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What Slithers Below, What Flies from Above.

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What Slithers Below, What Flies from Above. Empty Tue Aug 13, 2024 9:05 am




Lumikki of Iceberg


"Mortals invent constellations yet they refuse to acknowledge the Darkness in between."




The sun was descending from the sky, it long had passed its highest point but was not yet in reach of the horizon. Lumikki has spent the day visiting her old friend, and some time after the fact to visit the shops just nearby. Now she took a moment to walk along the river, enjoying the presence of the water as she headed for the outskirts.

Lumikki walked along the path wearing a large, wide brimmed black hat that shielded her eyes from the sun. She couldn’t be blinded, but she didn’t enjoy the flare of it either. Paired with the hat was a flowy black dress with red accents. Her nails were also painted a color almost similar, while her hair was braided with bright red ribbons and tied up within a makeshift bun. Lumikki, with brown skin exposed, was in her human facade. Her Paradise Dawn mark somewhat in view.

Her stride was graceful, in her good mood there was a bounce in her step. One could say she was approachable even if she was somewhat hidden away within the shadows of her oversized hat.





"In the Darkness away from the false glamor of light, the truth stands unmasked and free."



What Slithers Below, What Flies from Above. Img_0811

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What Slithers Below, What Flies from Above. Empty Tue Aug 13, 2024 1:22 pm

Yijun was not worried about anything but he was figuring that he should walk the river since he had never really done that but it seemed that not many people came to the river so it made it easier for him to walk around and not worry that he will publicly cause issues as he was a daemon and he had a shogun to not fail but at the same time he still needed to get better and maybe learn some things so that he doesn't fall too far behind as he needed to get better the utter defeat that Drakkon had served him had left him a bit discouraged in his skills with his spear. Yijun knows that the other man was stronger but he was not going to allow himself to make excuses as he should have known better than the other man missing him while he had barely just landed on his feet.

He had made a stupid mistake and it costed him. Yijun was completely lost in his thoughts and was not paying attention to his path and that he was about to split off the path he had already been walking before hand.


What Slithers Below, What Flies from Above. Empty Wed Aug 14, 2024 7:16 am


Lumikki of Iceberg

"Mortals invent constellations yet they refuse to acknowledge the Darkness in between."

Admittedly, Lumikki was also hardly paying in mind. In her brisk walk, her head was in the clouds. Mulling over ideas for later days or responsibilities she didn’t want to tackle. But even in her stupor, she wasn’t entirely unaware. There were hardly anyone on a walk by the river, so as she saw the man far off into the distance, she made note of him.

At first she didn’t recognize him, it had been quite sometime since she saw him last. And even so, it was simply in passing. In a time long ago when Tamas was still among them. Her thoughts were swept away again in those nearly lost memories. Though she retained a lot about herself after her transformation to Demon, there were plenty pieces of her at risk of being lost in translation. Many habits, or memories, or quirks that could simply be washed away in order to make the new person that she was. Yet he heralded a deep sentiment within her, and it prompted her to reach out to him.

As the two were nearing the point of crossing paths, Lumikki would call over. Though she could not quite remember his name at first, it would be her World’s eye that reminded her. With a grin, she’d call his name. ”It’s been some time hasn’t it? I don’t blame ye if ya don’t remember me. I almost didn’t remember ye meself. I hope the travels have been kind to ye wander.” Her lips pulled back into a cheeky grin and she’d will the shadows around her face to dissipate, become more visible. Much of her likeness stayed the same from when she last saw him, save for her hair which she maintains in a pale white.

"In the Darkness away from the false glamor of light, the truth stands unmasked and free."

What Slithers Below, What Flies from Above. Img_0811

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What Slithers Below, What Flies from Above. Empty Fri Aug 16, 2024 7:09 am

He looked toward the woman that spoke to him and he really has no idea to who she is or why she was talking to him. "Sorry I don't know you miss, so you must be mistaking me for someone else, no one with such beauty as you should be speaking to be." He had kept walking as he had no idea who she was. He was just a simple man just climbing the ladder of his faction and wondering if he will even be able to make it to a higher rank before he is killed off or is step over by the fellow members of his research branch as most of them are cut throat and looking for the next great advance that might put them on the map to get the Shogun's eye and get them promoted but he was not after that quick promotion he was working hard to earn it not looking to cut corners.

He felt a strange chill in the air as he had rejected the woman and then it dons on him and he stopped in his tracks. "Lumikki? Is that you?" He looked back at the woman he had crossed and he narrows his eyes at her, had she found the way to become a demon already and she hadn't called on him to tell him how that was able to be gained? He had to wonder though he guessed even if she did have the answer he probably shouldn't ask her or know it as he should find it on his own and become a demon as soon as he can. though he knows that he is not probably good enough to become a demon.


What Slithers Below, What Flies from Above. Empty Sat Aug 17, 2024 6:21 pm


Lumikki of Iceberg

"Mortals invent constellations yet they refuse to acknowledge the Darkness in between."

She’d answer his remark with a pout and as he passed, a sigh would leave her lips. Halted in her steps, she wondered if it would be best bother him further. Of course, as she wasted the moment to ruminate on it, it seemed by chance or by second wind, the snake Daemon turned around. A look of assuredness on his face betrayed that he somewhat remembered her, but it would be his words that confirmed just who she was and it brought a bright and wide smile to her face.

”Aye, it is. What brings ye to the North again? Any interesting hints caught yer attention? Of course it is too soon to ask, isn’t it? Would ye mind if I’d join ya on a walk instead? Perhaps we could even wander the shops for a meal and some tea.” Lumikki brushed her hair and bangs from her face as she spoke, stepping toward him and heading in the direction he was.”That is of course, if ye have the time for it? But catching up makes a fine past time.”

"In the Darkness away from the false glamor of light, the truth stands unmasked and free."

What Slithers Below, What Flies from Above. Img_0811

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What Slithers Below, What Flies from Above. Empty Sun Aug 18, 2024 8:31 am

He had looked at her when she asked him the question. "I am not sure what hints you are meaning. If you mean my father at this point I think he is dead. About me becoming a demon I am still working hard to find that out." He looked at her walking toward him and he wondered why she would want to join him on his walk as she was a guild master now she probably doesn't have the time to be wasting walking around with him while she has the likes of Emil in her guild running around causing issues and looking for trouble.

"I couldn't possibly still time from your busy day to have you walk around with me you probably have far better things to do with your time then that. Plus I think I heard a rumor you are taken and I can't really risk making your man jealous." He said that last part with a bit of a teasing tone toward her. He was sure that a man would be jealous if some weird random man was just randomly walking around with his woman. Rather Yijun considered himself safe as he wasn't going to try anything others often don't see it that way and will want a fight and Yijun doesn't have the time to be wasting fighting every one that wanted to fight and beat him up.


What Slithers Below, What Flies from Above. Empty Fri Aug 23, 2024 8:01 am


Lumikki of Iceberg

"Mortals invent constellations yet they refuse to acknowledge the Darkness in between."

”Shame…” Lumikki pondered, his response was rather cut and dry and didn’t give way to anything he could of felt about the matter; and Lumikki’s own thoughts relished at the notion that not Abyssal Demon would easily make a life here. Their existence was not one for this realm, and she would see to that. But as amused as she was to hear it, she was also conflicted by the halt of his journey and progress. The Demoness herself was at a loss of what he could do, not very well knowing the potential means for others to ascend should they want to.

And sure enough, as she tried to maintain company for a little longer, the lonesome snake would turn it down on some implication of her busyness. As if he knew her schedule and time more than she did, or figure she was one to simply make empty offers. Lumikki overlooked the taken comment, its tone playful enough to ensure it didn’t linger in her mind for a second. But it was also bolstered by the innate notion that she was still her own person, and not inclined to the idea of acting otherwise.

”Yer an odd fellow, vexing with word indeed; but I would not claim to want to spend time with one if I couldn’t make do on it. Wouldn’t that be more of a waste of time than simply keeping silent and walking on? If I was busy lad, ye wouldn’t see me on the grounds at all, or leisurely walking along the side of the river. I could assure ya, this isn’t worth worrying over, but if ye don’t want me company,” Her face pulled back into a playful pout, part to diffuse the situation but also to be apparent in her lack of hostilities, ”Ye should just say so.”

"In the Darkness away from the false glamor of light, the truth stands unmasked and free."

What Slithers Below, What Flies from Above. Img_0811

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What Slithers Below, What Flies from Above. Empty Sat Aug 24, 2024 10:17 am

Hearing her speak he was confused by this talk of hers. "Sometimes people offer things they don't mean so they don't look bad. I figure you are busy as you have a guild to look over and things that you probably should be doing. Walking with me will help you in neither of those probably daunting tasks." He was not sure what she was after or what she wanted from him as he was not going anywhere special and if she wanted to walk and talk with him that was fine but she needed to be able to do as they go. He started walking again as he was not sure what the other woman was up to. He was pretty much a stranger to her they had only spoke once to his memory but maybe there was something more? He doesn't know if that was what she wanted or if there was something else that was needed to be done or she wanted from him.

Yijun had started to put up a barrier around himself with people as he doesn't feel he belongs or maybe he was just a mistake or a cruel joke for someone else he had lost his mother and caused the monks trouble because he purely existed and they helped him and trained him as he was tainted. The paths seemed a bit over grown in some places and he was not sure if people really walked this way or not but he figured that he was just going to keep following the path forward.


What Slithers Below, What Flies from Above. Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 6:54 pm


Lumikki of Iceberg

"My eyes are open."

Lumikki’s cheery demeanor was diminishing in every turn. Perhaps he truly didn’t want her company, she pondered. The idea was not absurd. She was probably pestering him at this point and he, with every attempt, was trying to let her down kindly. Despite her being a Demon now, there are plenty of reasons of not wanting an interaction. And the man by any means, didn’t owe her a thing. Not even his time; and she’d come to accept it.

”Very well lad,” Her voice was tinged in sadness, but not enough to be notable. It teetered amid a more indifferent tone, the front she chose to put on. ”Suppose yer right in that I am busy. Perhaps I was being to kind as it were, or meddlesome more like. Enjoy the rest of yer day, and I’ll be off with mine.” As Lumikki spoke, the veil that hid her face mesh back into existence, obscuring her face one more before she was gave a nod and was off toward the direction of her previous passing. Sometime by the lake she enjoyed in the forests of the Outskirts would sooth her better. Plucking the strings of her harp to save her from plucking the threads in her mind.

Should Yujin allow it, Lumikki would be off on her way to enjoy the rest of her evening elsewhere and exit for the night.

"What they don't know won't hurt them... yet."

What Slithers Below, What Flies from Above. Img_0811

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What Slithers Below, What Flies from Above. Empty Wed Sep 04, 2024 9:52 am

He looked at her and tilted his head. "I didn't say you couldn't walk with me. I didn't stop you from doing so if you wanted to do so." He keeps walking as he was not stopping her from following him if she really wanted to keep to her word and walk with him, if not she just proved he was right and she didn't mean it when she offered to walk with him. Yijun was not sure what to make of the offer in the first place as there was nothing that was special about himself that a woman of her level should be bothering with. He would keep walking as he tried to listen for if she was following or not he had no idea what was going to happen but he could feel his heart beating fast as he wondered what will happen here and if she would keep her word or not.

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