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Briar Càidh's Husbandry

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#1Briar Caidh 

Briar Càidh's Husbandry Empty Fri May 31, 2024 1:12 pm

Briar Caidh
I'm Briar and I tend a husbandry.

Briar Càidh's Husbandry U7X0HIX

i'd rather travel 'round to find you in this goldfish bowl ♡
#2Briar Caidh 

Briar Càidh's Husbandry Empty Sun Jun 02, 2024 10:00 am

Briar Caidh


Name: The Patron March Hare: St. Milangaeth (Milan)

Slot: Companion

Race: Demi-God / Construct of Ostara

Class: Legendary | 48

Quantity: Custom

Element: Light

Mana: 1500

  • Strength: 61
  • Speed: 61
  • Constitution: 61


Height: 50cm / 3 meters
Weight: 10 lbs. / 220 lbs.

Appearance: In their sealed form, Milan is a small, round, fluffy rabbit-creature with brown fur and pink ringing, often doe-eyed and enamored with all the colors and sights of the world while staying close to Briar for both parties' defense. They have squishy little paws and long, broad bunny ears that fall taller than them, often trailing on the ground. They also have three little horns, soft to the touch.

Released, Saint Milangaeth is three meters tall and lithe, its pink high-lighting replaced with a cream white everywhere but the tips of their more aerodynamic ears. Their arms are long and efficient ending in fully mobile hands that can be hardened for claw attacks, and they wear a red-gem mantle and pants with tails. Their horns are spiked and more prominent and their eyes burn a near-mechanical red compared to the curious black of their sealed form.

Description: Saint Milangaeth is both a blessing from Ostara to Briar in his adventures, as well as an extension of her will with which she can interact with the mortal world. They are a child and construct of the harvest deity, a Caelish Patron Saint of rabbits, and Ostara thought them most fitting as Briar's aide and defender. While Milan is tasked with Briar's safety, Briar is equally tasked with helping the Demi-God grow accustomed to life among mortals and the things true nature has to offer.

Personality: Silent and duty-bound, Milan still finds room to have an adorable detachment in their sealed form. They are constantly struck with wonder not alike their master's, Briar's, and the two mirror each other in childish whimsy. Alternatively, Saint Milangaeth is the divine hand of slaughter in the name of protection, single-minded and focused on its objective until the danger is past or it falls apart. In either case, they are their mother's heart and Briar's protector; and hopefully, one day, Briar's friend.


Requirements: None.


  • None.

Companion Perks:
  • Grace of the Marchen: Rabbits are as rabbits do, and Milan isn't exempt from an increase of 10 meters to their jump and lunge mobility.
  • Rage of the Goddess: Milan's innate divinity allows them to interact unnaturally with other's mana in their fury, applying a mana burn of one rank lower than their damage done when they strike a target.

Partner Perks:
  • Lucky Rabbit's Foot: As a divine being and the patron saint of hares, Saint Milangaeth's presence around Briar - even sealed - brings good fortune. This gives Briar a 20% Jewel Bonus when completing quests and social interactions.


  • Name: Patron Soul: Saint Milangaeth the March Hare
    Rank: S++
    Mana Cost: 10% Max Mana
    Requirements: St. Milangaeth
    Type: Transformation
    Element: Light
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: Once Per Topic
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: With Briar's cry or command for Saint Milangaeth, or Milan's own perceived need and desire, the small rabbit will curl into a ball before burning in a dazzling era of lights while its body dissipates then reforms as its true, released form. While transformed, St. Milangaeth receives an S-Rank Self-Buff to all three of its physical stats and an immunity to being bound. This is not a spell but a biological capability and cannot be nullified or cancelled outside of Milan no longer sustaining the transformation, being knocked out or running out of mana.

Points Breakdown

  • Legendary (48)
  • Legendary Companion Coupon (Mad May)
  • Companion Perk - T3 Mobility Improvement (9)
  • Companion Perk - T4 Mana Burn (12)
  • Partner Perk - T4 Jewel Bonus (12)
  • S++ Signature Spell (15)

Total points Acquired: 48
Total Points Spent: 48

Briar Càidh's Husbandry U7X0HIX

i'd rather travel 'round to find you in this goldfish bowl ♡

Briar Càidh's Husbandry Empty Tue Jun 04, 2024 11:58 pm

This companion is approved. Please create a copy in the custom area of the shop to claim them.

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