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Afloat on A Boat. [PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride]

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Afloat on A Boat. [PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride] Empty Yesterday at 12:25 pm

Karina looked around as she walked toward the area for the boat ride, she had Sunshard walking with her she was to meet the vampire woman here as far as she knew but that was something she could worry about later if the woman didn't show up that is. Karina got up toward the lines that were formed for them to get into a boat and that was when she stopped and looked around some more but she figured that she might just be a bit early or something had held the woman up from making it to the boats yet. She also doesn't think that the woman would stand her up, so she had faith that the woman would come and then they would be able to ride the boat together to take the tour or what ever it was. Sunshard seemed to be looking around as well and Karina is glad that she had such a good companion to help her look.

Sunshard wasn't looking for the Vampire woman he was looking around cause he sensed something that was around somewhere and it seemed familiar to him but it wasn't a strong sense so he was not sure if it was trying to hide itself or if it was just a good distance away from them. He might not like that this woman is so trusting but he knows he isn't going to allow her to be harmed by something that might be looming around them. Karina looked down and handed the companion a small snack and he took it and started snacking. She might not be smart or super tough yet but he liked her cooking at least so if her adventurer's journey ended she could at least attract a partner with her cooking so she isn't hopeless.


Afloat on A Boat. [PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride] Empty Yesterday at 5:52 pm

Targa tugged her cloak a little tighter around her shoulders as she walked through the snow covered streets of the city. The light dusting had given way to a steadier snowfall, more than what one would expect during the usual winters in Fiore. The world around her seemed softened by the layers of white and was creating a peaceful yet quiet atmosphere. Yet, despite the serenity of the scene, her mind was elsewhere. She had been looking forward to heading to the skating rink with Karina. The idea of skating on the frozen ice, laughing and talking as they glided across the rink, had lifted her spirits and taking her mind off her hunger a bit. But plans had changed, and instead, they were meeting for a boat ride through the city’s intricate canals, or even around the coast. She wasn't sure which they were going to be doing yet.

It wasn’t that Targa didn’t like the idea of the boat ride. If anything it would give her a chance to spend time with Karina and get to know her better. But still, she couldn’t quite shake the slight disappointment of missing the skating. The feel of the cold wind on her face as she cut through the ice was something she had been looking forward to. It would remind her of her times spent in Iceburg. She sighed softly and began shaking her head as if to rid herself of the thought. It wasn’t worth dwelling on it. After all, the boat ride could turn out to be just as fun. Hell, it might turn out to be even more fun!

However, there was something she had to take care of before she met up with Karina. Targa’s hunger had been tugging at her ever since that morning, and she couldn’t ignore it any longer. As a vampire, she could go longer than most without feeding, but the steady gnaw of hunger was something she liked to address before it became a problem. And this time, she wasn’t interested in feeding on just any regular animal. She wanted something with a bit more substance, something magical. She needed a creature that would provide her not only with nourishment but also with energy. Her senses heightened as she moved quietly through the snowy outskirts of the city, where the landscape quickly shifted from cobblestones and canals to the familiar silence of the forest. Luckily for her she was soundless as a vampire, a nice perk the more she thought about it. The snow here was pristine and was yet untouched by human feet. The air had a sharp clean edge to it. It wasn’t long before her keen eyes caught the flicker of movement in the distance. It was a Mi'raj.

The small horned rabbit was an elusive creature and was rare to find. She thought it was lucky she actually even found a magical beast. Though it appeared delicate, it possessed magic in its blood, making it far more valuable than an ordinary rabbit. It was worth a lot of jewels too as a magic creature, but to her it was worth more as food than lining her pockets.  Its magic would give her the sustenance she needed and not just to fill her belly but to truly satisfy her hunger. Crouching low, Targa moved with practiced precision, her steps not making a single sound on the snowy ground. It was a nice perk of being a vampire not making a sound. She watched the Mi'raj as it moved through the underbrush, its tiny horn glinting in the soft light of the snowfall. She knew these creatures were skittish and fast, able to disappear into the brush with a single bound if startled.

Targa decided to use a trick she had honed since becoming  a vampire. She'd make use of a subtle use of her Crash magic. She concentrated, sending a faint ripple of energy through the ground. The stones and pebbles scattered nearby shifted just slightly, creating a soft clatter that drew the Mi'raj’s attention. Its ears perked up, eyes darting toward the noise. For just a second, it was distracted. That was all the time Targa needed. Moving with speed and grace, she darted forward, silent as the falling snow, and in a single fluid motion, she grabbed the Mi'raj. Her hand closed around the creature with surprising gentleness given her speed. Before it could struggle or flee, she leaned in, her fangs sinking quickly into its warm flesh.

The familiar sensation of blood flowing into her was immediate. Warmth and life surged into her as she fed, the magic in the Mi'raj’s blood revitalizing her in a way that ordinary animals never could. It wasn’t much; just enough to stave off her hunger and keep her going. She fed quickly, not wanting to drain the creature completely, knowing it would sustain her for awhile. After she had finished, she released the Mi'raj back onto the snow. Its body was still, but she had taken only enough to satisfy her hunger, allowing the creature to rest peacefully. Targa wiped her mouth clean of any traces of blood, her expression softening as she took a moment to center herself. The hunger had been quelled, her mind now clearer and her body more energized.

After feeding she went to see Karina. Targa spotted Karina and Sunshard before calling out.
"Hey there!" as she waved to them, her mood much lighter after the hunt. "I hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long. Ready for our ride?"

WC: 927

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