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A Cruel Fate [Solo - Storyline]

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A Cruel Fate [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sun Aug 25, 2024 9:54 am


WORDS: ### | Simply Stunning

"Yes, yes! You will find many wonderful item here, pretty lady!
Please enjoy! Spend! We are cheap! You will not find bargain like these elsewhere~?"

Dressed casually and moving about the hustle and bustle of a travelling market of traders who had arrived in Hargeon, this hive of activity was nothing new for a woman like Sofia Serena, who had made a point of travelling to distant lands and seeing the spectacle of the Desiertian bazaars or Sevese symposiums.
Gotta love the enthusiasm, if nothing else~? Happy to roll along with the tide as it were and see what was on offer without being oversold on the often overblown promises of those desperate to trade their wares, all the same she seemed to get waved down by the hand of an enthusiastic salesman whose speech was a little broken though none the less charming for it, and for thar reason opted to look across the bunch of trinkets scattered across a table before him. I mean, every once in a while one found something special at events like this, no~?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Cruel Fate [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sun Aug 25, 2024 9:55 am


WORDS: ### | Simply Stunning

“Teeheehee~ Well, that will remain to be seen, hm~?” Not that one so experienced in events like these would give up the ghost of her intention or hope all that easily and as such Miss Serena meeting his declaration with an arched brow and an amused smirk, as she turned those emerald eyes toward the array of objects he had before him the princess of the Pegasi could see that there seemed to be no real method or theme to the objects which he carried, and antiques and accessories seem to mix together with other more spurious selections which might have seen a head tilt as well.
Oh my, a bow this cute might look great on the girls…! What intrigued her the most however something simple and yet enchanting all the same for that, SOFIA reached for a strip of pinkness which had been tied into a flaring loop curiously, she picked it up and smiled as she feels the simple softness and thought of her darling daughters almost immediately, though quickly found herself distracted by what followed…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Cruel Fate [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sun Aug 25, 2024 9:55 am


WORDS: ### | Simply Stunning

“Oh…?” Those beryl eyes blinking when she seemed to turn the bow over and feel the weight within it suddenly shift, after hearing the soft sound of something hitting the ground and bouncing she looks down to see the shape of something round and slightly transparent roll neck to her foot, and tilts her head as she stared at it with a sense of wonder and perhaps awe as well for how pretty it looked.
What is…? Some kind of? The lass likely a liar if she tried to say that she could tell whether it was white or green or clear in colour but whatever it was it looking rather elegant, Miss Serena might have thought that she were looking at some kind of pearl if not for it being more like a gemstone in overall appearance and larger than any she has seen, it seemed only natural for her to droop down to pick the item up to inspect it better, and yet the very second that she touches it with her hand everything seemed to change…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Cruel Fate [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sun Aug 25, 2024 9:56 am


WORDS: ### | Simply Stunning

“Unnffff…!” Lifting the odd little orb into her hand and that very act seeming to make everything around her turn white in an instance, the change seemed to make Sofia swipe and stumble as if smoke or some sort had suddenly seized her, though slowly did it recede. The lass left blinking all the same as the brightness seems to ebb away like drifting mist which had engulfed her and then steadily passed away, when it peeled away it revealed a scene which strangely did not contain some odd merchant and his wares, but something else entirely.

Where… Am I? The emerald eyed enchantress looking around her, there still seemed to be some hustle and bustle like there was in the market, and yet the clothes of the people are totally different. The folk around her seeming to be shabbier and more inclined to warmth than one would expect from the summer's day she had left, there was no mirth of visitors but rather bodies that looked like they had been looking for comfort and kindness for a while, and then there was the space which they stood in…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Cruel Fate [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sun Aug 25, 2024 9:56 am


WORDS: ### | Simply Stunning

It wasn’t dark before, was it…? The beryl eyed beauty still bewildered as she shifted her focus from folk who seemed happier to stick to their own business rather than worry about the confused stranger who stood among them, as the green gaze of the girl now scanned around her environment she did not fail to notice the dimness which had replaced the sunny day which she had left, and looked up to see only blackness above her surroundings save for the aid of a lingering lamps and the like, which naturally prompted a frown.
This doesn't look like Hargeon? This not all however as she now seeming to be standing near some run down railway station which looked to mix together a dirt floor and an air of heavy but hurried industry, she was reminded more of Bosco or Talaz rather than the bright seaside town which she had left, and frowned all the more until something catches her ear; Something which would pluck at the heartstrings of a mother the most strikingly…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Cruel Fate [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sun Aug 25, 2024 9:57 am


WORDS: ### | Simply Stunning

"Please… I need to find a doctor…?
Won't someone help me?
Please! I've got to find a doctor!"

The moment into which Sofia stepped seeming to be so very bewildering for a number of reasons and yet even with this level of confusion the girl with the green gaze drawn by her ear to something which she had no power to ignore, the soft and sweet voice of a child pierced the scenery with the air of desperation which it carried, and thus Sofia turned about to hear the source of it and found she was hardly surprise to see it belonging to a small shape with wavy brown hair and a pretty little dress. Though some of the details astounded her.
A girl…? Wait, she looks like…? Unable to fail to notice how the lass seems to resemble her with those almost impossibly large green eyes, she shuffles closer to her with a sense of curiosity because of that and concern for the reason behind why she was pleading to find a doctor, though before she had a chance to reach out vocally or otherwise it seemed outrage would seize her all too quickly. Though given what happened, one could hardly blame her, right~?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Cruel Fate [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sun Aug 25, 2024 9:57 am


WORDS: ### | Simply Stunning

"And stay down, brat!

The scene before her chaotic and uncaring enough before our emerald eyed enchantress was left to watch as some unthinking fool stumbled about and crashed into this desperate and diminutive little darling, while such an act of negligence was bad enough on its own, the fact that he soon seemed to mock the poor thing as she topples into the mud and then cackle with his friends was the final straw.

“Hey!” It never said that Sofia was one who managed to dominate her impulses all that much and among those her temper something which was no different, the fact that the little girl had been so very much overlooked by everyone in her environment had agitated her plenty already, and then such an act of callousness was the final straw which saw her bark out in anger as she for a moment seemed to forget the circumstances which had called her here. It's clobbering time…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Cruel Fate [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sun Aug 25, 2024 9:57 am


WORDS: ### | Simply Stunning

“Why don't you pick on someone your own…” The goat of the girl with the green gaze well and truly gotten by the scene and the sight of such a small and sweet soul being well and truly mistreated, while the little lady resembled her Miss Serena couldn't help but see one of her daughters in place of this youngster and for that reason made the busiest of bee lines toward the moron who had cast the lass into the dirt, with wicked intentions in mind.
“…Size?” Unfortunately the thought in this example not being the thing that counted however and that only seeming to prove doubly true when despite the fury which the fair femme felt her having no opportunity for outlay or in this case laying out, a mitt of the usually mischievous minx lunged for the shoulder of the callous fool while her other balled ready to sock him in the mug, and yet as the first reached its would be target something happened which she did not expect, or in this case did not happen. Either way, her rage seemed to be stalled in an instant…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Cruel Fate [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sun Aug 25, 2024 9:58 am


WORDS: ### | Simply Stunning

“What's going on?” The mistress of all things marine marching forward with a mitt ready to send him into the dirt as well but all too quickly mystified when she reaches for the bully's form and felt her hand pass right through it as if he or perhaps more accurately she were not meat but mist, those emerald eyes widen as she looks to her hand in disbelief and tried again to seize at the soul, but found the same result repeating itself as she jostled but achieved no result worth remarking upon. It was like the was in this world, but not.
I can't…? The fair femme frowning as she realizes that not only could she not touch this fool but it also seemed a little odd that he and his cronies would not turn nor even flinch at the words she spat at them, once more was the beryl eyed beauty bewildered as it was starting to seem like she was a ghost in this scene, and decided to test that theory directly…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Cruel Fate [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sun Aug 25, 2024 9:58 am


WORDS: ### | Simply Stunning

Can they not… Hear me? See me? The mouth of Miss Serena seeming to hang as the evidence began to mount upon the issue of her being a mere observer in this world, it's file seeming to be set only to read and not write, the long lashes of the lass beat like the wings of a butterfly as she looked around the people who surrounded her and saw that none of them were looking her way or even looking as if they were trying not to either.
“Heyyyyy! Hello? Can you see me? Can you hear me?” As such the girl with the green gaze going the whole nine and more yards with her experiments on the subject in the moments which followed, not only did the valerican vixen raise and wave her arms about for all to pay attention to, but after that failed she went even further. Now practically running up to folk and looking them dead in the eye and yet meeting with the same inattentive response, either she was somehow insubstantial here or she was surrounded by the best actors in the world, and oddly she could guess which was the more likely case…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Cruel Fate [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sun Aug 25, 2024 9:58 am


WORDS: ### | Simply Stunning

I'm… Invisible?? A low and heavy breath seeming to escape the mouth of Miss Serena as she found herself forced to accept a reality which she had never knew she had dreaded until this very moment, though at one time the usually bubbly brunette might have said that her greatest fear was being locked away and unable to do as she pleased, she now realised that there were fates as bad as that or worse so given what she was currently going through. What the hell is going on?! As such an ice cold feeling seemed to settle into her belly for a moment or two as the usually so bright and breezy beauty felt so powerfully isolated and alone, all that she could do was knot her brow and glance around herself to try and comprehend what had happened and how it had done so, but frankly could not. And besides, all too soon would she once more have higher priorities for herself than getting to the bottom of this perplexing puzzle as well…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Cruel Fate [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sun Aug 25, 2024 9:59 am


WORDS: ### | Simply Stunning

"Snf… Snf…
I'm sorry, mama… Snf…
I tried. I really, really tried…!"

Decidedly bewildered by all that had happened and yet still Sofia feeling herself distracted however by sobbing as the little lass had climbed back to her feet and shuffled away from the scene with a wretched sense of pity about her, once more did the attention of the slender siren seem to be seized by a soul who seemed to be just as lost and alone and frankly scared as she was.
For… Her mother…? More than that however the fair femme feeling her heart breaking as she watched the lost little lass trying to hold back the tears which now streamed down her face, our lady lead could feel her own gaze stinging at the sight of a person struggling so very much, and ever more so with the words she was uttering. After all, that was something which would hit only too close to home, no…?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Cruel Fate [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sun Aug 25, 2024 9:59 am


TOTAL WORDS: 2359 | Simply Stunning

Mom… The note about the girl's mama prompting Sofia all too quickly to thinking of her own often so frail matriarch, a pang of pain seemed to echo out even louder through her form because of those bitter memories, and as such even if she knew that there was little she could do in the state she was in Sofia followed after the lass because of that.
Even that seeming to not prepare the princess of the Pegasi even if she could feel herself shivering with dread with every step that she took, a dark sense of foreboding seeming to weigh upon the now burdened brunette as she stepped after the slight soul and cursed the fact that she couldn't embrace her, and yet that was nothing compared to the sight that awaited them. A woman who looked like them both waiting, as still as the sea in the eye of a storm, and underneath a scruffy blanket. This was not going to be a fun ride, was it…?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

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