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A Red Hot Shoot

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A Red Hot Shoot Empty Thu Jul 25, 2024 3:16 pm


WORDS: 300 | Violet Vixen

“Yeah, like… I think that's… That should work?” Sat in front of a mirror which was surrounded by lights to fully illuminate her face and smiling as she did so, Bella Benini hummed as she looked over her face and the makeup which had been applied to it, and showed soft approval for what she saw before her. Opting to go for something with a little more maturity than normal and perhaps easing away from her more typical gaudy glamour, the blonde beauty nibbled her lower lip and narrowed those bright blue eyes as she looked over the lavender robe which she sported, and beneath it imagined the treasures with which she had adorned her form. Though, there was time for that later, right?

Feel kinda nervous? It's so weird… For the moment seeming to be filled with an odd sense of giddiness and feeling rather restless really, it had been quite the task even in of itself to merely get the minx to sit still long enough to put the finishing touches on what she saw before her, and now that it was done she couldn't help but to spring from her seat and practically scurry to the door of the changing room she had been occupied within.
You think she's here yet…? Rushing to the threshold in fact but opening the barrier which guarded it slowly and almost cautiously, those pointy ears of hers seemed to lower and then perk back up as she poked her head from the crack she had made in the entryway as she peeked around the photographers studio beyond it and scanned her surrounding for a sign of their guest of honour with her shoulders and hips seeming to wiggle with the excitement which she felt, feeling almost like a kid at Christmas or something of the sort…

The Female Of The Species

Is More Deadly Than The Male~!
- Bella Benini

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Red Hot Shoot Empty Thu Jul 25, 2024 3:33 pm


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @Bella |

"Hmmm~... Not every day someone pays this much money to have me on a shoot and not on the centerfold~...?", Alisa mused as she adjusted her bathrobe over the lacy little number she had on underneath...

They'd given Alisa her own dressing room as befitting of someone of her fame in this business, and she made sure to make the most of it. She'd taken a bath right before the shoot, and her skin yet glistened with a hint of wetness, faintly flushed from the sizzling heat of the bath. She couldn't complain about the VIP treatment, and yet nothing quite excited her as much about photoshoots like this than the chance to meet her fellow models:

"Fufu~... Good afternoon everyone~! Heavens, at this rate our photographers won't even know where to look.", Alisa purred as she walked into the set with a subtle, eye catching sway to her hips, looking left right as she adjusted the neckline of her bathrobe... Not everyone had arrived, clearly... After all, there was one particular fellow model who she knew to be a member of her fellow guild.... Alisa's hand came to rest on her hip, adjusting the silky soft, fuzzy garment around her shapely figure... It was only a few moments until she finally laid eyes on her, waving at the bewitching beauty... Letting her gaze linger as she wondered when would the girl step onto the set with her~...


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

A Red Hot Shoot CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

A Red Hot Shoot Empty Thu Jul 25, 2024 3:43 pm


WORDS: 310 | Violet Vixen

“Oh my gawd! You're here! You're here! You're here!” The blue eyed beauty left blinking for a moment as she watched the woman upon whom she had been waiting seem to saunter onto stage in a simple robe which she made look as if it were the grandest ballgown in the land, while Alisa seemed to ooze cool confidence and charm it seemed that the blonde was far more animated in both attitude and action, and showed both as she seemed to bounce across the room toward the mistress of her guild with the kind of energy and enthusiasm which very well threatened to make her all spill out but was endearing all the same.
“I can't believe it!” Never one who was all that good at standing on ceremony as it were and demonstrating that by skipping over to her idol with a smile upon her face and hands eager to seize the siren as well, Miss Benini lurched forward merrily as she sought to wrap her arms around the fantastic frame of her fellow femme to hug her affectionately, and did not particularly mind how she was doing so in front of a gathered crew of photographers and models, and her own father for that matter.

“I like TOTALLY begged daddy to invite you!” In her mind everyone and everything other than the two of them simply ceasing to exist or at the very least matter to the minx, she made no effort to deny the fact that she had exploited her nepotism for this job beyond her own casting to ensure it provided her with the chance to get that bit closer to the coquette who commanded the Pegasi, and felt no shame for that fact either. After all, she had wanted an excuse to frolic with the White Empress since she had been a silly little teen, right~?

The Female Of The Species

Is More Deadly Than The Male~!
- Bella Benini

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Red Hot Shoot Empty Thu Jul 25, 2024 3:45 pm


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @Bella |

A sudden cry that sounded almost like a squeal reached her ears at that very same blonde haired beauty Alisa noticed earlier suddenly sprung into view:

"Ohhh, are you~...?", Alisa had never met her before, but she defenitely recognized each and every one of her new members, but in this particular case... This wasn't the first time they'd met. Alisa recalled the two much younger than they are now, when Bella was a wide eyed young woman watching her on the set of a photoshoot. But before she could properly reply, her eyes shot wide as the bewitching blonde jumped into her arms, squeezing Alisa close until her face rested right between her big, shapely bust, soft and welcoming as it shifted to accomodate her as Alisa draped her own arms around the beauty in front of her, giggling as she ran a hand down her hair, "Bella...? Heavens~... You've grown so much~"

Her beauty, her cuteness, or even just the bold, unhesitant way with which she leapt into her arms... Alisa's smile brightened almost instinctively as she found herself gently stroking that silky soft hair, fingers brushing one of those fuzzy ears as she leaned in, completely forgetting all about the audience as she planted a soft peck on the girl's forehead:

"Oh my~... So you're the reason they paid so much money just to keep me in the set all day~?", she teased, arching her brow, relaxing in the girl's warmth as the assertiveness of the squeeze dislodged her bathrobe from her shoulder, causing the fabric to drift a few inches down, only exposing a bit more of that eye catching cleavage, "Fufu~... It's a pleasure to see you again, Bella~"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

A Red Hot Shoot CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

A Red Hot Shoot Empty Thu Jul 25, 2024 3:46 pm


WORDS: 350 | Violet Vixen

“In ALL kinds of ways, Senpai~!” The foxy femme feeling as if ALL of her Christmases just might have come at once now that she had her idol firm within her grasp and frankly feeling softer and shapelier than she had ever hoped to recall, grinned as her sinuous senior commented on how she had matured in the years since they had last met, and frankly felt only too keen on impressing upon the ravishing raven just how much she had grown since then. Both figuratively in terms of attitude and more literally, which she demonstrated as she pushed herself that bit closer to show off a physique which was now close to that of the woman she had fallen for those years ago.

“Teeheeheehee, you know it~! I wasn't gonna pass up a chance like this~?” All the while feeling a giddy beat in the back of her throat and not about to deny that the expense to which this shoot was going to in order to hire the premiere model of all of Fiore and places beyond it was her idea, though it wasn't a rare thing for father to make sure he had the cream of the crop for his campaign's this was one that Miss Benini knew they both needed to be part of, and had sweetened the deal by forgoing her own fee in favour of having her comely companion as her own kind of reward.
“You too Miss Alisa, I missed you so much!” Already feeling as if such an act was paying dividends as she continued to cling to that curvaceous frame in spite of the way folk seemed to be staring and sampling the scent of the woman like she were a flower or fresh perfume, the latter seemed so heady that she almost felt drunk upon the fragrance and was merrily meek in the face of it, seeming almost like a kitten who had just found some catnip as she squeezed herself close and hugged herself into those impressive proportions with a smile and even a rare hint of blush to go with it…

The Female Of The Species

Is More Deadly Than The Male~!
- Bella Benini

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Red Hot Shoot Empty Thu Jul 25, 2024 3:51 pm


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @Bella |

"My~... I can defenitely see that~...", even Alisa couldn't help but let her gaze wash over that eye catching frame as Bella flaunted it so proudly, a subtle, yet noticeable lipbite as she felt that fullness squished oh so sublimely against hers, "Fufu~... You quite literally jumped at the chance hmm? Even though we might be seeing a lot more of each other now that you're here~"

Throwing her a teasing little wink, Alisa reminded Bella of how there wasn't really any rush considering she was in the Guild now, and well, the sculptress pretty much lived here. Still... Alisa couldn't fault her for it~... After all, now that she'd laid eyes on her, Alisa could hardly peel away as she all but forgot they were still on set, her hands preoccupied brushing that silky soft hair, the cute, adoring young fan now grown up into a woman as striking as herself:

"Mmmmn~... Good thing we have all the time in the world to catch up then~?", Alisa purred, scritching behind her ears as she held Bella close to her, a delighted smile on her face, allowing the girl to bury herself into that plush bosom as that neckline seemed to loosen gradually, as though parting the way for her, revealing but a hint of the laciness Alisa had on underneath

Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

A Red Hot Shoot CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

A Red Hot Shoot Empty Thu Jul 25, 2024 3:51 pm


WORDS: 380 | Violet Vixen

“Yeah, yeah, yeah! Oh my god, I have so much to show you!” Despite the note about the amount of time they would have together the foxy femme seeming to address the situation with a sense of urgency which made her seem only all the more like an excited seven year old, when finally Bella felt able to peel herself away from her idol she did so with a bounciness both in her step and her attitude, and seemed to hop backward because of both in order to show off for the woman she had spent what felt like her whole life training to impress.
“I've been studying magic and stuff at Amaforth Academy!” For that reason hardly seeming to stand upon ceremony as she began to show off for the stunning siren, for a second the knees of the effulgent enchantress seemed to quiver from side to side as she pulled her palms together, and from them conjured an orb of dazzling light to show the effortless mastery she had now claimed over the brightest element in the spectrum in her hopes of earning admiration and awe from the amazon of allure.

“Father said you were running your guild now, right~?” Smirking with triumph as she did so and all too quickly seeming to show along with it that she was by no means limited to mere balls and bolts as she wove those fingers together and kneaded the luminosity she had created into something new, in a flash her creation seemed to transform into a flock of small birds, which she guided with her hand to swoop from her and soar around Alisa merrily, before she waved them away and marched forward triumphantly.
“Maybe you could use like a hot little fox in the mix~?” Sashaying back through the short amount of distance she had created for her little display with a hand upon her hip and the strut of a stage performer, all that Miss Benini could do was beam as she came to a halt with one side of her robe hanging off her shoulder thanks to the frenetic activity and the strap of what was beneath it showing because of that, but this she did not mind. After all, her hero would see it all too soon, right~?

The Female Of The Species

Is More Deadly Than The Male~!
- Bella Benini

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Red Hot Shoot Empty Thu Jul 25, 2024 3:54 pm


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @Bella |

"Oooooh~! My, that looks gorgeous Bella~!", Alisa's eyes flared when the girl demonstrated her new magic, her curiosity replaced with awe as she effortlessly molded her magic into a glowing or of light, and from there crafting a flight of birds that took off as soon as they were let free, Alisa's admiration glimmering in her eyes, before turning that admiring gaze to the beauty at her side, adjusting the neckline of her robe and pulling it back over her shoulder with a wink, "My, you've really blossomed in all sorts of ways hmm?"

Alisa nodded, indeed she'd been running the Guild for a few years now, but she hadn't seen Bella in quite a few years... Heavens, the last time she saw her, Lance was still the master of Blue Pegasus, Alisa herself still a teenager, and Bella a young girl half the size she was now:

"Ohooo~? Is that a proposition, Bella~? You know if you're offering... The answer will be yes every single time~?", Alisa teased, reaching out and resting her hand on the girl's arm, finding her fondness for her only having grown stronger with the passing years, enough that she couldn't help but peek at what the girl had on under that bathrobe... Heavens~... She'd really matured into a beauty rivalling her own huh?


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

A Red Hot Shoot CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

A Red Hot Shoot Empty Thu Jul 25, 2024 3:55 pm


WORDS: 270 | Violet Vixen

“Eheheheh! I've been practicing a lot~!” The mood of the minx only getting better when she saw the wonder which she had created in the woman before her, though Bella was always happy to show off the eye catching magic which she had mastered it felt especially sweet to do so in front of the figure for whom she had made it, and as such in the face of the compliments her fellow femme could offer was giddy beyond belief. Though, even then, she knew that was only the start of what she might offer should her idol feel so inclined.

“Ohhhh~? Always~?” In that spirit perhaps seeming to seize upon the little note of approval which Alisa showed her when she suggested the notion of joining her guild, Miss Benini couldn't help but wiggle from side to side a little as if the whole of her were some wagging tail as she considered the way in which she seemed so open to proposition, and felt mischief and more growing within her because of that.
“Maybe I'll make a few more proposals, then, before the day is out~?” The fox for that reason seeming to rise upon her tip toes at the touch the temptress offered so that she felt that bit closer to the woman and beaming all the while as she did so, the blonde couldn't help but bite into her bottom lip as she thought about other and likely spicier requests which she might have of the raven, and as such pulled her arms behind her back and tipped that bit more forward, showing off just how much she 'had' matured in doing so…

The Female Of The Species

Is More Deadly Than The Male~!
- Bella Benini

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Red Hot Shoot Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 3:24 pm


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @Bella |

"Mhmmm... Every... Single... Time~", Alisa replied with a wink, as that husky voice paused with every single word, just enough to drive that point home. Alisa was growing utterly charmed by this bewitching blonde beauty, she had always liked Bella when she was young and chasing after her on set, and now here she was, sharing that same set with her, leaning in ever so teasingly in a way that all but invited her to look down, a mischievous, half lidded gaze in her eyes, "Ohooo~...? What kind of proposals are we talking about here, hmm~...?"

Alisa felt a tingle shooting up her spine as those flirtatious words flew back and forth... In all honesty, she had a few reservations on just how far she'd be willing to take things with her. But Alisa could sense this building chemistry between the two of them and as she bit her lip, she couldn't help but wonder how long she'd be able to fight it as she held Bella's gaze throughout:

"Alright girls, is everyone ready? Alriiiight lets shoot the most stunning pages that have ever been printed on this magazine~!", calling out to all the models on set, the flamboyant photographer smiled and rubbed his hands with a glimmer in his eyes


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

A Red Hot Shoot CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

A Red Hot Shoot Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 3:26 pm


WORDS: 300 | Violet Vixen

“Ohhhhh, wouldn't you like to know, Alisa~?” Delighted when the dark dish played along with her little spot of innuendo, the very notion that they were playing the same game on the same level seemed to send the sweetest shiver along the spine of Miss Benini, and so too did the opportunity to address her idol with such a sense of familiarity. It was like after all these years that she was finally being acknowledged by the woman she wanted, and that was a drug which she could become drunk on quite quickly, wasn't it?

“Yeeeahhhh, we're ready, right? I am, at least~” As such the coquette finding her confidence only growing and though she cursed the interruption of the photographer the fox finding a way to roll along with it, though she might have loved to dance around with this delight and feel her desire only growing for her the opportunity to show off more certainly ran as something of a close second, and so she flashed a little wink to the woman before trotting closer to their director for the day with a smile upon her face and a swing in her hips.
“Want me to go first~? I've been dying to get this robe off~?” Sashaying toward him with such sway that one might have been mistaken for thinking she were more serpent than vixen in fact, with the matter of the shoot at hand Bella was certainly keen to get her efforts underway toward stardom even if there was only one set of eyes she wished to widen at the snaps, and had every intent of putting on a greater display than she even had with her magic to do that as well. One just needed the chance to peel off the silk wrapped around her and see the splendour beneath…

The Female Of The Species

Is More Deadly Than The Male~!
- Bella Benini

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Red Hot Shoot Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 3:27 pm


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @Bella | ROBE

"Fufufu~... Why of course ~... But i suppose you'll have me... Coax the answer out of you, won't you?", Alisa teased, narrowing her eyes at the sizzling siren, brushing a loose black lock behind her ear as she couldn't help but chew her bottom lip...

But their little game of chicken would have to wait for a little while longer before they could see it though it's conclusion when the photographer soon called out for them:

"Mmm, me too~... I suppose that's quite enough warm up for one day hm?", she chimed, raising her torso back upright and running her hands down her hourglass frame, smoothing out the fabric of her bathrobe until it clung to her body, sashaying over to the nearest empty chair as she took a seat there and crossed her long, shapely legs in a smooth, flowing motion...

Too proud to ever doubt her beauty for even a second, Alisa still cherished the Chance to admire her stunning fellow models, and right now, nobody could claim all of her attention the way Bella did:

"By all means miss Bellini...! The stage is yours ~", the photographer replied with an exaggerated bow, motioning for the blonde beauty to step before the camera


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

A Red Hot Shoot CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

A Red Hot Shoot Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 3:28 pm


WORDS: 390 | Foxy Lady~

“I'm sure you have… Ways, with girls like me~?” Certainly liking the idea of having her idol coax a secret or two from her lips, once more the mouth of the minx seemed to coil upward like that of a cat as Bella showed that for all her energy and enthusiasm she wasn't lacking for the art of enticement either as she stepped away with a sizzling line, and found those baby blues lingering on the face of her fellow femme as she stepped into the proverbial spotlight, and after it as well.

“Let's get this party started, hm~?” Left to assume the position as it were in front of the man in charge and the rigging he had set up to better ensure they might capture her good side, the rest of the models for this little campaign seemed to linger off to the side and Miss Benini let her sapphire stare wash over all of them from centre stage, though as her deft digits moved to the knot which bound her robe there was only one she wanted to look at. Focusing fully upon Alisa as she tugged at the binding and let each side fall loose like the curtains on a window, what was revealed by the act was a matching pair of black lingerie and stockings to match which features a mix of flowers and butterflies in their lacy detailing, and only became all the more apparent as she let the 'wrapping on this little gift roll from her shoulders and down to the floor, to highlight both the fullness of the piece and the physique which lay before it.

“So… Where do you want me~?” The wicked little vixen showing that she could be quite the temptress herself as she proceeded to step in a slow and purposeful circle to show herself off for those who watched, she flicked her hair over one shoulder and couldn't help but shift her hips as she turned her back to the crowd to show just how impressively the cut of her clothing seemed to dip into the cleft of her behind and disappear betwixt parts beyond, before she glanced over her shoulder in a way which seemed to look both to the man in charge and the woman who she had been reconnecting to ask a simple but perhaps sinful question. Where indeed, hm~?

The Female Of The Species

Is More Deadly Than The Male~!
- Bella Benini

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Red Hot Shoot Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 3:29 pm


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @Bella | ROBE

"Mmmm, a girl needs to have some secrets ~?", Alisa replied, winking knowingly at the bewitching beauty who seemed equally eager to learn a thing or two, and merely left her to the whims of her own imagination as she headed off to the Photoshoot

All while Alisa took her seat, legs crossed, elbow coming to rest on the arms of her chair as her eyes glued on Bella's, watching her like a hawk, following her every motion as she spun around, until finally:

"Oh my ...~", but nothing could quite prepare her for what she saw next. At the photographer's behest, Bella finally peeled off that silky soft dressing gown, unveiling a dark, lacy black number, a set of lingerie adorned by lacy floral and butterfly designs, all too flattering on her luscious, full figured frame. As Alisa held her gaze, Bella would clearly see it as her gaze drifted down, and then back up, her spine tingling, adjusting her own bathrobe as as she felt her skin grow warm, "You're really... Not holding anything back are you?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

A Red Hot Shoot CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

A Red Hot Shoot Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 3:29 pm


WORDS: 250 | Foxy Lady~

“Wow, on the bed, huh~? Fast worker…” Matters seeming to be considered and the blonde seeming to scarcely pay attention to them as she continued to feel those baby blues steering toward her sinuous senior, in all honest the fox couldn't have been found happier when she was finally offered some form of direction, and took to it like a fish in water. Strutting over to the lush king sized number and then tipping forward to lay her palms upon it, Bella looked more like a cat as she pushed first her mitts in turn and then her knees to climb onto that deep mattress and the fluffy duvet above it, and made a special emphasis to wag her behind from side to side as she strutted along the surface slowly and purposefully.

“Lucky for you, this is where I feel most at home~?” Climbing into the centre as sedately as possible and wearing a big grin as she did so, when she arrived in the middle the minx flopped over and propped herself up on her side as she bragged of her comfort in such a spot, then began to trace a gentle circle over the soft covers with her dainty digits as once more it seemed like she was speaking more to the woman whom she had invited to the proceedings rather than the man in charge of it. Though one could hardly blame her, right? Who wouldn't want the white empress to join them in the sheets, hm~?

The Female Of The Species

Is More Deadly Than The Male~!
- Bella Benini

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Red Hot Shoot Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 3:30 pm


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @Bella | ROBE

"Fufu~... I guess some boys really know what they want huh~?", Alisa winked, giggling at the direction she was given, only earning the eye roll of the photographer who she knew by now played for the other team

"Oh, hush you~...", he replied, turning around and looking back over his shoulder and all but grumbling at Alisa who was only ever too happy to tease regardless of it.

And yet the whole time, she only had eyes for Bella, giggling as she watched her follow the photographer's direction. The fact that he generally favoured men put most of the girls at ease, knowing he wouldn't let anybody harass them on set, and at the same time, he was someone who genuinely believed beauty transcended gender, and would happily photograph beautiful women with the same enthusiasm he photographed handsome men:

"Well~... Do be careful Bella~... I don't think anybody could focus when they looked at you~?", Alisa for one sharing much this same belief, that no matter which team someone played for, they could be just as easily disarmed by a vision as stunning as Bella's... And she was more than happy to watch as she shifted her hips on her seat, adjusting that silky soft dressing gown.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

A Red Hot Shoot CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

A Red Hot Shoot Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 3:32 pm


WORDS: 210 | Foxy Lady~

“And then like, there were so many people staring and stuff…” Certainly never feeling more confident now that the shoot was out of the way and she could relax a little in her lingerie and chat with the proverbial apple of her eye, Miss Benini sat upon one of the folding canvas chairs with her both feet practically beneath her and a knee tucked into her chest, and smiled all the while as she regaled the raven with a tale from the road so to speak.
“But I've gotta be honest, I've never had any more fun with Jell-O than I did that day~?” Certainly seeming to carry quite a few flavourful tales for one so young as she and only all the happier to share the spicier entries with the woman she continued to long to impress, all that she could do could do was smirk and shake her head as she remembered one of the messier little incidents which had occurred upon a set which had a little more tension and rivalry upon it than this one, and perhaps regretted the fact that the smalls she was sporting were more for bedroom than beach activity. I mean, imagine the opportunities for a water fight or something with a woman like this?

The Female Of The Species

Is More Deadly Than The Male~!
- Bella Benini

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Red Hot Shoot Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 3:34 pm


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @Bella | ROBE

"Oh I can imagine that... Heavens, if you just look around now, everyone's already staring at you as it is~?", Alisa commented, her eyes turning from Bella to their surroundings, brushing a loose black lock behind her ear.

The sculptress had all but sunk into her seat now, legs crossed, arms on one rest as she turned her body to the side, facing the dazzling, bubbly blonde as she had eyes for nobody else but here right now, utterly smitten as she hung off her every word... One hand raising over her mouth with an amused giggle:

"Fufu~... You know when you put it like that... It sounds like the yummiest jello ever~? Such a shame I can't try it myself", Alisa replied, nibbling her bottom lip, feeling a little tingle at the base of her spine as she indulged in that budding little flirtation between herself and her kouhai, sharing some of her own modelling adventures with her in return, "You know I don't remember the last time they had me modelling for brands of food? Usually they always try to have me in a bikini or in underwear~?"

She specialized in that, certainly, and even though she was more than happy to model all sorts of fashion, there was a clear bias from the various photographers who'd shot her.

Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

A Red Hot Shoot CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

A Red Hot Shoot Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 3:35 pm


WORDS: 340 | Foxy Lady~

“You… Man, you think so?” Those baby blues seeming to widen that little bit as her sinuous senior mentioned how she made people stare, though this was a fact which Bella both knew about and often seemed to flaunt it seemed to be different hearing a woman like this one mention it, and seemed to bring both a sense of excitement to the girl and a little redness to her cheeks as well.
“Does everyone… Include you~?” The flaxen femme overjoyed at such a notion and lifting her hands into that mane which mixed together gold and peachy pink, the young model fiddled with her fronds a little and seemed to wiggle her shoulders, then tilted her head and looked to the black beauty to confirm the fact that she was included within the whole. Right now, she was the only person she wanted staring at her, right?

“Ahahaha, well, I'm sure I could find a way to do a rerun sometime, if you're THAT interested~?” Not that Miss Benini wasn't left to chuckle when her fellow femme mentioned her interest in the little story she had been told, though it had been fun enough grappling with one of her rivals in such a scenario the sapphire eyed stunner could only imagine how eager she would be to share such an experience with this ebony enchantress, and quickly seemed to suggest an amended rerun of the escapade if the woman was interested.
“Well, I can see why? Can't say I'm not itching to see you out of that robe, senpai~?” The voluptuous vixen certainly having little issue in expressing the none too inconsequential desire she had for the dark dish and showing that as Alisa commented on how she seemed to so often get roles which saw her in her smalls, by this stage the blonde belle was practically biting at the bit to see the lavishness in which the woman had been draped, and tempted to start poking their photographer with demands to get to the main event. And what an event she expected it to be…

The Female Of The Species

Is More Deadly Than The Male~!
- Bella Benini

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Red Hot Shoot Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 4:54 am


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @Bella | Lacy

"Why, it most defenitely does~...", Alisa's brow arched at the boldness of her question, but she didn't shy away from it, simply chuckling as she leaned in a bit further, leaving only a short, intimate distance between the two of them, a teasing smile on the tall seductress' face as she held her gaze, watching that idle fiddling the whole way through, even biting her lip as she mentioned possibly doing a little rerun of that tasty little adventure she had, "Myyy, now that sounds like quite a sight, don't you think~?"

Once again Alisa felt that telltale tingle at the base of her spine, and by now she was getting rather used to that sensation whenever this flaxen haired fox was concerned... And she needed to remind herself how the girl was quite a few years her junior. Perhaps not an age difference she'd concerned herself with on any other time, but with Bella, she still very much remembered a cute adoring fan half Alisa's height, only a few years ago... And it was hard to forget a memory that endearing, no matter how utterly stunning the girl had grown:

"Why~... You'll get your chance within moments, it seems~?", and that didn't stop Alisa from teasing her as she ran her hand up her arms, catching that loosening neckline of her robe, practically toying with it, her arm squishing into her full bust from the side as she allowed the girl to catch a peek of that black laciness underneath... And it seemed like she'd have a chance to see it soon enough as the photographer soon called for Alisa to take her place before the cameras, "Coming~... Save my seat will you~?"

And one last teasing, flirty little wink at her co-star, Alisa uncrossed those long, shapely legs and walked up to the photographer, a subtle, hypnotozing sway to her hips likely drawing Bella's attention as she slowly tugged on the knot up front and slowly allowed the garment to drape down her shoulders, turning with a sultry, seductive smile as she caught the falling garment in her arms, handing it off to a rather stunned assistant as she revealed the alluring lacy black number underneath, a set of lingerie practically oozing seduction as it framed her curvaceous form:

"Well... Where do you want me...~?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

A Red Hot Shoot CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

A Red Hot Shoot Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 4:55 am


WORDS: 360 | Foxy Lady~

“That would be one view I'd like struggle to forget~?” The plush pinkness of Bella's bottom lip seeming to be only too ripe for the nibbling as the ebony haired enchantress spoke of the sight of her dripping with Jello or anything else that it would only be responsible to eat away, the flaxen fox felt a shiver run up her spine at the very idea of seeing the woman indulging such a delicious display, and could only imagine the stimulation one would receive in person from such a spectacle. A dream come true, some might call it.

“Ohhhh, I'll keep you a little something to sit on, don't you worry~?” The sapphire eyed siren certainly loving this little opportunity they'd had to catch up and share the proverbial tea as it were and only feeling more comfortable and confident around the coquette because of that, as the black belle stepped away and asked her to save her place her sinuous superfan couldn't help but snicker and run a hand down her lace clad thigh slowly, while making no small or subtle hint about here she'd be too happy host her upon her return.

“Daammmnnn… You sure you don't want me to take over, boss man? Happy to take the shutter if you want a break~?” For the moment however relishing the show that the raven put on and almost regretting the fact that she weren't wearing some form of lens over her eyes so that she might remove them during the spectacle, as the pert and perfect Pegasi peeled that robe off herself Miss Benini couldn't stop her jaw from hanging as she took in lines and curves especially which seemed only grander than what memory or magazine might provide, and seemed to shuffle forward in her chair because of them. Envying no one more in this room right now than the man with the camera, all she could do was squirm and wish she might step closer to the action, and had to fight rather fervently against the urge to rush forward and pounce Alisa onto those sheets and forget all about the crowd watching them with what would naturally follow…

The Female Of The Species

Is More Deadly Than The Male~!
- Bella Benini

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Red Hot Shoot Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 4:56 am


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @Bella |  Lacy

"Fufu, make sure you keep it warm then~...?", Alisa couldn't help but peek at the girl, looking over her shoulder, winking at her as she nibbled her bottom lip, for that single moment completely forgetting all about their age difference she worried so much about...

She already saw Bella as an equal deep down, in every possible way. Beautiful, charming, with her own career already well underway... And it warmed her heart to think she'd been the influence driving her to excel at this very walk of life... It made her perhaps a bit too amused by the thought of teasing her a little bit, even as she leaned in at the photographer's behest, yet that same time, as she smiled with that aloof poise, glancing away from the camera, she had her eyes dead set on Bella as she teased:

"Myyyy, are you absolutely confident you'd be able to focus on photography~...?", Alisa teased her, a little quip that earned a few giggles from the assistants on stage, even as the sculptress rose her torso back upright and turned around, her long dark hair whipping about behind her as she brushed it behind her shoulders, letting it cascade down her back as her hand slid slowly down to her hip, that incessant sound of shutters going off, "If you are... I'll admit I wouldn't mind seeing what you can do~?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

A Red Hot Shoot CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

A Red Hot Shoot Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 4:57 am


WORDS: 410 | Foxy Lady~

“I'm confident I won't be able to keep my shutter off you, senpai~” The sapphire eyed siren snickering when it seemed her senior was just as keen on her little joke as she was, the fair fox did not flinch when the woman questioned her on just how well she might be able to focus with her lens focused upon such gorgeous glory, and though she guessed that she might become a little bit distracted by so dazzling a dish she also knew that the matter of posterity might just find them a few marvels.
“Aw, come onnnn~? Why not indulge a couple of girls? Worst thing that happens is you waste a few snaps and a few minutes? We have time, riiiiiight~? …and I'll let you take credit for anything good we get~?” For that reason Bella seeming to subtly flex along with their stunning subject in order to get what she wanted, the blonde beauty beamed as she slipped from the seat on which she had been perched and sauntered over to the photographer with a smile and her wicked intentions only too obvious, and though their behaviour seemed to draw an eye roll or perhaps ten from the room it seemed that their combination proved more convincing than she ever might have hoped.

“Yes…!!!!!” The voyeuristic vixen practically jumping for joy thanks to the jubilation which she felt when the man in charge sighed and offered up the camera he had in hand with a shake of his head, Miss Benini needed no more encouragement to dash over and sweep the item up, and all too quickly seemed to twist on the spot and focus on her little partner in campaign crime and fiddle with the settings to bring the black belle into glorious focus.
“Now, show me… Desire~?” Stepping slowly closer as she did so and shivering a little as she now had the chance to see her properly lit and with the object in her hand only seeming to male Alisa look all the more sinuous and sensuous, a shiver ran up the spine of the fair femme as she recognised the control she had over their situation and after running her lens over the fullness of her form took the matter surprisingly seriously as she focused on the face of their would-be star performer, feeling excitement overwhelming her as she asked the dark delight for something she had wanted to see for what had felt like her whole life…

The Female Of The Species

Is More Deadly Than The Male~!
- Bella Benini

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Red Hot Shoot Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 4:59 am


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @Bella |  Lacy

She couldn't help but giggle at the sight... In a matter of moments, Bella had not only sweet talked the photographer, but actually persuaded him to let her take some pictures, and before she knew it, Alisa was standing right before a very eager, very stunning junior holding a camera:

"My my, are you quite certain you can... Capture it all~...?", Alisa teased as she turned on one heel... This time, Alisa didn't bother glancing away from the camera... Not when the one holding her looked oh so ravishing to the point she could hardly peel her gaze away.

Instead, Alisa found herself staring straight into the camera lens, those wine red hues practically smouldering as she dug her teeth into her supple, luscious bottom lip, gliding her hand slooooowly up the front of her body, brushing the hem of her lacy black panties as it slid up her tight, toned midriff, brushing the underside of her full, eye catching bust, practically flaunting that firmness as it shifted against her touch, running her finger underneath the strap of her bra, adjusting it until it rippled...

"Now I really want to see... What you'll end up with~...?", her tone husky and seductive, her motions slow and purposeful, making sure Bella would have plenty of time to shoot as many pictures as she wanted before she started strutting towards her, running a hand up Bella's exposed arm, letting her take a few close up shots of her face, holding her gaze through that lens... Before peeling away with a twirl, letting her watch that slow, pendulum sway of her hips as she sashayed away from her


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

A Red Hot Shoot CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

A Red Hot Shoot Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 4:59 am


WORDS: 250 | Foxy Lady~

“I'll give it my all, for certain~” The girl found grinning as her sinuous senpai laid down the gauntlet as it were, Bella bit into her bottom lip as she looked over the lady with no small degree of excitement both from the task at hand and the enchanting ensemble she was wearing, and then peeked over the viewfinder to look into her eye properly shortly thereafter.
“Assuming you don't mind being patient with my first time~?” Almost immediately flashing her fellow femme a wink as she alluded to a little moment of innuendo, the blonde beauty couldn't help but giggle at the chance to surrender at least one first to the woman she had adored since her teen years, though even now kind of wished she still had the most important 'cherry' of hers to offer up given their situation. Though she had to suspect, with or without it, such an eventual climax would be in a world of its own either way.

“O-oof, yes… That's… That's perfect, Lisa~” All too quickly feeling those cheeks warm however when the awing Alisa turned on the charm, the touch of the temptress sent a sinfully sweet shiver up her spine before Miss Benini snapped that shutter a few times on the face of her fellow femme, before she was found purring all the more at that wider shot and the rather candid way in which the woman was showing off for her. I mean, she had to, right? Something told her not many got a show like this one…

The Female Of The Species

Is More Deadly Than The Male~!
- Bella Benini

credit to nat of adoxography.

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