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Average Gang Stuff (Moderate)

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#26Go D. Drakkon 

Average Gang Stuff (Moderate) - Page 2 Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 7:55 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Valto had stood standing from that attack, but he was panting. He didn’t think that this man had such tremendous power. Still, here he was, using powers that he had never seen before.

“Who are you? Are you really the leader of the Yakuza Clan? I never seen you fight or heard about your strength around here.” He said to Drakkon.

The Devourer stared at him as he had said those words. He was right; he was never heard of in these parts.

“I guess you never would have heard of me. Yes, I am the leader, but you would never see me fight before until today. My abilities are far beyond the capacity of a lot of people. How about I give you an opportunity and a choice you can make.” He said to him, wondering what he’d say.

The man heard this, and as much as he wanted to continue fighting, he knew he would die if he kept going.


#27Go D. Drakkon 

Average Gang Stuff (Moderate) - Page 2 Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 11:33 pm

Go D. Drakkon
His axes would go back to their normal size, and he stood tall as he looked over to the man.

“Alright I’m listening. You can tell me and depending on what you say, I guess my life will end or continue.” He said to Drakkon.

The Devourer heard those words, and he would nod, understanding that. He would put his katanas away for the time being as he looked at the man.

“If you want to live, how about you join my clan? The condition for joining though is simple. You have to kill your men and only bring those who are worthy to join my clan. It’s the offer I made Rhea, so are you okay with doing this?” He asked Valto.

Valto heard this and the men with him were nervous. That was not what they were expecting to hear from him. A few of them would start running away but were blocked off by the Yakuza men.


#28Go D. Drakkon 

Average Gang Stuff (Moderate) - Page 2 Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 11:42 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Valto had closed his eyes as he couldn’t believe that he was to do something like this. Still, if he wanted to continue to live his life, he had to. It was survival of the fittest, but this was another test. He told him he could bring people with him, and he had to pick the right ones. He already knew the men who tried to run away wouldn’t be coming with him. He turned his back on Drakkon and shook his head.

“You have a deal. If you can, please give Finn the same choice, once he sees your strength. Still, I don’t think you will have an easy time with him than you did with us.” He said to him as he would run to the group of his men and he would start cutting down his men.

Drakkon looked at the group that was here. A huge group of his Yakuza was ready for him to make the next move.


#29Go D. Drakkon 

Average Gang Stuff (Moderate) - Page 2 Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 11:51 pm

Go D. Drakkon
“We have one more fire to extinguish. It shouldn’t be too hard and I’m sure our men are handling things well. We will show that we are not jokes and are a force to be reckoned with.” He said to them as if they would agree with him.

They had never seen Drakkon like this before. They just thought he was a weakling, but they were wrong on this. The Demi-God started walking off in a specific direction. He knew where he had to go right now. When he got to his destination, what he saw was unbelievable. His men were slaughtered here, and the leaders that were here were having a hard time fighting this man.

It looked like they were ready to die at any second and they were. The person who was beating them up had two daggers in his hand. He had disappeared and reappeared by one of Drakkon’s men. He was about to get stabbed by the daggers.


#30Go D. Drakkon 

Average Gang Stuff (Moderate) - Page 2 Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 11:58 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had appeared in front of the man who had his Yamato, and Enma in his hand and he swung them both blocking the attacks. They were aiming for his man’s eyes. Finn saw a new person joining the fight and he had a smirk on his face.

“Oh there is someone strong in the Yakuza Clan? Are you going to entertain me unlike these guys here?” He asked Drakkon.

He disappeared and appeared behind Drakkon ready to slice him. The Dragon Slayer senses the danger coming, and he creates his Dragon Wings to protect him. It was then he had swung his Enma at the man, but he dodged it impressed with the action of Drakkon.

The Devourer could tell this man was strong, so he decided to take this seriously. He walked over to Finn as he was getting ready to unleash something that should show how powerful Drakkon was. Fine was confused about his movement, but knew not to let his guard down.


#31Go D. Drakkon 

Average Gang Stuff (Moderate) - Page 2 Empty Sat Sep 28, 2024 12:07 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon flapped his wings, and it was so strong that something chaotic would start to be produced around them. The weather had started to change above him, and he could see the clouds had gathered before it started to rain. Finn looked at Drakkon and wondered if this man had been the one causing this. It was then a bolt of lightning would come straight down and it would slam right on Finn. His eyes widened when he felt the collision of the attack. It was powerful, and he screamed. There was no way he could have dodged that, but how did this man have the ability to do such a thing? He commanded such power, and he didn’t like it.

It was then he would close the gap between the two of them, and he would swing both his Yamato and his Enma.

He saw this and even though he felt the pain he had to dodge the attack. It was then he noticed he couldn’t dodge, so he had to block.


#32Go D. Drakkon 

Average Gang Stuff (Moderate) - Page 2 Empty Sat Sep 28, 2024 12:15 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon saw this and was impressed by his skill. Finn blocked the attacks and then went on the counterattack. That wasn’t good and he could see that Finn was quick on his feet. It was then he saw him disappear and then reappeared to attack him. Good fighting skills, but Drakkon also had powers that would help him with this fight. A huge fire would appear behind him and would wrap around him to help him out. The attack had been blocked, and Drakkon’s right arm had extended to Finn.

The fighter had not seen this coming. It confused him and he would feel Drakkon hit him. He had felt the vibration of that blow, and it had broken his armor. The son of chaos saw this and figured the next attack would end this now.

“You are stronger than the other two, but you aren’t going to beat me that is for sure.” He said to him as Finn twitched when heard those words.


#33Go D. Drakkon 

Average Gang Stuff (Moderate) - Page 2 Empty Sat Sep 28, 2024 12:25 am

Go D. Drakkon
He didn’t like the fact that Rhea and Valto had lost to this guy. He must have been in a different league, so he was going to have to go all out. He would use his strongest move and form. He prepared himself and then he would push off the ground and toward Drakkon.

He had started swinging his daggers all around the Dragon Slayer damaging his defense spell, and he was almost done with destroying it.

Drakkon would let his Enma’s power come out and it would harm Finn, stopping him in place. He was shocked to see this happening, but he couldn’t move anymore. Drakkon looked at him and he had a huge smile on his face.

“Finn, join me! Rhea and Valto had sworn their allegiance to me. You might as well too, but to do so you have to accept my offer. “ He said to him wondering what he would say.


#34Go D. Drakkon 

Average Gang Stuff (Moderate) - Page 2 Empty Sat Sep 28, 2024 12:34 am

Go D. Drakkon
“Alright, I will accept your offer. What is your name?” He asked Drakkon.

Drakkon was surprised he asked, but at the same time, he was glad to hear him say yes.

“My name is Go D. Drakkon. I’m the leader of the Yakuza clan. My offer is for you to join my clan. Kill those who are with you and keep those who you think are useful to join you.” He said to him.

He would bow to him as he couldn’t move right now. This man had stunned him and could have finished him off, but he didn’t.

“Alright nothing too serious. I will take care of that task. The Yakuza will absorb my gang and we will serve you, Oyabun.” He said to Drakkon.

Drakkon nodded as he looked at the group of men who were still alive after this fight.

“We won, we conquered and we shall continue to do so! I hope you guys now understand my power and strength! I did not become your Oyabun because I was lucky, but because I have power! Let’s go home and get everyone who’s still breathing care!” He to them and they would scream and cheer with the news.

Drakkon wondered when this was spread throughout Joya would gangs stop appearing? Well for now they won and that was all that mattered.

224|5630 50% [10% Guild Perk 4, 5% Helmet, 5% Armor, 10% Ring, 20% Relic]


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