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Echos in Erwyr [Private]

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#1Alaric Holloway 

Echos in Erwyr [Private]  Empty Wed Jun 12, 2024 11:39 am

Alaric Holloway
The sun was beginning to set as Alaric left the bustling marketplace behind him. His mind was a whirlwind of emotions anger, confusion, and a newfound sense of purpose. His mother, the one who had abandoned him, was within reach. The thought drove him forward. The trek to Worthwoodsea Village wasn't just about putting one foot in front of the other for Alaric. No, it was like diving headfirst into a pool of memories, each ripple pulling him deeper into the murky waters of his past. With every step on the meandering path, it was like someone had cracked open a floodgate, unleashing a deluge of childhood recollections that threatened to sweep him away. The bitter chill of Bosco's winters, the relentless howl of the wind through the trees, the echo of his own footsteps against the icy ground, it was all there, etched into the very fabric of his being. But it wasn't just the physical discomfort that clawed at him. The emotions weighed him down like a sack of bricks. The memory of his mother's abandonment was something he never overcame. It was the constant void in his soul. No amount of time could ever seem to fill that hole, it was always present.

wc 205

Echos in Erwyr [Private]  THOXIZP
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