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A Friendly Fun Time [PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride]

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

A Friendly Fun Time [PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride] Empty Wed Oct 23, 2024 7:06 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had enjoyed the party at the boat, and it seemed like the girls there were a bit more extreme than he thought. Of course, he didn’t mind it though as he was a different breed. He enjoyed a lot of things in this world and women were on top of the list. Anything they wanted to do, he would most likely do it without a problem. Still, the party was over, and now it seemed like things were more chilled.

The Son of Chaos was walking with Hai as they were trying to figure out what to do. They had already done quite a few things at this festival, so what else could they do to enjoy the time? Well while the two were walking around late in the morning, they would hear some chattering, playful screaming, and just people having a good time. The two of them had moved around, following the directions to see that there was a pool and people were having fun within it.

He tilted his head to see that there were a few people who were jumping into the pool from various heights. He found it interesting, thrilling and his adrenaline was quicker than before.

“Do you want to try that?” He asked Hai wondering what he would say.

“Nope, but it seems like you do Father. We do need to buy swimming trunks though as we can enter the area without them.” He said pointing at the sign.

Drakkon heard those words, looked at the sign, and sighed. He saw a vendor selling them and walked over to them. He quickly made the exchange, moved to a changing room placed his stuff away, and was now in just swimming trunks alongside Hai.

Hai’s transformed once again to hide his tail, and his wings as he didn’t want it to get anybody’s way. His scales were still on his body as it was something he couldn’t take away. Drakkon had tattoos everywhere. The specific ones were the Guild Insignia on his back, the insignia on his chest to signify his authority of the Yakuza, the other Joyan art around his arms, chest, and then the entirety of his left leg and a bit of his right, showing a dragon and raven intertwining with each other.

The people who said this couldn’t help but stare, and that was fine as he was enjoying the sun’s rays upon his body.



A Friendly Fun Time [PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride] Empty Wed Oct 23, 2024 8:22 am

The night had unraveled and spilled effortlessly into the early hours of morning, blurring the line between dusk and dawn. A soft chorus of birds on their seasonal journey flitted through the cool air, their songs adding a delicate harmony to the morning’s stillness. Overhead, a dance of dark-winged creatures painted fleeting patterns across the sky, gathering and scattering, only to reunite in elegant formation as they navigated unseen currents toward distant horizons.

The boat party had left its mark on everyone in attendance. The sharp tang of alcohol hung in the air like a second breeze, interwoven with the scent of saltwater and mischief. Bottles, half-full glasses, and crumpled cups littered every surface, scattered across tables, benches, and the deck itself. Some partiers lay sprawled across the floor, lost in sleep, still clutching empty bottles as if they were lifelines from the previous night’s revelry.

Ooooi, seems like people had a blast,” Tōga mused, the vibrant pink of his hair catching the early light as it fluttered with the breeze. The dragon slayer picked his way carefully through the maze of unconscious bodies and discarded remnants of the night, mindful not to disturb anyone or step on the clutter beneath his boots. He had left Drakkon behind hours earlier, the man more than happy to spend his evening entwined with one of the many beautiful women who’d graced the party. Tōga, on the other hand, had called it a night after one last drink, retreating to his hotel room. Sleep, however, had eluded him, and after restless hours staring at the ceiling, he decided to venture back to where the lingering hum of activity promised to stave off the solitude.

Following the faint echoes of laughter and splashing, Tōga soon found himself by the water’s edge, where the remnants of the party had migrated. Some guests were already swimming, their movements lazy and carefree, while others busied themselves gathering gear and towels, preparing to join in. A sense of easy amity hovered over the crowd, as if the water were washing away the remnants of the previous night’s chaos.

Tōga glanced down at the swim trunks he had worn to the party. Thankfully, room service had taken care of cleaning them in time for another round of fun. Smirking to himself, he slid the trunks on once more, the Rune Knight Colonel ready to dive into the refreshing waters. Just as he adjusted the waistband, a familiar figure on the far side of the gathering caught his eye—Drakkon, unmistakably enigmatic even in the morning light, with his usual companion Hai at his side.

A grin spread across Tōga’s face as he cupped his hands to his mouth. “Ooooi, Drakkon-san!” he called out, his voice carrying across the water like a challenge issued in good spirits.

wc: 491

#3Go D. Drakkon 

A Friendly Fun Time [PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride] Empty Wed Oct 23, 2024 9:53 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon was looking at the water right now, he was wondering how he would get in this thing. He was pretty sur that it would cold in there at first, but then afterward It would warm up. It was then he had saw someone jumped in from the spring board that was higher than him. He had avoided the splash as he was not ready to get in right now.

While this had happened, he heard his name being called out. He knew exactly who it was. There was one person that he knew was around here. He looked over to see that Toga was there. It seemed like the man was here to enjoy his time in the pool as well.

Still, he had been called, so he decided to head over to Toga. His walk demanded presence as Hai followed behind him. When he got close enough to talk normally, Drakkon had come to a stop as he looked at Toga.

“It seems like you decided to go for a swim today. How was your time at the party Toga? Did you leave with someone else, or did you go home by yourself?” He asked him curious to hear what he had to say.

Hai looked at his father and figured that he would be having a conversation that was not important to him. He decided to try something for himself. When he saw that it was going to be a normal conversation, the dragon moved to the springboards. He had to climb steps to get to the top, which was not a problem. There were different levels to these springboards and as he continued to ascend, he could see that there were fewer humans that were up for the challenge.

The ones he saw here had been nervous or had gotten so used to this, they were no longer afraid from this.

“Interesting, humans can overcome the fear of heights even if it means death at the bottom.” He said to himself as he had gotten to the top.

When he had gotten there he had saw all the people become ants to him. they were all tiny and he watched a few of the people on the lower level jumping. He was wondering if he should do the same. The Dragon wasn’t going to be using his wings, so that was different now. He just waited for his turn, so he could jump and see what was fun about this.



A Friendly Fun Time [PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride] Empty Wed Oct 23, 2024 10:33 am

Tōga continued waving enthusiastically, waiting for the green-haired dragon slayer to finally notice him. The moment dragged on as Drakkon’s tattooed gaze drifted lazily over the surroundings before finally locking onto the source of the commotion. Once recognition set in, his steady footsteps carried him over, closing the distance between them with an unhurried confidence.

Morning, Drakkon-san!” Tōga called out, his voice louder than necessary, even at close range. Volume control had never been his strong suit—something ingrained in him from childhood that had long since become part of his charm, for better or worse. Tōga, undeterred, kept the conversation flowing, his expression light and cheerful despite the hint of defensiveness sneaking into his voice. “Well, I went home alone, obviously!” he blurted, as if preempting any assumptions Drakkon might have had. His grin remained wide, playful, but there was an undertone to his words—a mild protest against the imagined teasing that, in truth, hadn’t even begun yet.

You know I’m involved with someone,” Tōga added, his grin softening ever so slightly. “And since Ursula-chan wasn’t here, there wasn’t much reason to hang around.” He gave Drakkon a sly nudge, his tone shifting to something more conspiratorial. “But it looks like you had a good night.” The playful glint in Tōga’s eye was impossible to miss, and he followed it up with a knowing wink, alluding to how the night had ended for both of them—though in very different ways.

While Tōga had slipped away to his hotel room in solitude, Drakkon had caught the attention of a striking blonde before the night’s festivities wound down. Where Tōga had settled for the quiet end of the evening, Drakkon had clearly chosen a more exciting path. Tōga, ever quick with a jest, chuckled and added, “A guy like you? I bet it's hard for ya to be the ‘tied-down’ type, huh?” His laugh was bright, easygoing, as if he were merely stating the obvious.

Before the conversation could linger too long on last night’s escapades, Tōga turned his attention to the pool area, his gaze sweeping over the lively scene. Families, couples, and groups of friends dotted the space, splashing about in the water or basking in the sun. The warm autumn breeze carried the joyful sounds of laughter and conversation, making the day feel more like summer’s encore than the heart of fall.

You came prepared,” Tōga noted with a grin, nodding toward Drakkon’s swim trunks. “I see you’re dressed to swim.” His voice carried a playful challenge, as if daring the dragon slayer to join the fun.

wc: 485 [976]

#5Go D. Drakkon 

A Friendly Fun Time [PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride] Empty Wed Oct 23, 2024 10:47 am

Go D. Drakkon
“Morning.” He responded to the cheerful Toga.

It was then that he had gladly admitted that he had left alone. That sucked, he felt that he would have taken someone to his place of stay. It seemed like that wasn’t the case though, which was also fine. He had forgotten about Ursula as he rubbed the back of his head. He did remember that Toga had mentioned her prior.

“I see, so you’re that kind of man, loyal. It’s not a bad thing at all. But yes, I did have a good night. I always have a good night.” He chuckled a bit as he tried to grab his jug, but remembered he left it back there.

He sucked his teeth as he wanted a swig of his alcohol.

“Seems like people can't contain themselves when they see all these tattoos.” He joked about that as he heard Toga’s words.

He laughed a bit as that was true he wasn’t the type to be taken by a woman. Well, that was a lie, but he refused to walk that path.

“I don’t know, I guess it’s complicated. Like I said before there is one woman, but I would only cause her frustration, and headaches and I don’t like changing myself to make another person happy.” He said to Toga as if it was the truth.

When he pointed out his outfit Drakkon rubbed the back of his head.

“It seems like this was something I had to wear to get in here. Hai suggested we go to the pool. Where is he anyways?” He asked as he sniffed around and looked over to the sky.

It was then that he saw that Hai was on a springboard. This one was really high up in the air. He wondered what he was going to do.

Hai had noticed that the space below him was clear, which was a good thing. It meant that he could proceed. The Dragon ran to the edge of the board, putting pressure on the edge, before leaping into the air and towards the water. He would cover himself forming himself like a ball as everyone else did.

In just a matter of seconds, he crashed into the pool as he sunk down to the bottom before rising up. The water that collided with the Dragon, had spread out in different directions. The splash was so huge that it would smack even people who were not even in the water. People were amazed that someone had done that. He was swimming out of the water now as it was not a bad thing to do, he enjoyed it and figured he could do that again.



A Friendly Fun Time [PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride] Empty Wed Oct 23, 2024 2:03 pm

Tōga grinned, waving off any awkwardness between them. “Hahaha, no worries. I know we only talked about it briefly,” he said, taking no offense to the fact that Drakkon had momentarily forgotten about his relationship with Ursula. It was easy to assume that, after a night filled with music, laughter, and beautiful faces, Tōga might have ended the evening in the company of someone new. But fidelity, even in undefined relationships, was something Tōga held close. While what he and Ursula shared defied labels, it was real enough for him to turn down the fleeting temptations the party had offered.

He tilted his head, glancing at Drakkon’s ink-covered arms and back. “You know,” Tōga started with a mischievous smirk, “you’re like a walking piece of art with all those tattoos. I bet half the people at the party thought you were either part of a gang or some kind of underground kingpin.” Tōga’s grin widened. “Though, I guess they wouldn’t be too far off, huh? Head of the Yakuza and all.” The teasing lilt in his voice was unmistakable, though there was a spark of admiration behind the words. Despite having left Joya behind, some things—like the way people judged tattooed skin—followed you wherever you went. Whether it was a love for art, rebellion, or a taste for pain, Drakkon embodied it all, and the lines inked into his skin told stories Tōga could only guess at.

Their conversation drifted as Drakkon glanced toward the pool, and Tōga followed his gaze. Tōga squinted, looking around. “Huh? I don’t—oh, there!” Both men’s eyes shot upward just in time to spot Hai soaring through the air, launching off the diving board with wild abandon.

Ooooi!” Tōga hollered, cupping his hands around his mouth as Hai hit the water with a thunderous splash. A wave of water surged across the pool, drenching everyone nearby. The tidal wave sent kids shrieking in excitement, their laughter ringing through the air. Some cheered, delighted by the sudden burst of chaos, while others looked on with wide eyes, paralyzed by the thrill of adventure but too timid to follow Hai’s bold example.

Tōga couldn’t help but laugh. “Look at that! He’s got them all in awe.

Hai had shattered the dull calm of the pool with one fearless dive, and Tōga loved every second of it. Turning back to Drakkon, his grin only widened. “You should give that a try next. Then I’ll go after you, Drakkon-san!” His voice brimmed with playful challenge, daring Drakkon to match Hai’s enthusiasm.

wc: 477 [1,453]

#7Go D. Drakkon 

A Friendly Fun Time [PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride] Empty Yesterday at 9:04 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon was the opposite of Toga. If the person he had relations was real, and they couldn’t label it, then he had the right to enjoy himself with others. It was the same for the person he was interested in. Still, people had different morals which were fine in this world.

Drakkon laughed at the comment about his tattoos and then about him being the head of the Yakuza. It was true they weren’t far off to make that assumption. He was indeed part of a gang and the leader of it all. As long as Joya wasn’t touched then they wouldn’t have to feel his wrath.

“You’re right, I would look at me and probably think the same thing. They aren’t right, and I wouldn’t deny it because why do I have to hide.” He said with a smirk on his face.

Drakkon was confident in his power, at the beginning of his journey he would definitely hide, but not anymore. When Hai hit the water, Drakkon shook his head as he felt that it had to hurt. Still, it seemed like he was having fun. Hai may have been tall and looked like a grown adult, but he was indeed still a child.

“I see that it seems like he’s having fun. I think it's worth it since I always got him helping with all the stuff I have to take care of.” He said that Hai was young, but he knew well enough about the wrong Drakkon did.

He heard Toga and it seemed like he suggested they both try it and he shook his head. He could tell people were excited to see that done, but nobody wanted to do it. He was happy to see children were excited and had swam to Hai as they were asking him a bunch of questions.

“Sure, I don’t see why not. It’s not something that’s hard to do. I’m pretty sure the impact isn’t as scary as the impact I’ve felt in battle.” He said out loud as he walked over to the steps.

Drakkon looked up to see how high this thing went. It was going to be a long walk and a quick descent. The dragon slayer looked at the other dragon slayer.

“I heard there is a skating rink around here. Imagine having a skating rink open in the middle of summer. I want to say that is Lumi’s work behind it so it makes sense. We should go check it out after we do this, and change our outfits.” He said to Toga as he started ascending the stairs.



A Friendly Fun Time [PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride] Empty Yesterday at 10:32 am

The way I see it, you shouldn’t ever need to hide your tattoos just to make others comfortable,” Tōga said, his tone light but firm. As someone who valued self-expression and individuality, he was quick to support Drakkon’s unapologetic display of ink. The dragon slayer’s body was a living canvas, adorned with intricate designs that told their own silent stories, and Tōga admired that fearlessness. “If it’s something you love and you paid good money for it, who’s got the right to tell you what you can or can’t do with it, huh?” he added, grinning as he gave Drakkon a friendly pat on the back.

The faint ridges of scar tissue beneath his palm hinted at the countless hours of pain Drakkon had endured to bring those designs to life—a subtle reminder that each piece wasn’t just art but also a mark of resilience.

Drakkon accepted Tōga’s words with an easy shrug, his typical stoicism intact, but Tōga could see the glint of approval flicker in the green-haired warrior’s gaze. “That’s more like it!” Tōga exclaimed, satisfied that his encouragement had landed. With that settled, his attention shifted back to the pool. Hai had already set the stage with his dramatic dive, and the cheers from the kids had electrified the atmosphere. It was obvious they were waiting for someone to step up and follow the act—and who better than a couple of dragon slayers to keep the excitement going?

Alright, Drakkon-san, your turn!” Tōga nudged, grinning as he watched his friend size up the diving board. Drakkon gave a small, knowing smirk before starting toward it, unbothered by the stares from onlookers. Tōga stretched his arms over his head in preparation, feeling the muscles in his shoulders loosen. He’d made up his mind—he’d dive right after Drakkon. There was no way he was going to miss out on the fun.

As Tōga warmed up, rolling his shoulders with ease, Drakkon casually mentioned the skating rink and the person behind it. At the mention of Lumi, Tōga’s eyes lit up, his pink hair bouncing as he perked up with excitement. “Lumi-chan made that!?” he blurted out, his voice brimming with enthusiasm. “Then we definitely have to go!” A playful laugh followed, bubbling up from his chest. “But not until after this, of course. Hahaha!” Though he was more than ready to dive into whatever new adventure awaited at the skating rink, Tōga wasn’t about to leave the pool just yet. The kids and other patrons were watching, eagerly anticipating more from the dragon slayers. They had a show to put on, and Tōga wasn’t one to disappoint.

He cracked his neck and bounced on the balls of his feet, adrenaline already buzzing in his veins. “Let’s give them something to talk about!” he called over to Drakkon with a grin. Once the green-haired Guild Master made his move, the Supernova slayer would do the same, more then ready to prepare for their next adventure.

wc: 558 [2,011]

- exit

#9Go D. Drakkon 

A Friendly Fun Time [PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride] Empty Yesterday at 12:25 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon understood where he was coming from with that. He never hid his tattoos from people. What he used to do was hide his intentions because he was weak. That changed when he gained all this power.

“I would never hide my tattoos, I just love my outfits. If they show up and someone has a problem with it, then they could talk to me about it. I would be happy to discuss it with them.” He had an evil smile when he said those words.

He nodded agreeing to buy what he enjoyed and liked. When they got to the top of the diving board. Drakkon moved over to the edge to see how high up they were. They were really high up and he shook his head. This was stupid, and then he looked over to Toga to hear his words. He chuckled a bit as he nodded as he would definitely take this leap without hesitating.

It seemed like Toga was excited that Lumikki had a part in all of this. He nodded as he would get to it. He would run towards the edge of the diving board and he pushed on the edge of it to give him the boost he needed. He would be higher up than he was before, and further into where he would land. He covered himself as if he had become a human ball. He would hit the water soon after and then it would also be with Toga right next to him.

The two of them would create a huge wave coming from every direction, which would have more people excited about what had happened. Still, with this diving experience over with, the group would change and make their way to their next adventure, skating on ice.



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