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Dance Drunk Revolution [FPHS – Drunken Hiking]

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Dance Drunk Revolution [FPHS – Drunken Hiking] Empty Mon Jun 03, 2024 3:26 pm

Ittindi vomited off the cliff side, and as he listened closely he could hear someone else scream. It must of hit someone else down below, and they sounded angry. Ittindi couldn’t help but let out a little giggle as he stumbled forward towards the Young Master, he could get the words out. This is what his training was for, fighting gods taking on monsters from the voids…none of it came close to not slurring his words together in this moment.

”YYYYYONGGGGO MMMMSASTER ThERESss Zeen aaan icccdieent I hhhurled on someoeoneee lowerww we needed to movvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvve.”

Ittindi would stumble forward before falling on his face trying to imitate leading a charge. He wasn’t even sure how he got in this situation. One second the Young Master and him had been drinking at the bars someone else had even come along. It had been a great night, then slowly it started to happen bar after bar even spas they kept getting kicked out. Ittindi didn’t think it was him, was it the Young Master? He couldn’t figure out what was happening, in any case they had come to the group decision to buy some bottles and hike drink. Problem being was Ittindi while in shape used to rely on his magic a lot more for mobility. That now lacking he found himself drunk sweaty and tired. His magical tuxedo and top hat still managed to retain a sense of elegance even with he lackluster state of Ittindi.

Ittindi would pull himself off the ground, seeing that there was no mud on him he’d smile. Then he’d take out a small brush he kept in one of his coat pockets and brush himself off lazily and miss a couple spots. He’d then do this a couple of times complaining how he couldn’t hit all the spots drunkenly until the suit was clean. By the time he was done he had forgotten why he had walked over to the Young Master. Instead he just smiled at him blankly.


Dance Drunk Revolution [FPHS – Drunken Hiking] Empty Mon Jun 03, 2024 6:48 pm


Some reason. Some way. Some...how, Jikan found herself here. After going silent for over seven months over the last seven months in the even of Sleeping Calamity disbanding after an internal collapse that took even Jikan by surprise. She was....here. TIPSY!!

By all regards she had planned to be in Orchidia living peacefully in her own plans and endeavors in the shadows and, as much as she could try to make with her reputation, quiet life. Maybe even split time and go explore the world. Hide out and do business in foreign nations. But nah, by rumor and messages of this event, Jikan felt inclined to come. Be it an excuse to take a break, see about some old acquittances, and maybe due to knowing a certain someone was a part of this guild. Here she was.

Hickup...hickup. Sounded Jikan in a light bop as she walked with a sway through a number of trees to a cliffs edge. It was fun to talk business with some of them. Others were as much as a pain in the ass as they was several years ago. Heck, she saw one person she always had to drink to talk to. And after it, she managed to have some fun. But...


With a piercing headache she cursed under her breath as she heard a voice scream. "Dang teens", Jikan said staring of into the distance to where she thought she heard it from. Either they were fighting or doing a prank gone wrong. Because someone was piiiiisssed. Punching a tree down and continuing her walk, Jikan blinked her eyes as she figured out two figures. Both looking somewhat familiar. "You, shiny red head. Butler. Do I know you?".

wc: 295

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

Dance Drunk Revolution [FPHS – Drunken Hiking] 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc

#3Knuckles Shi 

Dance Drunk Revolution [FPHS – Drunken Hiking] Empty Fri Jun 07, 2024 9:43 pm

Knuckles Shi

Knuckles was heavy under the influence that night, he had been drinking for hours with Ittindi and for what real reason?  At this point he supposed it did not even matter for all he could do was attempt to summon the power of Thor to stand up at this point and not fall forward. Ittindi had made room his his gut for more drink.  It seemed it was right onto someone's head.  They said something and walked off, perhaps they already knew they would be bested if they fought the pair. Now, now, Ittindi. youv arent Sappose to make the messes." he would laugh as the rare paper-rolled cigarette found itself between his lips. He took a long drag as he heard someone calling for him, perhaps a new fan of his. It turned out to be Jikan, the old hag. Well, she wasn't really old but she wasn't a hag either.

She had asked if she had recognized the pair, it was a fair question they had changed a bit since the last they had seen each other. When was the last time they had seen each other? Was it Jail? Knuckles blew out the smoke he had sucked in earlier and pointed a finger at her. "Hey, Ittinbi, there's a criminal here get ya gun!"

WC 229

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

Dance Drunk Revolution [FPHS – Drunken Hiking] Empty Sat Jun 08, 2024 9:51 am

Ittindi was laughing with a little drool coming from his mouth at his Young Master’s joke about him supposed to clean instead of make messes. Ittindi knew he was drunk, but he couldn’t believe that in his drunkenness he’d start hallucinating his old guild master. Even worse then that they were asking if they knew who they were.  His Young Master did have a point though if he logged the infamy in his gun now and a fight did break out he wouldn’t get in trouble. He’d let a hiccup and pull his g un out and to his surprise it didn’t identify Lady Jikan as a criminal. Maybe they had a twin sister, Ittindi had to ask at this point his curiosity was piqued.

”Ifffffff youuure theaaaa ladyddada  howz you not a criminal? It’s a fake Youngggg one lets beattt t heir zazz for the disrespecttttttt……calimitttyiusss!”

Ittindi felt as if his point had been expanded perfectly, how one couldn’t get directly to the meat of the issue from his statement would anger him. He was prepared to defend the honor of Sleeping Calamity from a fake guild master. There was no way Lady Jikan would be anything but a full-fledged criminal and that was just from the things that Ittindi saw. He wondered what his Young Master’s expression would be from the information.

He'd wait for his cue before firing a couple shots, mostly because it was hard to focus with the 5 different Lady Jikan’s following around the impostor. It was an impressive magic trick for sure, but Ittindi had fought through harder circumstances.

This was at least better than the real Lady Jikan seeing his tongue tatoo of the Rune Knights. He hadn’t met any of his former compatriots from his stint in a Dark guild besides the Young Master.  Ittindi was in an even better mood now, ramped up by the prospective fight coming.

WC: 318/652


Dance Drunk Revolution [FPHS – Drunken Hiking] Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 8:14 pm


Well kids behold. Two. And they were some biiiiiig kids. Oh wait, no that was just some rocks. With how tipsy Jikan was, it was a wonder she could focus on the 4 guys before her. Both a set of twins and moving the same! Hiccup.  Two of them, red hairs pulled a piece of paper rolled up before a smoke flowed out. SNIFF. "Ah, one of you. G-", hiccup. "Give me a hiiiiit". Jikan said placing a hand on her left hip while outstretching her right hand in a path between the two Knuxs. Hmmmm...they do seem familiar. And thanks to her stopping and having somethings to focus on now, there was a bit of clarity coming to her vision. Veeeery slightly. Was that a face being made from that chop block of mess? Criminal? Gun?

A twitch of her eye came at those words. WERE THESE PUNKS TRYING TO ROB HER? But after that the big old dumb looking one made Jikan raise an eyebrow. "The haekkkkkk are ya talking about yellow boy. Criminal? I yaaaaaaam zo mush moar thaen that, Ieeee am a meaererior",.

With a huff she stuck out a tongue, a strange display of a different personality than what either of them would have likely known Jikan for. They never did get to drink together after all. A few hiccups came from Jikan after two of the yellow boys asked his question. A dizzy drizzle feeling coming to the name of Lady Jikan.

"I yaaaaam JEEEEECKAAAAN", Jikan said in a switched calm voice. Agitation and angery foaming at the mouth. "Iz just dew wha IE wantz. The feak oneas ewe, ewe shadow man", Jikan mouthed feeling a vein pop up. CALAMITY. SHE'D SHOW THOSE TALKING TWIN YELLOW HATS CALIMITTYIUSSSS!!!

With a sloppy lift of her foot. She hopped to the side while swinging her arms to stabilize herself. Or rather not smash into a tree again. Before stomping the ground and pulling a piece of the earth up. She wouldn't just stand here waiting for this fool to shoot that gun. With a heave she threw the piece of earth up before punching it, sending a shrapnel of debris their way. "FuCK yOU 12. STay AWAY FROM my KIDS!".

wc: 379
twc: 674

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

Dance Drunk Revolution [FPHS – Drunken Hiking] 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc

#6Knuckles Shi 

Dance Drunk Revolution [FPHS – Drunken Hiking] Empty Fri Jun 14, 2024 2:46 pm

Knuckles Shi

Knuckles had no clue what was even being said, he realized that either these two drank something he had not, or they were just shit at controlling the amount of poison in their bodies. Perhaps it was because they were humans and he was a Daemon. Perhaps it was because he had been drinking with Lumikki, he was not sure of the reason but the two he was with did not speak words properly at all. In fact, he did not even know what Ittindi had said and Lady Jikkan might as well have said blah blah blah and her name. What he did understand was that Ittindi had taken his joke somewhat seriously enough to pull his gun out, and level it at Jikan, and in return, Jikan had stopped herself from tipping over only to punch a ball of earth she had scooped up and rained down debris at them. Well, who was he to turn down a Fight?

Knuckles turned to Ittindi with a slick grin and swung a jab right into his cheek, then reached for his extended arm and tossed his at Jikan, though he fell to the ground losing his balance as he did so. His body smacked into the ground laughing as he fought to make it back to his feet. The impressive part was his left hand had still a solid hold on his bottle of drink, and not a drop had been spilled. "Hahaha Cash the butler!"

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

Dance Drunk Revolution [FPHS – Drunken Hiking] Empty Sun Jun 16, 2024 12:25 am

Ittindi knew that he hurl before the night was done, however he meant more of a vomit kind. As he flew, he wondered how exactly he ended up in this situation. His Young Master’s strength was something preternatural, but how had he passed Ittindi’s defenses so easily. He must be more drunk than he initially thought. Did that mean that he might be wrong about the Jikan impersonator, they did call him poor people slang. That was criminal behavior after all, how else could one judge besides a person’s status a criminal low life, likely one that Ittindi would offer a foot washing too.  

”12 this rapscalliwagzalion! HRGGGHh”

Ittindi would try to turn the throw into a dive kick, but he didn’t really know what he was doing and twisted to fast, and was know throwing up from the debris while flying at Jikansernator. He’d crash into them unless they tried to dodge. Either way Ittindi would land on his face and groan while getting back up. Once up he’d assume a fist fighting stance, except he was so slouched that his left hand was half covering his chin and his right was just hanging down with his face slanted to the right.

Ittindi didn’t really feel like fighting as much after throwing up, if he got the chance he’d take a break. For now, he’d keep his “guard” up, in the hopes of ending this fast since they outnumbered the impostor. Though knowing his Young Master, he might just fight everyone. That wasn’t the kind of party Ittindi was hoping for.  Not to mention their foe’s magic was an odd illusion. There were now 8 of the impostors, all different sizes and hues. Ittindi wondered which was the true warrior.

He'd have to watch the Young Master’s cues which meant he might get hit again in the crossfire. Ittindi wondered who the imposter was with, they seemed very strong, but that probably tracked for the assignment. He wondered if his Young Master was up to no good, and that’s why heads from the past were appearing even if fake. He had a feeling he’d grow tired of his time in Paradise Dawn, he just hoped it wasn’t something to criminal. This meeting suggested that his fears were starting to come true.



Dance Drunk Revolution [FPHS – Drunken Hiking] Empty Sun Jun 16, 2024 4:01 pm


Rocks and dirt rained down as it slightly pelted the two annoyances in Jikan's enjoyable drinking evening. Just had to find her footing now, literally, so she could step out of the line of fire of a bullet. Any time now-. Wait did those two red heads to punch the butler cop. WHAT THE HECK THEY COMING THIS WAY SWAN KICK STYLE. And his partner was just sitting there flat on their backs laughing. This chaotic-ness strangely...felt familiar. Maybe even familial. Bagh, none of that none. She had a drunken fight on her hands.

"You yell too-", WHACK. Sounded as the Ittindi cannon 9000 met his mark smacking into Jikan as she rolled onto her back slamming into the ground. Disbelief at the stupidity she found herself in before she felt something wet on her stomach. Then the smell of something disgusting followed by a slowly burning rage. "OH MY ILLUMIN!!!", Jikan roared before sitting up on her hands and knees before lunging out in a demonic crawl, jumping out in a grasp to grab Ittindi's leg before crouching up in an explosion of drunken power before attempting to slam the puke bringer to earth. "EW, EW, EW", sounded with each angry base to the earth.

A huff of breath and relaxed anger slowly being released in satisfaction in the after math if she was able to. Before her head snapped up to probably still laughing maniacs. The red headed demons of the east!! "And you two!", Jikan would say as she slowly dragged the Ittinidi bat towards them, winding up for a swing before having her grip come loose, slipping and letting the man go while hitting hot air. The magical phasing Knux got away!!.

wc: 290
twc: 962

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

Dance Drunk Revolution [FPHS – Drunken Hiking] 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc

#9Knuckles Shi 

Dance Drunk Revolution [FPHS – Drunken Hiking] Empty Fri Jun 21, 2024 1:52 pm

Knuckles Shi

Knuckles nearly stumbled as his drunken body tried to find balance, knocking trees with roaring laughter. Ittindi bodily slamming into Lady Jikan was simply comic gold in his intoxicated state.

"Hah! Ittindi, you are a regular cannonball!" the drunk Knuckles chortled, head bobbing up and down with amusement as he watched Ittindi try to struggle to his feet, putting his guard back up.

Suddenly, Jikan exploded into a roar that reverberated with pure rage. At the sight of her charging after Ittendi like some crazed demonic beast, the eyes widened in Knuckles' head. "Oh boy, she's mad! Run for it, Ittindi!" he yelped as he scrambled to his feet.

He barely kept himself upright as he tried to dodge the shrapnel of debris Jikan had punched towards them earlier. His grin faltered as he saw Jikan hurl Ittendi towards him again. "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Knuckles yelled, trying to duck out of the way.

At best, Knuckles awkwardly tried to avoid the human projectile. His legs had tangled when he tried to move. He hit the ground with a thud, spilling his drink for the first time. He scrambled back to his feet and tried to put as much space as possible between himself and an enraged Jikan, all the while giggling nervously.

"Jikan, easy does it, it was just a bit of fun!" he pleaded, backing off as he tried to catch his breath. "You know how we get when we've had a few too many!"

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

Dance Drunk Revolution [FPHS – Drunken Hiking] Empty Mon Jun 24, 2024 8:13 pm

One second Ittindi was in a hurling hurricane of vomit, spittle and air. The next he was being flung around like a toddler with a plastic bat.  With each strike Ittindi could feel his vision of the world slipping away. He was starting to wonder if this could possibly be Lady Jikan, reformed somehow and running into the two of them was just the weirdest of coincidences. Even odder Lady Jikan was an Illumin like Ittindi or a former one, that was another surprise he didn’t expect from the phrase.

Still in a daze from the slamming, Ittindi would be hurled close to his Young Master, luckily Knuckles had decided to quickly to go prone. Not that it mattered since Lady Jikan had thrown him a little off course, Ittindi crashed into the side of a tree. It cracking from the sure strength of Lady Jikan, you could also hear the crack of Ittindi’s neck and back. Followed by Ittindi’s magic activating and him being brought back from death no problem. However, there was one problem Ittindi no longer felt drunk. Something he’d have to fix and quickly, luckily he still had a bottle that he’d put down for fear of dropping it. Getting up slumped over he’d stretch cracking his back and neck, before speaking.

”Wow, you know killing a Rune Knight is illegal right? Now I need another drink, you know you might actually be Lady Jikan with that strength.”

Ittindi would stumble by one of the tree’s where he had let his bottle of rum, the pop of the lid and the sound of alcohol taken straight to the head were the next thing Lady Jikan and the Young Master would see. Ittindi would need more than a couple swigs to catch back up to where he was, but he didn’t plan on letting a little death ruin his fun with his Young Master.

Speaking of which Ittindi would start to stumble over towards the Young Master to see if he’s alright he had started trying to calm down Lady Jikan. Ittindi had a feeling that was an exercise in uselessness. At least he was sober enough to probably dodge the next attack?

WC: 366/1,400


Dance Drunk Revolution [FPHS – Drunken Hiking] Empty Fri Jul 05, 2024 7:24 pm


In the dimly lit night, the only thing Jikan saw in the wave of her movement and dizzying vision was her fiery red hair. The tipped inky black hue blending in with the night’s dark embrace. She hurled Ittini, and in honesty almost something else along the way as well! With a bit of a sink she fell on her butt, bouncing a little in the movement, her legs crossing out in front of herself as she gave out a sigh-hiccup.

Ittini? Why, they sounded quite familiar. In fact, she was sure she knew that name! It was..ah who was it. Oh this headache was pounding. Someone who always liked wearing suits. Not a dashing man attempt or a fashion mobile. But a well dressed…BUTLER!! That was it! That name was Knuckle’s butler if she recalled. But unlike Knuckle’s uncharastic giggling, Jikan was still letting out a bit of steam with angry grumbles. If that was Ittindi, then there was a likely chance this red head man she was seeing multiples from was him of all people. Knux, the Clout Chaser. “You…are just a pain in the butt drunk as always eh?”, she said in a bit of a calmer voice.

With a turn she looked over to Ittindi’s slumped body. A bit of sober reality hitting her as it click. Oh…oh boy that was not what she was quite trying to do in her drunken- OH MY HE POPPED RIGHT BACK INTO SHAPE. Maybe it was the sounds, perhaps it was the adrenaline cursing through her veins. But it was a lot of focus that was coming to her in this moment. “...Just…what the heck are you butler cop?”. Jikan said with a bit of narrowed eyes, this guy…did he just escape death??

wc: 295
twc: 1256

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

Dance Drunk Revolution [FPHS – Drunken Hiking] 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


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