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Safera Kross

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#1Safera Kross 

Safera Kross Empty Thu Jul 25, 2024 2:19 pm

Safera Kross

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Name: Safera Kross

Age: 22,
December 12, x774

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Hetero

Ethnicity, Father: Stellan
Ethnicity, Mother: Joyan
Class: Spellsword
Race: Daemon here. Any race with the (Starter) or (Purchasable) tag can be selected at character creation.

Rank: D-rank

Guild: Select a guild from the guild pages or put guildless. Choose a guild that suits your character, otherwise, you may be removed from the guild by its Master. See Here for more details.

Tattoo: Where is your guild emblem tattoo located on your body? What colour is your guild emblem tattoo? Please select a location even if you've picked Guildless, because you may want to join a guild later on at some point.

Face: Derieri - Seven Deadly Sins



Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Purple


Sefera has a well defined body with noticable muscular features that stand out more than anything else. She stands five feet and seven inches tall with long disheveled blond hair and a light skin complexion. Her marble shaped eyes are decorated purple with pupils of a black color. She likes to wear a mix of comfortable and loose fitting attire, and will occasionally go for outfits that show off her skin but not to the point of it being a distraction. She's not the type to put her mind into what she wears as the only thing she cares about is that it looks comfortable and she can move around in it.

Extra: N/a


Most individuals have come to label Safera as a faineant person who faces difficulty in maintaining interest in something, as things can grow dull rather quickly. To keep her interests from ebbing she finds things with  high risk and a high reward such as fighting strong monsters or come upon lost treasure. It helps to discover a myriad of interests because doing so will make life seem less insipid to her and more exciting, allowing her to become more eagered to try out new things. To Safera, cultivating an air of relaxation is important to her for she doesn't want to find herself in a state of worry or panic even if the situation calls for it.

Being in a relax state allows her to dissect problems, and think of ways to handle any situation she encounters as it helps to have a clear and flexible mind. Not only that but it also makes coming up with ideas to tackle the problem an effortless task as opposed to entering a situation with an unclear conscious. However, maintaining an air of composure isn't an easy task, it takes a great amount of focus and discipline for one to remain in control. Losing that ability to control one's emotions can cause her composure to collapse, which gives her demons the chance to invade her mind and fill it with doubts and fear.

Because of her relaxed and carefree manner, she seldom seen uneasy but she may show subtle hints of anxiety here and there, depending on the gravity of the situation. Safera isn't the type to appease others, as she's more concerned with herself and her own personal needs due to the fact that she's been mostly on her own. She had to rely on herself so as to increase her chances of survival and looking out for others would only lessen her chances, something that she couldn't afford.

  • Freedom:
  • Exploration: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ius an invidunt adipisci, sit at aperiam efficiantur. Eos quodsi inimicus ad, laudem assentior definitiones ut usu. Mei tritani suscipiantur no. Te vel altera fuisset. An quo porro evertitur, sea falli conclusionemque no.

  • Rules: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ius an invidunt adipisci, sit at aperiam efficiantur. Eos quodsi inimicus ad, laudem assentior definitiones ut usu. Mei tritani suscipiantur no. Te vel altera fuisset. An quo porro evertitur, sea falli conclusionemque no.
  • Weakness: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ius an invidunt adipisci, sit at aperiam efficiantur. Eos quodsi inimicus ad, laudem assentior definitiones ut usu. Mei tritani suscipiantur no. Te vel altera fuisset. An quo porro evertitur, sea falli conclusionemque no.

  • Lorems: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ius an invidunt adipisci, sit at aperiam efficiantur. Eos quodsi inimicus ad, laudem assentior definitiones ut usu. Mei tritani suscipiantur no. Te vel altera fuisset. An quo porro evertitur, sea falli conclusionemque no.

  • Lorems: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ius an invidunt adipisci, sit at aperiam efficiantur. Eos quodsi inimicus ad, laudem assentior definitiones ut usu. Mei tritani suscipiantur no. Te vel altera fuisset. An quo porro evertitur, sea falli conclusionemque no.
  • Ipsums: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ius an invidunt adipisci, sit at aperiam efficiantur. Eos quodsi inimicus ad, laudem assentior definitiones ut usu. Mei tritani suscipiantur no. Te vel altera fuisset. An quo porro evertitur, sea falli conclusionemque no.


Distribute 30 points over the attributes below with at least 1 in every Attribute.

Strength: 9

Speed: 6

Constitution: 5

Endurance: 5

Intelligence: 5


Magic Name: What is the name of your magic? You may choose a magic from the shop that costs 2,000,000 Jewels or less.

Magic Element: What is the element of your magic? It may only be a single element unless you start off with a multi-elemental enhancement or shop magic.

Magic Enhancement: If you start with a custom magic, select one Enhancement from the Enhancement list.

Magic Description: What is the description of your magic? Please do note that your magic may not be similar to that of a magic on the List of Banned Magics or to one in the shop. In case you wish to get a magic with a gimmick, you may purchase on later on in the shop with an element that matches yours. For now, you will have a basic elemental magic.


Growing up she didn't have parents that she could go to, and spend time with as she was denuded of a childhood. It happened when a band of thugs bearing magic came to her home one night and wreck havoc. Her dislike for magic and those who'll use their gifts with no regards to others was born on the night of her parents death. She was unable to bear the pain she had experienced as she was forced to flee on her father's request. Despite wanting to stay with her parents and help fend off the thugs, even she wouldn't be any match for them. Her father forced her to flee and to never look back. Living on the streets had its far share of highs and lows but she would still rather have a nice an
d comfortable place to call home, instead of setting shop in an abandoned building without having to worry about someone sneaking up on her and take her things.

She had to focus on what she got rather than concentrate on things that won't fall on her lap. Using a bit of elbow grease and a lot of underhanded tactics that she picked up  while on the streets made living on her own more bearable as she couldn't afford to be nice and patient. She had to strike when the moment felt right to her, even if the risk was too great she would rather play the band that was given to her and see how the rest will play out. Even though she wanted a home, there wasn't anyone who was willing to take in a ruffian like Safera. The rejection she'd been experiencing over her years wandering had weighed her down, causing her grow cold and distant towards people, yet she still clinged to a thread of hope and held on to the belief that someone will come and give her purpose.

Discord: Cross

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Yuuki Hashimoto
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