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A Friendly Fun Time [PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride]

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

A Friendly Fun Time [PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride] Empty Today at 4:06 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had enjoyed the party at the boat, and it seemed like the girls there were a bit more extreme than he thought. Of course, he didn’t mind it though as he was a different breed. He enjoyed a lot of things in this world and women were on top of the list. Anything they wanted to do, he would most likely do it without a problem. Still, the party was over, and now it seemed like things were more chilled.

The Son of Chaos was walking with Hai as they were trying to figure out what to do. They had already done quite a few things at this festival, so what else could they do to enjoy the time? Well while the two were walking around late in the morning, they would hear some chattering, playful screaming, and just people having a good time. The two of them had moved around, following the directions to see that there was a pool and people were having fun within it.

He tilted his head to see that there were a few people who were jumping into the pool from various heights. He found it interesting, thrilling and his adrenaline was quicker than before.

“Do you want to try that?” He asked Hai wondering what he would say.

“Nope, but it seems like you do Father. We do need to buy swimming trunks though as we can enter the area without them.” He said pointing at the sign.

Drakkon heard those words, looked at the sign, and sighed. He saw a vendor selling them and walked over to them. He quickly made the exchange, moved to a changing room placed his stuff away, and was now in just swimming trunks alongside Hai.

Hai’s transformed once again to hide his tail, and his wings as he didn’t want it to get anybody’s way. His scales were still on his body as it was something he couldn’t take away. Drakkon had tattoos everywhere. The specific ones were the Guild Insignia on his back, the insignia on his chest to signify his authority of the Yakuza, the other Joyan art around his arms, chest, and then the entirety of his left leg and a bit of his right, showing a dragon and raven intertwining with each other.

The people who said this couldn’t help but stare, and that was fine as he was enjoying the sun’s rays upon his body.



A Friendly Fun Time [PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride] Empty Today at 5:22 pm

The night had unraveled and spilled effortlessly into the early hours of morning, blurring the line between dusk and dawn. A soft chorus of birds on their seasonal journey flitted through the cool air, their songs adding a delicate harmony to the morning’s stillness. Overhead, a dance of dark-winged creatures painted fleeting patterns across the sky, gathering and scattering, only to reunite in elegant formation as they navigated unseen currents toward distant horizons.

The boat party had left its mark on everyone in attendance. The sharp tang of alcohol hung in the air like a second breeze, interwoven with the scent of saltwater and mischief. Bottles, half-full glasses, and crumpled cups littered every surface, scattered across tables, benches, and the deck itself. Some partiers lay sprawled across the floor, lost in sleep, still clutching empty bottles as if they were lifelines from the previous night’s revelry.

Ooooi, seems like people had a blast,” Tōga mused, the vibrant pink of his hair catching the early light as it fluttered with the breeze. The dragon slayer picked his way carefully through the maze of unconscious bodies and discarded remnants of the night, mindful not to disturb anyone or step on the clutter beneath his boots. He had left Drakkon behind hours earlier, the man more than happy to spend his evening entwined with one of the many beautiful women who’d graced the party. Tōga, on the other hand, had called it a night after one last drink, retreating to his hotel room. Sleep, however, had eluded him, and after restless hours staring at the ceiling, he decided to venture back to where the lingering hum of activity promised to stave off the solitude.

Following the faint echoes of laughter and splashing, Tōga soon found himself by the water’s edge, where the remnants of the party had migrated. Some guests were already swimming, their movements lazy and carefree, while others busied themselves gathering gear and towels, preparing to join in. A sense of easy amity hovered over the crowd, as if the water were washing away the remnants of the previous night’s chaos.

Tōga glanced down at the swim trunks he had worn to the party. Thankfully, room service had taken care of cleaning them in time for another round of fun. Smirking to himself, he slid the trunks on once more, the Rune Knight Colonel ready to dive into the refreshing waters. Just as he adjusted the waistband, a familiar figure on the far side of the gathering caught his eye—Drakkon, unmistakably enigmatic even in the morning light, with his usual companion Hai at his side.

A grin spread across Tōga’s face as he cupped his hands to his mouth. “Ooooi, Drakkon-san!” he called out, his voice carrying across the water like a challenge issued in good spirits.

wc: 491

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