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Old North [Chishio]

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Old North [Chishio] Empty Today at 10:38 am

The north was one of the locations that saturn was fairly aware of, there was always something going on up here and it was where he had helped the mindrache make their ‘last stand’ before establishing vander tower. While he had not made regular visits to the northern segment of the country as he had been regulated central or the south for quite some time this was a refreshing first ever since gaining his mantle as the General of the Rune knights.

He was dressed for social affairs, his outfit much better than his armored counterpart that would change on a whim if he felt threatened. But given the brightness of Orchidia he hardly felt at risk what-so-ever. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, the people seemed happy. He normally drew attention wherever he went but thankfully the bustle was enough to where the mammoth of a man standing at nearly a story tall only drew quick glances from some. People were living and busy here and if he was a threat the town guard and paradise dawn would have dealt with him accordingly.

He had come to the north early for business, business that he had lost out on due to some unforeseen circumstances on both his part and the part of the partner. Setting up trade routes from Orchidia to vander tower was a mess if you didn’t have the right ships. With that partner now gone to ground the golden giant was left wandering the streets humming a soft yet gentle tune. He wasn’t bothered by it; he imagined that person thought he was faking it and was hiding for the time being.

He’d likely spend the better part of his day shopping at street side stalls, trying food from various places given he never tasted Orchidia cuisine before. Seemingly complacent he was also keeping an eye out for trouble. The charming side of places often seemed to hide a nasty underbelly from what he was told and from what he had learned. His curiosity was piqued at a flower stall, inquiring to the owner in curious tone.

Don’t think I’ve seen these before, what kind of flowers are these?

The owner of the stall looked up from what they were working on; likely expecting a regular customer only to see the golden giant. They blinked a few times and stuttered out the name ‘lilac’. Though it had another few other names and saturn mused this over; he had seen something similar to them before now that he looked closer…

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