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Average Gang Stuff (Moderate)

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

Average Gang Stuff (Moderate) Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 8:01 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had been doing well within Joya and had been doing his own work independently from the Dragon order. He was the leader of the Yakuza clan and they were doing whatever they could to move things around Joya. The Dragon Slayer only had to do one thing and it was not to make any innocent Joyan a slave. He did handle those who owed him a lot of jewels differently. In his world, jewels were everything, and that was how you make it through the world.

Still, what made things better was that he was also one of the underworld bosses. He had a seat at the table, so he had to contribute something to the table. Their drugs were top-notch, he should know because he enjoyed it so much. Still, he was also handling the well-being of these stupid civilians in Joya. He was part of an organization, but it didn’t mean that he was the only one that existed.


#2Go D. Drakkon 

Average Gang Stuff (Moderate) Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 8:02 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon was at the table with Hai and some of his men. They were eating at the moment for lunch as they were hungry. He had been keeping tabs on a gang that had been terrorizing the people of Joya. They seemed to not care about the consequences, and others thought that they were trying to get the attention of Drakkon. It was actually annoying because they kept doing things, and the men he would send out to take care of it would come back beat up.

He didn’t want to send out of any of his elite men as he figured those, he sent out would be fine, but that wasn’t the case. It was sad, but here he was trying to figure out what to do next. The Oyabun ate his food as he was delighted, and he wasn’t alone in this. It seemed like Hai was enjoying this so much he wasn’t talking at all.


#3Go D. Drakkon 

Average Gang Stuff (Moderate) Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 8:02 am

Go D. Drakkon
While the group ate, they were concerned about the situation at hand. They looked over to Drakkon wondering what was going to happen.

“Oyabun-sama, are we going to immobilize our troops and handle these fools? They dare mock us, thinking that they can take us on.” He said to Drakkon.

The others were worried that he spoke out of line, but they were all thinking the same thing. Drakkon heard this as he continued eating his food. He knew they were concerned about this; it didn’t bother him though. He figured it would resolve itself, and that they would soon find their way in his path. He placed his utensils on his plate, and he looked at them as he leaned back on the chair.

“I was hoping not to do anything, but at the same time I know you guys have been growing restless.” He paused for a second before continuing on.


#4Go D. Drakkon 

Average Gang Stuff (Moderate) Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 8:02 am

Go D. Drakkon
“If you guys want to finish these guys off, then I guess I can bring up the plan I’ve devised. I was planning on letting you guys resolve on your own, but I guess I should intervene before one of you dies an unnecessary death.” He said to the group of men that were here.

They heard him and it seemed like they had shamed him. He wanted them to resolve this on their own, but that didn’t happen. The fact that he had to step in was what he didn’t like. They put their head down as they were disappointed in their capability. He would continue eating as Hai was doing the same thing.

He would swallow his meal, and he looked over to the group.

“If you want after we finish eating, each of you bring your men to the open hall in the back. I will explain what needs to be done.” He said to them as they were all finishing the food.


#5Go D. Drakkon 

Average Gang Stuff (Moderate) Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 8:03 am

Go D. Drakkon
Hai finished first as he leaned on the chair and patted his fat stomach. He looked over to the other men and they nodded to Hai. They knew that Hai was powerful, and the only one who always traveled with Drakkon.

Drakkon had finished his meal after, and he leaned on his chair allowing his meal to digest. The top men in his clan had finished eating soon after and when they were done would excuse themselves. They had to gather everybody in the open hall in Drakkon’s residence.

“Are we going to war father?” He asked him wondering what he would say.

Drakkon smiled when he heard those words, and it sounded fun and catchy.

“Yes, I guess you can call it that. It’s a small war, but we have got to show the other gangs that we are on top. There will always be a gang that thinks that they can prevail against us, but that is when we eventually put our foot down.” He explained to Hai.


#6Go D. Drakkon 

Average Gang Stuff (Moderate) Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 8:03 am

Go D. Drakkon
Hai heard this and he nodded. He understood what his father said, and he felt like they should have been crushed before anything happened. The servers that worked in the establishment had come to the dining room and started cleaning up. Drakkon got up from his seat and looked over to Hai. The Dragon had got up as well and the two of them had gone to his room. He had to prepare himself for what he was going to do. They were going to wait and hear his plan and then from there they would enact it.

The Devourer had been thinking about what to do for a while, but once again he thought they could handle it. He would change his kimono, and the person in his room would help him with it. He was wearing a red one this time, but he had his black bandana wrapped around his arm. He would put his earrings on, and he would have his three katanas on his waist.


#7Go D. Drakkon 

Average Gang Stuff (Moderate) Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 8:04 am

Go D. Drakkon

Drakkon had looked into the mirror as he had everything he needed. Hai was relaxed in his form and figured that his Dragon form would overwhelm the people in this organization.

“Are they all there?” He asked the person in the room with him.

They would take a second before answering him. They needed to get the answer from the other people working through the house. When they got the answer, they looked over to Drakkon.

“No sir, if you can sit down, and have a drink. We have prepared the finest for you, and we also put some drugs on the table for you too, if you wish to indulge.” She said to him as they knew how Drakkon was.

He had a smile on his face as he was enjoying how considerate she was. He would take a seat without a problem, and he would take some of the drugs, throw them into his mouth and he would consume them with alcohol.


#8Go D. Drakkon 

Average Gang Stuff (Moderate) Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 8:04 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon was waiting for them to alert him when all the men had gathered. While this was happening, he continued to drink and enjoy his free time. Hai had closed his eyes sleeping for a bit while his father took in his guilty pleasure. After a few minutes, someone knocked on his door and he looked over at it.

“Come in.” He ordered as the door opened up.

They opened the door as they looked at Drakkon to see him sitting on a chair drinking. They had bowed to him as he was their leader.

“Sir, we’re waiting for you. Everyone is present.” He said to his Oyabun.

Drakkon cracked his neck as he got up from his seat and looked at Hai.

“Let’s be on our way.” He said to Hai as he walked to his door.

Hai had opened his eyes, and he had got up without hesitation. He followed behind his father as they had left the room and closed the door.


#9Go D. Drakkon 

Average Gang Stuff (Moderate) Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 8:05 am

Go D. Drakkon

Drakkon had walked through his home. In the open, he could see a lot of people working on different things here. They were making sure the house was always well-kept.

It was a beautiful place that his father had left him, and the number of people who were making sure that he was protected was obvious to him. Of course, he didn’t need it as he was a strong individual. It wasn’t too long, but he made it to the area of the house that all his men were presented in.

This was made to hold a lot of the relevant people in his clan. They all stood standing waiting for Drakkon to come in. They wouldn’t sit until he sat down, and when he entered the area, they had become quiet and bowed to him. He saw this but said nothing as he walked over to his seat. When he got there, he turned and sat down.


#10Go D. Drakkon 

Average Gang Stuff (Moderate) Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 8:05 am

Go D. Drakkon
When they saw that he sat down, they all knew they were able to do the same now. They would sit down, and they would all look over to Drakkon. Their eyes staring and waiting to hear what he had to say. Hai was next to Drakkon and he was the only one standing in the room.

“So, I heard there is a new gang that has been causing trouble for us. I heard these people were top people from other gangs, that decided to join together. I thought that our guys could handle it, but I was wrong. Though since you guys know each other’s weaknesses it would be easy for you to handle it. Still, we will do things my way now.” He paused for a second as they looked down to hear his disappointment.

He looked at them and he could see that they understood what he said, and felt bad about it.


#11Go D. Drakkon 

Average Gang Stuff (Moderate) Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 8:07 am

Go D. Drakkon
He would look over to the leaders of the men who were in control of these people.

“It’s okay, it just shows that the men who we’re up against are no pawns. Their strength is no jokes, and that is why we will take them on. There are three of them, so we will break them into three groups. One of the group will have me and Hai together.” He paused for a second.

They looked at him and it raised concern about this. They didn’t think their Oyuban needed to be in this, but he could see in their face that they were questioning his words.

“My word is final, and that is what we will do. We will take care of these men, and I will make sure that we’re on top. The group that doesn’t have me will be the ones that are to take down their numbers and wait for my arrival.” He said to them as he had to show them how strong he was.


#12Go D. Drakkon 

Average Gang Stuff (Moderate) Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 8:07 am

Go D. Drakkon
A lot of them didn’t like this idea, but some of them figured this would be the best time for him to show his strength. They recognized him as their boss, but they didn’t know if he had the strength to take on the responsibilities.

Drakkon would get up from his seat and he looked at the group of men in front of him. Their leaders standing in front of their pact and he would smile as he knew what to do.

“Jin, Jade, and Juri you take your men and you hit the factory building where you know they will be.” He said as he looked over to the next group.

“Aoi, Asahi, and Aoto you take your men and go to the edge of the port to where their other group will be located.” He said to them as he looked at the final group.

“The rest we will go to the warehouse where they are staying and we will make sure to take them out.” He said to them as he shouted as they were fine with this for now.


#13Go D. Drakkon 

Average Gang Stuff (Moderate) Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 8:08 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon would make his way to the front of the house and the Yakuza clan would follow. When they made it to the front, he opened the door, and they all went their separate ways. Drakkon took his men to the warehouse, while the others had gone to their location to stall and bring down their numbers.

The three men who were leading their own division within the Yakuza clan were next to Drakkon.

“Sir, you don’t have to fight, you can just watch. You being here will be good for our morale.” He said to him.

He laughed a bit when he heard those words. He was never going to be on standby and watch his men fight. If he went to the battlefield, then he would participate in it.

“Nah, I will fight. I will prove to you guys and the enemy I’m not a joke.” He said to them as they were approaching the warehouse.


#14Go D. Drakkon 

Average Gang Stuff (Moderate) Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 8:11 am

Go D. Drakkon
When they got to the front of the warehouse, it seemed like there was nobody waiting for them. That was fine, and he had pulled out his Enma from its sheathe and held it with both of his hands. He would look at the door and he had a smirk on his face. It was then he would swing with all his might, and he had cut down the door. The people on the other side jumped up from the impact of the door falling to the ground. When they saw who had appeared, they were surprised about this. They also laughed because things would be pretty bad if their leader had come to fight.

“It seems like you guys are weak if your boss had to come with all of you. I guess he’s tired of seeing you guys get your ass beat. It’s too bad, he’s going to get his ass beat here too.” He said Drakkon.

The Son of Chaos had cracked his neck as he looked at Hai.


#15Go D. Drakkon 

Average Gang Stuff (Moderate) Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 8:12 am

Go D. Drakkon

The Dragon knew what his father wanted from him. He had to show off his power not only to the people they were fighting, but the clan. If their leader falters things will go bad now and in the future. Hai would roar so loud that everybody within a hundred meters heard it. The dragon was there one moment and then he was gone as he had Drakkon merged together.

The Don would have wings come out of his back, his tail would appear, and the horns and scales would come to fruition. It startled his men for a second, but they knew it was Drakkon. The Devourer had taken out his Yamato and he had figured it was time to begin.

“Take them all down, and destroy this place.” He said to his group as they shouted and rushed in.

Drakkon noticed danger coming, and someone had shot a gun at him. He dodged it and he rushed toward them first.


#16Go D. Drakkon 

Average Gang Stuff (Moderate) Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 8:12 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon would swing his Enma upward and he cut the man in front of him in half. His eyes widened as he looked at Drakkon before dying. The people from both sides were surprised that this had happened. It was not something that they were expecting that their Oaybun would do. It was then three men rushed toward him and tried to jump him. He used his Yamato, and he would swing the blade as he teleported him everywhere and not just cut the men that were coming after him, but the enemies that were nearby.

He landed on the ground as he had a smirk on his face. It was then he had created a destructive, condensed ball of fire in his hand. He would toss it to the back, and it would explode causing the warehouse he was in to go on fire. It wasn’t just that, but a bunch of men were being burned to a crisp.


#17Go D. Drakkon 

Average Gang Stuff (Moderate) Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 8:16 am

Go D. Drakkon
The man who was leading this squad watched everything happen, and when he saw an opening, he would take it. It was then the Dragon Slayer saw him coming. He could smell that there was someone around that area, but then his danger kicked in. The son of chaos had allowed fire to wrap around him as it blocked the man’s attack which was covered in electricity. He sucked his teeth because he thought he had it, but that wasn’t the case. Drakkon had looked at him with a serious expression, which brought the man to jump back.

The Oyabun had rushed towards his opponent, and he would attempt to cut them in half, but he had dashed away. Drakkon knew where he was going, and he rushed after him.

“I don’t think you know much about me and that I can fight, so how I about I show you.” He said to the man.

The guy on the opposite end felt the aura behind Drakkon, and he had covered himself in lightning armor.


#18Go D. Drakkon 

Average Gang Stuff (Moderate) Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 8:17 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon kept moving with the guy, and he that was when he started shooting bolts of lightning toward him. He dodged the first two, and he got hit by the third one. It was then he had felt his armor had come off him. That was fine as he would swing his Yamato at the man, and then after his Enma swung afterward and extended this time to catch the man off guard. It would break through his armor, and at the same time, he would be hurt by the attack. He lunged away from Drakkon and he grabbed his chest.

This man was strong, and he was confused about the arm thing that he had just done.

“What was that? Your arm moved in a way nobody’s normal arm could.” He said to Drakkon.

The Devourer laughed when he heard this because he could see the confusion in his face and he was hoping to turn it into fear.


#19Go D. Drakkon 

Average Gang Stuff (Moderate) Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 8:17 am

Go D. Drakkon
“That is my arm, but it was cursed. It was a bit awkward when I came to the realization that the bandages I had on my right arm were not to cover a wound. I can’t even take it off.” He said to the man.

He heard him and felt that Drakkon was bluffing, but that was not the case. He stood up straight and gathered himself as he looked over to him.

“That’s a lie, you aren’t a curse, and you are a nobody.” He was lying to himself, but he had to push forward.

He moved toward Drakkon, confused as to how the strength between the two of them was different. Drakkon would end up in front of the man, using his Dragon Slayer’s Dimensional slash as it paralyzed the man from moving. Drakkon was standing next to him as he couldn’t move his legs, but he could turn to face him at the moment. Who was this guy?


#20Go D. Drakkon 

Average Gang Stuff (Moderate) Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 8:18 am

Go D. Drakkon

“You have made quite the trouble for the Yakuza Clan, that you’ve gotten me involved. I don’t like it, but seeing the fear in your face is so amazing. It’s exciting to see the chaos around the area. Your men are being taken down.” He paused as he looked at him.

“Are you interested in a deal, or do you just want to face death?” He asked him curious to hear what he had to say.

The man’s eyes widened when he heard this. He was being given a choice, but should he take it? He can continue to live if he took it right?

“What is the deal.” He asked.

“You kill all the men you think are not worthy of joining you. Whoever you keep alive, you will bring to my gang. How about that? I don’t feel like killing the strong and figured you could be useful to me, so how about it?” He asked him as he waited to hear him.


#21Go D. Drakkon 

Average Gang Stuff (Moderate) Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 8:19 am

Go D. Drakkon
He was shocked to hear this, and it made him nervous. Still, this was a way for him to live and continue to enjoy what he did. He wanted to take the deal as he knew if he didn’t his life would be over.

“Fine, I will do as you ask, Oyabun.” He tilted his down to bow to him.

Drakkon had a huge grin on his face as he patted him on his shoulder. He walked over to his men as saw that there were quite a few of them left.

“We can move on from here, he will take care of the rest. Let’s go meet the guys at the port.” He said to his group.

They were confused about what was happening, but they saw the leader of the opposing gang walk over to the group, look at everyone and Drakkon, and walked forward. It was then they saw lightning surging through his body before he took off.


#22Go D. Drakkon 

Average Gang Stuff (Moderate) Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 8:20 am

Go D. Drakkon
It seemed like Drakkon changed the role of the man in a heartbeat. Drakkon walked off to his new destination and his men followed. They were confused about the outcome but saw what he could do firsthand. It wouldn’t take long, but they would arrive at their destination within the port. The fight had been going on, and he could see that several of his men were taken out. He chuckled a bit as he could see a man cleaving his way through the battlefield with two axes.

Drakkon flapped his wings and pushed toward him without hesitating. The man felt the danger that was to his right and he barely dodged the blade, Enma. Drakkon looked at him with a smirk on his face and the man jumped back.

“One down two more to go. You are stronger than lightning guy right?” He asked him waiting to see what he would say.

The man couldn’t believe it, but one of them lost already.


#23Go D. Drakkon 

Average Gang Stuff (Moderate) Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 1:22 pm

Go D. Drakkon
“Yeah, I’m stronger, but you couldn’t have won against Rhea.” He said to Drakkon as he had grown his axes in size.

It was then he rushed toward Drakkon and swung the massive axes. He would barely dodge them by jumping back, but the danger stood. Why the hell was that? Well, a wave came out after he had dodged the physical contact and he had been hit pushing him back. The Devourer growled that it had happened, tearing his kimono a bit.

He had been protected by his attire, but it still hurt. Still, at least he knew a bit more of what he could do. He took in a deep breath, and the man rushed at Drakkon again. He watched how he swung and jumped over the swing as the wave of mana went straight to the wall behind him. He swung his Yamato and he cut the man’s back and activated his spell as well, which brought forth more slashes in the area.


#24Go D. Drakkon 

Average Gang Stuff (Moderate) Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 1:30 pm

Go D. Drakkon
The man was surprised about this, stumbling forward from the initial contact. It was then he had used a spell to cover his body as a bunch of dimensional slashes had occurred afterward. He was strong enough to defend against that attack, which Drakkon liked. He landed on the ground, and the man ran to him as he did. He would dodge the attacks that had come his way. Of course, he moved in a way that the wave attacks wouldn’t harm him either. This guy was relentless and the fight was so intense the group would stop moving to watch these two titans fight.

The Yakuza members didn’t think Drakkon had this strength. Of course, it was the help of Hai, that allowed him to be strong, but he also did his best to be just as strong. It was then another attack had come his way, and he decided to match the man’s blow.


#25Go D. Drakkon 

Average Gang Stuff (Moderate) Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 7:21 pm

Go D. Drakkon
His Enma was swung at full force, and it had clashed with the axe that was in front of him. He had stopped the man’s wave from coming out. On top of that, he saw the other axe coming his way. He had met with the axe using his Yamato. When the two clash, he looks at the man. They were using their strength to push each other around, but of course, Drakkon wasn’t going to stop there.

He stomped on the ground and activated his spell. This would bring forth an explosion that would shoot into the sky. It was able to hit his opponent, and he would scream from the pain of the explosion. The people watching were surprised to see that this was the events that were unfolding. The immense heat that had come out from that attack was enough to make them back up. The six leaders of their group in the Yakuza Clan were able to witness Drakkon’s power firsthand.


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