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Bird in Flight

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Bird in Flight Empty Sun Jul 21, 2024 8:41 pm


”Aaaaah, so that’s what brings you to my realm.” Her voice, like Lumikki was quite airy. Like the strong winter breeze. Yet every word sounded quite clear, never splintering like how Lumikki’s tend to do when she falls into her natural and demonic voice. The Demoness just filling in the Primordial presence, of her story, explaining all the events that occurred as of last that landed her and the Daemon brothers here. By the end, Aurilandür seemed nothing but amused. She knew of Lumikki’s coming, but only regarded such knowledge as “the whispering of stars.” Even Nerice could not attest to how Aurilandür came to know, but she was grateful for the news all the same.

”What a fun tale indeed little one. I am glad you took the time to tell me. Say we have a moment together, just us alone.” Before Lumikki inquired further to better understand, it was like she was spirited away. Her body was left behind while her mind was practically whisked away into another realm. She could no longer see Aurilandür, but she could feel the Primordial upon her “skin” as if the being wrapped around her like the cold of space would to anything within it. From here, Lumikki felt so small. Like a cup of water returned to the ocean, only to be pull apart from the vastness of her new vessel. It would be overbearing if she didn’t hear Aurilandür voice once more. Like a beacon to focus on, it kept Lumikki intact.

”I understand the discomfort this could possibly put you through, but I figured you could do well with a break from others for a moment as we discussed more things. I was curious about your recollection of something child. How well you remember a certain event from long ago.” It felt like Aurilandür‘s voice was coming from everywhere, which oddly was comforting as it was like being wrapped a quilt and held tightly. But before Lumikki could finally push out her own voice to answer, she could feel something else stirring around her. A presence just as powerful and overbearing as Aurilandür herself.

”What brings you dear sister? I did not expect you to sink within my domain.” The voice, like Aurilandür, was far ancient, with a depth as vast as all the darkness that smothered Lumikki right at that moment. ”Oh, greetings Nótt. I was simply entertaining a conversation with the child before me. See, she was touched by my Frør sometime ago and I was simply curious about how that came to be. At least, how it seemed from her part.” Lumikki could feel the darkness take a deeper hold of her, like a pressure was rising. ”Something about her is faaaaamiiiiliar, but I can’t put my finger on it…..”

”Peculiar isn’t it? It’s what has my fascination.” Lumikki felt the chill again, merging now with the dark grip. ”Uuuuh,” she attempted to utter. Her “voice” felt strained here, it would take more effort than back in her body. ”Do ye mean the time…..during the blizzard? When I got lost in the storm and me Nan thought I died? I thought I died…I felt meself fading away….but when I came to, I felt like something more. Sometimes….sometimes I wondered if I really did die that day and someone else entered me body. I never quite felt the same since, but me memories and feelings didn’t change? I just became….more?”

”Hmmmm….’ Aurilandür withdrew into her thoughts. Mulling over Lumikki’s recanting. ”Oooh now I remember Aurilandür! A sliver of this child resided here in my domain. The darkness within her used to wait here for a time. What are the odds sister, that the same child is touched by both of our marks?”

”Tenevi?” Lumikki whimpered. ”Me dear harpy…she told me of her time here. It was through her that I learned to channel Primordial dark as opposed to the Obscura of me father. It was through her that I learned to revere ya Nótt.

Lumikki felt laughter reverberate from all around her, vibrating her essence to the core. It would seem that Nótt too was all now quite amused. ”Is that soooo girl? Humorous indeed, but I commend you for bothering with the effort to seek the true source and not succumb to that wasteful chaotic medley. It almost seems that too many fools are eager to try their hand by any other means, not knowing where the true power lies on their pursuit for shortcuts and powerful magics. Yet here you are, one of your like, made by the very Abyss you sought to undercut,” another rupture of laughter ran right through her, this time feeling as though it was ripping her apart and maybe it was. Lumikki was coming undone and being put back together. Her being feeling less muddled than it was before. And almost on cue, Aurilandür too would pour her being into the mix. Where Nótt was a thunderous touch, Aurilandür felt so soft and gentle, as was the nature of cold that usually lulled on into their death. Her chuckle was like the sound of fallen ice and the slight ring heard upon its shatter. It soothed Lumikki as she reformed. Aiding her through the disorienting process of coming to be once more. It was far from uncomfortable but paled in the searing pain that was her turning into a Demon. And even so, there were no thoughts to fight no feelings to quell. No corruption to over take her. No, just simply pure raw power. It was a gift.

A gift indeed for they altered her power. Transcending it from the depths from which it occupied, God, and elevating it to the realms of the Primordial. Lumikki, ever loving and faithful to her pantheon, extended that devotion and veneration to Primordial before her and they felt the sincerity of her meager existence. The Demoness was not one of wanting, not by means of another, not by borrowing anyone’s power. In her earnest desire to dispatch the threat in her home, she walked a path of renewal. One that would ask her to discard many things, many aspects of herself. To which Lumikki has indeed been shedding those things away.

Her recklessness, her assumption to do it all alone, her precious companion and sliver of her soul, soon her fears and her burdens. All that will be left is Lumikki to the purest form and the desire to look over her people. Perhaps this is why the events became pages of her story, building up Lumikki’s growing legend. And with the gift from the Primordial sisters, would that in time lead her onto the path of the Norse pantheon. Was this foreseen by the Norns, woven into tapestries, painted in murals of prophecies foretold. One did not have those answers, as many greater powers that come to be, all worked at the same time with little awareness for the other. It was simply how things were, but it did not take away from the beauty of those small moments where everything converged. Even beings that proceeded time could still find it in themselves to enjoy the sweetness of such fleeting occurrences. Quite like the sisters now, a fusion of the two were akin to the mother of the universe. For they were the nothingness from which everything was born. And now they act as a mother again, birthing something anew in Lumikki. A fleeting fancy they acted upon simply because they can.

The Demoness, still of abyssal flesh, was now reforged with much more. The purity of frost and darkness was now melding with her and though she could not perceive it in the moment, her forgone body was now aglow as it morphed into something new.

Her brothers below were taken by surprised, and in their distress, they’d try to run toward her. Only to be stopped by the two ice knights that led them into the room prior. ”I hope ye don’t think me callous enough to let me lil raven be harmed, nor do we appreciate ya thinking the worst of the Great Mother. What ye see before ye is somewhat akin to a rebirth. Something most of us go through upon being accepted in this realm. Seems Aurilandür was gracious enough to extend such a gift to me dear Lumikki, take care not to spoil such good favors lad and give the lass her time to return.” Nerice stepped between the knights and brothers, emphasizing how much she stood by her words.

”Cannot blame us for worrying Ma’am. This journey has been a turbulent one…” One could hear the strain in Mikhail’s voice, he was indeed tired and worried. ”Turbulent? That’s one way to put it I guess. But I can say I’m getting fkin annoyed real quick….” Mùchén would stepped as he spoke, walking up to Nerice annoyed and frustrated, but it would be Mikhail that grabbed and pulled him back. Mùchén tried to shake it off, but Mikhail’s demonic stand poured out from him to hold down his brother further. Cementing his stand for Mùchén to back down and wait. ”Heh…I get it….Let’s give her a moment then…” He’d growl, his eyes glowing a crimson red as he was still annoyed. Though his body was still tense, Mùchén would indeed heed his brother’s request and ease his aggressive posture.

And sure enough, the glow of Lumikki’s body receded, returning her like nothing changed, but everything changed. It was all simply internally, for what felt like to her an eternity. As if she spent forever to be stitched back together, held in the grasp of the two Great Mothers.

Eventually Lumikki’s consciousness had returned. Bringing life back into her fluttering eyes as body crumpled. She would of fallen to the ground if one of the ice knights were not so quick to catch her, but they’d pick her up to offer her to one of the brothers. Mikhail nudged Mùchén to the side as she stepped forward to take her back. Cradling the small Demoness in his arm as he looked back toward the seat Aurilandür occupied. Her consciousness also pouring right back into the vessel slowly before she’d open her eyes to look onto her audience.

”A cute one isn’t she?” Aurilandür smiled like proud mother. Though it did nothing to appease Mùchén who was still somewhat fuming. ”You wouldn’t believe it Nerice, Nótt was kind enough to join. I know it was part to humor me but I feel like she might have also taken a little appreciation of the child’s efforts. Not many mortals left besides your family revere me, and more so for my sister who most glance upon without as much of a thought. Many harkening her like nothingness. I think she found the efforts of your girl’s pursuits amusing, maybe even sweet. Either way, Lumikki darling garnered our joint favor, a rarity to say for sure but even us Primordials can get bored and generous. Speaking, would you two be kind enough to lead them to the next gate so that they may return to their realm. There is still much for this girl to do and only so long her brothers could handle this cold. Isn’t that right boys?”

Mùchén looked as though he was going to mention something, whipping his around to meet her gaze, when Mikhail took him by the face with the palm of his free hand and pulled him back. ”Ever so gracious my divinity, we thank you profusely. You would be right to assume that we would want to pass through the gates and return home as soon as possible. So if that will be all?” Mikhail bowed lightly, unlike Mùchén he was able to maintain his manners as he was more used to the company of beings so removed from mortals.

Nerice, before Aurilandür could move them along, approached the girl. Brushing the stray pale hair from her face and kissing Lumikki’s forehead gently. ”I love ye so much lil raven….” SHe’d look up to Mikhail after sliding a necklace, a ward that she prepared over Lumikki’s head. ”Protect me baby won’t ye?” Her voice was so meek compared to how it was before. Like all her presence diminished now that it was time to see Lumikki go. ”Of course,” Mikhail bowed again but now toward Nerice, ”You have our word.” Mikhail relaxed his hand on Mùchén’s face, releasing him. ”Heh, isn’t that obvious. She’s our lil sis, looking out for her was always a given…How annoying, Mickey, can we just be off already. I’m getting real tired of this cold.” Mikhail looked over toward the knights expectantly, until they complied and led the small group out.

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It was a bit before Lumikki awoken, her head was still humming from the change. The ordeal within had taken a lot out of her, and it took her a while for her to snap out of her daze. ”Where are we?” She mumbled, rolling about from resting atop of Mikhail’s lap. ”I see our little sleeping princess has returned to us, goooood. You needed the sleep and rest, you have been pushing yourself too much you know.” He looked down at her, his gaze meeting with her upturned, sheepish and wide eyes.

”Finally Rav, I thought we’d be pushing onto the fourth day.” He poked in, leaning into her face as he crouched before her. His glimmering eyes full of a lot more energy now they’ve returned back into their realm. ”Four days?!” Lumikki immediately startled awake, gasping as her frenzied gaze looked about her. Her head swaying back and forth to take the setting in.

Mikhail sighed, ”No not four days little lady, but you have been sleeping for serval hours. We’ve been returned to our realm as soon as the Aurilandür Primordial returned you. She was kinda enough to usher us out and not keep us waiting, speaking of which, your grandmother wished you the best and gifted you that necklace.” Lumikki looked down, pulling it out so that she could get a clear glance at the ward she received, she was not sure what it did but she was sure in its purpose and power. Its blue ice-like gems sparkling underneath the Midgarð sun, and Lumikki would give it a little kiss before letting it drop back onto her chest.

”So were back huh? Good, good.” She finally noticed the flock of ravens amassed in their locations, from which, seemed like the forest within the Udgard Wilds. They were in the shade of one of the taller trees, more than likely far from where the sisters resided, but Lumikki had to admit. It felt so good to be home.

”Moving about was such a life changing experience, an adventure I’d never forget….but it feels more pleasing being back in Midgarð! I rather enjoy our home in Earthrealm.” Mùchén chuckled, ”Yea, you and me both Rav. Now…what’s next?”

”Right, right.” Lumikki uttered as she made a circle in the air with her ringed finger, opening a portal to her personal abyss. With an outreached hand, she called down one of her many ravens to sit upon her shoulder. It would be Lonu, one her personal ravens, who volunteered while Lumikki was writing a note to deliver to the Jarl of Fjallgard so that he could assemble the meeting. ”You had us worried there my Revna….gone for days and to see you returned in that state? It was disheartening. And where….where is lady Tenevi? She didn’t return with you.”

Lumikki read over her note before folding it up and handing it to Lonu’s beak. ”Let’s not bring that up for a long time, matter a fact love, spread that to the others. I know how curious me ravens are…” She tried her best to smile, putting all her effort to shape her lips, but there felt like a disconnect as if it was failing to do what she was willing it. She’d simply accept her half smile, and the tears she would hold back within her eyes. The strain was eating at the good mood she was in before for simply being back. Lonu, somewhat reading his masters demeanor, would only nod before taking off to complete the work he was assigned.

Lumikki lingered her sight on him, waiting until he was out of her line of vision before clapping loudly and looking over to her brothers. ”And now for us, aye. We’ll be tracking some of these blasted Draugr so we could prove if the new magic I was granted could indeed help slow ‘em. Despite their affinity for the chill, I got to see if I could hex them still so that it opens them up for our warriors in battle. Of course the King, well I have another plan in mind. But all in time, would hate to be proven wrong in glorious fashion.” Lumikki threw herself up, hopping from Mikhail’s lap. ”Ready to get a lick of action lads? Hope ye didn’t toss those furs of yers, ye’ll needing ‘em for the war to come~”

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Lumikki refrained from the use of her ravens, just beyond the Udgard Wilds resided the territory known as the Oddr mountains. A place whose cold could almost rival the places they’ve just visited but it’s because of the brothers’ journey that they were able to brave the chill just fine. Hovering over the lands with Obscura wings, trying to spot any stray Draugr they could find. All in hopes to bring the results back to the Jarls for the meeting. In around an hour of efforts, somewhat deep into the mountains territory, something interesting stirred.

Mùchén was the first one to see it, and he’d lunge as soon as it caught his attention. The red blur that was him diving from the sky was enough to alert Lumikki and Mikhail as well. Their focus was to now join him while Lumikki readied her new magic to meet it. The Demoness flinging down her spell just before Mùchén could even reach the ground.

The Draugr let out a scream as its movement were hindered. The cold it could usually bear was now biting once more at its skin. The creature was fairly slow to begin with, but its movements dropped until it wasn’t even able to move at all. Almost staying still now as if locked in place. Granted, Lumikki did not accomplish this with that one spell alone, but with a few layered on top of the first. Yet she got the resulted she needed to be sure and she’d race down to join her brother at the ground to contain it.

Eerily as Mikhail and Lumikki joined Mùchén, something far bigger rumbled. The stillness from just around them was disturbed as another screech reverberated in the skies. One of the small mountains just beside them proved to be more when it began to move. The ice and snow falling off to reveal the flesh of a long dead corpse moving. Fixing itself to look at the small group and grab a its discarded club upon the ground.


Bird in Flight Img_0811

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