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Light The Night [Quest]

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Light The Night [Quest] Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 1:31 pm

Rhea stretched her sore muscles as she made her way through the bustling streets of Era City, back at base after her fight with the beast in Crocus. Though she preferred more challenging tasks, tonight she had a simple one: testing the beacon system in the forest for Lieutenant Marin. It was an easy way to earn some jewels, and after the intense battle, she didn’t mind a less demanding assignment. Lieutenant Marin, an older Rune Knight with a stern yet kind demeanor, awaited her at the barracks. His hair was silver, and his eyes held a wisdom that only years of service could bring. He handed her a map and explained the task: ensuring the beacons in the forest were properly spaced so they could provide continuous visibility at night. It was a routine check, but crucial for the safety of the knights patrolling the woods.

Rhea nodded, accepting the map and setting off towards the forest. The first beacon stood at the edge of the forest, a sturdy steel structure with a lacrima hanging from it. Rhea lit the lantern, the glow combating the growing darkness. She took a deep breath, enjoying the warm evening air, and moved on to the next beacon. As she walked through the forest, she couldn’t help but reflect on the events in Crocus. Her body still ached from the battle, but the battle was worth it. Testing beacons seemed mundane in comparison, but she understood the importance of the task. The Rune Knights needed to be able to see any threats that might approach in the darkness. As much as she loved hunting, she hoped that nothing decided to jump out tonight. Truth be told, she was far too drained to give anyone a worthy fight.



Light The Night [Quest] Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 1:32 pm

Rhea reached the second beacon, lit it, and turned to check the visibility of the first. The light was clearly visible. She continued this process, moving from beacon to beacon, lighting each one and ensuring the previous light was still in sight. The forest was quiet, except for the occasional rustle of leaves and the distant hoot of an owl. After an hour, Rhea lit the final beacon. Her arm throbbed from consistently checking each beacon. The Elf didn't know how to stop working though. If the Knights would let her, she'd work herself to death! She turned and surveyed the line of lights stretching back through the forest, each one a bright point in the darkness. The system was working perfectly; the beacons were spaced just right.

Finally Satisfied, she made her way back to Lieutenant Marin. The barracks were quieter now, the night shift taking over as most of the city settled in for the evening. It was interesting how peaceful Era was in comparison to the capital of the country. You would think the city housing the King of Fiore would have less monster sightings than Era. Rhea finally found Marin in his office, reviewing reports in the dark only with a single lamp on his desk. He broke away from his focus, looked up, and Private Alvarez an approving nod as she reported the success of the beacon test. He handed her a pouch of jewels as payment for the task. Although it wasn't much, she accepted with a grateful smile. At this rate she'd be a Rune Knight forever, she thought.


- end -

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