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Wings of the Void [Void Caverns]

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Wings of the Void [Void Caverns] Empty Today at 6:05 pm


As he journeyed across the globe, Tsutomu discovered many fascinating places that captivated his interest. Weeks ago, he enjoyed some downtime at the spa and massage parlors, indulging in hearty meals. Today, he finds himself in Worth Woodsea, located in the northern region of Fiore. Lush shades of green extended endlessly, resembling a vivid splash of color on a painter's canvas. Birds flew gracefully across the sky, occasionally chirping as they hopped from one branch to another. At the same time, a couple of industrious bees buzzed around, diligently pollinating flowers just at the corner of his vision. Everything around him pulsed with life as if it all had a heartbeat.


The grass swayed elegantly in the breeze, and a sudden gust tousled his hair, lifting it gently. "Oh no!" he exclaimed. "A bug flew into my eye!" Tsutomu instinctively rubbed his eyes, seeking relief as tears streamed down his cheeks. He thought to himself, this must be a bad sign. He walked over to a weathered wooden bench beside a big tree to collect his thoughts.

He whispered, "A little thing like this won't hold me back. I need to keep going to discover the treasure and, fingers crossed, find something that can help Mom with her illness." The adventurer reflected on why he had traveled so deep into the wilderness: to hunt down the rumored bird-like creatures the locals had spoken of during his travels.

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