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Reborn in his likeness [LS]

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Reborn in his likeness [LS] Empty Wed Oct 02, 2024 6:36 am


Reborn in his likeness

Name: Reborn in His Likeness

Difficulty: Long

Participants: Himura, Tōga

Story: The ghost of Ploom Island clung to Tōga like a stubborn shadow. Weeks had passed since the cataclysmic clash with Malachor, the celestial predator who feasted on starlight and devoured worlds. Though the demon was vanquished, the victory felt hollow.  Tōga's body, now imbued with the radiant power of the divine dragon Zephyrium, was stronger than ever. Yet, a deeper wound festered within his soul.

The memory of Hotaru's sacrifice, a selfless act that ensured his survival and that of his comrades, weighed heavily upon him. The vibrant sprite, who had guided him through Ploom's untamed wilderness, was gone, consumed by the very forces they had fought to contain. And while the island itself had vanished, leaving only a gaping void in the ocean, an invisible thread tugged at Tōga, beckoning him back to the scene of their triumph and tragedy.

Driven by a need for closure, Tōga bid farewell to his Rune Knight brethren and set sail for the watery grave of Ploom. He sought solace amidst the wreckage, a chance to pay his respects and perhaps find a semblance of peace. But fate, it seemed, had other plans. An undercurrent of destiny propelled him towards a new encounter, a revelation that would challenge his newfound powers and test the very limits of his resolve.

As Tōga approached the chasm where Ploom once bloomed, an unsettling energy crackled in the air. The ocean churned with an unnatural fervor, and the skies above swirled with ominous hues. A presence, ancient and formidable, stirred beneath the waves, its awakening heralding a new era of trials and tribulations.

Rewards: Long SL Rewards

  • Explore the remnants of Ploom Island and uncover the source of the unsettling energy.

  • Face the mysterious presence lurking beneath the waves and discover its motives.

  • Hone Toga's Supernova Dragon Slayer magic and learn to wield its full potential.

Required Progress: At least 15,500 words or 4 A-Rank and 3 S-Rank quests.

#2Frør Valkyrie 

Reborn in his likeness [LS] Empty Wed Oct 02, 2024 8:36 am

Frør Valkyrie

Ye better do right by Hotaru. Go on—Get!
And keep yer flames away from me.
Approved, good luck

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