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A Daemon And A Wood Elf Sail Off To Battle (S-Rank NQ with Iza)

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A Daemon And A Wood Elf Sail Off To Battle (S-Rank NQ with Iza) - Page 2 Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 10:35 am

Yijun heard what the man wanted and Yijun flew up high. "Just make sure you stay out of range till I release the spell." Yijun charged his mana and then twirled the spear and it went up into the air and made a huge black orb that started pulling the sea beast up into the sky. "Cut the ropes fast before you are pulled in!" His voice was far more dark and commanding sounding than it use to be. The crew swiftly cut the ropes and Yijun wondered if this spell was going to be strong enough to pull it all the way out and once the beast was was all up in the orb Yijun yelled out to Iza. "Do it now!" Yijun ended the spell and the beast started to fall from the sky as the orb disappeared, Yijun grabbing his spear again flew to do some more damage before the beast could hit the water hoping that Iza can hit the spot.
(171) (2,426)

#27Iza Bicdic 

A Daemon And A Wood Elf Sail Off To Battle (S-Rank NQ with Iza) - Page 2 Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 10:44 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza looked at Yijun as he was waiting for him to do what he asked. He figured he was going to use that black hole of his. He didn’t know what it fully did, but he knew that it did bad to allies or at least anybody close to it. Still, he moved away from the serpent and basically Yijun. It was then he would watch the orb being created and then the serpent moved into the air and to the orb. It was then he was told to take it out now. It was defenseless in the air, and he would soar through the sky and make his way to the beast. It was falling to the water and he would swoosh right in and he would slice through its weak spot twice like butter with his dagger.

The serpent would roar from the pain, but with all the damage it had suffered from everyone, this was enough to take it out.



A Daemon And A Wood Elf Sail Off To Battle (S-Rank NQ with Iza) - Page 2 Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 10:52 am

Yijun was glad it was over, he got down onto the beast and he would have the crew throw ropes to him so they could get the dead body hooked up so they can take it in and get it butchered and get the crew and themselves paid for the hard days work and Yijun got it nicely tied so it wouldn't get lost. The crew was cheering as they were happy to have gotten the creature killed and that they were the crew that were able to get the beast with the help of these mages though they were not all that happy about the dip they all took into the water but the quick reactions of the mages had kept them safe and get them out of the water while fighting the best. the captain was thinking of a fitting reward for the two mages making sure that they were safe and had survived the attack. "Great work Iza." Yijun turned back to normal and he was breathing a bit heavier.
(175) (2,601)

#29Iza Bicdic 

A Daemon And A Wood Elf Sail Off To Battle (S-Rank NQ with Iza) - Page 2 Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 11:02 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza had watched it hit the water, and when it did it would go into the water and then it would come back up as it was floating. It was dead weight that they were seeing right now, and he sighed with relief. This was over and he would shake his head as he looked over to Yijun who was helping the crew bring this dead thing in. They were here for this as well, and he forgot all about this.

He would land back on the ship as it seemed like this was all over. He would look over to Yijun as he landed on the ship with him. He heard Yijun speak to him and he would give him a thumbs up.

“This is not something I was expecting to be doing today. I don’t think I ever want to fight anything that has to do with water. When we get back let’s enjoy our rewards and see what they need from us in Joya.” He said to Yijun as Sylph had unfused herself with Iza.



A Daemon And A Wood Elf Sail Off To Battle (S-Rank NQ with Iza) - Page 2 Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 11:14 am

Yijun laughed and looked at Iza. "Yeah I think I had my fill of fighting in water for awhile I think I swallowed enough of it. I wonder if the home front needs us." He was only partly joking about that but he knows that he had swallowed some while he was fighting and his body feels like it is sticky. As they pulled into shore Yijun helped them get the creature out of the water so they could get paid fast and get on their way as this was a huge pain and he sees why no one else had wanted to take them on that fight in the water as the water was unforgiving to them and he was not going near the water for awhile besides staying on the beach where his feet could still touch the bottom. They are handed their cut from the people at the dock and Yijun wanted to head out with Yijun back to Joya if they could get their easy enough.
(172) (2,500+) (Exit)

#31Iza Bicdic 

A Daemon And A Wood Elf Sail Off To Battle (S-Rank NQ with Iza) - Page 2 Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 11:19 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza heard Yijun and he laughed a bit. it seemed like he had experienced it much worse than him. still, he did see Yijun go into the water a lot, so that made sense. When they made it to the shore, Iza would help out. He wanted to be on his way, and that only happened when they got paid. When they were done with that, they would be able to get their reward for this job that was good. When he got his reward, he looked over to Yijun as he wasn’t sure that anybody would be bothering Joya.

“I don’t know, I mean we can continue doin work hea. I don’t think anybody will be botherin Joya, so there’s nothin ta worry about I think.” He said to Yijun.

He wondered what other kinds of jobs these two would be able to do. They had done a lot since he had come back and he wondered what else they could do.


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