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The Throne of Heroes [Epic]

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#1Fei Yu 

The Throne of Heroes [Epic] Empty Wed May 29, 2024 8:18 am

Fei Yu
Name: The Throne of Heroes

Difficulty: Epic

Participants:  Fei Yu

It has been several months now since Yu ascended as a fairy, an ascension that came in the form of a heavy price: namely her beloved friend Nyancelot. Although Yu has been attempting to distract herself from the grief by zealously dedicating herself to the study of the Void, the passage of time does not heal some wounds.

When Yu learns of an ancient legend that suggests the soul of heroes do not always become one with the life-stream, but occasionally are selected and preserved by Gaia in a separate realm Yu prepares to undertake an adventure, all in the hope of seeing a beloved friend again.

Six A-rank quests and Six S-rank + Epic coupon which will be turned into upgrading my Druid SL companion.

- Attempting to find the soul of her deceased knight Nyancelot, Yu prepares to undertake a voyage that will see her travel to the ancient isle of Avalon from Caelish legends, and through a series of events seeks to bring back Nyancelot from the mystical realm known only as the 'Throne of Heroes'.

Lore Impact:
- Minor story impact in terms of Caelish lore
- As part of the story Yu will succeed in bringing back Nyancelot to life
- Nyancelot will be turned into a SL companion for Yu.

Required Progress: 6 A-rank and 6 S-rank quests, or the equivalent of 27.000 words.


The Throne of Heroes [Epic] Empty Thu May 30, 2024 10:29 am

This storyline is approved to start.

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