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A Daemon And A Wood Elf Sail Off To Battle (S-Rank NQ with Iza)

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A Daemon And A Wood Elf Sail Off To Battle (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Thu Sep 05, 2024 10:16 am

Yijun had heard that the fishermen of this island were suffering and in need of help with a sea beast that had been bringing them trouble as of late and he was hired along side on of his faction mates to come and fight the creature that was causing problems for them and their living as of late. Yijun had walked to the docking area for ships and he started walking around and talking to boat captains so they could get a boat for the day that would help get them to the beast of the sea that was causing the issues and he would need to make sure that he was ready as he was not use to combat on the water so this was going to be something new for him though he remembers he can fly if he has too as well but finally he gets a boat that will take him and strikes up a deal with them so they can get onto the ship and be on their way.


A Daemon And A Wood Elf Sail Off To Battle (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Thu Sep 05, 2024 10:16 am

The member 'Yijun' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 22

#3Iza Bicdic 

A Daemon And A Wood Elf Sail Off To Battle (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Thu Sep 05, 2024 10:48 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza took on another quest today. He wasn’t sure what it was really going to be about, but he decided that he would do his best not to disappear on Yijun like last time. His disappearing act was too good last time, but he was pursuing to become stronger and hopefully, reach his goal. The wood elf was with his partner as they were walking through the docks. He wasn’t the one doing the talking, but he was taking in everything around him. Sylph was also doing the same thing as she was fascinated by the sea and how vast it was.

While they were being tourist, it seemed like Yijun had gotten a boat for them to get on board. They needed to get a boat, so they could proceed with their quest. Their task happened to be in the water. He didn’t mind it at all and it was because he had Sylph with him.



A Daemon And A Wood Elf Sail Off To Battle (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Thu Sep 05, 2024 1:02 pm

The captain walked out on deck and he looked to the crew and he started his speech. "Today we will be taking on the sea beast with the help of these two mages." The captain pointed to Yijun and Iza who were the mages in question here. "If there is anyone that wishes to leave do so now! As once we are out there, there is no turning back and no second chances to spare your lives as this will be dangerous!" The crew started cheering and preparing they were seeming to have been born ready for this as none of them left the ship and got to work making sure their cannons and other weapons were ready and prepared for the battle.

The captain smirked to the mages as he ran a tight ship and no cowards were in his crew to deal with but Yijun was going to do his damnest to keep them all alive and get them back safe, one day this mind set will probably get him killed but he hoped that today would not be that day so he can make sure to find the one he is looking for.
(200) (374)

#5Iza Bicdic 

A Daemon And A Wood Elf Sail Off To Battle (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Thu Sep 05, 2024 1:19 pm

Iza Bicdic
Iza was on board the ship with Yijun and he wondered when they would make their way into the sea. While he was thinking about this, the man who seemed to be the captain of the ship would speak up. He looked over to this man and it seemed like he was informing the crew. He would ignore everything he said after that until he heard the roar of the crew. He looked at them and they seemed eager to go on this adventure.

He chuckled a bit as he didn’t know why they were excited. if they were ready to die, then so be it. He didn’t care and was just going to make sure that they finished the job and got paid for it. He looked over to Yijun and it seemed like he was thinking about stuff, so Iza would speak to him.

“So, what kinda beast we fightin. Do ya think we gonna have a big problem?” He asked wondering what he would say.



A Daemon And A Wood Elf Sail Off To Battle (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Thu Sep 05, 2024 9:03 pm

He heard the man speak to him so he looked to the Jester and he blinked. "I believe if the rumors are true is like a giant like Eel or snake." He had no real idea what it would be called just that it was like that kind of creature and it was going to probably be a pain in the ass to kill as it would probably knock into the ship hard and would probably be able to bring it's head out of the water to attempt to eat the crew that would be on the deck and them of course. The crew pulled up the anchor and got the ship moving forward heading out to the sea to start their hunt Yijun wondered if this was really going to work out for them or not but he was going to do his best to make this work out and he called out his spear to his hands so he is ready at the first sight of the creature.
(172) (546)

#7Iza Bicdic 

A Daemon And A Wood Elf Sail Off To Battle (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Fri Sep 06, 2024 7:00 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza heard his words, and he thought about it. They were going to be fighting a giant snake with electrical properties as well. That was just fun, but it would be interesting to see how these men would deal with it.

“I see, so this is gonna be a shockin event isn’t it.” He laughed about it, making a joke, and stumbled a bit when the ship started moving.

He wished they give out a warning when they did that, so he could be more prepared about it. Still, they were on the move now, which meant their job was getting closer to being done. He hoped this creature didn’t give them too much of a difficulty.

He would move over to the side of the ship as he was looking out to the sea with Sylph on his shoulder. It was then he would bring out both his daggers.

“I wonda what it’s like ta be a captain in our faction, what do ya think Yijun.” He said out loud.



A Daemon And A Wood Elf Sail Off To Battle (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Fri Sep 06, 2024 10:32 am

He saw the wood elf stumble. "You don't see that often, a wood elf stumble." He looked at the man and he wondered if this monster was going to be an okay thing for this group or not. He heard the man's joke and he laughed softly at the joke as there might be something more to this man than just a simple wood elf man. Yijun looked around and looked over the railing of the ship and he watched the waves and he hoped they would be able to handle this monster that they would be facing and then he heard the other man ask him a question.

Yijun looked to the other man and he spoke back to his question. "Well I am myself aiming to take a spot in the division I am part of but it will probably be a huge weight on ones shoulders. You will probably make captain and never have to worry about it. I on the other hand have a steep amount of competition that I will have to face to make it." He was being honest that he needed to make sure that he was able to keep going and not just give up he needed to push hard.
(212) (758)

#9Iza Bicdic 

A Daemon And A Wood Elf Sail Off To Battle (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Fri Sep 06, 2024 11:49 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza would glare at him before laughing at his comment about him stumbling. He was just caught off guard, that was all. Still, now it seemed like they were going to have a waiting game for this creature. He wasn’t sure how long that was going to take.

It was then he heard Yijun speak, it seemed like he was aiming to be a captain of the division he was in. They were in both separate divisions, even though they worked together. He nodded finding it interesting to hear his take on it.

He laughed a bit when he heard that he could be captain and had no worries about it. He wondered if that was how it would work for him.

“I see, ya sayin that nobody would be gunnin fa the position in my division? That’s good ta know. Then I don’t have ta worry about anything, but ya have ta worry about someone tryin ta find ya weakness.” He played with the end of his words because Yijun was known for finding weak points in his opponents.



A Daemon And A Wood Elf Sail Off To Battle (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Sat Sep 07, 2024 9:49 am

Yijun looked at the man as he had misunderstood what he was saying. "I am saying you would beat anyone that would try to take it from you my friend. You will probably have competition, just will beat them all out." Yijun was saying that the other man is highly skilled and that was what would give it to him and how he would be able to keep it. Yijun looked back to the water and he sees some fish swimming away swiftly and then Yijun moved to the front of the boat and he looked out into the water where he sees the water ahead having ripples and bubbles coming up in it and the crew started getting to battle stations in case it is the big one and Yijun looked to Iza. "We might have company." He was not sure if it was the big one but he was going to be ready in case that it was the big one that was coming to face them.
(173) (931)

#11Iza Bicdic 

A Daemon And A Wood Elf Sail Off To Battle (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Sun Sep 08, 2024 10:54 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza heard his words, which brought a smirk to his face. It seemed like Yijun had a lot of confidence in his ability to make sure that nobody could take this power away from him. That was interesting, and he was fascinated to hear that from him.

“I see, I’m happy ta hear ya have so much hope in my abilities.” He chuckled a bit as he wondered who would try to stop him.

It was then that Iza noticed that Yijun was alert. He wondered what was bothering his friend and he looked around. He could see that there were fish swimming around. It looked like they were scared of something, and that was when he heard they might have company.

The jester heard this, and he was surprised about this. it seemed like the fight was about to begin. He was okay with that, but how did it find them? He watched the crew gather themselves in preparation to fight back.



A Daemon And A Wood Elf Sail Off To Battle (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Mon Sep 09, 2024 10:30 am

Yijun looking out into the water and sees nothing still maybe they were still a ways out from the monster that would be their enemy. Yijun keeps his spear ready but there seemed to be nothing still. The crew looked like they all started to let their guards down and that is when it happened the creature sprung up from the deep beside their boat and Yijun jumped back from the side of the ship and he wondered what this thing was doing just appearing like that, had it sensed the ship? Had it sensed them? or was it just out and hunting as these were the creatures hunting grounds. Yijun transformed growing his wings and he flew straight at the monster as it's appearance had rocked the boat a bit and the monsters movements were disturbing the water around the ship and making some waves as Yijun struck the creature that seemed to have a very thick hide and Yijun wasn't seeing a weak point on it yet.
(169) (1,100)

#13Iza Bicdic 

A Daemon And A Wood Elf Sail Off To Battle (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Mon Sep 09, 2024 12:26 pm

Iza Bicdic
Iza was waiting for something to happen. It seemed like everybody was nervous about something, but the danger never came. Still, one thing the assassin was going to do was let his guard down. He wasn’t the type of person as when you thought danger wasn’t coming that was when it came. He knew as much as an assassin you made sure your target was secluded, and safe, and then bam you get them.

When it happened, the boat would rock, and the wood-elf would jump into the air with grace as he did backflip. It seemed like the others didn’t see it coming and that was to be expected. While he did this, he looked over to Sylph and she knew what he wanted to do. She would fuse with him as Iza would grow one wing, but it was enough to allow him to fly.

He saw that Yijun had attacked the serpent that had appeared. It seemed like he wasn’t able to do any damage. Iza would create his Stand Magic as he would get ready to attack but not with his weapons right now.



A Daemon And A Wood Elf Sail Off To Battle (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Mon Sep 09, 2024 2:56 pm

Yijun kept attacking while looking for a weakness on the sea beast and he was not having any luck with it. The ships crew worked on getting the weapons at the monster that had come up out of the water and then released a volley of shots from their magical cannons but that just caused the creature to return to the depths and Yijun flew around looking for it and where it could have went but the water was being disturbed so it was hard to see the creature that was under the water and he was going to need to figure it out and tell the others as he saw the other man's stand come into his view and he wondered if Iza had an eye on the creature or if they had both lost sight of the creature Yijun gets ready to dive into the water and see if he can find the creature then he heard the water bubbling on the other side of the boat but nothing came from that side of the boat. The creature came up from under Yijun to attempt to take a bite out of him.
(194) (1,294)

#15Iza Bicdic 

A Daemon And A Wood Elf Sail Off To Battle (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Tue Sep 10, 2024 7:06 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza was waiting to see what he could do. It seemed like Yijun was doing his best to take on the monster, but it didn’t seem like there was anything he could do about it. That wasn’t good and he just looked at the serpent as it had thrown itself right into the water. It seemed like it didn’t enjoy being hit by cannonballs. His eyes looked around the place, he was wondering where it would come from.

One person had been attacking the serpent the most this entire time. It was Yijun, so he figured the serpent saw him as a threat. He waited for the creature to come out, and it seemed like it was trying to surprise attack someone. That was when he saw it appeared underneath Yijun. Iza’s stand activated the magic as it would a clown car would appear around Yijun and the creature bounced right off the car.

He wasn’t done as he activated another spell that would have knives rain down on the beast right underneath Yijun. He was wondering if it would do damage to this thing.



A Daemon And A Wood Elf Sail Off To Battle (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Tue Sep 10, 2024 8:42 am

The creature seemed more pissed that it's teeth didn't sink into Yijun there and Yijun sighed as he had let his guard down and that had caused the creature to have gotten a leg up on him and then he saw the knives rain onto it's skin and it looked like they had little effect as well. Yijun watched the creature dive back under water again and then a great wave came and smashed into the boat throwing it hard to one side nearly flipping the boat and tossing the ships crew into the water. Yijun without thinking dove as fast as he could into the water and defended the crew from the beast as he made shields of his own to protect the people as they swam back for the ship put while Yijun was under the water he saw it the creatures weak point it was in the middle of it's back but that was a part that was deeper in the water than Yijun would probably be able to get to.

He remebers that Iza has wind element so maybe the man could surround himself in wind and be able to make it to the creatures weak point or he would pull the great beast out of the water with his spears Void Collapse to make an opening to try and kill it before the beast hits the water again after he lets it loose.
(238) (1,532)

#17Iza Bicdic 

A Daemon And A Wood Elf Sail Off To Battle (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 6:59 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza had used his wind magic to defend, and then he used his magic to attack. The defending was perfect and on point, but the attacking was something else. He would see the creature had made its way back into the water, which made him suck his teeth with disappointment. It seemed like it was fighting everyone around. When it attacked the ship with waves of water, he saw the people fall off the ship. He shook his head as they were in the way, but he could use them as bait.

Still, one thing was for certain Yijun would be the one to protect them. He waited to see what the creature would do, and when he saw him clashing with Yijun, he took the opportunity to do something. His stand would summon a champion and that champion would land on the beast's back as it was holding on and trying to stab it with its blades.



A Daemon And A Wood Elf Sail Off To Battle (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 7:56 am

Soon after the other man had the summon drop down onto the beasts back Yijun surfaced with a few of the crew taking them up onto the ship. "It's weak spot is about 30 meters down on the middle of it's back if you can reach it let me know if not I will use my spears spell and pull it up as high as I can then we will need to strike the spot as fast as we can before it makes it back into the water." Yijun knowing he didn't have time to have a full conversation with Iza flew back off the ship diving back into the water and he needed to make sure that the crew doesn't die or drown as the waters are messy right not as the beast is making the water toss and turn so it is in a way making a current that is pulling them in toward them. Yijun gets more people in his shields to protect them as Iza's stand is keeping it busy and the crew on the ship got the rope ladders down into the water to help those in the water get up to the boat as fast as they can.
(206) (1,738)

Last edited by Yijun on Wed Sep 11, 2024 8:58 am; edited 1 time in total

#19Iza Bicdic 

A Daemon And A Wood Elf Sail Off To Battle (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 8:11 am

Iza Bicdic
The champion was stabbing at the beast a few times. It wasn’t doing much, and the champion was a bit annoyed with that. Still, it was ordered to attack and that was what it was trying to do. The jester was wondering what to do right now as he figured that he would have to go fight this thing himself. He looked over to where Yijun was and he heard the man speak.

It seemed like the weak spot was located on its back, but the place was somewhere where it had been submerged in water. His Stand would signal the champion to make its move, and it would hold its breath as it had gone underwater while holding onto the beast’s back.

“We shall see what happens, I don’t know if my summoning could do anything to it, but I will try.” He said to Yijun wondering what would happen.

The champion was now underwater as the serpent was wiggling back and forth. It held on as it was wondering if it could even do damage underwater,



A Daemon And A Wood Elf Sail Off To Battle (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 9:07 am

Yijun gets back to work on fighting the monster trying to help buy the other man's summon some time to get down the back or Iza to dive in himself and try and get to the point but Yijun keeps working on the monster as well as taking a shot down at the weak point to try and help guild the stand or summon that was in the water with him and Yijun hoped that they could get to it as he was not sure if he could get that deep fast enough. Yijun would then fully transform as he bats away the best as he gets ready to dive surface and then dive as hard as he can and use his flight under the water to get as close as he can as fast as he can before he loses his breath and has to hope he doesn't get hit and then drown under the water and Yijun wonders if this will give him a fear of deep water now.
(171) (1,909)

#21Iza Bicdic 

A Daemon And A Wood Elf Sail Off To Battle (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 9:15 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza was watching as the serpent had thrown itself back into the water. It was not happy with the Champion clown on it. Still, it was strong enough that it didn’t have to worry about falling off from where it was. He watched as things were getting serious. It seemed like Yijun was fine with going in the water and fighting the beast. That was good for him, but for Iza and Sylph, they were fine where they were.

The Champion was getting closer and closer to the spot that Yijun had spoken about, but holding his own breath was hard on its own. He might have been a summon, but he was still a clown just from a different realm.

“I hope we can get this done quickly, but who knows what might happen under there. Those two should be enough, but if anything let’s be prepared to attack the serpent.” He said to Sylph that she was fine with that.



A Daemon And A Wood Elf Sail Off To Battle (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 9:38 am

Yijun watches as the summon got closer and closer to the spot and his attack had hit so the beast stopped moving around as much while it focused on Yijun who started hitting it harder to keep the attention of it then Yijun was flung up out of the water by the beast it raising for the water maybe giving the summon some air to be able to get to the weak spot that would now only be about 15 meters below the water as the crew had seemed to have been able to all get back on deck and put some harpoons in the beasts skin and will keep it more still as the beast keeps struggling against the ropes that were keeping it close to the ship and Yijun keeping the creature busy and hoping that the other man can do something and Yijun was not sure he could go for another dip in the water as he was use to warmer weather again as he hadn't been in Enca for a long time and this salt water was making him colder.
(184) (2,093)

#23Iza Bicdic 

A Daemon And A Wood Elf Sail Off To Battle (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 9:53 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza continued to watch as it seemed like they were all trying their best to fight this thing. it seemed like everybody was trying their best to make sure they could contribute in any way. It didn’t matter though as things were going too well right? Well, it would seem like the water pressure had been less than it was before on the Champion summon. They raised it up a bit above the water, but he was still underwater. Still, this was good and he was getting close to the weak spot that Yijun mentioned. It wasn’t moving as much either, and when the clown was ready, he would pierce the weak spot with his daggers as the serpent would roar from the pain.

It didn’t like that at all as it would whip its body harder than it ever did before. This would be too strong for the summon to hold on especially since it was attacking. It had been whipped away from the serpent, which was hurt, but still able.



A Daemon And A Wood Elf Sail Off To Battle (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 10:10 am

Yijun would get closer to the beast as the roar would ring out and Yijun fired spells down the beasts throat and some debuffs to weaken it and lower it's over all durability. The beast pretty much slams yijun into the water, Yijun had blocked the hit with the spear but he was able to air brake just above the water and run up the monsters body with his spear downing damage to it. "I weakened the beast Iza you can hurt it more now!" Yijun had a deeper voice as he had spoken showing the difference in him in his normal state and the fully transformed place he was when he was in front of the man now. The beast was trying to make the debuffs break but then attacks with a pressured blast of water that Yijun made a shield to defend himself from the blast of water and he started laughing as this beast was getting desperate.
(162) (2,255)

#25Iza Bicdic 

A Daemon And A Wood Elf Sail Off To Battle (S-Rank NQ with Iza) Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 10:16 am

Iza Bicdic
This was so chaotic, and he didn’t like it. He wasn’t coming to this place again and he was thinking about banning himself from doing water quest anymore. It was hard to fight these creatures without getting wet it seemed. Still, he knew his summon was gone as he disappeared and went back to his realm. He looked over to Yijun as it seemed like he had done quite a lot of damage to the serpent.

“Understood.” He simply said as he would move straight to the beast.

The jester would make his way to the monster and he would swing both daggers at it. When he did that he would damage it, but he wouldn’t be able to hit its weak spot. He would suck his teeth as he looked over to Yijun and everyone else.

“Can we bring him higher, so I can hit the weak spot you mentioned earlier? I know my summoning did damage, but wasn’t able to finish it off.” He explained as he waited to see what would happen before he made his move again.


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