At least with these talks as they had showed no matter the time that passed these two seemed almost like they spoke like they saw each other weekly, It was nothing out of the normal between them."Don't cha be thinkin' I ain't either."Heather would start by mentioning that to her. After all they where a bit busy, Just with different things. Lumikki was doing important stuff, Heather was gathering massive amount of plants to sell people in the west. Both just over all where busy people. Even if Heather dealt with less people compared to Lumikki did.
The birds were right."Well maybe if they felt like commin' closer, I could give 'em a letter or some snacks."Heather mentioned as they went one about it. Since well it was something after all she didn't hate the Ravens, They just stayed out of her way, as long as they didn't eat her plants she had no problems with them. But they were their own free beings. So suppose she would mention some one else."Well, I did take in some women who seemed to be homeless, Livin' in hotels and inns aren't exactly stable for a normal mage."Heather mentioned, this was referring to Carmina. She had been helpful even if a busy woman and Heather did seem to feel like she was in a better place for now.
She was considering the other family members, birds and harpies. In reality Heather only could assure about her own family."Unless they need to come visit me for whatever reasons, Most of muh families' down time is just tryin' to stay warm."Heather mentioned thinking about it that way. Most of her family just enjoy their work and then settled for a while during winter.