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Can a Harpy Make Snow Sand Angels?(PPCS - Snow Angels/ Open to One.)

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Can a Harpy Make Snow Sand Angels?(PPCS - Snow Angels/ Open to One.) Empty Fri Sep 13, 2024 2:33 pm

Heather was away from her farm under the request of some one else, She just needed to find them later. Most likely having to get. She needed to try and get in the spirit of this event. So she would bundle up in some more clothing because while she was okay with the cold and it still was some what sandy, She felt like she needed a sweater on at least, It would be a bit of a struggle but she would eventually get one on.

After a few minutes of a confusing string of phrase that entirely almost made no sense, Heather walked into the area to start trying to make snow angels or sand angels. but she was just walking at the time finding the right spot for it.

But she also did not know any one here at all, She was hoping to find Lumikki here but it seemed that had not happen yet. For now she would have just wing it until she found Lumikki, Her smaller friend might have to get a talking too about just inviting her here and not welcoming her on arrival. But Heather was a very different kind of woman overall.



Can a Harpy Make Snow Sand Angels?(PPCS - Snow Angels/ Open to One.) Empty Sat Sep 14, 2024 10:35 pm


Lumikki of Iceberg

"One is an Omen, Eight for a wish"

With four beating wings, Lumikki soared through the skies. She had been enjoying her stay in Hargeon as of late, with the kind invitation from the local Guild Master that pulled her in the South in the first place. The change of scenery was charming, partially because she got the permission to change the weather altogether. It wasn’t callously cold, but it was farm more cooler than normally. An absolute boon Lumikki thought, as it made her powers worth while.

As Lumikki flew through the sky, her eyes would constantly scan the ground beneath her. Heather, her sister, was kind enough to leave the west for a moment and entertain a hangout with the Demoness in the south. It has been quite sometime since she’s last scene her, and what more, she found herself giddy when her ravens reported that they spot the fellow harpy nearby. And so with quick wing, Lumikki dash her way to greet and see her, only to find her amusingly laying upon the ground.

With a swift and quiet descent, Lumi did her best not to kick up sand nor snow as she landed. Figuring it best to do so a ways off to the side. But soon as her feet touched the ground, the raven skipped right over, happy to greet Heather. ”Greetings sister. Glad ye made it here safely!” Unceremoniously, Lumikki would also toss herself onto the ground to join in make it sand demons. She figured it quite amusing.


"Pity those who hold the gaze of me flock."

Can a Harpy Make Snow Sand Angels?(PPCS - Snow Angels/ Open to One.) Img_0811

Pokedex Entry

Can a Harpy Make Snow Sand Angels?(PPCS - Snow Angels/ Open to One.) Empty Mon Sep 16, 2024 6:07 am

Heather even if a bit rough around the edges was still happy to see Lumikki. But in her typical fashion. "Well it's bout gosh darn time."Heather didn't sound annoyed she was in fact delighted. Even if she busy lady. Heather was still a friendly to most people if you gave her a chance."Here my brain was thinkin', Some one was miss ole busy for me now a days."Heather did joke about it.

But it was Heather the Fiorian Harpy seemed actually to be entirely the same last Lumikki saw her."Ya,Gettin' here was pretty simple. I need some time to make sure it was good to leave the farm."Heather just watched Lumikki fall in the snow sand mixture. Looking over what she was doing she merely looked at it and pondered something to herself for a moment.

"Right then, tell me somethin' about this stuff, Will it get suck in my fappers if I try to do this stuff?"It seemed this mixture confused Heather compared to Lumikki who just already started. But the bird family seemed happy to be together, Heather was in a form of peace and quiet much like how it was at her farm.


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