almost like while this farmer was a tough woman for the most part there was something that could bother her for a moment."Or a gosh darn monster that might eat people."Heather wasn't a monster she knew she was not a monster, She was a Demi-human that she was told all of her life was a harpy..

But her guard was not really all that much up now, Carmina was not trying to fight or rob her."Guessin' by the fact you haven't pulled a knife or tried to beat me up yet for money for food you ain't all that bad."uncrossing her arms and seeming looking at the rest of her vegetables."They look fine."Then Heather's interesting nature would pop up and it would turn too Heather being some what a normal person."Well ya' comin' or what? If your really wantin' to see what exactly I'm about come on let's get a goin."Almost like she was trying to wave Carmina to follow along with her with a hand, Heather used the tips of her right wing.

"Get us both outta' the field, Get somethin' to drink."Heather most likely didn't seem so bad at this point she was actually expressing a fair amount of hospitality."Water, Sweet Tea,Tea, Whisky, Rye,Juice.  Ya have some options for whatever ya' want."Heather merely started walking towards her house. For now Carmina seemed to have no problems with Heather she was just an odd farmer who was here working.


A tucked away farm? (Heather) Empty Fri May 31, 2024 6:27 pm

Carmina was getting a bit of whiplash from how quickly this woman seemed to be jumping from one thing to another and she was still very unsure if she was safe right now or not as the woman's mood had seemed to shift so awkwardly and suddenly. Carmina followed the woman as she wondered what the woman might wish to farther show her but this idea was in an aspect changed when the woman asked her of a drink choice which was strange as she hadn't even asked the woman's name yet but was already trying to seem to welcome her to this farm Carmina was a little on guard. Carmina was just going to keep acting calm and go with the woman so she didn't raise any red flags in case this bird like woman might not really be as welcoming as she might first seem to some one.

Carmina thought about what drink she would want from the woman and then she answered the woman. "I will take some sweet tea please if I may."


A tucked away farm? (Heather) Empty Sat Jun 01, 2024 5:04 am

It seemed at least maybe Heather could also attempt to relax a bit too, But Heather was always just this abrasive as a person, Then again eventually it just showed Heather was just use to living alone and she had been for years because she did that way. While not anti-social she was different but that little slip of information was easily picked up. But her wings, tail and talons where just seemed so far to be her massive highlight of what made her stand out.

But as they walked it was just starting to seem like she was as lady who used planet vegetables for a living and used magic to help her. Sure her was a bit messy but most likely because it was hard to take care of your hair when you didn't have fingers.

It seemed the walk to Heather's house was not really all that far, Heather was not just going to do with some people she some what knew and carry them over."Ya' musta heard some really odd thing's if ya' came out here miss for some witch."Heather did not sound as aggressive anymore. She was going to some what try and keep herself maybe a bit more calm.

It was a small house, one floor. Painted a light red type of house anyone would have with the basic windows and such, But it seemingly had things to make Heather be able to get in and out of it.

While it still had a normal door handle she didn't try to turn it, she just used her knee and pushed it open because she most likely had it rigged so she could push it open."Come on in' Might as well sit down for a bit."Inside just seemed like a normal house anyone would have also.

Unless she watched Heather get a glass by controlling a bit of wind magic and using to control the glass to land next to her. Then picking a pitcher of the selected drink. It seemed it was odd to lift something up with the part of the wings that had the most bone. But Heather had done it enough times that all seemed normal for her.

But Heather might be an untrained mage, But she was going to answer Carmina's questions. While there was normal chairs seemingly left mostly untouched, Where Heather sat seemed apparent one where her tail could fit through. Then she put Carmina's glass, A tall glass with not a lot of ice but it was sweet tea, Heather just seemed to have water.

Then after she sat down then looked at Carmina."I am assumin' ya' have some questions' for me ya'? What'cha wanna' know?"it seemed she made it a bit more easy now, She took this woman into her house of older newspapers dated from months a go, dated furniture, It all was just sighs that Heather just worked for the most part and didn't keep much else in mind, But she was willing to answer questions.


A tucked away farm? (Heather) Empty Sat Jun 01, 2024 9:21 am

Carmina made sure to stay close to the woman as she didn't want to get lost or the woman thing she is messing around or in some way trying to disrespect her as she was trying to stay in this woman's good graces. "Well I had heard that rumor and was interested in seeing such a strong magic like they were explaining." Carmina didn't think it was smart to admit she was looking to copy a bit of the magic that she had heard about but there was something that was bugging her about all of this if maybe it was just someone was racist or maybe someone else had been chased off by this woman already.

She watched the woman open the door like that and Carmina now wondered if the woman was not worried that someone else could just come up to her house and walk in or maybe break in at night but that might also be why the rumor was started to keep people from coming up here and risking this woman's life being threatened by those with some bad wants.

Carmina watched as the woman seemed to control the glass with her magic, which was an interesting thing to see happen but Carmina didn't speak up as she was not going to ask about it as she was in this woman's home and she didn't want to be a bad guest and she took the glass of tea that she was give and she wonders why if she had all those drinks the woman was drinking water did she often get guests that she would be serving these drinks to?

When the woman asked if there was something that she wanted to know about, Carmina thought about it and then she spoke as she guessed that she had a few things that she wanted to ask the woman about as she was here already. "Yes first lets exchange names I am Carmina and you are? How often do you get visitors? Do you need a little help around her while I am here?" Carmina wonders how the woman can live like this, but she just might be use to it and that was that but she figured that it was just easier to ask if she wanted some help with it or if there was no need for such things.


A tucked away farm? (Heather) Empty Sat Jun 01, 2024 3:36 pm

At least maybe some things would be easier to get over time but she would  state her name to Carmina as she seemed harmless and just mostly seemed to be lead by a misunderstanding."Heather-Leigh Riley-Anne Flocklear."Yes she said her fully name. But she was not hiding anything then again maybe it was hard to hide things in her case. Did she need to state her full name? Not really but maybe it was just her being some what herself. After all it seemed as she lived alone.

As things went on, Heather was a poor mage but a good farmer at least, she must have just used it as a means to help her and that was it."I know folk do shake hands and stuff' I assume ya understand I can't."She laughed about it, Even if it was just a sadder situation of happen stance.

But taking a sip of her water she would answer her next questions."Folk don't come here often."Heather didn't seem to mind it did not seem to bother her that she did not see a lot of often."Imma bit outta the way, So to comin' here is either Vistin', Lost, Or wantin' somethin'."At least she said that stuff honestly off of her own life experiences.

As for if she needed help or not. Heather would simply answer."Nah, Don't think Imma need help, the important stuff done."Even then Heather wouldn't admit it right away but even if she was not done everything she would not subject guest to her work. It was rude unless they are staying longer then an hour or for the day. Clearly most likely there was things around Heather one could pick upon that needed done.


A tucked away farm? (Heather) Empty Mon Jun 03, 2024 9:19 am

Carmina was now a bit worried for this woman as she just gave out her feel legal name to her and she wondered if this woman really needed to be handing all of that information but she was not so sure about if this woman is really okay or not. "Are you sure miss your home looks like it might need a little bit of cleaning. I am not meaning to be rude but you seem so nice and you are talking about your lack of hands..." Carmina needed to make sure that the woman was sure that she was in no need of help with any of the stuff around her but she knows that she can't be pushing the woman to do anything that she doesn't want, but it was just something that she wanted to make sure about before she end up not helping her.

Carmina wondered if maybe there was already someone that came around like once a week to help the woman clean maybe cause she seemed to be alive and the place wasn't a total mess just the place was a bit messy and the farm is very well kept so Carmina is wondering if this woman may not live here alone as things seemed that would require hands to use. Carmina realizes she is being a bit rude even though she was not meaning to be rude to the woman. She sips her ice tea and she thinks that it tastes good and she wonders what she should do as she might have made herself unwelcome.


A tucked away farm? (Heather) Empty Tue Jun 04, 2024 6:15 am

Eventually it would all lead to Heather just being, Really stubborn and use to doing things herself. Eventually that would be apparent. Most likely because she never really got guests around or people showing up here. Most people just visited when she was in town selling stuff. With a sigh Heather might admit it."Yea, It might need some fixin' up."Heather admitted to her most likely because it was just how she lived.

Heather was still actually friendly even if she was odd started to show."Can only do so much myself yanno?"In some manner Heather hated admitting this so soon but most likely was saying it for a reason.

She didn't find her rude if anything she was rather close to being forward about it for a reason."I don't get guests, The Field is where I've been workin', Cleanin' isn't a important thing'."Carmina might have been one of the few vistors she had in a while.

But Heather was out there growing these vegetables as she had so far. So some things had to fail for it to work for her in other ways. The distance doesn't help either."Imma bit outta the way, cleaner's are costly, So it just put off."So it seem it was because she might just be tired to do the cleaning it get put off because she never expected anyone to visit. Most of the time she was fairly dirty often times, So she made due.


A tucked away farm? (Heather) Empty Tue Jun 04, 2024 10:24 am

Carmina stood up and got closer to the harpy woman and she pats her on the shoulder. "May I help clean up this place a bit? We will count the ice tea as the payment." Carmina smiled at her, but she doubted that the woman would want that kind of help or would want to take her up on the offer but she knew that she had to offer as she was not shy of doing hard honest work even if she is looking for something else that is different like magic or something. The iced tea would be enough and she would work for and make the woman feel like she wasn't abusing the kindness of a stranger.

Carmina knows that she needs to also get herself together and get down to getting spells and learning things that could help her in the end of helping to return to her home and fight the bad people that had attacked her family and she wondered if her family was even still alive but she knows above all else she needed to get the power she was after and then take her stand. Carmina knows she is no where near ready for that but she hopes to find a weapon or companion to help her with getting to the point she needs as the spells will come easy but the other things will not come so easy.


A tucked away farm? (Heather) Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 10:49 am

Her stubbornness would some what settle. If anything for a moment it was like while she was resisting, It was a minor form of defeat she did not want to admit too. Even if she knew it was foolish in some manner. Heather was just stuck in her own ways. At least upon patting her on the shoulder the look of acceptance was there and she seemed okay with it. "Yea, Guessin' yur fine to do some cleanin', Even if' I wasn't thinkin' I was gonna charge ya for the drink."It was not on her mind to start with, if anything it seemed more Heather was not just doing what was normal to her.

At least she would not feel guilty about it. Even having to make a joke."Thinkin' bout it, how long you stickin' around here for?"Heather always asked. More just to make sure then anything else she was not really interested in causing problems for other people as it always seems.

It was an important thing to answer after all she would have to prepare dinner eventually, Heather was not going to eject this woman out even if at the start it seems like she might have. At least while there was some tasks that seems like it was understandable how heather didn't get things done.

Her front door did seem to have a lock and it seemed like she was able to reach it, Most likely it was what she did when she was going to sleep, Side from that there was clean clothing that seemed not folded, then again how she got it on seemed to be a struggle as well at times but that was not a Carmina problem. She did not have a lot to do and if anything slowly it seemed Heather did not mind having other people around.


A tucked away farm? (Heather) Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 5:02 pm

Carmina on hearing her accept her help, Carmina rolls her dress up a bit, then she tied her hair back and smiles at the woman. She saw were the cleaning supplies were and Carmina started to get to work and cleaning and straightening up the woman's home as it was a bit dirty and the newspapers were set to the side after being organized a bit so if the woman was looking to keep them or look at them. Carmina was doing her best to get some of it at least cleaned up for her. Carmina was use to hard work as she didn't like to be a burden on those around her and she needed to make sure this woman doesn't get sick or step on anything she might have tracked in as there were many things that could effect the woman.

"I can stay here as long as it takes or as long as you need a hand." She looked up to the woman with a smile before returning to sweeping the floor and getting the dust, dirt and mud up so she can start to scrub and mop the floor for her. She is unsure if she was being rude or not but this woman was a hard working woman and she might need a hand with things a bit as anyone could need help but this woman a bit more than others.


A tucked away farm? (Heather) Empty Sat Jun 08, 2024 12:43 pm

Heather was not really the type to force people into anything they did not want too, even if she could do it herself."Listen' if yer really gonna stay I don't mind at all...I know i'm just prideful that's all.."Heather did not seem to make any attempts to leave the room at this time. Almost like she considered it a break time for herself.

Which was not a bad thing, Just meant maybe she could learn to relax a little too. Heather was doing all of this farm work by herself. Maybe just because she still find normal kindness a bit odd. Or realizing she could actually make a friend outside of Lumikki she had to ask."How far away you nestin' anyway?"She figured it if was not all that bad she could make sure Carmina get to where she was staying at safely and fly home afterwards.

This also got her thought off of how she felt about almost having to admit she struggled in life seemingly almost too stubborn to admit it because she knew she could do better and just got lazy even with her limits. But another problem for another time.


A tucked away farm? (Heather) Empty Sun Jun 09, 2024 8:11 am

"I don't have any issues with you being prideful this is your home and you work hard to keep both of those in order and some stuff slipped through the cracks." Her voice was sweet and kind as she was not worried about the woman acting confident and being a bit steadfast. She gets the floors as spotless as she can after she had organized other items that were in the room that she was working in and she smiles slightly as she heard the question about where she is nesting.

"I am currently living on the road so I have not placed a nest anywhere yet but the temporary one is currently the outskirts of Baska, so really I am not far away from it out here so I will be fine." She was confident in herself as she was not one to let herself go down like an idiot at least if she can help it as there is still a lot that she needed to do and she didn't have the time to be dying or falling short even if she had already in a sense been doing so she needed to get to where she can use her special skill to make her home a better place and that started by saving her small village of people if they were still alive.


A tucked away farm? (Heather) Empty Mon Jun 10, 2024 3:50 am

The Harpy felt a bit better. She was just a stubborn hard work, even with some limits she just did what she could alone, Most likely only living alone because she was unsure how to connect to people. Even with sometimes the various massive offers she gave to people. Now if only she could be less stubborn, maybe more people would linger around, Then again she also admitted she was far away and it could also be a problem for her."Well thinkin' on it a wee bit, If you are really itchin' work, I don't mind hirin' a cleaner."It most likely meant she could relax a bit more from all of the farming work, Also do other things.

Even mentioning it now."I can be makin' pretty good eats too."Heather revealing she actually cook, She too the long road out here. Even mentioning."I can use my smoker, The Grill's gonna be gettin' some lovin'."Heather sounded excited with the thought of it."Should be lookin' into hot sauce's too."But alas heather revealed she did a lot of out side grilling and hot food. But she was also allowing Carmina to come by and earn something between other parts in life.

Getting to the finer details."Anywho, Ya can come by then you can for cleanin' If ya need somethin' to eat or drink lemme know too, I'll make sure to pay since your workin'."Heather then waited to see if it was considered a fair arrangement.


A tucked away farm? (Heather) Empty Mon Jun 10, 2024 11:12 am

She looked at the demi-human woman and she wondered if that was really needed or not, as it was a great offer but was the offer even needed to be other there to herself? "I think I can help when I come around yes but I am not going to make you pay me for such a thing. Though I would like to try a meal from you sometime, as your iced tea was very good and I would like to see what you could make." Carmina was kind in her speaking and she gets back to work as she gets everything straightened up and in place and she wishes that she could help more or better but she would need bring some more stuff with her next time that she came to help clean up to make sure to get it spotless.

Carmina wondered something about the bird woman and she spoke. "You got your eyes on anyone that you wish to impress?" She was just asking woman to woman if the bird woman had an interest outside of just plowing the land and growing food or if that was really all her life was revolving around. Carmina thinks the woman is good looking even if she is a bit more bird than her liking. She thinks the woman must turn a head or two when she goes into town and sells her goods if she does that.


A tucked away farm? (Heather) Empty Wed Jun 12, 2024 4:37 am

There was always some one who tried to resist Heather's nature of just being giving in her off fashions, While seemingly be a bit more abrasive then other people."Are ya sure bout that now?"Heather seemed to question in a slightly fun manner about it. Heather was slightly coming all out of a small shell. But most likely it just Heather was going to sneak these things in now and she wouldn't tell Carmina. Heather would however mention all of the things she would make.

In some manner she didn't know how Carmina would take her answer."I reckon, If yur gonna go bout it that way, I hope you like barbecue."Heather mentioned but it was not just that, There was a bit more she would add it."I do have a problem of makin' it burn so, But that's just the meat I have a lot of good eats when I cane make it."Heather laughed slightly about it.

Only because she did not know what kind of food Carmina tended to eat. But they just meet so there was always time. But as far Heather and dating it almost seemed a bit more said."Ya think, the fella would just be knocking at the door huh?"Heather said revealing most likely which way she swung.

But would mention."I haven't been eyein' anyone."Heather's views of herself while veiled in her compared to how she was as a person."I had been thinkin' I ain't people's fancy here."Heather was not putting herself out there, Then again she might not express worry about being accepted. Even if she took good care of herself and worked hard.

But she would joke about it continuing to make her inner reflects that she might be better off being human."I am thinkin': The tail, the wings and my legs, might throw people off."Then again one would point out Heather barely left her farm as well.


A tucked away farm? (Heather) Empty Wed Jun 12, 2024 11:44 am

Carmina nodded her head that she was sure about the offer to help the woman as, she was very welcoming and she seemed to think pretty highly of her even if she was a bit strange herself. She listened to the woman say that she was a big barbecue maker, so that is what Carmina was going to have to look forward to if she were to eat here with the woman and Carmina had no complaints about the food choice really she ate anything. She learned not to be picky from her upbringing and the way she had to live at times as she travels and lives on the road all the time not that she didn't have a home to return to in another country. She was out here to do what she can and make the most of what she can do here as she needs to toughen up and make bigger moves. "That sounds good I will trust in you to make the best I have tasted." Carmina smiled at the woman.

She heard the comment on if Carmina thought that she would have men just knocking at the door or something. Carmina spoke as she didn't see anything wrong with the harpy woman. "What do you mean? You are a very pretty and kind hearted woman from what I can tell so far. If people can't see past how you look and what you are that says a lot about them." She moved her head forward with a hmpf sound about the fact she thinks that she will be alone because of what she is and that it is a no go from people. "I believe you will find the right one that will look past that and to who you are as a person just keep faith okay?" Carmina walked over and gently hugged the woman and patted her back. Carmina was not sure if that was the right move or not but this was the move that she was making.


A tucked away farm? (Heather) Empty Thu Jun 13, 2024 6:23 pm

While Carmina was complimenting her it seemed in some manner not really phasing the harpy as much. Almost like as much as she wanted to believe her, She just didn't. Even then getting up from where she was sitting and walking over she merely patted Carmina on the shoulder with one of her wings."Well, Lemme tell ya Carmina. I am happy yea think that way of little old' me."She did seemed flattered it seemed she got as many compliments about her looks as she did serious visitors in her life.

But that disappointing moment side, She figured it was still a nice thing she was not upset with it."But it depends, Can you handle hot food?"It was a vague statement but she was focusing on other things rather then talking about how she was single, Even avoiding the fact that Heather also really did not put the effort into this matter herself,  But the question was she even considering it.

But getting hugged about there was a bit of sigh. This was also most likely the longest time of human contact she had with anyone in a while. The sadly no one was coming.  It was quiet for a moment."If more folk were lk yea Carmina, I reckon, I wouldn't be livin' this life right now."Who knew what her life would be like if some one settled for Heather, Most likely Heather thought she was hard to match with. But she never chose to even try to start with.


A tucked away farm? (Heather) Empty Thu Jun 13, 2024 7:41 pm

Carmina was confused to why anyone would judge her on her appearance she was a nice looking woman and she had her life in order and had a way to make a living on her own. "I don't think there is really anything wrong with how you live you are independent you grow your own food and you are in shape, I bet you would pick me up and fly off if you so wanted to." She giggled a little at what she said as the mental image was a sight to see. Carmina was not as narrow sighted as most she guesses and she is easy to get along with and she is not looking to sleep with this woman just make sure that she knew that their are people out there that will love her and that she should know her worth as she was worth a lot and she had real skills.

Carmina looked at her and remembered that she had forgot to agree that she liked hot foods. "Yes I like all kinds of foods besides oysters and more slimy kinds of foods" She shivered a bit at the idea of that texture in her mouth as it was just not to her liking and she would avoid them as they didn't agree with her. She was doing what she could but she knows that in the end it is up to Heather to find her own happiness and go after it if she really wanted it but she knows that it was all in this woman's capable wings.


A tucked away farm? (Heather) Empty Fri Jun 14, 2024 11:37 am

Well Carmina might see it differently still it might just be apparent eventually this was all how Heather might have been viewing herself while she lived here alone. Before she mentioned anything else she would merely state."Ya yer' light enough for me to carry if need be."Heather mentioned but she had a feeling she was not carrying Carmina anywhere any time soon unless asked even then would need a reason."That's a lot of work too y'know."Heather mentioned because over all it was true there was a lot of energy needed to carry a person of things to place. But it was most likely a given.

As for the topic of food she seemed to agree."I reckon it was bout time, I met some one else who dislike oysters and calms, Shrimp ain't my fancy either."It was back to casual talk about other things in life while she cleaned. Heather would casually get another glass of water while she was standing.


A tucked away farm? (Heather) Empty Fri Jun 14, 2024 12:52 pm

Carmina was glad to hear that the harpy woman agreed with her about the food and disliking those things. Carmina got to the last few things that needed to be done at least on this floor of the home before going back to her iced tea and sipping on it as she sat down at the table again. "So what are you thinking to have for dinner tonight, miss?" Carmina had spoken the miss before thinking that, it was probably too impersonal and that she should have used the woman's name instead of calling her miss when she did there as she hadn't meant to cause any short of disrespect as the woman had been more than friendly enough for what they were aiming to do.

Carmina looked down at her drink wondering if she might have messed up and might cause an issue with the woman even if she hadn't done so already. "I should call you by your name Heather instead of miss I am sorry about that." She hoped that the woman could forgive her for the trouble she might have caused or might cause for her later if things don't go right or someone comes and tricks Heather into liking them because she had boosted Heather a little to make her believe that she could be loved.

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