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A Succulent Surprise~

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A Succulent Surprise~ Empty Sun Jul 21, 2024 11:11 am


WORDS: 290 |Silk Siren  

Goodness, I hadn't expected to fill this out quite so much… A certain unsteadiness seeming present both in the gait and the spirit of a woman who usually seemed so very difficult to flap as it were, Sung Lo Mei walked down the street as briskly as she could manage upon a pair of shoes with a sharp and almost weaponised heel, and with every window or perhaps gaze which she saw herself reflected in couldn't help but look down at the garment she had changed into with unusual worry.
I don't think it's *too* tight? Raised in the sanctity of a temple but far from so strictly that she had never sported a dress in her life, all the same it felt like one of this rather snug whiteness was something which had yet to find its way into her wardrobe, and while she had found it to be rather cute upon first inspection now that it was wrapped around those none too lacking curves and highlighting her long legs and other parts she couldn't help but feel a sense of disquiet within her.

Seems like people are staring, though? I hope it looks okay… In truth feeling her pulse having quickened the very first time she had spotted a pair of eyes lingering upon her and feeling worried that she looked rather foolish in something like this, it was fair to say she felt far less comfort in this second skin than she typically did her battle suit or something more casual, but with the revelation of where her new teacher had chosen for them to eat it had only been appropriate to dress up a bit, no? Though, hopefully she could do so without embarrassing herself, eh?

A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Succulent Surprise~ Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 3:41 pm


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @Mei |

Alisa was looking forward to this. It wasn't that rare for her and Sofia to take other people out on dates, as though they were looking for prospective partners to bring home to bed but... Alisa had to admit, there was something special about Mei that made her want to look after her... Admiring her reflection in the mirror, Alisa had gone all out, adorning her curvaceous frame with a flowing, silky red dress, flaunting a plunging, daring that neckline that would leave eyes flaring wherever she went. She cupped her full, hefty bust gently as she adjusted the fabric until she was satisfied, as well as prevent any accidents until she arrived at the destination, where she found a stunning, breathtaking vision in white already waiting for her:

"Oh... Good evening Mei...", Alisa's purring, honeyed voice rung out as she washed her gaze over that bewitching beauty in front of her, the clacking heels announcing her approach as she couldn't help but admire her, practically gawking as her eyes washed over her frame. Alisa had lent her the dress. She knew what to expect... And even then Mei still took her breath away as Alisa couldn't help but raise a hand over her mouth, "My~... You look absolutely stunning~"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

A Succulent Surprise~ CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

A Succulent Surprise~ Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 3:42 pm


WORDS: ### |Silk Siren

“M-Miss Alisa!” That soft and almost purr-like voice of the vixen for whom she waited seeming to almost make Mei jolt when she heard it, once more that innocence of spirit seemed to shine forth as the woman in white did her best to trot toward her host in spite of how unsteady she felt upon a set of heightened heels, and once she had closed the distance lifted her hand to push some of the longer portions of her bangs behind her ears as she found herself confronted immediately by a compliment, and perhaps more than that.

“Do you think so? Everyone keeps staring, so I worried that I looked… Funny?” The fair skinned fox seeming to flush a little bit when her new mentor called attention to her image and unconsciously calling attention to it all the more as she fiddled with one of the straps which ran across herself, the brunette in blanched silk couldn't help but glance around herself as she noted the attention she had been getting already, and through both word and deed seemed to show that she was far from as accustomed to dressing in this manner that she did now.
“You look… Very elegant yourself!” Equally seeming to feel at odds with how she should respond to the resplendent ruby colour which the raven was sporting as well, Miss Sung felt that she should also comment on the appearance of the awing Alisa as well but couldn't stop herself from being rather distracted by both the scantness she sported and how it seemed to emphasize the bust of the woman especially, which only made her cheeks all the rosier as she tried to offer equal if not more appreciation for what the dark dish was sporting, despite how distracting it seemed to be in this new situation…

A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Succulent Surprise~ Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 3:46 pm


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @Mei |

Gods, she was positively adorable~... To think someone so strong and charming to have such an endearing side to herself. No wonder Alisa liked her:

"Fufu~... Not at all. They're staring because...", Alisa replied, approaching her stunning junior with a delighted smile on her face and a shake of her head, not wasting time clarifying the girl's misunderstanding as she walked up to her and gently ran a hand down her cheek, before cupping her hand and taking it gently in hers as she caught the girl fiddling with the strap, "...They can't help it with how breathtaking you look~?"

At the same time, she could feel the girl's eyes on her, and it was enough to make her heart flutter when she girl replied with those earnest, heartfelt words of praise, to the point that she reached a hand for her chest as it sunk ever so slightly into that yielding softness, before adjusting the strap of her dress in a way that left it rippling all too visibly:

"Myyy~... What a flatterer you turned out to be, Mei~... Fufu~... Shall we head to the restaurant?", tucking a loose black lock away from her eyes and behind her ear, Alisa nodded towards the restaurant nearby, where the two would be having their meal for the evening


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

A Succulent Surprise~ CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

A Succulent Surprise~ Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 3:48 pm


WORDS: ### |Silk Siren

This time I definitely think it would have been a good idea to bring Alisa along… A slow sigh escaping the lips of Sofia Serena as she closed the saddle bag of the beautiful beast upon which she had arrived in the village and yawned a little, despite how charming this little settlement was the sapphire siren would soon be pleased to be back in the sky and heading toward her home, and not least because she was rather looking forward to a nice nap in a comfortable bed or more accurately the luscious lady she expected to find within it when she finally arrived back in Hargeon.
“Perhaps you would do well to listen to what he has to say, while you have the chance?” At the very least the loudest of the souls around her seeming to stifle themselves to take a role in disgruntled mumbling rather than outright vocal defiance, once the shouting had settled back into a relatively meek murmur the ‘manimal’ was offered another chance to speak, and also gave away a small and curt nod of appreciation to the efforts of the marine maiden as well, before continuing.


A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Succulent Surprise~ Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 3:49 pm


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @Mei |

"Well, that only means... Those people have good taste~...?", Alisa tilted her head and replied matter of factly, not the slightest bit intimidated by the gazes she got, quite the opposite, simply flipping her hair behind her shoulder, all but welcoming those admiring gazes as she approached Mei and brushed the underside of her chin, "Chin up, Mei~... You're beautiful. I almost imagine anything would feel provocative when worn by a beauty such as you? You're simply not used to wearing a dress, are you~...?"

Instead, Alisa held the girl's gorgeous brown hues with a soft, reassuring smile, before sliding her hand from her chin and down Mei's arm, taking a gentle, reassuring hold of her hand until she felt the Sinese beauty relaxing and letting that tension leave her frame:

"Why, there's nothing inappropriate about it~? You're welcome to look and speak your mind if you so choose?", she winked, rubbing her own cheek, letting her gaze wash over her frame with a seductive smile, "Quite the opposite, few things feel quite as flattering as the attention of a beauty like you~"

With these words, Alisa guided her towards the restaurant, keeping Mei close so she could focus entirely on Alisa, that subtle lavander scent teasing her senses as she walked up to the restaurant and held the door for her:

"Good evening, Luca~... I had a reservation for two?"

"Good evening, Miss Alisa. But of course... Follow me.", welcoming her with a captivating smile stood a finely dressed, middle aged gentleman, "A pleasure to make your acquaintance to well, Miss. I can only imagine how Miss Alisa found such enchanting company as yourself."


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

A Succulent Surprise~ CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

A Succulent Surprise~ Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 3:50 pm


WORDS: 360 |Silk Siren

“Goodness, I'm… Not used to people staring so much?” Those deep and dark doe eyes growing a little wider when the black belle before her used a word like 'breathtaking', inexperience in this particular 'arena' meant that Mei looked a world away from the confident young woman who had stepped forward to accept the challenge which her new mentor had laid out as she seemed to squirm a little, and continued to show redness in her cheeks as she did so.
“I'm not accustomed to dressing so… Provocatively?” Once more sending her eyeline about their vicinity and feeling all the more aware of the way folks gazes fell upon her now that the rouge-clad raven had clarified their purpose, once more the woman in white couldn't help but tug at and tweak her outfit to seek a greater feeling of comfort, and perhaps would need time and patience to settle into the scenario and relax. Though, having someone she trusted at her side, despite not knowing her long, seemed to offer some comfort.

“I-I only speak the truth, Miss Alisa! I assure you, I have no intent to… Behave inappropriately?” The girl gasping however when her teacher turned temptress called attention to the flattery in her words, even though the elegant Empress seemed to say them with a sense of amusement all too quickly did the brunette think that she might have been acting like a bawdy old man or some such with what she said and how her eyes seemed to want to drift downward, and waved her hands in a nervous panic as she tried to clarify the purpose behind her admiration.
“Y-Yes, it's probably best…” All the same feeling glad that they weren't far from the restaurant and not least because of how 'on display' she felt at the moment, though she wanted to march right into the door and exploit the feeling of privacy which they might be provided by their destination all the same she couldn't help but hesitate thanks to the nerves conjured by so many new experiences, and held a pleading sentiment within eyes which asked her senior to take her under her wing once more. Almost literally, in fact…

A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Succulent Surprise~ Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 3:51 pm


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @Mei |

"My~... So I'm the first one to see you show off so vibrantly? How fortunate of me~...", Alisa didn't really suspect otherwise, but hearing it stated so boldly still made her heart flutter at the thought of admiring this bewitching beauty for the first time, "Fufu~... Right~? I saw it on my wardrobe and it just had your name written all over it~"

Throwing her a teasing, flirtatious little wink, Alisa held on to Mei's hand as she guided her into the restaurant, feeling that gentle squeeze and returning it in kind, her thumb gliding back and forth against the back of her hand, her fingers on the cusp of slipping oh so naturally between Mei's as their intimacy grew:

"Just wait until you see the food~...? I bet you haven't tried proper Fiorian cuisine since you arrived here~?", Alisa arched her brow, pulling up Mei's chair and letting her date take a seat, before stepping around the table and taking the seat across her, running her hands down her hips, scooping up that silken finery of her dress before sitting her shapely rear on the cushy chair and crossing her long, shapely legs underneath


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

A Succulent Surprise~ CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

A Succulent Surprise~ Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 3:51 pm


WORDS: 330 |Silk Siren

“I've worn dresses before but nothing this um… Exposing?” Eager to affirm that this was certainly not the first time that she had slipped into something which helped to set free her femininity before, Mei had owned a gown or two which better reflected her origin and while they were rather luxurious and perhaps showy in their own way, they didn't seem to highlight her frame half as much as the one which she was wearing now. It was definitely new to her.
“But maybe you're right, it did look pretty cute when you showed me it?” Feeling a sense of reassurance in the hand which the woman offered her however even if it did take her a moment to register what she was doing, the truth was that the brunette had never really held the hand of any woman other than that of her mother oh so many years past, yet there felt something comfortable and natural enough about the gesture that the lass couldn't help but squeeze and grip that touch tightly and happily. It felt nice to be led by this wonder of a woman, that was for sure.

“Everything looks… Pristine?” Barely making an effort to stop either unless her fellow femme wished to when they arrived at the restaurant, Miss Sung took in their new venue while Alisa spoke to the man who greeted them on matters which she didn't quite understand, and was impressed as she did so. The whole room seeming bright but not offputtingly so, polished glass and golden features which this fine eatery seemed to flaunt were a far cry from the modesty with which the doe eyed doll had been raised, and once more she seemed to show that childlike wonder as she looked around herself and seemed to forget her nerves for a second as she glanced around with a slight gape on her jaw, and a tether to the temptress who brought her along with it should the woman wish…

A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Succulent Surprise~ Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 3:55 pm


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @Mei |

"Welllll, you can hardly say say they have a dress code per se, nobody would have stopped you from coming in if you arrived straight from the beach? But since you're in Fiore... It's best to give you the full Fiorian experience~?", Alisa replied, shooting her a knowing wink, knowing the staff here at the restaurant would have been appalled to hear Mei say something like this, to the point Alisa had a lopsided smile on her face

Still, she couldn't deny, she enjoyed having the chance to choose an outfit for such a dazzling model. Alisa rarely got the chance to indulge in this, but at the same time, she could tell why fashion designers enjoyed their line of work so much. Having a beautiful model and trying to find the perfect outfit to fit them can be one of the most enjoyable experiences:

"You're welcome~", Alisa replied, hand resting on Mei's shoulder as circled around the table andtook her seat, all but chuckling as the girl hesitated on what to do when Alisa pulled the chair for her, but sensing the subtle, excited giddiness once it finally dawned on her. Heavens, she really wasn't used to being treated like a Queen huh? Noo sooner than they'd sat down did one waiter arrive the menus, as well as appetizers to get them started; olives, focaccia, and a small platter of fresh cheeses and curated hams, "Oh thank you~... In that case Mei, you'll have the perfect chance to find out."

Alisa took a bite size portion of the focaccia and covered it in ham and mozarella, all while she went over the menu, looking through the highlights to see if anything caught her attention:

"If you'd like I can give you a few recommendations~? What kind of foods do you like?", as a worldly woman who'd travelled to most countries in Earthland at some point or another, Alisa trusted her abilities to spoil and satisfy this young beauty's palate with only a few words about her likes and dislikes.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

A Succulent Surprise~ CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

A Succulent Surprise~ Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 3:57 pm


WORDS: 360 |Silk Siren

“Heeheehee, yes, I'd never had a reason to dress like this before today~?” The brunette blushing a little bit when her new mentor mentioned how she was showing off but at the same time feeling a little thrill from the notion as well, though Miss Sung hadn't known Alisa all that long she could not deny that she was rather keen on impressing the woman after all she had done for her, and even if it was a new feeling seemed to feel at least a note of pride in apparently having done so today.
“It was indeed very generous of you to share your wardrobe? I haven't visited an eatery with a dress code before…?” Nodding soon after as her teacher spoke of how she had felt the item perfect for her, in all honesty the doe eyed doll had also felt a little bit of joy in having the woman pore over items for her to wear and pick something out which she liked, and that had probably been the deciding factor in why she had braved this garb so brazenly.

“Um…. Oh! T-Thank you!” Perhaps unknowingly feeling all too happy to be trotted around like something of a show pony for this woman and frankly enjoying the attention she received from so great and glamorous a figure, though Mei was a little confused when the woman pulled the chair out and then seemed to wait upon her response a quick glance around the room inferred the chivalry therein, and so she slipped into her seat with a bit of a grin and a little more quickness in her pulse to go along with it as well.
“Yes, yes. I haven't been here long at all? Even what food I have found is rather new to me~?” All of this seeming to provide her with an energy deep in the pit of her belly which she couldn't quite comprehend, never the less she felt like she was a child again and being spoiled by this woman, and though it seemed a little immature it also felt rather wonderful as well. Gosh, she could only imagine the delights she might see this evening, eh?

A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.

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