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The Elf, The Daemon and The mad Doctor (S-Rank NQ with Iza)

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The Elf, The Daemon and The mad Doctor (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Mon Aug 26, 2024 11:46 am

Yijun had been handed some reports about some people that had gone missing in the city. The rune knight had no clues or leads to follow but gave him and Iza what they knew written on the form. Yijun used a map of the city and some push pins to mark the last known places of the people that had gone missing in the city, he used what he had learned from the divison he is part of to look for a pattern and there was one they had the areas of the attacks and Yijun looked for where the points might cross or what was within the range of the attacks and he placed down a marker where it should be and places that were with in the range and the pin lands on a company building and the housing behind it for a place to start. Yijun shows the Jester the map then spoke to him. "This is where the markers meet so do you want to start here or do you think we walk the streets tonight and see if we catch them in the area's of the attack if they strike again?" Yijun looked at the Jester closer as he wanted this man to be sure of the choice.

#2Iza Bicdic 

The Elf, The Daemon and The mad Doctor (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Mon Aug 26, 2024 12:10 pm

Iza Bicdic
Iza had been working with Yijun again. He didn’t mind it and was glad to have someone he was comfortable being around. It seemed like they had a job to do again, this time it had to do with missing people. He wasn’t sure what that meant or what was happening, but he figured they were going to find out. He was with him as he had looked over to see him looking at the map.

He couldn’t get a good look at it until Yijun had shown him the map. He would look at it and he saw the markers that were on the map. It seemed like he was making sure they had a place to start to find these people. He heard his words and he figured it wouldn’t hurt to look before they do anything to whoever the culprit was.

“We can scout the areas that are marked on the map. If we can get a betta understandin on what’s goin on the betta.” He said to Yijun.



The Elf, The Daemon and The mad Doctor (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 8:28 am

Yijun was glad the man picked that they scout the area's as that made more sense than trying to break into a build to look for clues and be in the wrong place and have their Shogun scold them for being idiots and breaking in and causing people trouble."Okay then we head to one of these locations marked around as these should be in the hunting grounds of who ever this person is, think we should split up and watch out or do you think we stick together and hope that we get lucky?" Once Yijun heard the other mans answer he would head toward a spot on the map out lined in a blue circle as one of the next probable spots that they might strike next and it was one the same time span to catch the next kidnapping if that is what was happening here but Yijun didn't know yet what it was. He would have to wait for night but he had noticed a man in a lab coat walking around the area as he was finding a place for him to hide out and wait and watch.
(194) (409)

The man:

#4Iza Bicdic 

The Elf, The Daemon and The mad Doctor (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 10:40 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza heard Yijun as he had come up with what to do. It seemed like he was wondering if they should split up or if they should stick together. He would scratch his head as he was wondering if they brought the communicators with them. If he recalled they didn’t, so it was best to stick together. If the two of them separated and one of them got caught or in trouble, they wouldn’t be able to reach the other.

“It’s fine if we stick togetha. I’m sure nothin gonna happen if we split up, but I don’t wanna chance it.” He said to Yijun.

Once that was clear they were on the move. They were going to one of the locations and Iza was quiet as a mouse as this was his expertise. He was used to sneaking around and getting behind his targets. It was then they would see a man in a lab coat. He looked suspicious but he would continue to hide in the shadow wondering what would happen next.



The Elf, The Daemon and The mad Doctor (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Wed Aug 28, 2024 9:39 am

The man in the lab coat seemed pretty harmless and he was talking to the people and he seemed to just be a regular around these parts and the man left the area soon after and Yijun kept watching the man who had looked back like he was looking for if anyone had followed him or not. Yijun wondered why but a new crowd of people had washed into the area as the sun was starting to set so he lost track of the guy in the crowd but with so many people he couldn't afford to keep staring and looking for the one man as more people were here and a lot of them were more rough looking than he was Yijun was going to keep an eye out for them, but also keep his eyes on the crowd for if anyone gets nabbed in the crowd of people that are pushing around and filling up places as they are fresh from work.
(164) (573)

#6Iza Bicdic 

The Elf, The Daemon and The mad Doctor (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Thu Aug 29, 2024 6:59 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza was looking around the area, the man looked suspicious, but it didn’t seem like he was capable of kidnapping people. He didn’t have the body type for it. Well, maybe he hired people to do it, but they would find out if that was true as the day was coming to an end. Sylph was flying around as nobody would understand what she was. They figured she was a big bug moving through the air at the moment.

“It seems like people come here often. I can see why they have people missin hea a lot.” He said to Iza as he kept his eyes on the lookout.

He remembered the path the man had taken before he lost sight of him. He wondered if anything happened would it come from that general direction as well? If it did, then he might have something to do with the missing case, but Iza didn’t think he handled the dirty work if anything.



The Elf, The Daemon and The mad Doctor (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Fri Aug 30, 2024 10:22 am

The man had changed clothes and had blended in with the people that were on the street so he was like a no one in an ocean of no ones could really tell it was him unless they were very close to him in the crowd. The man made his move on a woman that had just come out of a bar. As he grabbed her arm a needle poked through his glove into her arm injecting her with something. The man then helps her walk to the side of the buildings that were away from the two men that were looking in the crowd of people, the man looked like any other person helping their drunk friend to head for home but maybe the little spirit woman would have seen more than they had as one would have had to have been very close to have seen it as it was personal and fast if one blinked they would have missed it. Yijun hadn't seen it happen as he was watching two drunk men fighting a bit and bumping into others which drew his attention to a different part of the crowd.
(193) (766)

#8Iza Bicdic 

The Elf, The Daemon and The mad Doctor (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 8:11 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza was looking around to see if he could find anything out of the ordinary. He couldn’t see anything though; many people were around. He didn’t care much, but he knew getting this job done meant good publicity for the Shinigami Faction.

Sylph was flying around the area, doing her best to help Iza out. She was determined to find something. That was when it happened: She saw the man moving toward a woman. The man was the guy they saw earlier, but he was wearing different clothes than before. She watched him do something to the woman. She was fine before, and then she wasn’t, which caused Sylph to fly away from that area and back to Yijun and Iza.

“Guys I think I found him. He took a girl with him. He pokes them with something, and it seems to mess them up. Follow me.” She said as she started flying off in a specific direction.

Iza laughed a bit as he would follow without a problem.



The Elf, The Daemon and The mad Doctor (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 10:20 am

Yijun hearing what the small woman said he was mad at himself for failing to see that happen but he knows that their were a lot of people so no one could blame him for not seeing it and he would follow behind the others and the man had headed back to the ally way but from the other side by the time they arrived there and looked around the corner their is no woman in sight and he was in his original clothes again and was loading crates with rats in them onto a trolly to take back to his lab to do some tests on them with a big wooden box that was on the trolly as well that was sealed or appeared sealed from the outside of it. Yijun looked to Iza that they should follow him so they know where they are taking the kidnapped people to as they needed to find the others that the man had already taken.
(164) (930)

#10Iza Bicdic 

The Elf, The Daemon and The mad Doctor (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 4:00 pm

Iza Bicdic
Iza would follow Sylph as she took them to where she had seen the guy. It seemed like they were on the right track and when they got to where they needed to go, they would turn to see the scientist. The thing is they wouldn’t see him with a girl, and they would see him wearing his lab coat. It seemed like he was putting things into a trolly. He wasn’t sure what was going on as he looked over to Sylph. She looked at Iza and puffed her face because she wasn’t lying, and she wasn’t going crazy.

“I know what I saw; he did something, so following him would be for the best.” She said to him.

Iza looked over to Yijun as it seemed like he wanted to do the same thing. He figured he might as well as he knew Sylph wouldn’t lie or say something outrageous like that.



The Elf, The Daemon and The mad Doctor (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 4:09 pm

The man left out the other side of the ally and Yijun transformed and took to the roof tops and he followed that way as he knew he wasn't as sneaky as Iza was and he knew the moon would keep his shadow away from the street below so he wouldn't tip the man off that he was above him following them or at least he hoped that would be the case but this man really couldn't be that confident could he? Yijun trusted that the other man's companion wouldn't lie as she was far too blunt for that kind of thing. Yijun can see that the route that the man was taking was leading toward the lab that was on the far side of the sites of the kidnappings. Yijun was glad that he wasn't taken by a different one of the other divisions in the faction that he was part of and he needed to make sure that he didn't fail here. The man they were following turned into another of the allyways to collect more of the rat traps with rats in them.
(186) (1,116)

#12Iza Bicdic 

The Elf, The Daemon and The mad Doctor (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 4:21 pm

Iza Bicdic
Iza watched as Yijun took flight into the sky to follow the man. It seemed like he felt it better to fly than to follow on foot. He was fine with that, but he would stay on the ground then. It would be better to have them separated for this, so if anything went wrong the other could still follow.

The jester would look at Sylph and the two of them would nod at each other. She would get on his shoulder, and he would start running in the direction of the trolley. He made sure to keep his distance from their target so they wouldn’t be noticed. He decided to use one of his spells that allowed him to become invisible. This would make it easier for him to follow without having to worry about anything.

He kept moving to make sure that he couldn’t lose the trolly now. He was on the move, and he was hoping that they would find out if this was their target or not.



The Elf, The Daemon and The mad Doctor (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 4:29 pm

Yijun watched as the man opened the crate and it was full of straw and the man started placing some of the rat traps with rats in it. If this man had that woman then he had her somewhere else unless it was someone else using this mans face to get by and to get him in trouble and give them a red haring while the real one got away while they followed the wrong person. Yijun was going to keep watching before he went to take off to go back to where they had been before to look for more clues as he wanted to make fully sure that he wasn't being tricked into leaving by this man. He would have to figure it out fast his eye looked at the crate that the man was putting the rats in but he couldn't tell anything from where he was and with out being able to touch the crate he couldn't see if there was a trick to it.
(169) (1,285)

#14Iza Bicdic 

The Elf, The Daemon and The mad Doctor (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 5:46 pm

Iza Bicdic
It wouldn’t take long for them to arrive at the location. When they did, Iza was watching from a distance waiting to catch this man in the act. He wasn’t sure what they were going to see, but he doubted this man would be stupid enough to take a human out of the crates right? He kept watching him as he was getting to work. There was nothing that shouted there was a woman there. Still, he had to trust Sylph, she wouldn’t be lying about that and if she was then he wouldn’t let her hear the end of it after this was all done.

He was just waiting in a corner as he continued to see what the man was doing. At the moment he was taking care of whatever was in the crates, possibly for rats. Still, it seemed like this guy was weird even if he didn’t take the girl. Who played with rats and did experiments on them as well.



The Elf, The Daemon and The mad Doctor (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 7:06 pm

Yijun wondered if the crate had a false bottom and under that hay was the fake bottom and the woman was sleeping under it with the hay over her. Yijun knows that is how slavers sometimes moved slaves from one place to the other. He needed to keep himself calm as the man closed the crate back up and kept on his way toward the lab again and Yijun was starting to feel a bit jumpy but he knows he can't react yet he has to just keep tailing him he had to find out and if they followed him back to the lab maybe he will have some more of these crates around so they can check if the bottoms of them were real or if there was space so they could send the rune knights to the right place and have them check the lab. Yijun doubted the man would just have them in plan sight in the lab so the rune knights will probably have to check the place from top to bottom if they did check it out.
(182) (1,467)

#16Iza Bicdic 

The Elf, The Daemon and The mad Doctor (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 8:06 pm

Iza Bicdic
Iza was just bored at this point, but there was nothing that they could really do. They could only just wait as the man was getting everything ready. He looked over to Yijun and then looked back at the scientist. He wondered if anything was going to happen right now. The man had gotten everything that he prepared and was ready to go inside of what was most likely his lab. He looked over to Yijun as he wondered how they were going to do this.

“So, are we gonna go in and see what we can find on this man? Or are we just gonna let him do whateva he wants and possibly harm moa people?” He asked Yijun wondering what he wanted to do.

Sylph was just on Iza’s shoulder as she was going to say anything. Iza was invisible, but he was near his partner. It would probably scare him, but that was fine as a jump scare never hurt anybody.



The Elf, The Daemon and The mad Doctor (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 8:31 pm

Yijun landed after the man had went in and he looked at the jester. "We get in and we find proof and if we can we save the woman, i think the crate has a false bottom. Think you can go invisible and get to it?" Yijun knows that Iza is the better one to sneak in and get to the place the man was taking the people that were kidnapped. Yijun looks for a weak point in the closed down being careful not to set off the alarm if there was on there. Once he opened the door he cloaked himself in darkness in cause of magical spying orbs inside of the place and went in and hoped that Iza would follow him but he knows that the other man didn't have to follow him or go head of him as he didn't like humans and he was pretty sure the woman that was taken was probably a human woman so Iza might be more interested in waiting on this one before acting.
(176) (1,643)

#18Iza Bicdic 

The Elf, The Daemon and The mad Doctor (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Sun Sep 01, 2024 11:01 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza looked at him and he could indeed do that without a problem. He had his guild spell, and his dagger. He figured he would use his dagger spell to take on a test run. The jester would take out his new dagger and he looked at Yijun with a smile one his face.

“Sure, I could do that. It shouldn’t be a problem ta do that.” He said as he pointed his dagger down to the ground.

It was then he would become invisible to everyone around him. Sylph stood attached to him, so she was gone with him. It was then they would follow Yijun as he would be able to open the door for them. That was good and he would look around to see what he could find. It looked like a normal warehouse and that was what made things weird. The guy who entered the place was nowhere to be found, which he found interesting.



The Elf, The Daemon and The mad Doctor (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 6:12 am

Yijun figured since Iza was going to look for the woman he would look for other creates that look like the one the man had on the trolley that might have a false bottom. Using his skill he looked at the crates and he walked over to another of the crates and opens it and it was full of hay as well and he dug to the bottom and he felt the bottom of the crate and then he pressed hard on one side and then the other and the bottom popped up and it showed a hidden space below the "bottom" and he looked in and it was a good size space to fit someone. Yijun know has a idea and he writes down a note of where the box is and the numbers on the box so that it can be handed over to the knights and that is when Yijun heard foot steps and he got the box repaired and refilled as he hid with the box closed again and he wondered if he had been seen.
(180) (1,823)

#20Iza Bicdic 

The Elf, The Daemon and The mad Doctor (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 11:49 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza was looking around trying to see if he could find a hidden door around the area. This would be perfect for them, but he wasn’t sure if there would be another person in their way. While he was looking around, Sylph would have his back as she was looking literally behind him.

It was then she noticed someone walking around. He actually looked like he was walking in the direction of where Yijun was located. She would tap Iza’s back and she would get close to his ear.

“Someone is walking to Yijun.” She whispered.

Iza turned around and moved through the area. He was quiet, moving in a way that would make it, so he didn’t make any noise. When he got there, he saw the crate close, and then this guy walked over to it. He was wondering if he was going to take the crate, or if he was going to make a move somewhere within the warehouse. Either way, Iza was going to follow him and see where he would go.  



The Elf, The Daemon and The mad Doctor (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 12:26 pm

The man looked like he was a simple security guard doing his rounds but once he was walking around and he then got closer to the wall that was at the far end of the big room and he pressed on the wall and a tile moved showing a keypad and the man hurried and tapped on the keypad and the wall slide open and the guy walked through and the wall then slid closed behind himself. Yijun looked out and came around from where he hid and he looked at the wall that was sliding closed. Yijun wondered how the hell they were meant to get into that. Yijun slowly used his darkness and got close to the wall and he noticed the mark on the wall from where the man had touched to get the panel to open and he wondered if he could figure it out but he was sure going in alone was a bad idea but he pressed on the tile that moved and exposed the keypad to him and he could see the keys on the pad that were worn a bit so he knows they number to the code have aomething to do with a 2 a 4 a 7 and a 9.
(210) (2,033)

#22Iza Bicdic 

The Elf, The Daemon and The mad Doctor (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 12:33 pm

Iza Bicdic
Iza followed the man, and it was then he saw that the man had gotten to a specific part of the building. A wall, and then a panel appeared. The wood elf himself had made his way toward it as he was close to the man. He had held his breath, and Sylph made sure she was not looking in that direction.

The code was indeed two, seven, four, nine. He watched the man press it in that order as he looked at Yijun who he knew couldn’t see him.

“The code is two, seven, four, nine. We should be able ta get in with that.” He said this to Yijun as he was close to him.

It would probably startle him, but he was going to stay invisible until it was his time to show up and fight. He touched the wall, so the panel could appear, but he waited for Yijun to put the code in, so they could proceed forward.



The Elf, The Daemon and The mad Doctor (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 7:40 am

Yijun heard the voice and he guessed he should have known that Iza would have locked in on this guy he guessed the jester had sensed something about him or maybe he did something to tip him off to the thing that was going on. Yijun put in the code that the other man had told him and he wondered what they were going to do once they are in there as they don't know the path the lays ahead of them nor if this entrance was kept track of in anyway but once the wall door opened Yijun let Iza go first and then he followed the other man keeping himself in the shadows and he looked at the door that closed behind him. He motioned for Iza to keep going as he was going to see what he could do with the door and see if he can rig it in someway for when he and Iza send the knights here that they will be able to get in with out them having to give out the code to them and admit that they had broke into this place.

#24Iza Bicdic 

The Elf, The Daemon and The mad Doctor (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 7:49 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza looked at Yijun and it seemed like he wanted him to go ahead. He would nod as if he would be perfectly fine with that. He moved forward, invisible and hard to be seen by anybody. He wondered what was going on here, and he figured he was going to find out. The old man had noticed there were a few doors around here. It was then he would see windows that that shown inside some of these rooms.

There were lab rats caged in these rooms. It seemed interesting that they had a separate room with them there, but nobody was in it. He kept going and while doing so, he saw another room. This room had a table, big enough for a human to be put on it. He wondered why they needed something like this and he knew things were getting suspicious.

The clown kept quiet though as he kept pushing forward to see what he would bump into at the end of the hall.



The Elf, The Daemon and The mad Doctor (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 8:06 am

The rooms ahead of the man were littered with what looked like mutated humans some mixed with rats others with other animals and things like weapons, plants and other people making two headed creatures. The last room had the woman strapped to the table alone struggling, she was surrounded by tools and needles that would be used on her soon enough if she wasn't able to get freed. There are elves and other races walking around down here in lab coats looking at the other people and taking notes but no one was looking in at the new woman yet so the coast was clear as the others were suffering and notes were being taken on them and it was nearly a stomach turning thing to see for anyone. Yijun finally gets the door rigged to a device that Yijun had in his hand and he started sneaking down to make sure that he could back up Iza if in the end he needed him to do so.
(168) (2,392)

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