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Pest or Mess 4

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Pest or Mess 4 Empty Sun Jun 16, 2024 3:08 pm

As Zeno made his way back up from the lowest reaches of the underground tunnels to the upper terminal, he thoroughly made sure to incinerate all the remaining rats alongside the already dead ones. The tunnels were filled with the combined stench of burning hair and meat. The thickness of the smell would make anybody gag violently. After exiting the tunnels he went to Mr.Sharpton's office and knocked on the door. After a few moments the door jiggled and opened up, Mr.Sharpton came out of the office looking pale and sickly. “You don't look so good there buddy. You better go home and rest” Zeno said with a concerned look. He stood silent and walked past Zeno to head up the stairs. “You best hurry up with the job. We're getting bored over her” a fairy said standing behind Zeno. “Yea yea, the job will get done, don't rush me grunt” Zeno dismisses the fairy with a condescending tone as he walks into Mr.Sharpton's office.

WC: 165


Pest or Mess 4 Empty Sun Jun 16, 2024 3:19 pm

“Hey grunt, humor me a bit since you are so bored. Why do we need to make so many jewels? Why not rob a bank or something then change your disguises to frame somebody else“ Zeno curiously asked the fairy fluttering in the air behind him. “Shouldn't that be obvious for a human simpleton as yourself? We need to function as an undercover syndicate to support the Unseelie court. The less attention brought on us the better, disguises or not. Just because you got blessed with our gifts does not make you one of us, you know? To be demanding anything from us is disgraceful, Know your place human” The fairy said with the harshest tone. “One more thing, I demand you address me properly as Avery-sama going forward!" He said throwing a tantrum while flying in the air. Zeno smirked with his back facing the fairy, searching for files that may have recorded the events of the rat problem. While looking for these files he questioned Avery. “Hey Avy, When you're done throwing a tantrum why not tell me what you did to the man paying us? Were you not supposed to watch over him while I got my hands dirty?” Zeno let off a tone to signify his annoyance with the situation. The fairy stood quietly pouting before leaving the room and slamming the door behind him. With a strong sigh, Zeno continued clearing out most of the cabinets, no files regarding the rat infestation were found or files further mentioning the history of the underground network. “I need more information but from where?” Zeno spoke out loud to himself.

WC: 270


Pest or Mess 4 Empty Sun Jun 16, 2024 3:21 pm

The door slowly creaked open behind Zeno but he did not fully pay any attention to it, thinking Avery must have returned to bother him again with pointless banter. Instead, a mouse-like voice broke the silence of the room accompanied by a delicate tap on the shoulder, which shattered his focus even more. Turning around to see who was causing the disturbance, Zeno found a well-dressed small-stature young lady holding a clipboard. She had Jet black hair and pale white skin. It was shiny like porcelain, but the most striking feature was her vivid red eyes. “Could you be that you are..” Zeno stepped back and took a defensive stance before being interrupted by the lady. “Yes, now let us cut to the chase. You and your buddy over there are that of the fae and I am a vampire. I am here to figure out why you are trespassing in our tunnels. Depending on your answer, will dictate the outcome of things here. So be smart about it” The lady said sternly with a serious face.

WC: 177


Pest or Mess 4 Empty Sun Jun 16, 2024 3:32 pm

He stared at the woman with the rich bright red eyes and took a deep breath followed by a slow long exhale to regain his composure. “I am an exterminator hired by the transit company, With your sharp senses I would have thought you knew why we were here already, seeming that you work here and all. Or is it a matter of me killing your food source” he said cheekily. “You sure you are not a comedian instead of an exterminator? You seem to do that job much better” The lady said in a retort with a grin stretched onto her face. “A clown like yourself would be a great addition to my comedic act, All you are missing is the red nose” Zeno said feeling irritated by the vampire’s arrogance. Before the two could continue bickering, Avery burst into the room to break up the fighting and pull Zeno out of the room to talk privately. “Look we got bigger problems, I saw numerous vampires in the tunnels heading in this direction. We gotta leave and report back to the court that this area has been seized already“ Zeno nods and turns to the room to approach the woman. “Feel free to call back your people as we are not here for conflict” Zeno looked at the woman sincerely.

WC: 221


Pest or Mess 4 Empty Sun Jun 16, 2024 3:41 pm

“Now who is looking like a foolish clown? Dare to disrespect me and expect mercy. I should have you slain here for your insolence” the vampire said in an authorized tone while puffing out her chest. “Ma’am, you don't want your head to get any bigger, or else you may have trouble squeezing it through the doorway” he said cheekily once more while looking down towards the vampire. Avery would hold in his laughter towards the comment by covering his mouth and nose to mask the sound of his snorting. Zeno turns to kick Avery before turning back to face the lady. “Let us cut the fun and games, shall we? My name is Zeno and we were not informed of other beings living here. Your anger is misplaced and should be aimed at Mr. Sharpton and his boss. If they knew beforehand of your existence then it sure seems they are conspiring against your kind living here. They offered us a hefty amount of money to get rid of the rats for their new construction plan and we seek to get what is owed to us”. The Vampire bit her bottom lip in annoyance “Do you only know how to speak in the language of disrespect? Ughhh whatever at least call me by name, Alice.” She shakes her head in frustration and steps out of the room. “I would like to inquire more about this new reconstruction plan you mentioned as that was not known to us. Now you have given me a reason to listen to you. If jewels are all you seek then maybe we can talk negotiations” Alice said with a mischievous tone to her voice.

WC: 280


Pest or Mess 4 Empty Sun Jun 16, 2024 3:50 pm

A bat swoops down landing on her shoulders and whispers in her ear. “Why not just kill these fools and attack the humans and force them to submit? Our numbers have increased greatly from before”. Alice shakes her head in disagreement. “We must be better than before, in addition to that the humans have a lot more numbers than us, waging a war over the turf would not favor us in the slightest at this point.” She pets the bat on its head before walking towards the tunnels. As the words of the fae race through her mind, she can finally confirm that these pests the humans are trying to get rid of are not the rats they claim but her vampire kin. Feeling anger swell up inside her she crunches up her fist feeling betrayed.“Follow me you two, we will be your new employers from here on out” Zeno and Avery looked at one another and nodded in agreement. They followed Alice cautiously into the tunnels and were met with over a dozen vampires scattered throughout the area. Avery would flutter around hanging behind Zeno while looking around at all the vampires. “Alice, are you the head of the family here? Or just the next in line? I could sense you have a strong following here” he said as he glanced around. “Nice of you to notice but all will be revealed once we get to our chambers. Hang tight for now, Zeno” Alice said with a smirk returning the respect he was given.

WC: 254

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