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The Birth Of A Brand-New Martial Art! [Alisa]

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#1Daiko Flayme 

The Birth Of A Brand-New Martial Art! [Alisa] Empty Tue Oct 24, 2023 2:28 pm

Daiko Flayme

Things had been so hectic for him ever since that random crack in the sky attacked him. He didn’t know why it stopped all of a sudden, but Daiko had been on edge ever since… mainly because it did leave behind a strange, strange effect.

Ever since returning to the guild hall again… he didn’t know how to explain it to anyone, but he made his way to his room immediately. Reddish lines appeared at random in the sky, even though all Daiko saw were birds gliding through the air. There was also this one time on his way back from the other town that he could’ve sworn he saw a line in the distance – just a big, bright line – before a lightning bolt struck down that exact line…

And one time, he tried to grab the line! And guess what happened?! HE BROKE A VASE! Poor lady had to go buy a new one afterwards, but the fact that Daiko’s hand was perfectly placed right where a vase was falling down before he even knew that such a thing would occur was… occult.

“Okay, Coda… l-listen to me – could you fly over there, to that perch over there? Just really quickly, pleeeeeeeaaaase?” he begged Coda, keeping a close eye as they both found themselves inside his quarters at the guild hall, decorated with falconry equipment and all sorts of stands for Coda to perch on. And just as predicted, a line appeared before Coda even took flight…

“What’s going oooooooooon…?” he now pondered, walking in circles at the lounge while holding his chin in deep thought, “Everybody’s throwing glances at my face, now… maybe I did something bad- wait, did I hurt someo- wait, no I didn’t…” Unbeknownst to him, his left eye… was pale as snow. Contrasting his right, dark eye tremendously.

“Think, think, think, think, think, think…”

WC: 312


The Birth Of A Brand-New Martial Art! [Alisa] Empty Tue Oct 24, 2023 3:53 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @Daiko | ARMOR

Alisa had aquired this weapon a short few years ago, and yet she still hadn't gotten any closer to understanding it... For the most part, she preferred to rely on a repaired Yoru rather than a weapon that made her hear voices in her head. She was Yamato's keeper, but she wasn't truly its wielder.

"So, Demon... Who are you? Do you really care so much about power that you've forgotten your own name?", swords strapped to her hip, Alisa gripped its hilt. Her brow twitched as those voices once again resonated inside her head.

The wind howled around her, her long black hair fluttering about... Ordinarily she'd have opted for the training grounds but... Yamato was destructive. She didn't know how a weapon that could across dimensions would interact with a barrier meant to isolate damage. Thus she opted to train outdoors:

"Shinkageryuu, Iai...", why was she thinking about it now of all times? Many years ago, she'd studied a famous style of Joyan swordfighting and made it her own... Joyan Kendo was the earliest base of her swordfighting skills, but even if she thought she'd forgotten all about it, like riding a bicycle, her body still remembered the motions. Her knees slightly bent, one hand on the scabbard, another on the hilt... Ready to draw...

Clad in full armor, Alisa looked as though she was about to step into combat. Back during her adventures at high seas, she'd used this weapon seamlessly, like an extension of her body. But she hadn't the need for such overwhelming demon slaying power ever since. Perhaps that was the reason why she'd relegated Yamato to the role of a mere trophy... After the Dark Universe Invasions, followed by the civil war in Joya and the titanic battle that followed... Alisa knew she could no longer neglect such readily available aspects of her strength. But before she could well and truly begin:

"Huh...? Daiko?", Coda's soaring overhead drew Alisa's attention away from her immediate surroundings and towards further away, reaching far enough inside the guild hall as her own left eye turned white. She could see Daiko pacing frantically around the lounge, and wasted no time leaving her aching sword in peace and striding over to meet him with a brisk, hasty step, stepping inside the lounge, using her skeleton key to quickly warp inside the lounge and quickly call him over with a worried look, "Daiko? What's going on with you? I haven't seen you this panicked in... Well ever?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

The Birth Of A Brand-New Martial Art! [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#3Daiko Flayme 

The Birth Of A Brand-New Martial Art! [Alisa] Empty Fri Nov 03, 2023 9:34 am

Daiko Flayme
”Think, think, think, think, think… MHM!?”

Immediately pulled back to the fabrics of reality by the voice of his guild mistress – no, also his best friend… oh, shit, did he make her panic or something? Did he look weird? He definitely looked weird, he was certain of it now! Something had happened to him, right?!

Glancing over towards Alisa with widened eyes, Daiko did manage to find solace in the fact that she was here… she could definitely help figure something out. If he had something stuck in his face, or if he had something stuck to his soul… anything. Therefore, strolling towards her, he quickly rested both of his hands on her shoulders with a shivering face right in front of her, in full view being his whitened left eye. Pure-white – not greyed like that of a damaged eye, but… familiarly white. She would definitely recognize it, if only Daiko knew…

“S-Something happened to me, and I can see red lines everywhere now. I’m either possessed, losing my mind, or losing my eyesight – is this… is this my magic screwing me over, again?! Can’t I take a break, already?!” He threw a fit around the lounge once more, soon returning to Alisa’s side with a dark cloud over his dome. “Weird stuff’s been happening to me quite a lot, lately…”


The Birth Of A Brand-New Martial Art! [Alisa] Empty Sat Nov 04, 2023 10:15 am


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @Daiko | ARMOR

Indeed, Daiko looked beside himself with worry... And now thanks to the ability of her eye, Alisa could tell his aura wasn't exactly the same as she'd grown used to, and no, she wasn't simply thinking about a new weapon. Alisa's brow furrowed as she cocked her full, womanly hip to the side, hand resting there as she eyed her guildmate head to toe... But only when Daiko turned around to face her could she see it for herself.

"Daiko, your eye...!", her own gaze flared as Alisa finally understood the source of this disruption. Ever since she acquired her own eye from the Mysterious Merchant, Alisa had slowly come to learn more about ocular powers such as this. Daiko's eye looked somewhat similar to her own, but not quite. The hue was different. From what she learned, each eye power was radically different, some of which barely even had anything to do with sight at all. Some of them were more well known than others... But the one Daiko had was unlike anything she'd ever seen or read about. She walked up to him and cupped his cheek, her touch soft like the smoothest alabaster, "Take a deep breath Daiko... There's nothing of the sort happening? First off, have you looked at yourself in the mirror? Your eye is changed... I don't know how you go your hands on it but, that's undoubtedly why your perception has changed as well."


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

The Birth Of A Brand-New Martial Art! [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#5Daiko Flayme 

The Birth Of A Brand-New Martial Art! [Alisa] Empty Wed Nov 15, 2023 12:13 pm

Daiko Flayme
”Huh?! Wait, what’s wrong with my eye?” a panicked falconer asked, almost poking himself in the eye if that would help with whatever she’d spotted in… wait, what eye, exactly? His heart rate was increasing even further, with all sorts of paranoic ideas popping up in his mind – was it some sort of disease? A curse? An infection? Was his eye different from the other?

He’d visibly relax a little more when Alisa cupped his cheek, finding a bit of comfort in her touch and worry for his well-being. He’d finally bring himself to take a deep breath through his nostrils… he didn’t feel anything painful lately, so maybe it wasn’t that bad. Maybe he was panicking for naught…

“… Oh, I- uh- I don’t know,” Daiko pondered over Alisa’s first question, a task that would’ve cleared up so much of the bird boy’s doubt… but he didn’t remember looking at a mirror recently. “Actually, I don’t think I did…” From Alisa’s perspective, his eye had changed – arguably one of them was different from the other, but… what was the cause of that?!

“But if it’s not a disease, then… what’s with the random, red lines then? Do I see stuff?”


The Birth Of A Brand-New Martial Art! [Alisa] Empty Sat Nov 18, 2023 9:30 am


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @Daiko | ARMOR

"It looks... Different, I'll say that much?", Alisa mused, turning towards the nearest mirror as she guided Daiko to it until he could get a proper look at his own reflection. She thought back to her own experience at the Mysterious Merchant, and the ocular power she'd purchased a few years back that had since given her the ability to sense her surroundings even in pitch black darkness. Her own left eye turned white to emphasise that point, "I have one such power myself, but as you can see... It looks quite different from yours. You haven't purchased anything of the sort from a strange merchant recently, have you?"[/b][/color]

Alisa tilted her head curiously, her brow furrowing, already expecting a negative answer here but she still felt a need to ask that... After all, she was certain Daiko would have remembered purchasing the eye, and the Mysterious Merchant was nothing if not upfront about what his customers were buying. It's unlikely he'd have learned what the eye did only after making the purchase:

"That, I can't help you with...", Alisa shook her head, scratching her temple, "I've seen many ocular powers, but never one quite like yours. However, there is one way I could help you~...? There's no better way to find out what your eye does than simply... Putting it to the test~"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

The Birth Of A Brand-New Martial Art! [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#7Daiko Flayme 

The Birth Of A Brand-New Martial Art! [Alisa] Empty Wed Nov 29, 2023 2:10 am

Daiko Flayme
Huh… it really was all pale white. And only that left eye of his. It made him look weird- not that having mismatched eyes in and of itself was a weird thing, of course! Obviously, that self-rebuke came right after he noticed Alisa’s own eye shift to a pale color as well- wait, since when?

When had she gotten that?! Wait, wait, wait, did all Blue Pegasus members have a white e-

“… I-I don’t know, looks very similar,” Daiko expressed at a closer look. Her next question was enigmatic – who on earth bought eyes? Wait-

“… What? Wait, what do you mean by that? Did you… did you buy an eye? Is that possible?” he wondered, blinking a couple times as a rather grotesque scenery unfolded in his head, “Ew… wait, no no no! You do you, Alisa – nothing wrong, if it’s legal and all, b-but I just thought that it sounded weird to buy eyes- like, it sounds- it just-“

Clearly, from his confusion, Daiko hadn’t done any of the sort. No strange merchant purchases with him… but he did find this traveling nomad in Worth Woodsea a while ago, from whom he bought his cape. Said cape was a well-treated hide of a lion, and such spoils couldn’t just go to waste! Every part had its purpose when it came to hunting.

Alisa made a grand revelation to Daiko – that there were many ocular powers out there, and that his circumstance by extension wasn’t new or anything detrimental. It was like… some sort of process in the world of wizards, and now he too was part of it. Therefore, she suggested the most direct method of discovering his new ocular power. “…”

He hadn’t had a proper spar with Alisa since before he had that whole… egg thing going on. Thinking back to that always made him feel uneasy, as if there was still a part of that paranoid, crying and dying boy tugged within his chest, even years after he’d made a full recovery. But the time that passed proved that their bond had only strengthened since then… he wouldn’t smear any shame on that. “I’ve really missed sparring with you, Alisa. I’m ready whenever you are!”


The Birth Of A Brand-New Martial Art! [Alisa] Empty Sat Dec 02, 2023 7:01 am


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @Daiko | ARMOR

True, Daiko hadn't seen it before had he? Alisa didn't always use this power, after all, it seemed a little invasive considering it gave her the ability sense everything within a few meters. Though invaluable in combat, outside of battle it also meant she could see things that some people kept hidden... Namely what was happening behind any door she walked through... And she respected people's privacy too much to do that:

"Well yes? There's this strange merchant that shows up in Earthland every now and then? The man sells pretty much... Everything you can think about really?", she shrugged, rubbing her temple, somewhat understanding Daiko's concern, but at the same time, she didn't really feel any different for having it, "I don't know exactly how he does it or anything of the sort, but to me, it feels like just having an additional ability in my own eye? It feels as much like a part of my body as you'd expect. When you buy it, you don't feel any change, you suddenly have the power in your eye?"

There wasn't any strange, dubious surgical procedure to remove her eye or anything along those lines. In the end, she couldn't help but chuckle at his assumption, before nodding at his assent:

"Fufufu~... Likewise... Remember our first one atop the Baska Rock? Heavens, that feels like ages ago~", she couldn't help but chuckle as she reminisced about a bygone era, before dragons and demons, back when Daiko was still in Lamia scale, "Then, let's go outside~... This time, no magic, alright? If you want to feel how your ocular power works in battle... No better way to do it then to spar using your body and weapons.", with these words, Alisa lead her guildmate back outside to her training grounds from before, leaving only a fair 10 meter distance between the two of them as she summoned her armor and visor, the most crucial of her equipment from her pocket dimension as she took her stance, one hand on the scabbard, the other slowly gripping the hilt of her sword, "Ready~...? In that case...!"

And with that, Alisa initiated their bout. With a swift, sweeping motion, she drew Yamato from its scabbard and cleanly slashed it across the air in front of her. Though Daiko was too far to be struck directly, Yamato's ability let it cut cleanly across space, immediately engulfing her Daiko in a storm of slashes, ready to see how his new eye improved his defensive abilities...



Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

The Birth Of A Brand-New Martial Art! [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#9Daiko Flayme 

The Birth Of A Brand-New Martial Art! [Alisa] Empty Sat Jan 27, 2024 4:59 am

Daiko Flayme
Thank the heavens that Alisa respected people’s privacy – how many times was he standing in front of his window ‘cringily’ testing out new outfits only to throw a fit and fall back on his gear from his old guild. It wasn’t until these recent years when he found comfort in the blue dress that his guild members offered him – it was light, simple, and easy to move in for a hand-to-hand enthusiast like him. It did make him look a bit more ‘regal’, though, and that was a cover that nobody should judge him by – Daiko had nothing to do with royalty, nobility or any notions thereof. Any noble trying to converse would quickly lose patience with his simple view of life.

And hearing about a merchant that sold pretty much whatever was on their minds sounded… a lot like something a certain other merchant would like to know more about. “Well… yeah, I thought something happened to me, but I guessed I just got a spell cast on me… or something,” he wondered, since actual eye transplantations usually involved cutting, pulling, and replacing in very physical manners.

He eagerly followed her outside, thrown a key at his face to unlock a distant memory – the first time he met her, atop the Baska Rock where they sparred and tested each other’s mettle. That was a while ago, he underestimated the flow of time and its toll on the world and how much it changed things. “… Woah… that was long ago, huh? I almost burned your butt back then,” he chuckled, reminiscent of himself trying to remove grass blades from her rear with a flame appendage released from his maw. No way in hell could he had done it with his own hand, even if she wouldn’t have minded it back then.

What, she expected his 17-18 year old self to have been that brave?

“I can fight without magic, alright!” he reassured her confidently, bumping his chest with a fist, “Seriously, what else did Lamia Scale teach me other than that…?” She wouldn’t have to worry about him underachieving in fisticuffs – Daiko knew how to throw hands, hailing from a guild that revered in such activities, almost as if it was all it knew how to. Aguero… Shahrbaraz… those meatheads taught him well.

Weapons? Well, he had his gauntlet… and judging by her summoning, he was free to use it. Clenching the fist wearing the Mero Gauntlet caused it to grind the metallic pieces together, grinding and releasing a whistling shriek. Focusing on Alisa, his white eye began doing stuff again, because… numbers began appearing?

“Strength… 531… wait, that’s a big number, what’s up with that?” he mumbled to himself, “… And Speed is almost twice as much… is that my eye’s power, too? Does this mean she’s, like, super duper fa-“ Alisa immediately revealed her overwhelming speed, drawing Yamato and slashing the air in front of him before he could even blink. Despite the distance allowing him to go unscathed from just the draw, red blurry lines began twirling around his position and covering his view, prompting him to leap 15 meters to his right side. That was when a swirling vortex of air slashes rose from his previous position, confirming that he did in fact see an attack coming at him… but the lines were so blurry. They were way sharper before.

Usually, when an object was thrown at him, the line he could see was clear and white – a sharp trajectory. For an attack like this, where each slash had its own, independent direction, it’d just overwhelm his senses – while he wasn’t aware of the details, he was skeptical of his ability yet… screw it, he leapt towards her next and spun his entire body, launching a horizontal heel kick aimed at her center.



The Birth Of A Brand-New Martial Art! [Alisa] Empty Sat Feb 03, 2024 12:58 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @Daiko | ARMOR

"Almost being the operative word here~", she teased, winking at him, thinking back to their little spar in Baska. They were both far far weaker then than they were now, absent the potential to reshape their surroundings. Hell, if they went all out now they'd probably do a lot of damage to the gardens, "Oh, I don't doubt that... I remember us sparring it out up close and personal multiple times, and you always kept up~? Now you should focus on... What can that eye do for your fighting style."

After all, it hadn't been longer than one or two years ago that they had their last proper sparring session, no holds barred with magic included... And they ended up rearranging a discreet little section of the beach. From this distance, Alisa couldn't hear what he was mumbling... But she could see Daiko taking notice of something. He'd never seen Yamato and had no idea what it could do. But as Alisa unleashed her dimensional attack, he knew where it would strike. A nearly impossible feat considering Yamato struck instantly without telegraphing the attack.

"Good reflexes~! Focus on your eye Daiko! What do you see?", this time, Alisa charged ahead, breaking off into a run, sword held out at her side, ready to strike. She intended to intercept him as he dashed to the side, the moment his feet hit the ground Daiko leapt at her to attack!

Reacting on instinct, Alisa swung her sword her sword at Daiko, a clean, horizontal slash aimed at Daiko's chest. It would appear as though Alisa slashed way too early, yet as the blade travelled through the air, she activated the Void Slash spell. This caused an afterimage of the sword to appear in front of him, increasing its reach to beyond that of Daiko's leg or even that of her sword, allowing Alisa to strike first. Knowing Daiko was protected by his armor, Alisa swung with her full power, without holding back, knowing her opponent had no way of dodging the attack in midair. Of course... Recklessly focusing on offense left Alisa wide open to Daiko's kick:

"Ghhhh...!!", grunting as the kick connected with her midsection, Alisa was knocked back a few meters as she dug her feet in to brace herself, hoisting her sword once more.



Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

The Birth Of A Brand-New Martial Art! [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#11Daiko Flayme 

The Birth Of A Brand-New Martial Art! [Alisa] Empty Tue Mar 12, 2024 10:49 am

Daiko Flayme
He’d do his best, that was certain. He wanted to make this eye work well with his… mhm, his uh… fighting style, yeah. His very own fighting style! He couldn’t just… improv every time as he’d done up until now – Daiko was a versatile brawler, but being certain about his next punch could do wonders.

But every time he threw a punch or a kick - or even a headbutt - he just began thinking less. His cape responded to that mindless attribute and granted him further strength that didn’t belong to him.

His kick landed! But Daiko didn’t have time to follow up with another strike – Alisa had swung a bit too early to hit him, but at the same time, he clearly saw her sword extend! It was as if it just exited itself as a white ghost, then as a bluish ghost, and then launched towards him with a slash to his chest! “Khh!!!” Even though his kick landed, he had to roll back and recover his foothold… but Alisa knew that Daiko was one of the few people around capable of disregarding injuries to his body.

Despite a clean hit on his torso, the regenerative prowess of his Phoenix Take-Over immediately began restoring his wound, while Daiko… decided to step back. She struck right when he was about to strike her, so he was unable to dodge an attack right in the midst of his own offensive efforts. He’d provoke her to strike first, this time… but ONLY this time.

Crooking his fingers as if trying to take a new stance of his.



The Birth Of A Brand-New Martial Art! [Alisa] Empty Sun Mar 17, 2024 10:28 am


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @Daiko | ARMOR

There weren't many people Alisa trusted could take a direct hit from her, without even wearing armor of all things...! Daiko was one of those people, with enough regenerative prowess that meant he could not only withstand her full power, but she couldn't actually beat him at this point if she held back:

"Fufu~... Not bad~...", she smiled as she dug her toes in the aftermath of that blow.

Daiko might have seen worse for wear, but the blazing heat of the phoenix was already started to heal him back up... Objectively, if Alisa wanted to win the fight... She had to win quickly. Given a short time Daiko would quickly heal away whatever damage Alisa dealt. At the same time, she didn't want to finish the fight too fast, after all... The main goal of this spar was to help him the hang of this new power. Daiko was one of her oldest companions, who'd survived the same wars Alisa had, and the Godfather of her daughters. This battle would not end until she'd helped him master this eye:

"Then...", Alisa held her ground only as long as it took for Daiko to get back on his feet and take his stance once more, before Alisa ran right towards him, picking up speed once more, gripping Yamato with both hands, sword held out to her right side, eyes narrowed as she paid close attention to Daiko and their surroundings, running through the grass until she was close enough to unleash a wide, diagonal swing slicing upwards from Daiko's shoulder to his opposite hip.

At any other time, she might strike with the back of her blade... But against Daiko who could heal from whatever she could dish out... Alisa struck with the sharp edge. Against an opponent who could easily recover from injuries, the blunt edge would have undoubtedly hurt more... Still, she kept her cuts shallow enough to deal damag while avoiding any serious injury. All while making the most of her white eye to follow Daiko's every motion, ready to react and adjust her motions as necessary


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

The Birth Of A Brand-New Martial Art! [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#13Daiko Flayme 

The Birth Of A Brand-New Martial Art! [Alisa] Empty Fri Apr 26, 2024 10:33 am

Daiko Flayme
Was it just him, or… did Yoru look a little smaller these days? Like, he could’ve sworn that Yoru was a larger, cross-like blade than the smooth, Joyan sword he was gazing at – props to Alisa for changing its large, unconventional look, but why did he feel like she’d look much better with a spear? Or maybe one of those, uh, chained weapons like a scythe or something.

Ah, well, it wasn’t really his business, was it? Besides, when was he going to pick up a blade? Never, exactly! His fists were all he ever needed… oh, and the gauntlet. It was really useful- wait, no using the Mero Gauntlet, Daiko! That’d be cheating!

But… she was using Yoru, right? Was that Yoru? It must've been Yoru.

… Was it cheating to use his gauntlet, too? It wasn’t even what he wanted to practice- wait, yes it was! He specifically wanted to learn how to use his new, white eye for punching people better- or more specifically, dodge so he could punch better without getting punched as much himself!

So when Alisa almost flew forward at high speed, he saw a red line aim straight towards him – linear and all, and it rooted from Alisa’s bountiful cleavage, so it was obviously reading her movement as a projectile. However, her sword swing wasn’t treated as a projectile… it was wielded by her like a melee weapon, so no lines came from its cut.

Still, Daiko used whatever his eye was able to show him to step to the side, narrowly avoiding the sharp end of Yoru by ducking his body and resting on one knee. “Woah, woah, it just showed me a red line from your chest! But not from your sword…” he reported immediately to Alisa, clenching his left fist and charging a Mero-infused punch straight towards her center. Since he talked to her, he gave her plenty of time to parry or leap away, as he could tell from the numbers that she was WAY faster than him.

WC: 339



The Birth Of A Brand-New Martial Art! [Alisa] Empty Sun Apr 28, 2024 9:02 am


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @Daiko | ARMOR

"Fufu~...", Alisa noticed the way he looked at her blade, and she might have understood his confusion... Even if one might think otherwise from his magic, the Phoenix had impeccable memory, and didn't easily forget the weapons and fighting styles he'd seen Alisa use. Which were plenty, considering how long they'd known each other...

Maybe after this battle she could tell him about her new weapon, but for now... She had to focus on defending herself.

For all her strength, no matter how matter how powerful an opponent was, she knew what Daiko's gauntlet could do. Every now and then she'd seen it punch far above its weight class and cleanly take down far tougher enemies than it would appear capable of. It happened rarely, but the fact that it could happen meant she couldn't carelessly take too many hits from it. So when he ducked under her slash and readied a retaliation, Alisa followed the movement of his body with her white eye, and promptly kicked off to the side, putting a fair five meters between them and narrowly dodging that punch:

"Nnnf...! That was close...", she heaved, readying her sword once more as she finally answered him, "Sounds like your eye is best suited for long distance combat... I suppose mine is the opposite."

She could have exploited that opening, sure... But she wasn't sparring with Daiko just to decide a victor as quickly as possible. No, the goal of this spar was to help him master his new powers. And so, as she spoke, Alisa paused her onslaught:

"Still, your eye seems like quite the effect defense... But... How about offense?", she inquired, and as she spoke, she paused her onslaught... Far from her usual fighting style which favored relentless offense while coating herself in diamond armor, Alisa instead gave her sparring partner the opportunity to take initiative and see how well his eye could assist his attacks.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

The Birth Of A Brand-New Martial Art! [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#15Daiko Flayme 

The Birth Of A Brand-New Martial Art! [Alisa] Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 9:35 am

Daiko Flayme
Even when he tried to really extend his punch as far as he could, Alisa was nimble enough to leap out of the way and avoid getting hit. That was when she made a sharp observation – while they both possessed a magical, pale eye, they functioned in opposite ways – her eye kept track of people in short range, so as to say that she excelled in reading the movements of melee combatants. Daiko’s eye kept good track of projectiles, which was better suited for keeping track of long-range warriors.

So there was some sort of dualism going on there… but Alisa suddenly decided to not follow up with another attack after her evasion. Daiko’s guards were up, but not counter-strikes landed on him – instead, she stated her desire to see its capabilities in aiding his offensive prowess, suddenly manifesting tough, gemlike material over her form like armor made of diamond. I mean, he wasn’t the sharpest, but he quickly knew what she was pointing at – could his eye help him overcome such a wall? Could it help him land hits harder?

It was a tough question to answer… for now, he saw no lines signaling projectiles coming his way. But he saw the amount of mana used to manifest the armor – such dense concentrations of magical power… but he saw some darker spots! Oh? If I were a betting man… Alisa doesn’t like too chunky armor, so… maybe those are weak spots?!

Clenching both fists, he rushed forward with his white eye active, its pale shine telling him of the amount of mana that Alisa possessed – both in number and in color. He could tell just how… how outclassed he was – he knew she was a cut above the rest, but how much power did she hold back on occasion? Was he ever really pushing her? Or was she just being nice?

Either way, Alisa was also a shrewd swordswoman… so she needed a lot of space to move her arms for swings and such. That meant that the frontal areas next to her armpits weren’t needed to be as dense, which he could tell from the lower amounts of mana concentrated there. It was a gamble in the end, since he didn’t know just how tough her armor was overall, but he aimed a left hook towards her left shoulder – sacrificing power for extra speed, just a rapid jab so that Mero could do its job!

WC: 339



The Birth Of A Brand-New Martial Art! [Alisa] Empty Fri Aug 09, 2024 9:19 am


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @Daiko | ARMOR

Alisa could tell she really shouldn't be doing this. Knowing how Daiko's weapon work, trading blows was an unncessary risk, considering that, should the gods favor him, he would win regardless of how tough she was. But as Daiko rushed her down, Alisa couldn't resist... She was tough enough to take a punch and was normally ready to take a hit in order to seize the opening to retaliate:

"There we go~...!", she rose her sword, gripping it with both hands, and held her ground...

She didn't try to dodge... But that didn't mean she wouldn't try to counter attack. Then again, she was familiar with how Daiko's Gauntlet worked. She was powerful, but not enough to take someone as Daiko down with a single blow. At the same time, she knew how Daiko's Gauntlet worked, and that it gave him a chance, albeit slim, to take her down with a single blow.

She should have tried to avoid this, but what's the fun in that?

"Ha...!", and with a swift, following slash, digging her foot in as Daiko Charged, and swinging with both hands across his midsection. She timed her swing to hit just as the punch connected with her, making sure she at least got that slash in.

In the end, the blow would end up knocking Alisa backwards, but not before she strike Daiko with her full power, and as she flew backwards, she swung her sword back outwards, enveloping the entirety of the area around her opponent.



Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

#17Daiko Flayme 

The Birth Of A Brand-New Martial Art! [Alisa] Empty Wed Aug 28, 2024 3:00 am

Daiko Flayme
Daiko really thought for a moment, for a brief instance, that his rapid jab could land on her shoulder before Alisa had the chance to counter-attack – despite the fact that her Speed numbers were way higher, and that he could see that. He ought to trust what he saw a bit more than this… but his punch landed, truthfully. Problem was, Alisa managed to cut him… in half! IN HALF!

And I don’t mean like some meager slash wound – rapidly, his body appeared to split in half vertically down, blood spraying out. Just as quickly did his blood catch on fire, as if his blood was made of nitroglycerin – it ignited the area around him, quickly beat back by the sudden wave of slashes that released from Alisa’s slick, new sword!

The flames grabbed both halves of Daiko and wedged them together before any part fell to the floor. It must’ve been a gruesome sight to the eyes of his oldest friend, but death meant little to the bird of fire. Even the extra slashes from her sword wave, while cutting deep into his bleeding skin, couldn’t stop his regeneration from patching his wounds up… but one thing was certain – even his regeneration had limits. And Alisa’s moves were numerous.

Lastly, standing on his exhausted legs, Daiko’s Meru Gauntlet lit up its eyes as the effect finally took hold of the swordswoman. This was likely the extent of this spar – Daiko was at his limit. But Alisa wasn't… far from.

This was going to be that part of the match where he'd be pushed even further. He was used to it - Shahrbaraz and Aguero sure loved this part of training, back then.


Last edited by Daiko Flayme on Wed Aug 28, 2024 12:17 pm; edited 1 time in total


The Birth Of A Brand-New Martial Art! [Alisa] Empty Wed Aug 28, 2024 3:00 am

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