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Tatyana Nikolaevna Romanov

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Tatyana Nikolaevna Romanov Empty Wed May 29, 2024 8:01 pm



Name: Tatyana "Tatya" Nikolaevna Romanov

Age: 23, May 9th

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Ethnicity, Father: Icebergian

Ethnicity, Mother: Pergrandian

Class: Hunter

Race: Daemon (Vice) | Succubus-Cursed (Formerly Demi-Human)

Rank: D-Rank

Guild: Guildless

Tattoo: Left shoulder, blue

Face: Aurora - League of Legends


Height: 5' 7''

Weight: 110 lbs

Hair: Red-orange

Eyes: Aquamarine

Overall: An apparently timid sight, Tatyana is a quiet figure in warm, baggy clothing and fur-lined sleeves; including & especially a hood, often pulled tight over blood orange locks. She's a petite, lithe figure, with a button nose and round cheeks, and a hoard of freckles that claim both. Behind the binding are two long, russet rabbit ears, twitching at every odd sound and tipped in white. This leads down a slope of her back where a small fluffy tail completes the demi-human look, off-balanced only by the odd crimson that rims her eyes whenever her daemon-cursed instincts are triggered. These can alternatively burn blue the hungrier she becomes.

Extra: She wears round book-reading glasses, but she doesn't actually need them since being cursed.


Personality: The shading of Tatyana's eyes behind her wide-rim glasses hide every thought behind a meek mask. She doesn't act shy; just uninvolved, coasting from place to place in the background without a need or interest in speaking up or drawing attention. She's a woman forever on a mission; between contracts, bounties or odd jobs that fill her jewel coffers and bring her closer in power to her eventual goals. She balances a level of emotionless meant only to protect herself and the people around her, genuinely invested in various 'nerdy' topics and often failing to constrain herself when it comes to science and technology, or literature. The truth be told is that she hosts many interests and many hobbies, locked up like dirty little secrets with that same diversion of her gaze.

Everything about her careful attitude and out-of-sight mentality helps restrain her more destructive, party-girl nature, cursed as a Succubus by a greater demon with an intrinsically corrupt drive for thrills. If she gets too excited, or lets her guard down too much, she'll fall out of grace and within the abyss to sate every one of those dark desires until she wakes up out of a magical blackout and has to piece herself back together again. Overall: Tatya is a well-meaning, ambitious young adult constantly battling herself for self-control. Her heart leans heavily good; her circumstances force herself to tread a middle line.

  • Business: Tatya will take any job within a level of reason, aligning herself purely neutrally as long as she's getting paid and isn't committing anything abhorrent. She'll steal, cheat and lie, and help any old lady across the street as a genuine aspect of her nature, drawing the line only at cold-blooded murder without good justification. She enjoys keeping herself busy on jobs.
  • Scientific Arts: Tatya is a huge nerd. She enjoys dissecting scientific algorithms and solving mundane problems with inflated solutions, especially when it comes to tinkering with or creating technology. She's somewhere between a doctor and an inventor, more 'mad scientist' without the insanity but with the passion if she was given the chance.
  • Literature: She likes to read and write her own theatrical performances and poems, finding escapism in novels and the stage when unable on a mission.

  • Pleasure: Tatyana doesn't hate pleasure. Nobody can. The problem comes with how it makes her feel and how easy it is to lose herself to it, so she keeps to herself and away from fun on any level as much as she can manage.
  • Demons: Tatya will never forgive the demonic patron that cursed her as a Succubus with its obscura, holding this against all demons unless given reason otherwise. She hates demons and everything they stand for, extending to most otherworldly beings including angels, gods and fairies, but she's not unreasonable when it comes to dealing with them to further her goals.

  • Jewels: Tatya needs a lot of money. She is not a greedy sort, yet she is constantly motivated by both it and power. Her House in Pergrande were ruined by demonic influence and the events that made her what she is, and now they need every penny she sends back to help rebuild their lives and keep them safe - she doesn't keep anything she makes. This makes her constantly poor.
  • Revenge: Tatya's second-largest motivation tempered only by how much her family depends on her to keep them afloat. Tatyana will find the Demon that cursed her and kill her, freeing herself from its daemonic influence or dying herself in the process and ridding the world of the danger she poses.

  • Demonic Nature: Tatya fears her own nature with a Succubus-cursed Obscura, doing everything in her power to avoid falling to her own temptations and dealing with the pain it causes every time she inevitably does. All she wants is to be a good, normal person again. She will fight herself forever; and she will win, one day, one way or another.
  • Failure: Leading off her previous fear, while Tatya is afraid of failing at controlling herself this is deep-rooted in a fear of failing overall - failing her family, failing the people around her, failing herself. She has grown somewhat to hate herself because of this, often mentally berating herself for every mistake until she gets 'perfect.'


Distribute 30 points over the attributes below with at least 1 in every Attribute.

Strength: 11

Speed: 11

Constitution: 1

Endurance: 1

Intelligence: 6


Magic Name: Mimic Magic

Magic Element: Arcane

Magic Enhancement: N/A

Magic Description: Mimic is a powerful magic utilized by a few tricksters around the world. While the user is not capable of creating their own spells, they are capable of registering any spell that they witness in a topic. Upon seeing a spell in a topic, the user may then register that spell to train (or purchase) it themselves as long as they have the available spell slots. Mimics can learn spells from any element, however, they must be capable of using the Spell-type (e.g. Offensive, Defensive etc.). Copied spells carry over any modifiers stemming from the copied magic i.e. double range from Quake Magic for those specific spells. It does not carry over the enhancements of the copied target. The user cannot make variations of the spell that they have learned; it must be the exact same motion and effect (copy-paste). Signature spells and Transformations cannot be copied.


History: Tatyana was born to the Romanov House of Pergrande, a bastard child between her noble mother and a demi-human father from Iceberg who worked as a groundskeeper. While there was real love between the two, Tatya's mother was forced to publicly denounce her lover and Tatya raised as a servant-girl for the household until she was of age to be used as a bargaining chip and marry an heir for the house, as her only sibling had died stillborn. Lady Romanov had grown cold and distant to Tatya on both occasions, intensifying to not a glance spared. Tatyana was, however, able to keep communication up with her father, who she had a much greater relationship with, though he was only allowed around because they couldn't kill him nor could they risk him causing incident to the family name. The two were allowed very little interaction between them, but both found chances to sneak about in the dark of night or between servant duties to reaffirm their connection.

When Tatya was finally ordered to be married off by the controlling parties of House Romanov to another house for a political alliance, to replace her mother who was both distraught and unwilling to try for another heir, another force intervened. The boy that she was meant to wed had an established, if secret, relationship with a Demon of the Abyss - a seductress, who found herself possessive of him due to no real human love but a certain territorialism and the entertainment of her pet and his power (especially among noble houses.) It was this demon that cursed Tatya and brought ruin to House Romanov with her dark ministrations, leading to her betrothed's death and only a smattering of people including her mother and father alive.

While the Demoness moved on after causing her little catastrophe and growing bored of the fallout once her toy had passed, Tatya would seek revenge. She'd spend years in Iceberg training and hardening herself while making money for her family, which consisted solely of her parents and a few cousins that tried to keep from going hungry and homeless, and remains on the path of doing everything she can for them and to keep her new, forced-upon nature in line. This is neither the beginning nor end of her story, but the pages between and every trouble they bring.

Discord: Briar Caidh

Reference: N/A


Tatyana Nikolaevna Romanov Empty Mon Jun 03, 2024 9:39 am

This character is approved for roleplay~

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