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What the night brings? (With Iza) [FCM – Flames of Night]

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What the night brings? (With Iza) [FCM – Flames of Night] Empty Sun Aug 25, 2024 1:01 pm

Yijun had returned to the north for more business but as he arrived he had heard that some riots were breaking out and he wondered what the hell was going on as there seemed to be an issue in the north which really shouldn't be a thing with Yuurei being in the north or was this because of Lumikki's short comings as the new Paradise Dawn guild master so the balance of the north was shifted and the people of the north had decided it was time to shake the north back up again while they were unsettled. Yijun thinks that he has to help to stop the riots but that was a tall order to do alone and he knows that Iza was here in the north somewhere he hoped that he was in this part of the north so he can have back up with the people that were rioting.

Yijun moved as fast as his feet can carry him toward the area of where the riots are going to be happening and he wondered if there was something more that he could do but he needed to remember he was an outsider in this country so he needed to make sure he didn't over step his boundaries that he was allowed by the faction he served in Joya. Yijun was not a small man but seeing the ocean of people that were in front of him when he arrived at the city it was far worse than he though and he wondered if there was a way for them to deal with this before it gets worse. He pulled his spear out and tapped the end of it on the ground to gain the crowds attention toward him. "You all need to stop this now this is no way to be acting."

The first thing the crowd does is start throwing bottles at Yijun who quickly makes a defensive shield spell to protect himself from the items that were being thrown at him as he needed to keep himself safe as he was not looking to get killed or hit with the stuff they are throwing. "Why don't you go back to your own country you daemon freak!" Their words didn't hurt Yijun but that was not an easy thing to look past and Yijun can feel his daemon blood boiling and himself slightly transforming.

#2Iza Bicdic 

What the night brings? (With Iza) [FCM – Flames of Night] Empty Sun Aug 25, 2024 8:11 pm

Iza Bicdic
Iza was in the North with Yijun again; they had taken care of the mining situation and now they were on to something else. It seemed like something was going on within the North. If he remembered correctly this region of Fiore was calm and peaceful due to all the powerhouses that reside within this place. Who would want to start trouble, when there was a Dhain Dwarf, a Seraphim, and a Demon within the same Guild considered to be some of the strongest people in this world? It didn’t make sense how the people in this region would act this way knowing who lived here amongst them.

He was with Yijun or at least not too far from him and when his partner got there, he heard his words. Iza looked at them, laughing internally as this wasn’t something he expected from them. When he heard someone say something to Iza, he figured he would speak.

“We will go back, but ya got ta stop wat ya doin. We tryin ta stop this before someone like Yuurei shows up.” He said to them to see their reaction to what he said.



What the night brings? (With Iza) [FCM – Flames of Night] Empty Mon Aug 26, 2024 10:54 am

Yijun looked at the other man who seemed fully claim with it as if this all was nothing to him but just another day at the life of Iza. Yijun was a bit taken aback by the comment to himself about going back to his country as this was not about country this was about the riot that was taking place and need to be stopped before it gets worse and they end up with more issues than answers but as the other man had said what if Yuurei did show up to this and mistake them for part of this riot. Some rumors say that he is more fight first ask questions later, and Yijun knows that he would have no way to really defend himself against a mane like that who is a living arsenal and would probably have Yijun broken before he would even be able to raise his spear or say it was a misunderstanding. The rioters where still doing what they could to riot throwing more bottles and some of thing weak magic attacks.
(179) (581)

#4Iza Bicdic 

What the night brings? (With Iza) [FCM – Flames of Night] Empty Mon Aug 26, 2024 11:20 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza would see that they didn’t care to hear what he had to say. He shook his head as he couldn’t believe this from these people. Still, it seemed like some people were just unreasonable. He could tell because they kept throwing things at them. He would use his clown car to cover him and Yijun. It would block the projectiles that were being thrown at them as he shook his head. His Stand magic had come out prior to the clown car though and he just stared at them.

“Ya don’t seem ta understand! So, I’m guessin ya want ta do this the hard way?!” He asked, giving them one more chance.

He was ready to bring out more of jesters and take care of them if he had to. These people were ungrateful pricks and he wanted to take care of them. It was why he disliked humans because of things like this.



What the night brings? (With Iza) [FCM – Flames of Night] Empty Mon Aug 26, 2024 11:53 am

The Rune Knights of the north seemed to finally make it to the scene and they were armored up and looking for a fight it seemed and Yijun wondered if they really needed to be this battle ready or not as there seemed to be some things going on but that didn't mean they needed to be that way to the people. "Iza only if you have to, for now use your summons to help get them back we need to try and break it up but not by force and hurting people, I know what these are like as the monks had to deal with them some times for taking me in." He remember what the monks did and he transformed and flew over the crowd on his own to get in front of the people and their riot. "This will solve nothing and just cause more issues for us all if you keep this up." Yijun hears them loud and clear that the want Astrid out of the upper level of goverment for the acts they were doing.
(184) (765)

#6Iza Bicdic 

What the night brings? (With Iza) [FCM – Flames of Night] Empty Mon Aug 26, 2024 12:05 pm

Iza Bicdic
Iza would look at him and he would use his summons to get them to separate themselves and go their own way. It was what Yijun had recommended and he would do his best. The wood elf was best at killing things before they knew he was there. This was something else and he didn’t like that.

“Fine, I will use my summons ta help us get people ta go home. I will do my best not stab someone.” He said this in only a tone that Yijun would be able to hear him.

Still, the fact that the Rune Knights had come here, meant things might become ugly if these people didn’t just go home.

He would summon his two champions as they looked at Iza and his Stand. He would have them walk with him as they were approaching the people.

“How bout we all go home, and stop this. The Rune Knights are hea, and they only gonna make this harder than it needs ta be everyone.” He said to them hoping they would listen.



What the night brings? (With Iza) [FCM – Flames of Night] Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 8:14 am

The rune knights did not seem to be here for peace or to make peace, Yijun placed another barrier that kept a divide between them and the Knights and he had shaded this one with darkness so the Knights didn't see the rioters as he and Iza were trying to lead them away as there were more riots going on in other places that they would have to go to as well as this one, as it seemed with the looks on the people at this one the knights looking like they wanted to carve them instead of peacefully settle this had taken the fight out of some of them and he was thankful that the other man had understood and was going to work with him as he didn't need to get into any trouble with this man or make the other man feel like they needed to go through this if they didn't need to harm anyone as they go this crowd to flee. Yijun moved onto the next set of rioters that were looting shops and they would have to use force here probably as they had to stop the stealing and make those that stole return what they took
(203) (968)

#8Iza Bicdic 

What the night brings? (With Iza) [FCM – Flames of Night] Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 8:24 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza wasn’t sure what to do, but he was doing his best to make sure that things would stop there. These people needed to leave the premises as it seemed like things were going to get bad. He noticed what Yijun was doing and he would look at his Stand as his summons would look intimidating to the people here. He was trying to get them to leave, and some of them would walk away and leave the area.

He looked around to see that Yijun was heading over to people causing a scene. They were trying to break into a store and steal things. He moved over to that place as he wanted to kill one of them, so the others would fall in line, but he knew that wouldn’t be good. He shook his head as if he would just punch the wall on the side to get the robber's attention. They looked back to see Iza and four others with him. His eyes stared at them waiting for them to stop.



What the night brings? (With Iza) [FCM – Flames of Night] Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 8:46 am

Yijun saw what Iza had just done and it made sense they needed to use a bit of force and as one of the others moved to strike at Iza Yijun hit the back of the attackers leg making the swing miss wildly as the attackers leg gave way under them as Yijun had made sure to strike a spot that made the other persons leg fold in. The attacker looked up a Yijun wide eyed as they had clearly been confused how they ended up on the ground like that or how their leg had given out on them like that and Yijun just shook his head at them for trying to do that. "Return what you took now before you and your friends here end up harmed or in a cell for more than your life time is worth." Yijun was of course not being serious about them spending a life time in a cell as the crime was no where near that level of punishment but he wanted to put fear in them that wasn't produced by him having to harm them.
(187) (1,155)

#10Iza Bicdic 

What the night brings? (With Iza) [FCM – Flames of Night] Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 10:19 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza saw the man trying to hit him. He was about to kill him or at least hurt him in a way that he would wish that he was dead, but Yijun had intervened and knocked the man on his ass. He looked at his partner and then he looked at the person who had tried to attack him. He was lucky that Yijun was here.

“Ya know he saved ya life? Why attack someone who didn’t attack ya? It just doesn’t make sense now does it.” He said as he laughed a bit as he looked over to Yijun as he was telling them that they should leave before something happened to them.

It was true if they continued to proceed with this act, they were going to be harmed, maybe not by them, but by the Rune Knights and the people in Paradise Dawn. He cracked his knuckles as his summons had looked crazy in their own way. He waited to see what they were going to do now that Yijun spoke.

The man on the floor would move away from them and he would get up from the floor as he was scared of Iza.



What the night brings? (With Iza) [FCM – Flames of Night] Empty Wed Aug 28, 2024 9:30 am

Yijun was glad that he got in the middle of that as he knows that Iza is not one that likes humans much and these guys were acting like the worst that the human's have to offer at the moment and he wondered who this Astrid person is at all he was not from around here or even lives here so he had no idea but if they are as bad as these people are saying the King should have them publicly executed for causing this kind of thing in this country or else this country is probably doomed from the start of it all if it doesn't act quickly as this is a huge issue and that needs to be handled before something else happens and it all starts coming undone again and more riots start. Some of the looters are running away for their lives from these two and from the Rune Knights that were stomping around with their weapons drawn.
(163) (1,318)

#12Iza Bicdic 

What the night brings? (With Iza) [FCM – Flames of Night] Empty Thu Aug 29, 2024 6:48 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza looked at the guys now as they were staring them off. He knew Yijun understood that things would have been bad if he wasn’t around. It was then that he would watch them run off. It seemed like they didn’t want any problems with them. That was good because he was ready to attack and possibly kill. He heard the marching of people coming, and he looked at Yijun with a smirk on his face.

“We should be leavin too. If not they will think we did this, and I don’t need that headache. I’m sure ya don’t want that either.” He said as he waited for him to head out.

It would be funny if they left and somehow still bumped into the Rune Knights. They would probably ask them to stop and ask a bunch of questions he wouldn’t want to answer. He was ready to move, he signaled his summons to follow with them. They were doing this as a group to intimidate the rioters.



What the night brings? (With Iza) [FCM – Flames of Night] Empty Fri Aug 30, 2024 9:50 am

Yijun looked to him and rubbed the back of his own head. "Yeah you are right lets get out of here..." He hurried off as there were still more riots to break up as the people up in the north seemed to have gone out of control now that Yuurei had stepped down from being the guild master of the north's Paradise but he wasn't going to say that out loud to his partner and he went to the next group of Rioters that were screaming and causing a scene that they were going to need to stop before the Rune Knights did it with force and sent some of them to an early grave to prove a point. Yijun doubted the king knew about the way that these Rune Knights were acting and what might be a deeper issue here that they will have to handle later if they ever got into talks with the King.
(159) (1,477)

#14Iza Bicdic 

What the night brings? (With Iza) [FCM – Flames of Night] Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 8:03 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza heard Yijun and it seemed like he was agreeing to move on from here. They didn’t want to fight against the Ru9ne Knights because then things would have riled up between Joya and Fiore, which wouldn’t be a good thing.

They would leave the area unnoticed by the Rune Knights they saw the mess, but they didn’t find out who did it. They were indeed too late. The wood-elf moved through Orchidia’s Street to find more rioters screaming with Yijun. It seemed like they were going to be annoying, and he shook his head. It seemed like something possessed these people because they were acting irrationally.

“Ya would think with someone like Yuurei as this Warden of the North, they would be moa preserved than this. I guess humans aren’t smart.” He said that as he walked over to them.

It was true, this didn’t make sense. He wouldn’t act like this if he knew a monster was watching over the North.



What the night brings? (With Iza) [FCM – Flames of Night] Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 10:12 am

He didn't wish to place blame but simply just speak his mind about something that had been a thought he had, had since he ran into the riots about what had happened here and this Astrid person had caused for them. "You would think so but with him handing over the guild to a Demon might have also caused a bit of unrest as the north's guild was not lead by the chosen anymore so they may also think that he is about to leave the north to their fates as the guild was the only thing keeping the north in balance from what I read." Yijun was not sure how much of that was the truth and how much of it was just the media lying or stretching the truth to fit what they wanted it to mean and look like. Yijun placed barriers in front of the places that the rioters were attacking stopping anymore damage to them for now. He needed to think up a good way to break up these riots more then one at a time but he was not sure how he could do it or even go about it and make it quick.
(202) (1,679)

#16Iza Bicdic 

What the night brings? (With Iza) [FCM – Flames of Night] Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 3:32 pm

Iza Bicdic
Iza heard Yijun and shook his head. There had to be more to this. it couldn’t make sense. He didn’t think just because Yuurei had given up his power to someone else, that stuff like this could happen. eh was still within the guild, so how was this happening? It just didn’t make sense. Still, they were here and it seemed like Yijun was doing his best to stop whatever was happening right now.

The jester figured that he would help out. He would have his Stand signal to stop whatever the hell was going on here. The champions would get their commands and they would move toward the other rioters. This would cause them to stop for a second as they were caught off guard. Iza would come soon after as he shook his head as he was looking at these people who were making a mess here. He didn’t understand what the point of it all was, but here he was.



What the night brings? (With Iza) [FCM – Flames of Night] Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 3:53 pm

He saw the man had disagreed with his assessment of the reason but Yuurei had been the one to bring peace to the north which was one of the reasons he was given the title of the warden of the north but if his teammate thought different he guessed he would go with it as the man had lived a far longer life than he had if his claims to be over four hundred years old were true which Yijun really didn't doubt in the least as the man did speak like he has seen a lot of dark things as well as he might have part taken in some of those things but he doubted that the man would openly admit to that. The rioters seemed to move away from the man and his summons as they started to disperse as they had no reason to be facing down the man and his summons and the barriers stopped them from hitting the place they were looking to hit any ways Yijun was out of ideas as this part of the north seemed to be out of control for the time being.
(192) (1,871)

#18Iza Bicdic 

What the night brings? (With Iza) [FCM – Flames of Night] Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 4:04 pm

Iza Bicdic
“My bad I didn’t mean to disregard what ya said. I just don’t think it makes sense. I get the power shift, but if he still around, then they shouldn’ feel that way. The peace in the North is real if I rememba correctly. There must be somethin going on hea.” He said to Yijun.

He didn’t disregard it, he just let it slip his mind. He would look over to the group of rioters though and he would shake his head at them.

“Ya guys betta start runnin. If ya don’t ya won’t just be dealin with us. There are some Rune Knights comin this way. And if ya keep doing this who knows ya might see Yuurei show up, which I don’t think it’s a good idea due to what ya been doing.” He said to them wondering if that would be enough to get them to return to some form of rationality.



What the night brings? (With Iza) [FCM – Flames of Night] Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 4:21 pm

He heard the man like saying he was not going against what he said but Yijun just raised his hand. "I know man no worries I am not fighting with you and I am not saying I am offended that you said something else, they were complaining about some person named Astrid." He gave him a pat on the shoulder for that to reassure the wood elf that he was just being honest and he started moving again as they seemed that they were leading the group away from the area and he wanted to make sure it stayed that way as the rune knights seemed off and he wondered if the magical council was feeling uneasy or something. The man kept with the jester as he was keeping an eye out for if they were ambushed or if their was any other kind of issues as the rune knights were not a military of Fiore but over watchers and peace keepers from the council so there had to be something big going on.
(176) (2,047)

#20Iza Bicdic 

What the night brings? (With Iza) [FCM – Flames of Night] Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 5:17 pm

Iza Bicdic
Iza looked at him and tilted his head, they were fighting? He was just chatting with the man and nothing more, to be honest. Still, they had to keep working right now. This riot was almost done, or at least stopping it was almost done. He wondered what else they were going to find in these streets. He also wondered which of the citizens had bumped into the Rune Knight and how they had taken care of them.

It was then that there was a group of rioters acting stupid and crazy. It had gotten so out of hand that a little girl was crying on the ground, and someone was about to step on her. Iza would rush toward the little human and his stand would get in the way of the person who was carelessly going nuts.

“Go home now! Ya actin up like lil children, ya almost harm one! Ya need ta go before the Rune Knights beat ya up. Actually stay, so they could do just that.” He said this to them as he lowered his tone as the beginning.

When they heard that they would start getting nervous and running away in a different direction.



What the night brings? (With Iza) [FCM – Flames of Night] Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 6:59 pm

Yijun heard the crying but before he could react the jester was already on it he seemed to have a soft spot for the tiny humans but hated the more grown ones among them Iza was a strange fellow but he liked that about him and it was one of the things that made this more fun for him as Iza was a breath of fresh air in a world that seemed bitter and cold even if the other man hated humans fully he was still willing to save a child from harm which he had to admit it was nice to see. Yijun helped with leading the people away as he wishes to see no blood shed if he can help it as there was enough of that going around and he needed to make sure that this was handled as peacefully as it could be so no one was going to die or like that little girl nearly got trampled.
(162) (2,209)

#22Iza Bicdic 

What the night brings? (With Iza) [FCM – Flames of Night] Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 7:36 pm

Iza Bicdic
Iza had looked at everything that was happening, and he wondered who really was the reason behind this. It was stupid and they should be put in a blender. He thought about it and he shook his head because he bet it was a human. It was the race he hated so much. Yes, there were many different races, that did bad things too, but the ratio of the human race needed to go below everyone else. He would stand up tall, and angry as he looked around. There weren’t anybody around and the mother of the child ran to her and hugged her.

Iza looked at the mother and shook his head.

“Next time, ya leave ya child behind, I’ll kill ya. This is why I hate humans, they can't even protect the next generation. Let’s see if we can find any more rioters. If there isn’t any then we can be on our way.” He said to Yijun as he moved on ahead.



What the night brings? (With Iza) [FCM – Flames of Night] Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 7:49 pm

Yijun looked at the man as he threatened the woman it seemed like more of a scare tactic so the woman would defend her child going forward and not leave them behind like they had just done but the child could have just got scared during the riots and got lost Yijun was not fully ready to just blame her for it he needed to make sure as he looked around but it seemed that they had cleaned up the riots that were around for now and he was feeling sort of worn out from dealing with all of this stuff here with the riots and the idiots that were taking part in it and it made Yijun really wonder if there was a brighter future for this if it is stopped or had they just delayed more of the same that will happen in a different city some where else and will they also need to help deal with those as well?  "Yeah lets get on our way before we get randomly stopped to be questioned about our part in the riots by the Knights."
(188)(2,397) (Exit)

Last edited by Yijun on Sat Aug 31, 2024 10:24 pm; edited 1 time in total

#24Iza Bicdic 

What the night brings? (With Iza) [FCM – Flames of Night] Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 8:54 pm

Iza Bicdic
Iza looked over to Yijun and it seemed like he was fine with them leaving. They had done their part and got a lot of rioters to leave and go back home. They did what they could and now they were going to leave the rest to everybody else who lived in the North. It wasn’t just that, but there was someone creeping into Fiore trying to plot things when they shouldn’t be messing around with certain people in this world.

“Yea, let’s leave these streets and see what else we can do. I don’t wanna deal with these idiots right now. Maybe we can see if there is somethin ta fight round hea.” He said to him.

Sylph moved around the two of them as it seemed like they were doing well with time today. She wondered what was going on and hoped that nothing bad was happening in the woods around here at least.


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