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Copied Inferno Spells

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

Copied Inferno Spells  Empty Fri Aug 23, 2024 10:53 am

Go D. Drakkon
Copied Inferno Spells  JiLwgUg
Name: Shōnetsu Ryū: Senkaiya [Inferno Dragon: Realm-Piercing Arrow, 穿界矢]
Rank: S
Mana Cost: 500
Requirements:  Inferno Dragon Slayer Magic
Type:  Offensive
Element: Fire - Inferno
Range: 0-25 meters
Cooldown: 5 Posts
Duration:  Instant
Effect: With a swift, decisive motion, Toga clasps his hands together, summoning an orb of blazing energy that forms instantly between his palms. The white-hot sphere pulses with raw power as he pulls it apart, elongating it into a blazing arrow. This searing projectile, crackling with ethereal might, is then launched towards its target up to 25 meters away. Upon impact or interception, the arrow detonates in a cataclysmic explosion, unleashing a hellish inferno that engulfs everything within a 16-meter radius. Those caught in the blast suffer devastating damage, as the fiery eruption deals S-rank damage to all within its flaming scope.

Copied Inferno Spells  Kg2M6lN
Name: Shōnetsu Ryū: Hi Warame [Inferno Dragon: Fire Fissure, 火割れ目]
Rank: A
Mana Cost: 200
Requirements:  Inferno Dragon Slayer Magic
Type:  Offensive
Element: Fire - Inferno
Range: 0-8 meters AoE
Cooldown: 4 Posts
Duration:  Instant
Effect: Tōga's leg ignites in a brilliant fusion of red and black flames, the fire bursting from his skin in a fierce display. With a powerful stomp, he releases a shockwave that sinks into the earth, triggering a cataclysmic reaction. From the epicenter directly beneath him, deemed the sole safe haven (1 meter around him), the ground fractures and erupts in a fiery wave that extends up to 8 meters outward. This explosive surge incinerates everything it touches, sending pillars of flame skyward. Any caught within this radius are subjected to A-rank damage, consumed by the destructive force of Tōga's dragon slayer magic.

Training them

#2Frør Valkyrie 

Copied Inferno Spells  Empty Sat Aug 24, 2024 12:23 am

Frør Valkyrie

Yer cleared to train these spells but keep ‘em away from me.

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