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A tucked away farm? (Heather)

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A tucked away farm? (Heather) - Page 2 Empty Sat Jun 15, 2024 4:34 am

Over all Heather was far too casual then most people. She figured it would have came up eventually just Heather did not really need to address it or not. As for what she was eating tonight."Didn't think on dat yet..."Heather would then walk into her kitchen and start digging around.

The sound of her pulling a few things out, She just let it float around her. There was a bottle of something dark red almost brown looking liquid, two plates of uncooked meat floated around her, A few spice containers."Smokin' up some ribs."She had a few things other things as well."get'em started now, so I can make the Mac and Cheese and Corn before they are done."Heather came up with a meal pretty quickly

Just needed time to cook it up."Yea don't need to be callin' me Miss. Heather is fine, Unless ya have some kind of nickname."Everything Nothing seemed to be a problem about it at least miss just felt too fancy to her.


A tucked away farm? (Heather) - Page 2 Empty Mon Jun 17, 2024 8:16 am

Carmina giggles at the woman who had offered dinner by hadn't thought about what she was making for them and she relaxed in her chair as she watched the woman work on the food and she wondered how the woman was able to use her magic like telekinesis. She wondered if that was just a power of her magic or if it was something else like a super controlled focus on how the magic interacts with the items and the space around it but her magic was wind right? She thinks this harpy woman might have more to her than one would first be able to understand.

When she heard the woman speak of using her name or a nickname she smiled. "Oh do you think we are close enough to be using nicknames with one another?" Carmina wasn't sure what kind of nick name that she could even give to the harpy woman that would be fitting as they were still new to meeting she did think up one but she was not sure if dusty was a smart idea for one she would have to keep thinking up an idea for this for later so they can better bond to one another.


A tucked away farm? (Heather) - Page 2 Empty Tue Jun 18, 2024 6:07 am

If ever asked, the wind magic was used to just merely make her life some what easier to carry things around she can, Because she doesn't have fingers and doesn't know if she could develop the means to have them ever in the future. But she never expanded her use of magic, She was just there living her life. Many could ponder if her farm was gone, what she would do with her life? it was most likely something she never considered for how no one came around here.

As for the nicknames."Dependin' how often we talk, They could be a thing."she laughed about it, only because in some manner it was a slight idea of endearment from her."Listen' here Carmie, I might just suggest it only because i think yur decent."She was hoping she wouldn't take that the hard way. After all she wanted Carmina to think good of herself.


A tucked away farm? (Heather) - Page 2 Empty Tue Jun 18, 2024 8:17 am

Carmina looked at the woman and she giggled as it was cute how she was worried about that but it seemed that she was in the right mindset for this thing and seems she is in a way putting herself out there to try and be friends with her. "Well I have never had a friend give me a nickname before is why I asked nothing against you or thinking that we could lack that level of things, just I have never had a nickname given to me by a friend my family called me Mina as a shortened form of my name." She was not sure what she could give the harpy woman as a nickname that wouldn't in some way probably seem a mocking of her.

Carmina would really have to think about what she might nickname the woman but she would not worry about it now as this was bonding and getting to know each other time and to enjoy company one must not worry about trivial things that can be solved easily enough with time and a bit of effort. Carmina finished her ice tea and she kept watching how the harpy woman used her magic and how skilled of a cook she seemed to be.


A tucked away farm? (Heather) - Page 2 Empty Thu Jun 20, 2024 12:21 pm

Heather almost pondered if this woman was just as horrible at talking and being around people as she unintentionally was. Even then Carmina was far more lovely then she expected, But Heather also seemingly did realize her thoughts of other people were oddly horrible and hide the fact a lot of times she just wished she was a normal human, Then she could have most likely attempted to be a farmer's wife at some point."Yur tellin' me." Heahter casually walked over and leaned slightly towards her, It seemed she was making a point of sorts."Little, Miss Carmie here ain't got lotta friends?"the harpy asked almost like she was confused by this notion.

Even pointing out to her. "Ya seem better at talkin' to folk than I'm able ta."Heather was trying to give Carmina a form of compliment. It was an odd one and she some what did not really talk with people enough to really know how to socialize one people better. Most likely if Carmina ever asked Heather knew she could learn even to speak Fiorian better.

Even remarking."Yer speakin' better then me, Looks nicer then me..Findin' it a bit odd ya don't have lotta friends."Heather then waited to see what she would say about it, Or if she would ask for another drink.


A tucked away farm? (Heather) - Page 2 Empty Fri Jun 21, 2024 3:58 pm

She nodded her head and spoke. "That is right I do not have a lot of friends and that is the honest truth of it." She looked at the woman confused to why the woman would ever think that she would have a lot of friends. She was not one to stick around places for long and in her childhood she was mostly hidden away because of her gift which now at this time had evolved beyond what it use to be when she had first gained it.

She looked at the harpy woman with her head tilted a bit. "Why would me be better looking or being able to talk better have anything with me having more friends than you would?" The woman looked into the harpy woman's eyes as she had spoke trying to gauge if this was the harpy woman trying to poke fun at her or if this was a real thing that the woman thought was a real thing. "Also the way you look and speak are cute and are not any worse than myself." She wanted to make sure that the woman knew that she was not looking to bring her down and didn't in anyway see the harpy woman as less attractive or beautiful than she is.


A tucked away farm? (Heather) - Page 2 Empty Sat Jun 22, 2024 4:50 am

Seemingly unintentionally, Heather's flaws about herself might be more and more apparent. Even if she put up a good front. But first she would remark."Well look at that, we're friends now."Heather said that, Unsure how actually it would work out for her but it seemed she was not backing out now. It was at least a starting of a friendship.

But maybe that flaw would be more shown now, Heather seemed to judge herself harshly about how she was a harpy."Yea can talk to 'em, Better than I can."Then followed it by maybe even if Carmina tried to tell her otherwise since they met and it was cover up in humor."Yea ain't got these wings, A tail, These talons."She laughed about it trying to make it seem like she was trying to boost Carmina's out look on herself.

But she had a feeling, Carmina picked up on that there was some horrible feeling she had about being a harpy at times. After all she just work here, Heather was not out in public all that much she just only eventually to sell her vegetables.

But when it came to it, Heather then said."I am gonna, get somethin' else to drink, you want somethin'?"Heather mentioned just before she went off to get drinks again.


A tucked away farm? (Heather) - Page 2 Empty Sat Jun 22, 2024 1:54 pm

Carmina looked at the harpy woman and she wondered if she really thought that highly of herself. Carmina stands up and pats her shoulder and smiles. "You have you own charm Heather and that is what you should aim for not being like me, talking like me or even looking like me." She was just being honest about it and she heard the woman speak about not having those things and she wondered if she could use her gift to do something like that and then she focused and just transformed gaining a tail and claws and a pair of wings. "My magic is special so I can do a lot of things."

She wondered how the other woman would react to the fact that she had partially transformed herself and she heard the woman ask if she would like something else to drink and Carmina nodded her head and spoke out her want to the harpy woman. "I would like some more of your iced tea." She really liked the woman's ice tea but she knows that she needed to be thoughtful about how much of it she is drinking.


A tucked away farm? (Heather) - Page 2 Empty Mon Jun 24, 2024 3:31 am

It came talking about magic, Well this would show maybe some what that Heather closing herself off was entirely making her mage skills lacking. But first more drinks, She went and got water and iced tea and merely returned fairly quickly to continue the conversation. While she was enjoying and admiring the work she did here."May be my lack of skills, but yur cleanin' decent enough to do for work too."Heather did not now of her life but seemed to still just try to compliment her in some manner.

She knew she would learn more eventually."Most mage's make me look like I am lazy from wha i reckon."Heather laughed about it because it was just how she seemed to view it she had been lazy and just over all focused on her work and it did pay off for the most part."I did use to think abou' if I stopped farmin' if i could be a mage."Heather did seem to think about it at one point, just seem to be happy here. But the harpy dreamed of many things.


A tucked away farm? (Heather) - Page 2 Empty Tue Jun 25, 2024 5:59 am

Carmina was not sure to why the woman feels that she is coming up short with her mage skills as she seemed to have a decent understanding of the control and how to use her own magic why did she speak so low of herself. Carmina could probably only wonder if there was some reason that the woman could think this way and so she would ask the woman about it. "Being a mage is about training your body and mind. You being a farmer doesn’t make you any loss of a mage than I am, you have far better control of your magic than I do. Any guild would be lucky to have you if you ever wanted to become an adventuring mage." She was honest to the woman as she was and is a good woman and she could probably bring a lot to the table for a lot of people as her farming skills could be life saving and help places that would need such a magic user to come to them.


A tucked away farm? (Heather) - Page 2 Empty Thu Jun 27, 2024 1:55 pm

Over all it might seem like Heather was starting to seem a little unsure of herself. But the harpy didn't view herself as mage she was just some random harpy who happen to grow and sell vegetables. But Heather doesn't focus on that."Ya tellin' me, You ain't some kind of fancy mage able to do better spells?"Heather asked having the attention of her own negative ways.

Mostly because she seemed comfortable here, While she even returned with more drinks and made sure she got one she requested."Well, guess we'll never learn what I can do, Leavin' the farm isn't on the table."She was the only one here, leaving the farm was questionable for Heather who using it to live off of.

But at least Carmina's drink was floating in front of her to grab and Heather seemed some what normal and casual about almost talking down to her self for a bit."Unless some one's gonna take over for me. I am not leaving any time soon."It was the final mention for the moment with a hint that Heather almost considered mage life at one point but gained little.


A tucked away farm? (Heather) - Page 2 Empty Fri Jun 28, 2024 8:54 am

Carmina looked down and touched her fingers together at the mention about doing spells. "Yeah my magic is different than that sadly." She was not sure if she can really share with the woman about her special magic or what it can do but she was willing to if the woman was to ask her about it but she thinks she had already mentioned what she could do and why she was here but maybe the woman didn't listen to her or believe her and that was something that she was unsure if she could really over come if there were things that were going to speed that up or not.

The woman reached out and took the glass of ice tea and she wondered if this woman might not have an adventurer in her as well but she wasn't really sure if there were any way to ask her as this farm seemed to be the harpy woman's pride and joy and Carmina wouldn't want the woman to abandon her farm in hopes of making a name for herself here and she would sit back again and she wondered if the harpy woman was okay or if she really needed the help.


A tucked away farm? (Heather) - Page 2 Empty Sun Jun 30, 2024 5:28 pm

Heather was not dumb even if she was not the smartest person either. But it was not entirely her business either. So she would just leave it at that."Yea, all magic ain't the same."Heather said, There was no sign of judgment from Heather. She was not seeking to be judged for it. Everyone in some manner was better than her in other ways.

But Heather would yawn, Almost like a fair amount of time had passed and she did not realize it. A lot of time had passed and most likely Heather got up early for work and now the result of being up early was catching up to her. She also didn't hide the yawn there was over all not a single attempt to over up her yawing it seemed the time talking with some casual cleaning had passed quickly and Heather at least did not realize it.


A tucked away farm? (Heather) - Page 2 Empty Mon Jul 01, 2024 11:46 am

Carmina was not sure how to best say it. "Yeah my magic is about seeing and recreating what I saw from memory. I can also combine spells in a way, taking ones element and using it for another." She was not sure how poorly or good that she was giving the info about her magic, she was not looking to do anything crazy she just wanted to make sure that the woman understood that she was being honest just her magic as very rare and she may be the only one with this level of magic to use this kind of thing.

"You are right a lot of magics are different like dragon slayers. My magic is strange as I can't just whip up or train any old spell that I think up I have to do other steps and jump through other hoops to make it work." She can understand she is failing at explaining as she nibbles a bit more on the food and how well it tasted as well as sipping from her glass of iced tea that the woman had given her to have for her help.


A tucked away farm? (Heather) - Page 2 Empty Today at 3:31 am

Over all it seemed Carmina over all just had other way she needed to do things. While she thought to herself for a moment. Then over all she pretty much just said."Soundin' a bit too fancy to me." Heather mentioned about it. Not trying to be rude about it. Since Heather was not trying to make it too complex in her life at this time.

But suppose as much as it was silly to talk about and everyone seemed okay with it Heather over all seemed curious."Any reason for pickin' such a magic?"It was something to ponder over because it seemed like it was almost too to add in at least in her mind. As the conversation it seemed she was actually trying to learn more about why she took this path over all. But that was about it, What else else might just be optional here.

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