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A tucked away farm? (Heather)

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A tucked away farm? (Heather) - Page 3 Empty Wed Jul 17, 2024 11:34 am

She looked at her and she spoke. "Yeah it is pretty bad there in some parts, badits, thieves, kidnappers and slavers. They raid villages and take anything that interests them and my magic awoke during one of these raids and I ended up throwing a spell back at the raiders to scare them off and they swore to come back and take me by force with bigger numbers." She has no idea if they ever came back for her as her parents never answered back to her letters, she was unsure if they were alive or dead. She needed to grow stronger and be able to return to her country and see for herself while being able to defend herself but for now she was still weak and lacked a lot of things that she needed to have to be able to take them on and protect her home.

Carmina looked at the woman as she offered her a place to stay and she shook her head gently. "I can not be putting you out, or bumming off of you." She was not trying to be rude to the woman but she knows that she shouldn't be bothering someone or taking up space in their home cause she is too sloe at doing things to move on or her become complacent and not have the motivation to keep pushing herself to her own goal.


A tucked away farm? (Heather) - Page 3 Empty Thu Jul 18, 2024 11:12 am

Well this time her offer was serious she could logically explain how she could make it work."bummin' off me? With how many folk thinkin' they could to start with, I am offerin' with an honest idea that you wouldn't be to start with."Heather did to say to start with because she had a feeling Carmina was not super lazy.

It would just be things she would just be suggested to consider to do."Yea already clean, I can show yea a few other things' around here....Any empty patches of field can be used for praticin' whatever spells yea need to practice too."She already showed she could clean, why not some other things.

Heather most likely knew in some manner she might still refuse."Think on it still, There be plenty to do there, I have a lot for food to spare. But i won't force it."But it was still as serious offer she could think over.


A tucked away farm? (Heather) - Page 3 Empty Sat Jul 20, 2024 1:35 pm

"Are you sure that you want to invite me... A stranger into your home so readily? " She was happy to have been invited to stay here and she would really think about it as this woman had been nothing but nice to her. She wanted to make sure the woman was sure before she were to take her up on the offer if she really wanted her to stay here in here home or if she could be trusted to be here while she was off or busy. Carmina was not one to really look a gift horse in the mouth but she wanted to make sure that Heather was ready to have a house mate and here to help her but she was going to work hard and earn her keep but she also wanted to have a good friend in this woman before they are to be like this with each other and she wondered alot of things about it.


A tucked away farm? (Heather) - Page 3 Empty Mon Jul 22, 2024 5:40 am

With how she mentioned she was sure and wanted her to just think about it. a bit more this was an odd even unexpected behaviour, It was work and a roof and Heather seemed to have plan to help her out."I know it be a bit odd, But you already don't have a place to live, no solid work here." She mentioned as she was explaining it over all for this offer.

Thus it was."You'll have a place to sleep, work you can do between whateva you need too, pratice yur magic out in the fields. Odd it might be i don't feel like yur gonna wrong me."Heather was going off of her gut and it was odd but she was being entirely honest.

She knew it was out of no where but it was most likely from the situation's Carmina's life was in." I won't charge ya rent, You need to save yur jewel for other things important, If savin' yur family is important...Then well maybe not having to worry about sleepin' in hotel so often could help."It seemed Carmina's plight was her worry for the offer at hand.


A tucked away farm? (Heather) - Page 3 Empty Mon Jul 22, 2024 7:43 am

Carmina was not sure what to say to this woman at this point as the woman was being far too generous to her by allowing this as she does have a point that she is homeless for the moment and it is easier and safer to have a place to come back too in the end. "I will accept as you seem very sure of your standing on it and that it would probably be good for me." She was making sure that she was being more proper as it was a weird thing to think about but in the end the harpy woman had a point that she was in need of a place to stay and to not get herself in more trouble by staying out in the wilds and hoping that she doesn't get eaten or killed in the meanwhile that she is training and trying to get the skills to save her home and take on the ones that run around it and attempt to kill and take as they so wish to do.


A tucked away farm? (Heather) - Page 3 Empty Thu Jul 25, 2024 6:11 pm

Heather seemed to put on a bit of a smile like she had a feeling her gamble would work. But then again it was most likely the life of a honest worker trying to do good that make Heather stand a part form other people."See one less thing to stress about for ya."Heather mentioned.

Then while she walked around in a circle."Suppose I should warn ya'. My Good friend Lumi has some ravens that tend to come flyin' around."Heather started with that since well it was important."The Raven's are harmless, I'll just have some question from Lumi later to answer."Heather acted like it was not big deal really.

As she explained a few other things really."But they won't hurt ya, Just be a bit curious."With that she finished her glass of water. Starting to walk towards the kitchen placing her empty glass in the sink.

Felt like she had done enough for the day."thinkin' there isn't anything else needing to be brought up, if you end up makin' any friends feel free to bring'em here if you trust'em, We'll get your room sorted tomorrow, For now sleep here in the livin' room, Ill take breakfast in the mornin'."Heather assumed there was nothing else, She was a early bird after all.

As she opened her bedroom door."Door's unlocked if yur needin' of something, I snore so hopefully that doesn't bug ya."With that it seemed with in a few minutes of closing the door, Heather was actually snoring. It had gotten late enough that the sun was starting to set.



A tucked away farm? (Heather) - Page 3 Empty Fri Jul 26, 2024 8:14 am

Carmina hearing that someone has ravens watching this woman's house somewhat alarms Carmina as the woman had spoke as if she had no friends, now she is saying she has a friend that is watching her through birds. Carmina might have to rethink accepting this offer as now there is another unforeseen person in the mix that is watching her and might even be judging her. Carmina will have to worry about that in the morning but for now she had no idea if this other person was a pervert and she went over to where the harpy woman had told her to sleep and she gets as low as she can as to not keep being seen at all times and watched which is creepy to even be doing to people just watching them. Carmina has come to the conclusion who ever it is that is doing that is a creep and her trust in heather is now more in question knowing of this fact and she was only told after accepting to stay here.

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