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The Elf, The Daemon and The mad Doctor (S-Rank NQ with Iza)

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#26Iza Bicdic 

The Elf, The Daemon and The mad Doctor (S-Rank NQ with Iza) - Page 2 Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 8:12 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza would see all the horrible experiments that were happening at the end of the hall. It seemed like this was what was happening here. He shook his head to see the elves that worked here and the ones that were being experimented on. Still, they were here to be able to prevent something like this from happening again. He would free the young woman as nobody noticed him. Of course, he was invisible, so freeing her would confuse the poor thing.

Iza got close to her as she got up from the table.

“I’m here to help you, but I need you to be quiet and make your way through this hall. I will make sure to stop anybody from trying to stop you, but don’t alarm everyone.” He whispered this to her.

She yelped a bit but covered her mouth as she would do what she was being told to do. She hoped everything went well and that she could escape here.



The Elf, The Daemon and The mad Doctor (S-Rank NQ with Iza) - Page 2 Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 1:06 pm

Yijun saw her come out into the hall and he waved her over to go up the stairs when she came close to him he casted a darkness based spell on her to cloak her so she would fit in with the shadows of the dimly lit path way. He then took her hand and started leading her out and he hoped that Iza was close behind them as he lead the woman through the place watching out for extra guards and for other people walking the halls but it seemed like everyone else would remain trapped in the hidden lab till the Knights got there with the info they gave them. Yijun thought it was a stroke of genius but that is a gamble that the ones inside there wouldn't be able to crack the thing he added to make it harder to open and he got her to the streets and the woman was holding very tightly to his hand showing how scared she was and once they are in a safe place he let down his own cloak of darkness then waited for Iza to speak or show up, so they could talk about what Iza saw so Yijun could add it to the list of things in the turn in to the knights.
(217) (2,609)

#28Iza Bicdic 

The Elf, The Daemon and The mad Doctor (S-Rank NQ with Iza) - Page 2 Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 1:12 pm

Iza Bicdic
Iza was following the girl and making sure that nobody would spot her. She moved in a good way as nobody took note of the missing woman. He kept moving behind her making sure to react to anything if they were alerted. Still, while doing this it seemed like everything was fine, and soon they met with Yijun. That man cast a darkness spell, on her to blend into the shadows. That was smart it was not something he could do, so that was good. He was behind them as they moved through the area. He kept the same pace that she had earlier before Yijun arrived.

It wouldn’t take long, but they would go through the door and it would close behind them. It seemed like Yijun had done something to the door. He wasn’t sure he did, but he didn’t care. When they got outside of the warehouse and in a good spot, Iza would let his invisibility spell disperse revealing him to the two of them.



The Elf, The Daemon and The mad Doctor (S-Rank NQ with Iza) - Page 2 Empty Wed Sep 04, 2024 9:07 am

Once he see the man appear Yijun speaks. "Lets get everything straight and then turn in this all to the Rune knights." Yijun waits for the man to speak and tell him what else he saw and he would start writing it down and making sure that he was taking great detail to what was being said and the woman had nothing to add to the thing as she was already out of it before she knew what happened and it seemed that she was a woman seeking to be an adventurer but she was now sure that life was not for her after she had just been taken out so easily. Yijun says she might be able to join the faction they belong to and see if she might actually have a chance. Once the man was done Yijun put in the final part about how to get to the people Yijun had trapped in the hidden lab and he walked the woman to the Rune Knights so they could look over the work and they were take the woman from them so she could be questioned and Yijun would wait for her so he could make sure nothing funny happened and he got paid.
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#30Iza Bicdic 

The Elf, The Daemon and The mad Doctor (S-Rank NQ with Iza) - Page 2 Empty Wed Sep 04, 2024 9:49 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza was done with this, and it seemed like Yijun was too. He had asked them to get everything straight before they went to the Rune Knight. He was fine with that and heard everything that Yijun had to say about what he saw. The jester nodded and he would also tell him what he saw in the room he was in as well. It was just insane to know that something like this was happening within Orchidia. It seemed like not everything was as peachy as it seemed.

Still, they were done with this job, and they would escort the woman to the Rune Knight. It seemed like she had a dream that was destroyed because of this event. He had a smirk on his face as it seemed like Yijun was doing his best to give her courage to continue onward. When they got to the Rune Knights, the two of them would explain everything that had happened and would get paid for their service before the knights did their thing.



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