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New Cultures [CE – High Spirits]

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New Cultures [CE – High Spirits] Empty Tue Aug 20, 2024 12:00 pm

Zenith had heard tales of the raucous festivities held in the Izakaya, where Joyan culture flourished in its fullest. It was too good to resist the idea of losing himself in something new, something with laughing, music, and a hint of decadence. And so he headed to the Izakaya, driven by a combination of curiosity and a desire to venture beyond his comfort zone. Zenith entered the building and was met with a kind, welcoming atmosphere. Soft, vibrant lights flowed around the cobblestones, casting a glow on the faces of happy attendees as they went about the streets. The smells of street food, intermingled with the sounds of music, filled the air.

Zenith wasn't dressed like all the others but was instead dressed in his Monopoly attire. The Joyan event was a sensory extravaganza, with sellers enticing onlookers with promises of unforgettable, one-of-a-kind experiences and stalls selling everything from exquisite pastries to scorching meat skewers. Being primarily secluded and a bookworm, it was something he wasn't used to. Zenith took a deep breath and let himself get carried away by the situation. He went over to a stand selling beverages and tried something new, a Joyan mixture that promised a "taste of the stars." The tastes exploded on his tongue as he sipped, sending a nice warmth through him. "Here’s to new experiences," he thought, feeling the music, the lights, and the lively atmosphere of Izakaya begin to work their magic. Zenith was aware that this was an evening to venture outside his comfort zone and savor all that this party had to offer. He was prepared to welcome the night as it came, knowing that it would add a new dimension to his own development.

*Donned the Monoply outfit*

Zenith Sage, the First of His Name, Eater of Kupo Nuts, King of Mooglekind, King of Ivalice, Spira, and the Crystallis Realms, Chieftain of the Eternal Plains, Liberator of the Lost, and Father of Espers.

New Cultures [CE – High Spirits] Empty Wed Aug 21, 2024 9:32 am

Ryuuji had heard of the new shogun running a party in their country and he pretty much thought it was a trap to get people that fled the country to return and be recaptured as the last shogun was not a good woman and had a lot of issues that she didn't deal with and just used against the people of the country but he had heard that Kaito had gone there so he figured if something like that were to happen the ace of Fairy Tail would be there to save the day and not allow it. Ryuuji went dressed in his normal clothes as he preferred them over the more traditional ones that others of his people were wearing while they walked along the stalls and nothing really stuck out to him but it in some ways made him feel home sick for this country but he was going to keep his guard up.

He saw people looking at him and the eyes he had on the back of his head as he was watching out behind himself as there could be many chances for people to come and cause issues with him as he was from this country well a demi-human village that was within the boundaries of the country so he was in some parts, from here and other parts not. This elven man thought he was a Demi-Human boar so he didn't know that he was probably not even from this country either but the elven holy land. He got some food that he snacked on as he walked not knowing if he would see anyone that he knew or not.


New Cultures [CE – High Spirits] Empty Wed Aug 21, 2024 9:57 am

Walking around the busy festival, Zenith felt the sights and sounds of envelop him like a wave. Even while the bright colors, aroma of street food, and crowd noise were all thrilling, a part of him was still nervous. Although this was very different from the peaceful seclusion he was used to, it was also a chance for him to step outside of his comfort zone. Something, or rather, someone, drew his attention as he was walking. He saw, off in the distance, an impressively handsome elven man wearing attire that distinguished him from the more conventionally attired festival attendees, like himself actually since he was wearing a suit and hat. After a minute, Zenith realized who he was: Ryuuji, the person he had briefly glimpsed in the Fairy Tail guild hall upon signing up. Though the recollection was hazy, Ryuuji's unique look and his quiet assurance had made an impression. This sounded like the ideal chance. Far from the mayhem of the guild hall, here stood a fellow guild member. He had the opportunity to introduce himself and get to know a Fairy Tail member without having the whole guild hover over them.

Zenith inhaled deeply and moved beyond the throng of people to approach Ryuuji. Zenith gave him a slight wave when he got close enough, then spoke up. "You know, Ryuuji? We had a brief encounter at the Fairy Tail guild hall. I'm Zenith, and I recently joined the guild." In an attempt to reassure Ryuuji, he tried to speak in a nice tone. "I reasoned that this would be a nice opportunity to get to know a guild member without the usual distractions. Do you mind if I take a little stroll with you?" Zenith looked around at the various foods and products on exhibit at the vendors. "This place is fairly lively," he continued, attempting to start a small talk. "It has its own charm, but it's very different from the quiet I'm used to. What say you? Are you taking in the festivities or are you merely observing?" He was hoping that his strategy would be positively appreciated. Getting to meet Ryuuji in a more casual situation felt like a good first step for Zenith, who realized he had a lot to learn about blending in with the guild.

WC: 385
TWC: 671

Zenith Sage, the First of His Name, Eater of Kupo Nuts, King of Mooglekind, King of Ivalice, Spira, and the Crystallis Realms, Chieftain of the Eternal Plains, Liberator of the Lost, and Father of Espers.

New Cultures [CE – High Spirits] Empty Wed Aug 21, 2024 12:26 pm

Ryuuji Narrowed his eyes at the man that stood before him and spoke as if they had some touching moment or some kind of connection but he had no clue to even who this man was but some how he had known his name, to Ryuuji that was a red flag that might mean he wasn't so off base thinking that this man was working with someone to try and lead him off the track to be snatched by someone. "Uhhh I am not sure what moment you think you and I had, but you are probably mistaken, this is the first time I have seen you. I would think I would remember a man in a suit and top hat walking around." He was not sure that he could trust his memories as he was sure if he had seen this person before he would remember them and not just now be meeting them.

"Without distractions? Guild member? You are also a member of Fairy Tail? You are free to stroll with me but no funny business." Ryuuji was going to stay on guard and be ready in case this guy was going to back stab him as he knows nothing about them but now that their name is Zenith. He needed to make sure that he wasn't overly mean or that he wasn't to trusting here as he didn't want to get killed or left for the wolves to pick apart in the shoguns dungeon. "I use to live in this country before I left it with... with my wife hoping to find a new life away from this place. That ended up not panning out and I heard that this country was under a new leader and was better so I came to see." He figured that the kid needed to know he was honest about the crap that had been happening and the things that were going on from before he came back but for now it was just going to be a stroll and him hopefully chilling out and not having to be on guard as he didn't want to get himself killed nor did he want to be making more enemies.

He looked around and he wondered which way this guy had come from and which way he was needing or wanting to go. "Something you are looking to see or have while you are here?" He wasn't sure what this other man was even interested in or would want to do as there were a lot of things around including food, drinks, music, games and other assorted things like jewelry, there weren't any weapons though or armor out for sale as this is more of a family and kids things so if those were around they would be on a different side that was far less family friendly to the area it is in. Ryuuji was still looking for a good weapon for himself to wield and help him to fight and defend with.
(509) (785)


New Cultures [CE – High Spirits] Empty Wed Aug 21, 2024 4:58 pm

Though he'd just meant to establish a connection in an unfamiliar and daunting setting, Zenith understood instantly that his approach might have come across as too familiar as she saw the worried look in Ryuuji's eyes. In fact, he appreciated Ryuuji's prudence and didn't hold it against him. Trust was, after all, a privilege that had to be earned. Zenith quietly and respectfully answered, "I understand. Since we haven't met previously, I apologize if my tone was overly assertive. When I was signing up to join Fairy Tail earlier,  I recognized you was the guild hall. Since I'm still getting used to Fairy Tail and need some time to settle in, I figured this would be a nice chance to meet someone in a more casual situation. However, I totally understand if that makes you cautious."

When Ryuuji said he could go on a walk with him, he nodded, but he gave him strict instructions not to bring up any "funny business." Zenith chose to address this exchange with the same candor because she valued the directness. "Thank you, and please don't be alarmed; my intention is to cause no trouble. I'm just attempting to acclimate to being among people again after a prolonged period of isolation. In terms of my desires, I would primarily like to find some tranquility before delving into the turmoil of guild life. Try some local cuisine and go through a few of the stores. I'm taking it slow because I'm still not used to being around so much commotion." Zenith listened to Ryuuji's tale of coming back to the nation after leaving it behind with his spouse as they started their stroll together. Zenith refrained from asking more questions even though he was curious about the situation but given how he came on too strong he wanted slow his roll a bit. Instead, he gave Ryuuji a straightforward nod. "You seem to have experienced a lot," Zenith remarked softly. "I have no idea what it must be like to go back to a place where so many positive and negative memories are stored. I hope this helps you locate what you're looking for."

When Ryuuji asked what Zenith would like to see or do, he took a quick look at the different booths and events. "Really, I'm open to anything," he said. "Could we perhaps have a look at a few of the food stands? This place has amazing street food, so it might be a nice way to ease into things." He saw Ryuuji's eyes darting around, as if searching for a certain object. Zenith said, "It appears that you're looking for something as well. Are you looking for anything in particular while you're here? Perhaps I can assist in keeping a watch out for it.

WC: 463
TWC: 1134

Zenith Sage, the First of His Name, Eater of Kupo Nuts, King of Mooglekind, King of Ivalice, Spira, and the Crystallis Realms, Chieftain of the Eternal Plains, Liberator of the Lost, and Father of Espers.

New Cultures [CE – High Spirits] Empty Thu Aug 22, 2024 9:03 am

Ryuuji looked at the strange man that spoke to him in such a manner the man seemed like it is just too over concerned about this and he didn't seem relaxed at all as there was a lot going on around them but this man seemed to be worried about him like there was reason that he should be concerned about him. "Gonna be honest with you, you sound like you are trying too hard. Maybe you should learn to loosen up a bit and not try to be too people pleasing." He was sure that this man knew that so it wasn't needed to be said but he was not fully sure if this man was okay or if maybe he needed to be reassured about it because it wasn't that big of a deal to be part of fairy tail like that as people are just people no matter where they are from. "Were you raised under a rock or something?"

He looked at the man as he had asked if there was something that he was looking for after saying he was fine with anything and then saying he wanted to try food this had made him a bit confused had he seen him looking around to see if they had weapons for sale that he could go after? "We can go to the food stalls that is fine, as for what I am looking around for I was seeing if they had any weapons that might call out to me, but I would think they would have those some where else and not this side of the festival if they have it at all. This country had just had a war not long ago so they might have lost all their blacksmiths when the old shogun was killed off or run off." He was not sure which was the truth as he had heard rumors of both the woman being dead and of her having escaped there was nothing that was set in stone besides that she had been defeated.

He didn't care one why or the other as this place was not his home either way. Really he lacked a home to return to after his wife disappeared on him so he was not sure what he would do or even if he could do something about it as he needed to move on but that wasn't such an easy task to do as he still felt something a pain in his soul and his heart ached for her every day but maybe some one will help him to heal that pain. Ryuuji made his over to the food stalls with the other man and he looked around as he was sure the man will want a lot of things from the stall probably as most of this stuff was special and hard to find if he wasn't to take part in it now he would have to find a place that would special make it on order.
(509) (1,294)


New Cultures [CE – High Spirits] Empty Thu Aug 22, 2024 11:20 am

Zenith couldn’t help but chuckle softly at Ryuuji’s comment. “Raised under a rock? No, not exactly. More like raised under a book,” he replied, a hint of amusement in his voice. “I’ve lived in the basement of Book Land all my life, ever since I was a newborn. The owner took me in and raised me there, so most of my world has been between the pages of flowing words. Eventually, I became a scribe, spending countless hours transcribing old texts and learning about the world from the books around me. Other than the occasional one on one interaction with a customer, I've not been around people like this. So I am trying to hard.” Kicking a stone on the ground off into the grass. “This is all pretty new to me,” he admitted, a bit more relaxed now that he had shared something of himself. “Fairy Tail is a big step out of my comfort zone, but I figured it was time to experience more than just the stories I’ve read. Meeting new people, seeing new places, it’s all part of that. I mean there is more to it than that, but that is the jist of it.”

As they walked towards the food stalls, Zenith took in Ryuuji’s words about the country’s recent past. The idea of a war torn land trying to rebuild itself was something he had read about but never experienced firsthand. “Weapons would make sense in a place recovering from conflict. But you’re right, they’d probably be somewhere else, away from the more family friendly parts of the festival.” As they reached the first of the stalls, Zenith’s eyes lit up at the sight of the variety of dishes on offer. From skewers of grilled meat to sweet rice cakes, the array of food was tantalizing. “What do you recommend? I’m up for trying just about anything.”

WC: 313
TWC: 1447

Zenith Sage, the First of His Name, Eater of Kupo Nuts, King of Mooglekind, King of Ivalice, Spira, and the Crystallis Realms, Chieftain of the Eternal Plains, Liberator of the Lost, and Father of Espers.

New Cultures [CE – High Spirits] Empty Fri Aug 23, 2024 6:59 am

Ryu wasn't sure how he if he liked this guy or not and what the hell was a bookland. "Never heard of such a place is that a place rich people keep child slaves?" He had no idea to what it was but the man had said that he had to transcribe books which seemed kind of child laborish to him and he knows the old shogun was rumored to have had slaves and stuff so maybe other countries had the same issue and that was what had happened to the man that was in front of him but he had seemed to have earned his freedom from this bookland that he spoke of maybe through his labor or through getting free of the place though Ryu didn't sense that but if he was sold to this bookland place as a baby he wouldn't have known better that he was a slave and being kept in a basement means he wouldn't know better.

Ryu snapped out of it when the other man asked him what he would recommend for him to get and Ryu shrugged.  "I have no idea of your taste and likes so maybe start with skewers and then move to the sweeter things as you should never start sweets first as you will ruin your appetite." He was told that by his wife when they were children he doesn't know if that was true or not but he always eats his dinner before he eats the dessert to make sure he doesn't spoil his meal.
(258) (1,552)

Last edited by Ryuuji on Fri Aug 23, 2024 1:12 pm; edited 1 time in total


New Cultures [CE – High Spirits] Empty Fri Aug 23, 2024 9:28 am

Zenith blinked, momentarily taken aback by Ryuuji’s blunt question. It was clear that there was some misunderstanding, and he wanted to clear it up right away. “Oh, no, nothing like that,” Zenith quickly clarified, shaking his head. “Book Land is just a bookstore in Magnolia. I wasn’t a slave or anything like that. I was an orphan, left on the steps of the shop as a baby. The owner, a kind old man named Thaddeus, took me in and raised me. He taught me to read and write, and in return, I helped him out in the shop as I got older. Becoming a scribe was my way of thanking him, and it’s a job I grew to love.”

Pausing a moment he looked over the food... “I know it sounds a bit odd, being raised in a bookstore, but it was a good life. Quiet, full of knowledge, and safe. Maybe a bit too sheltered, which is why I’m trying to branch out now.” Zenith then turned his attention to the food stalls as Ryuuji offered a recommendation. “Skewers sound like a good place to start,” he bought some and had a bite. “This is really good,” he commented after swallowing, a satisfied smile on his face. “I think you were right about starting with something savory.”

WC: 218
TWC: 1655

Zenith Sage, the First of His Name, Eater of Kupo Nuts, King of Mooglekind, King of Ivalice, Spira, and the Crystallis Realms, Chieftain of the Eternal Plains, Liberator of the Lost, and Father of Espers.

New Cultures [CE – High Spirits] Empty Fri Aug 23, 2024 1:39 pm

Ryu was not sure about this man as that story kind of sounds like it is made up and it was more just child labor but he guessed he really had no room to question the man as if that is what he believed it was what he believed and no way was Ryu going to attempt to shatter the man's bubble about it if he could help it. He as well bought some skewers as he was hungry and they smelled good as well as some takoyaki as he hadn't had them in a while and he thought if he should speak on his past or not, as he was not sure if it was in bad manners to talk about such things as he was not trying to out trauma the other man that he was with, but in the end he guessed it was only fair if he as well shared with him.

He swallowed the bits of meat he had in his mouth then he started to speak between him eating some more as these were good. "Since you shared I guess I should as well. I have no idea where I came from, I was raised by thieves on the Joyan boarder till the shoguns men found and killed them as the one that acted as my dad shoved me through the one escape tunnel and covered it with his body... I was found by a demi-human girl and taken to her village and that is were I was till me and that girl married against her fathers wishes and he threw me out and told me I needed to find and catch a snipe before I can return. I don't think I could bring myself to return even if I did though as she disappeared on me. I had come to this country and joined fairy tail with her and that is were I stayed now I am unsure if I should move on or if I should still hold hope she will return to me."

Ryu returned to eating as he had finished his story and he doesn't think it is anything amazing or entertaining just a story of how he doesn't have family and that he was probably attempted to be killed as a child but the thieves found him and raised him. He has no idea of where or why he was born to this world or even how he was born to it. He just lives his life and he wonders if there was a place he was meant to belong as the thing he was wrapped in when the thieves found him he still had and it had strange letters on it but he had no idea what they meant or why he was wrapped in it when they had found him. He looked around and grabbed a few sweet buns as well as he was not thinking about his own words and broke the rule of eat food before sweets and he would probably be paying for it later.
(513) (2,065)


New Cultures [CE – High Spirits] Empty Fri Aug 23, 2024 2:27 pm

Zenith noticed the way Ryu looked at him, like he wasn’t quite sure if Zenith’s story made sense. He didn't understand why. To him it was normal, but then again he was an introvert at heart. As they both bought skewers, the smell of grilled meat filling the air, Zenith took a bite and smiled. When Ryu started talking about his past, Zenith listened closely. The story was heavy and a bit difficult to listen to. Ryu had been through so much, raised by thieves and then losing everything again when the shogun’s men came. Zenith couldn’t even imagine what that must have been like, to be shoved into a tunnel, escaping death only to face a whole new set of challenges. The whole thing was heart breaking. He wished he had more social skills and knew what to say at a time like this.

Zenith talked after a moment, his voice soft but sincere. “Wow, Ryu… that’s a lot to carry, I can’t even begin to understand what you’ve been through. You have fairy tail though to help you through it now.” Zenith paused, thinking about what Ryu had said about not knowing where he belonged. It struck a chord with him. “You know, I don’t think it matters where you came. What matters is what you do now, who you decide to be. I’ve spent so long trying to figure out who I am, and I still don’t have all the answers. I will say this. My mom is missing too. Maybe we can help each other find who we looking for?”

Zenith would continue to think to himself. It spanned just a moment, but seemed like forever in his mind. Interesting how the mind can work at times. Zenith could never have imagined the experiences Ryu had being raised by thieves, escaping death, losing his wife, and just surviving. His environment had always been one of survival, of difficult decisions and even tougher outcomes. And yet here he was, conversing and eating skewers with Zenith just like any other person. Despite the differences in their backgrounds, Zenith found himself feeling a sense of respect for Ryu. There was something real about him, something genuine that Zenith admired. Ryu didn’t seem to put on any pretenses; he was who he was, scars and all. And maybe that was why Zenith felt a connection with him. They were both searching for something...Ryu for his wife and his place in the world, and Zenith for answers about his past and his powers.

In a way, Ryu was everything Zenith wasn’t; worldly, experienced, and tough. But that didn’t make them incompatible. If anything, it made good counters to one another. He hoped that they would get to do a job or two together if Ryu didn't take him up on the offer to help one another search for lost family.

WC: 479
TWC: 2134

Zenith Sage, the First of His Name, Eater of Kupo Nuts, King of Mooglekind, King of Ivalice, Spira, and the Crystallis Realms, Chieftain of the Eternal Plains, Liberator of the Lost, and Father of Espers.

New Cultures [CE – High Spirits] Empty Sat Aug 24, 2024 6:03 pm

Ryu wondered if this man was being honest about his mother being missing as the man hadn't really said anything about a mother before so he was not sure if there was a mother or not but he guessed he would agree that he could try to help.
"I guess I can try to help you find this mother of yours. Just need details to know what she looks like and stuff." Ryu was just going to end this festival and if the man wanted to keep joining him that was fine as he was not really worried about it but he also needed to make sure that this poor guy didn't get abused or scammed as he seemed very sheltered so people will probably see him as a mark and that was just something that he needed to get better at seeing but that comes in time and this other man didn't seem to have that skill yet so he would make sure to help him if it were to happen.
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