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Ode To New Beginnings(open social.)

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Ode To New Beginnings(open social.) Empty Fri Jul 19, 2024 11:59 am

Was this it, was there where something would click for Nemo to learn and figure out where she would go form here? After all she was lost in a myriad of thoughts in which she could do. Some sounded nice other sounded like it was crazy that she thought about doing it.

Was she getting content with the peacefulness of being alone and just thinking all of the time? Partly but in some manner she was also trying to learn parts of her past self to see what more she could learn or want to discard to move on from, since it was all not ingrained in her mind.

But a part of her wanted to give up the search and just learn over time naturally now who would Nemo be here as a person? Not just forever lingering thought about losing some one, Maybe her motherly, Big sister protective mind could be used for other things better then just sitting on nothing.

#2Altuo Dorian 

Ode To New Beginnings(open social.) Empty Tue Jul 23, 2024 9:57 pm

Altuo Dorian
Words : 269Mana : 200 / 200Theme : Lower CityTags : @NemoSpells UsedNone
Ah the hustle and bustle of a marketplace at it's peak. The day was barely half done and yet the city of Orchidia was thriving with an overwhelming humdrum of energy that was intoxicating to the soul. Such was so for a particularly glamourous gentleman who was sauntering through the streets at his leisure. His pristine dress aesthetic making him stand out like a sore thumb against the crowds of locals his was shuffled amongst.

Regardless of the attentions his outlandish appearance might have garnered as he carried on his way, the man seemed right at home. Not a pinch of worry, nor concern, nor any other sign of a sour mood daring to disrupt his warm smile. Practically beaming with a gentle sort of delight he bounced from one stall to the next and onward down the rows. Offering light hearted greetings with each of the shopkeepers standing by as he did so. Every now and then picking up something that would catch his eye from each of their selections. A few of the trinkets being purchased on the spot before carefully being tucked away into the safety of his vest pocket.

Though he had been trying his best to mind his manners as he waded through the collective sea of people. By a stroke of unlucky favor Altuo was knocked into by another twice his stature. The unintended shove tripping the poor man over his own toes enough to send him falling straight into the back of an unwilling savior. An innocent woman who was unfortunate enough to be in the direct path of the oncoming collision.
deadly sins


Ode To New Beginnings(open social.) Empty Thu Jul 25, 2024 2:50 pm

Nemo was starting to wonder if she had a habit of being a target of people just bumping into her. While she moved slightly she regained her posing quickly Nemo seemed to rather be left in the various thoughts.

Much like how she had to ponder was she just that bad over all so that this was normal, Now she had to ponder if she was just that bad with her awareness or she was just starting to lose her touch. But at least Nemo didn't fall over.

She was okay, hopefully the other person was as well Nemo did not have anything in her hands. But she still had no idea what she was doing or if anything was interesting to her.

But she would turn to face who bumped into her to check over them to see if they had anything wrong with them, so far she assumed nothing was wrong.

#4Altuo Dorian 

Ode To New Beginnings(open social.) Empty Fri Jul 26, 2024 9:37 pm

Altuo Dorian
Words : 439Mana : 200 / 200Theme : Lower CityTags : @NemoSpells UsedNone
What a relief it was to have such a fall broken by the presence of a lovely young woman. The same could not be said for the uncouth brute that failed to pay ample attention to their surroundings. Not that he would start a war over something so simple mind you. Able to regain his footing proper enough to avoid a bigger issue. Altuo was swift to remove himself from the woman's personal space. Straightening up not only his stance but also his appearance. Any wrinkles in his clothing being smoothed out with a steady hand, his gilded round spectacles tenderly raised along the bridge of his nose.

"My apologies miss, I hope I didn't hurt you." Crossing an arm over his chest while the other rested from behind him. Altuo leaned forward slightly offering a bow both in gratitude and courtesy. "Seems the crowds today are a bigger beast than I'm used to. Thank you by the way for catching me, even though I know it wasn't exactly intended."
deadly sins


Ode To New Beginnings(open social.) Empty Sun Jul 28, 2024 5:41 am

Was that the case were the groups larger today? Nemo really did not know for sure she was just merely around. Just in a different area trying to see if things. So far the East had only give Nemo a chance to be free from what brought her here, but not fully free yet so to say. But other things seemed to be more important at this time, even if they were not major problems.

But other things would get dealt with first."I am fine, It would most likely take a bit more then that to hurt me."Nemo mentioned casually. She would just have to start working on her dodging skills. "I should work on my people awareness." She was getting rusty skill wise of not bumping into people.

She use to be able to move out of the way quiet well. But when it came to other problems in her life at this time."At least it is not dangerous here, Just a harmless situation over all."Nemo mentioned while she looked over all around just in case, it was just seemingly a slightly busy day at the market.

#6Altuo Dorian 

Ode To New Beginnings(open social.) Empty Sun Aug 04, 2024 10:07 am

Altuo Dorian
Words : 527Mana : 200 / 200Theme : Lower CityTags : @NemoSpells UsedNone
"Well consider me relieved to hear as much." Even against the numerous voices that flooded in from every crevice of the overly occupied streets. His flamboyant tone somehow rose above the rest as sweetly as his face was soft in it's friendly demeanor. "I wouldn't be too hard on yourself for the mistake of another. I also highly doubt your skills lack any luster if they are anywhere as inspiring as your beauty miss."

A playful wink accompanied the compliment as Altuo noted a few things about the girl at first glance. His amber hues observing her in subtle ways so as not to give the wrong impression. Quiet contemplation giving way to intrigue as her choice of response seemed the slightest touch on edge. A theory only further added upon as she made it a point to scan her surroundings at the mere mention of danger.

Was she being hunted?
Was there a threat nearby?
Was she in some kind of bad situation?

All these questions and more came to mind as his analyzation of her behavior honed in on the the specifics. Expertly, not at the cost of his sociability. Maintaining his wits as well as his charms he would dare to see how far the rabbit hole went. For now though, he would do well to turn an awkward situation into a better one for the both of them.

With a turn to the shopkeeper that was tending the fruit stall the two were standing not far from. Altuo offered a wave before browsing over the various baskets of freshly farmed picks. Apples, Bananas, Oranges, and even a few exotics found only across the vast seas of Earthland. If one desired a particular favorite it could be found here quite easily. Using this as an opportunity to lighten the mood he turned to the woman as a silk pouch was released from the confines of his pocket. "You know, I just remembered it's been a minute since I had a bite to eat. Care to join me for an afternoon snack? My treat of course, go ahead and pick whatever catches your fine eye."
deadly sins


Ode To New Beginnings(open social.) Empty Mon Aug 12, 2024 5:54 am

At least there was some kind of relief for Nemo and him, But Nemo suppose it just means her awareness skills where really that behind and she needed to improve on a few things, but Nemo also know that her life was a far different these days that some of her skills did some what faill behind, But suppose that was another problem for a different person.

But he offered food, Nemo ponder on it for a moment. "I suppose something small, I never really required much food."Nemo did also say yes because she got to see more of the area and what its like, trying to get comfortable with it at this time to see if she could.

Most likely if Altuo had asked Nemo some where a bit more quietly she could get a grasp of what Nemo's life was like at this time, So far aside from bumping into Nemo she did not know anything was a miss.

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