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A Stella-r Visit.(Social/Open.)

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A Stella-r Visit.(Social/Open.) Empty Fri May 31, 2024 6:30 am

Nasira was trying to work seeing parts of the world and what she could learn. She had made a few trips with other people. Her next stop was Stella to explore, having no expectations for while she was here, But she started at the most well know spot thinking it was best to start here.

Anything she looked into so far was most likely not going to be a fair comparison to what was already. Nasira did not mind the nature of these lands. There was a sense that it was relaxing for the different pace of a world outside of Fiore.

Even then maybe Nasira would consider if she had wanted to bring some one else along with her exploring, But maybe in the end it was not best she was here by herself with no one else knowing she was here to start with. At least she could eventually change that.


A Stella-r Visit.(Social/Open.) Empty Today at 8:37 am

Stella, which she could almost call the Land of the Dead, she remembered when a deity of some kind got involved and the deceased came back to life briefly. It was an odd situation, one she was not part of, but thats partially why she was here, she wanted to learn.

Power in magic and strength wasnt the only kind of power to attain. Intelligence, knowledge, those too could be dangerous tools if one knew how to use them right. Intelligence, knowledge, tools that were most neglected by most of her peers of guildmates and even enemies. Well, thats at least what she thought. Granted she didnt mingle with her teammates or guildmates much. She liked some of them, but considered them too soft. She just wanted more power of all kind and serve the more powerful and useful criminals. But along the way she needed to pave her own road of success and contacts

Now bringing the story back to the here and now. Jen would curiously explore Stella and wander around. Although she did not know where to start. Should she find a guide or a companion?

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