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The Oath of Life - Like the Wind

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The Oath of Life - Like the Wind Empty Mon Jul 15, 2024 4:14 pm


The Oath of Life -

Like the Wind

Woken by the shouts and jostling of Folre, Kon awoke feeling weaker then he had ever felt before, while his physical body was slowly attempting to repair itself, the spiritual aspects of him were slowly diminishing and instead were being focused towards the damaged medallion. Vision shifted to mere black and white following the injuries he had sustained from Qinglong, Kon struggled to focus on the lifeless body of Miharu clutched within Vaeri’s arms trying everything and anything to maintain the decaying child. Even through his limited sight, it was plainly obvious that Vaeri’s attempts were entirely in vain. Still clutching the amulet recognizing it as the route cause of both Kon and Miharu’s likely demise, he was tempted to destroy it completely, however was stopped by Hirota who had equally become weakened by the cursed object. In a tired, yet stern voice, Hirota pleaded with Kon to find another way. “You won’t save her by destroying that, whatever it was…, and you’ll cripple the both of us, instead you must accept it into yourself.”



The Oath of Life - Like the Wind Empty Mon Jul 15, 2024 4:14 pm


A scowl grew upon his scarred and battle-worn face as he tried to interpret Hirota’s request, one in which she could likely play a hand in. Rising to his feet with the support of Folre, Kon motioned towards Miharu’s loveless corpse before kneeling down besides her, listlessly looking into the sky completely ignoring the efforts of Vaeri. Recalling the fate of Hirota in the threads of memories that he had walked through whilst being trapped within their shared mind, Kon with wisdom from an age long forgotten realized the true purpose of the amulet was not just to separate Qinglong from a vessel but also to destroy the vessels soul thus prevent the spirit from taking control of them once again. Why the amulet was impacting Kon was unclear, perhaps it targetted anyone that possessed multiple souls, maybe the damaged sustained by Kon had corrupted the amulets effects. The source of the amulet’s enhancement did seem to have a similar source as the Hirota’s sword, maybe they were created by the same mages.



The Oath of Life - Like the Wind Empty Mon Jul 15, 2024 4:15 pm


Why it was happening was irrelevant instead how to stop the amulet from killing everyone was the important part. Possessing an almost magnetic presence, Kon felt an uncontrollable urge to bring the amulet into his chest, one which Hirota slowly began to pressure him into whispering within his soul like a tempress. “Do it, Kon...” Dropping his gifted sword upon the blooded ground, Kon with the hands of a surgeon carefully reduced the amulet into its baser components picking away everything that was superfluous while opening his chest plate revealing his untainted power core. “Do it, Kon..” She continued to whisper, a request that was reinforced by another voice that echoed the same plea, this one more youthful, more innocent. “Please…” As if sensing Kon’s intent, the amulet seemingly restored a portion of his own strength solely to the hand which had been holding it for the duration as he placed it closer and closer to his center.



The Oath of Life - Like the Wind Empty Mon Jul 15, 2024 4:15 pm


With one clear and simple push into his core, immediately strange symbols both familiar and unknown filled his vision as the blessing placed upon him by the elven couple were stripped away entirely, much to their everyone’s surprise. These were replaced with Sinese scripture far more ornate in design as if they were made centuries ago when literature was used for poems and artwork rather then education. “Fantastic!” Hirota uttered before falling deathly silent to even the most desperate of pleas, Kon meanwhile found himself increasingly worn down by the newly introduced amulet now eating away at both his psyche and his power core at an even faster rate. Any and all attempts to remove the relic proved fruitless, leaving him at the mercy of the same strange lady who gave him their sword months ago. A gamble that had paid off it seemed as his vision began to regain colour though another voice one he had heard earlier still lingered within the far reaches of his mind.



The Oath of Life - Like the Wind Empty Mon Jul 15, 2024 4:15 pm


Unable to sustain himself and the possibility of not one, but two other spirits within his body, Kon fell to the ground as the Sinese scriptures and blessings began to dim. When he awoke, he was met not by Folre or Vaeri in the real world nor even HIrota in their shared conscious plane but by a small child resembling Miharu but substantially younger. Even with his limited experience around children, Kon could still recognize she was scared beyond belief. Owing to them being in an ethereal plane, he gave himself a more friendly appearance something that would be disarming. With a distinct stutter, Miharu whimpered out as Kon drew near. “Where…Where am I?” A deep well of sorrow and pity grew within him as he revealed the awful truth. “You are inside my mind, your body was dying and I could only save your soul.” Sniffling imaginary tears, Kon could feel the sorrow welling up within Miharu not from her death but the torment that she had suffered through Qinglong.



The Oath of Life - Like the Wind Empty Mon Jul 15, 2024 4:16 pm


Almost tempted to swap back with Hirota and interact with the parents of a dying child, Kon quickly swapped only for the briefest of moments as the duo began to grieve as Miharu’s physical form continued to disintegrate in front of them as all life began to leave their body. Hiding beneath the metaphorical skirt of Hirota’s consciousness, Kon started to learn about the third soul that now lingered within his mind. With the powers to make and do anything within his own mind unlike hers, Miharu was startled at almost every new discovery creating something before nearly immediately after destroying it as if to reduce the impact she had within their shared consciousness. Though such behaviour would have been cute, its origins told a far more insidious story in which she would need to hide within her own mind from the dominating Qinglong that had resided within her since almost conception. Explaining both her predisposition and small stature despite her physical form resembling that of a young adult. What did make things truly complicated now was the very concept of the three of them sharing a single body moreover trying to return Miharu back to her family. By continued reassurance that she was safe and that Hirota would be looking after her whilst he was away, Kon took the reins of his body once again, mid-conversation much to Hirota’s resentment and Folre’s confusion. “Sorry you were saying?” Kon intervened in the elves comment. “Oh that she deserves a funeral back in the Minstrel Forests, we had always planned, the three of us to go there at some point.”



The Oath of Life - Like the Wind Empty Mon Jul 15, 2024 4:16 pm


Optimism was a cruel thing and while Kon didn’t want to get their hopes up too much, he did reveal the truth, much to Hirota’s resentment that felt concealing what had happened would be in everyone’s best interest. “While your daughter may no longer live in the physical realm, her spiritual form still exists within me, She’s hurting and confused, I will look after her as she recovers from the torment that Qinglong inflicted upon her and I will try to create a suitable artificial vessel for her.” A mixture of emotions could be felt and seen from the elves with the husband blasting Kon with the eyes of a snake, resentful for the actions that had taken place but unable to intervene himself lacking the skills, experience or access to the equipment that would be used to recreate Miharu from the ground up. Admittedly Kon didn’t have the full expertise himself being created through several different engineers and scientists alongside his cousin creating the machia body that he now possesses, one of the few created outside of Talaz Lagaar. This time he would have none of those aids nor could he gain the full assistance of the tech island after it had been damaged months ago in that explosion. No matter he would do his best and make his leave for his new birthplace.


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