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Seven's Champion (Lore/Long)

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Seven's Champion (Lore/Long) Empty Fri Jul 26, 2024 11:44 am


Name: Seven’s Champion (Lore)

Difficulty: Long

Participants: Yuurei

Story: Yuurei has been enjoying his time in Seven and has run away from the North in order to protect the people he loves. With two entities fighting to take him over, he feels like he can snap at any given time and harm those who live in the North. That brings him to why he has been staying in Seven for quite some time. He has taken the liking of the Champion of the Arena and has won all his fights there, bringing himself to be one of the champion favorites within the Arena.

Something that happens every so often is a huge tournament that gathers people from all over the world, and mostly Seven to participate and become the Champion of Champions within the Arena. This tournament has allowed for one hundred and twenty-eight participants to take part in this tournament. They did a preliminary to see which of the fighters would proceed to the tournament. Yuurei being one of those fighters will go through the tournament to see if he can become the Champion of Seven.

This makes Yuurei the Champion of Champions in the Arena within Seven. It will solidify that people will recognize his strength and call him this whenever they see him through Seven.

Rewards: Legendary Custom Ticket
Base Experience before Bonuses 85,000 Experience
Base Jewels before Bonuses 2,500,000 Jewels
Infamy 3,100
Base Stats After Story Line Bonus 89 Stats

Objective: To become the true Champion.

Lore Impact: Yuurei becomes placed in the books in the Champion of Arena as the Champion of Champions and is recognized by the people in Seven through his strength and his success.

Required Progress: 15,500 words before Word Count Reductions are applied.


Seven's Champion (Lore/Long) Empty Sat Jul 27, 2024 4:53 pm


This storyline is approved to start.

Seven's Champion (Lore/Long) GPIjkMz

Seven's Champion (Lore/Long) Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 3:40 pm


Long Story Link: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t68964p75-seven-s-champion-lore-sl#623836
  • +110,500 Experience (20% SL Bonus, 10% Guild perk level 1)
  • +4,000,000 Jewels (20% Santa Coin, 20% Guild Perk level 4, 20% SL Bonus)
  • +14 Intelligence, +75 Strength
  • +3,100 Fame not infamy (Forgot to change it)
  • Legendary Custom Ticket
  • Seven's Champion Epithat
  • Rights to Purchase Real Estates in Seven.

#4Frør Valkyrie 

Seven's Champion (Lore/Long) Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 6:39 pm

Frør Valkyrie

Welcome Champion of Seven. Yer rewards have been sent.

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