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Crystal Conflict { PD Only }

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#1Altuo Dorian 

Crystal Conflict { PD Only } Empty Mon Jul 08, 2024 8:29 am

Altuo Dorian
Words : 397 / 1000Mana : 150 / 200Theme : Drama IronyTags : PD OnlySpells UsedTempered Arma
An audible sigh of desired relief echoed across the open air of the training facility's empty arena. The source of the serotonin filled sign of life pacing eloquently with one prim and proper foot in front of the other. Their polished leather soles clad in rhythmic fashion as their half cocked hues of amber glanced from one end of the room to the other. A Dawnful Paradise that they hadn't the privilege of beholding for some time. Admittedly, of their own accord mind you.

Travels to and from the corners of Orchidia having kept them away for several weeks longer than they had originally planned for on their itinerary. There was a solace to be had now that they were back in homefield territory. One which would soon be replaced with a call to action. As there had been obligations left unattended to during their scheduled absence. Having rested and refreshed since their return the night before. It was time to get back down to business.

Approaching a counter off to the side, a single slender finger made its way towards a collection of variously marked buttons. It's touch hovering over the selections for a moment before landing on it's intended choice. Upon pressing down various noises of indistinguishable means filled the space. A circular hole in the ground revealing itself for a moment as a sturdy looking striking dummy rose into place from the depths. The hole once opened closing behind it's entrance.

With a few steps forward alongside a sly little smirk painted across their lips. Altuo's stance adjusted in preparation. Their figure straightening up while their eyes fell upon their target. One arm lifted up towards the ceiling before gently descending before themselves. During which an amber tinted crest of arcane nature manifested. Bringing with it unusual sparks that sprouted forth a transformation.

"Flames into Crystal, Crystal into Armament."

Though slowly at first something did eventually start to take shape within Altuo's careful grasp. Lingering transparent particles of some unknown substance attempting to amass within his waiting palm. The fingers of which seemed to sift through the bits. As if to weave them together as they collected before him. To what end was uncertain but it was clear at a glance from anyone who may be peeking in from the outside that something was on it's way. If the channeling was successful that is.
deadly sins


Crystal Conflict { PD Only } Empty Tue Jul 09, 2024 7:10 am


The morning sun was just about reached its highest peak when the Demoness dragged herself out. No surprise, she stayed up for quite some time, but it was all spent reading and planing. There was a lot she felt the need to become privy to for the coming days and nights were the time she felt most receptive to learning.

But with all that studying and head work, Lumikki was advised to entertain another activity. Alvis, one of her Eight Pinions and the most careful to watch over her, had insisted that she moved about. To Lumikki’s dismay, she’d comply. Deciding that for the moment, she’d entertain a short run as her compromise to move about.

After finally getting dressed, she’d saunter down to the training dome to work out there but to her surprise, there was a curious guest. An odd man that she was sure to have never seen before. With soundless steps, Lumikki approached and observed his work as it appeared to be conjuring a spell, though it was taking longer than she figured it needed to. After what felt like a long wait from her perspective, she’d finally make her presence known.

”Does it often take this long for ye to pull out yer spells lad? Could cost ye in a fight ya know. Do ye need some tutoring to help facilitate ‘em, or do ye figure ye got it as ya are?” She was leaning in as she uttered her words, her tone soft but stern. Lumikki, in human form, had brown skin and white hair pulled back into a tight braid. Her hands and arms stained in pure, inky black like talons, and moving shadows that coiled around her legs. Her eyes like sapphire and citrine. She wore a simple outfit, a black crop top and a pair of shorts. Nothing of note compared to the oddity of her natural appearance.

She’d do some light stretches as she awaited a response. Though she was a mage, she was still somewhat fit and lean albeit not as bulky or torn as her warrior peers. Something that she hoped to remedy when she had enough time.

”Suppose as a mage, I’d be one of the better ones to ask. Ye’d be surprise just how much of the Dawn prefers to run into battle with weapons instead.”

Crystal Conflict { PD Only } Nerili11

Pokedex Entry
#3Altuo Dorian 

Crystal Conflict { PD Only } Empty Sat Jul 13, 2024 2:29 am

Altuo Dorian
Words : 929 / 1000Mana : 150 / 200Theme : Drama IronyTags : PD OnlySpells UsedTempered Arma (Failed)
Committed to a fault as it seemed his concentration remained steadfast with no sign of faulter. Before his own eyes, and apparently, those of another he was yet unaware of. The essence of magic continued to swirl about as an unfiltered maelstrom. Shifting and molding a vague identity but never quite reaching a solidified state. Back and forth the energies bounded between whole and sparce. It's very nature remaining fluid even after coming close to something tangible a few times over. It was on the brink of wanting to take form but not quite there yet despite the effort set forth so far.

It was just out of reach, but to what end was the uncertain part.

A tad bit of a let down to say the least as the minutes ticked by without concrete results. However, there would be no time to linger on the naggling feeling of disappointment. As the arrival of an unfamiliar presence broke him of his tunnel vision. Not quite introducing themselves but in the same token doing well to make themselves known. To Altuo the unusual woman was a new face in the crowd but the words that dripped from between her darkened lips permeated the sense of a veteran who was well within their domain.

"Oh, and here I was thinking I was all alone."

With a quick peek over the shoulder to welcome present company the spell which had been formulating quite literally shattered into pieces. A peculiar but distinct ring of breaking glass echoing across the chamber as the dazzling particles that had once danced around his fingertips dissipated into nothing. An unintended setback to be certain. One which warranted a twinge of defeat across Altuo's elflike face as his empty hand closed into a half hearted fist.

"Can adequately say it's not usually a habit for my crystal to crack under pressure rather than cure." With a delicate grace Altuo brushed away a fine layer of dust from his garments. The leftovers of a failed attempt that was sent falling to the floor below. Sunlight from a nearby window making it glisten like glitter on the way down. Typical of his tendencies the infernal straightened out his appearance before carrying on the conversation. Wide framed spectacles being adjusted along the bridge of his thinly nose while a few platinum locks were cast aside from his field of view with a flick of the wrist.

As their gazes did meet, he took a moment to gauge the unnamed woman. Mind brimming with analytic curiosity as it was oft to do. Taking in minute details and committing them to memory for later should their paths cross again. All the while he outwardly remained casual and carefree. "Though, now that it's mentioned, perhaps a lack of pressure might be the missing component. After all a dummy can't fight back now can it?" Crossing arm over chest the impish man bowed lightly, a sleek black tail with a heart shaped tip revealing itself from behind.

"That theory aside, seems I've forgotten my manners. Aluto Dorian at your service. Though just Altuo will do if it pleases you. I don't believe we've met before have we miss?"
deadly sins

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