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Purifying the Taint [Eelzad/C-Rank/Solo]

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Purifying the Taint [Eelzad/C-Rank/Solo] Empty Thu Jun 13, 2024 5:25 pm

Eelzad stirred in his sleep, his dreams vivid and intense. The familiar glow of the cyan spirit appeared before him, now in the form of a young boy with piercing cyan eyes. The boy's voice echoed in Eelzad's mind, urging him to come to the river once more.

"Eelzad, we need your help. Come to the river at dawn,"
the boy said, his voice filled with urgency and a tinge of fear.

Eelzad awoke with a start, the dream lingering in his thoughts. He knew this wasn't just a regular dream—it was a call to action. He quickly got dressed and grabbed his Aqua Sphera Gauntlets, ready for whatever awaited him by the river. As he stepped outside, he saw Inspector Nilan waiting for him, a look of concern on his face.

"Eelzad, Dacol informed me about your encounters. We need to finish this mystery once and for all," Nilan said, his tone kind but resolute.
Eelzad nodded, appreciating the support. "The entity appeared in my dream again. It wants us to meet by the river."

WC: 180
TWC: 180/1000


Purifying the Taint [Eelzad/C-Rank/Solo] Empty Thu Jun 13, 2024 5:34 pm

As they walked towards the river, Eelzad recounted the details of his previous encounters with the spirit and the strange blue ball of light. Nilan listened intently, occasionally glancing at Dacol's notes for reference.

When they arrived at the river, dawn was just breaking, casting a soft glow over the landscape. The cyan spirit was there, now in a completely human form—a young boy with thin fabric robes and cyan eyes, kneeling by the riverbank. He looked up as they approached, a mixture of hope and fear in his gaze.

"Thank you for coming," the boy said, his voice gentle yet filled with urgency. He pointed towards the river, where a gray, humanoid entity floated just above the surface. "That is the Tainted Spirit. It succumbed to evil long ago and lost itself. It will attack us if we get too close."

Eelzad felt his gauntlets resonate with the presence of the Tainted Spirit, confirming its malevolent nature. "Stay back, Inspector. I'll handle this."

Without warning, the Tainted Spirit launched a barrage of rapid, energy bursts. Eelzad's reflexes kicked in, and he dodged the first few attacks, the energy bolts sizzling past him and impacting the ground with a burst of light.

Eelzad activated his Ripple Magic, channeling energy into his gauntlets. "Sunlight Yellow Overdrive!" he shouted, his fists glowing with radiant light as he lunged forward. He struck the Tainted Spirit with a series of rapid punches, each impact causing a ripple of light to spread through the entity's form.

The Tainted Spirit recoiled, its gray light flickering. It retaliated with a sweeping arc of energy that Eelzad barely dodged. The fight was fast-paced, both combatants moving with incredible speed and precision. Eelzad's focus narrowed, his senses attuned to every movement of his opponent.

WC: 302
TWC: 482/1000


Purifying the Taint [Eelzad/C-Rank/Solo] Empty Thu Jun 13, 2024 5:48 pm

The spirit's attacks were relentless, but Eelzad's Ripple Magic provided him with the strength and speed needed to counter. He parried another energy burst with a glowing forearm, then countered with a powerful right hook that sent the Tainted Spirit reeling backward.

Eelzad pressed his advantage, launching a flurry of blows that illuminated the riverbank. The Tainted Spirit's form flickered and wavered under the onslaught, but it fought back fiercely, unleashing a storm of energy bolts that forced Eelzad to retreat and regroup.

"This thing is fast," Eelzad muttered, wiping sweat from his brow. He glanced back at Inspector Nilan, who watched with a mix of awe and concern. "I need to end this quickly."

The Tainted Spirit gathered its energy, preparing for another attack. Eelzad saw his opportunity. He summoned every ounce of Ripple Magic he could muster, his gauntlets glowing brighter than ever before.

"Take this!" Eelzad roared, charging forward with a final, decisive strike. His fists connected with the Tainted Spirit, the impact creating a blinding flash of light that enveloped both combatants.

The Tainted Spirit let out a haunting wail as its form began to dissolve. Eelzad's Ripple Magic surged through it, purging the darkness and restoring its true form. As the light faded, a young man with green eyes and blonde hair, wearing a brown trench coat, appeared in the spirit's place. He collapsed, unconscious but peaceful, onto the riverbank.

The cyan spirit boy rushed to his friend's side, relief evident in his eyes. "Thank you," he said, his voice filled with gratitude. "You've freed him from his torment."

Eelzad knelt beside the two spirits, his own heart filled with relief. "I'm glad we could help. Who was he?"

The cyan spirit smiled sadly. "He was my friend, lost to darkness long ago. But now, he's free."

WC: 311
TWC: 793


Purifying the Taint [Eelzad/C-Rank/Solo] Empty Thu Jun 13, 2024 6:01 pm

The spirit boy then turned to Eelzad and Nilan. "For your help, I want to give you a gift." He touched Nilan's hand, and the inspector's eyes filled with tears as he experienced vivid memories of his late wife, reliving the happiest moments they had shared.

The spirit then looked at Eelzad. "Do you have any lost memories you wish to remember?"

Eelzad thought for a moment, then nodded. "Yes, there are some things I'd like to see again."

The spirit took Eelzad's hand, and a wave of warmth and light washed over him. He saw scenes from his past—moments of joy, love, and triumph that he had almost forgotten. The memories filled him with a deep sense of peace and clarity.

When the vision faded, the cyan spirit and his friend began to dissolve into the air, their forms becoming one with the river and the forest. "Thank you," the spirit whispered. "May you always find the light in the darkness."

Inspector Nilan, his eyes still glistening with tears, placed a hand on Eelzad's shoulder. "Thank you, Eelzad. You've done more than you know."

Eelzad nodded, feeling a profound sense of accomplishment. As they walked back to the city, Nilan took notes, bursting with happiness from the vision of his wife.

WC: 219
TWC: 1000

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